Manhattan Kink: A Boxed Set

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Manhattan Kink: A Boxed Set Page 31

by Serafina Conti

  Meanwhile Tosatsu was stripping. Her body was as beautiful as her face. She was small and exquisitely proportioned; her skin seemed almost to glow with health. Andrew looked away, afraid of getting an erection in front of all these people. Raquel was scowling, as if she didn’t approve of these goings on.

  Mistress Ai said, “The slaves may return to the kitchen now.” Andrew started to follow the other three towards the kitchen, but Raquel stepped in front of him and said, “Wait a minute, you.” He stopped.

  She said, “What’s this one, Ai? I haven’t seen him before.”

  Ai said, “This is Gakusha. He’s with me for just one day, training to be a Dominant.”

  Raquel said, “He doesn’t look like a Dominant. He looks like a fucking wimp.”

  Ai smiled at Andrew and said, “Raquel has never met a man she considered a true Dominant.”

  “Hasn’t been one since Genghis Khan,” said Raquel.

  “Not George Patton?” Mistress Ai asked. “I thought you admired Patton.”

  “Fucking candy-ass,” said Raquel. “It’s impossible to be a Dominant without a cunt. Genghis Khan had one. Patton didn’t.”

  Mistress Ai said, “Raquel believes Genghis Khan was a hermaphrodite.”

  “Fuckin’ A,” said Raquel. “Genghis was both a man and a woman. Had to have both a cock and a cunt to do what she did.”

  Raquel turned back to Andrew and said, “He’s cute, though.” She flicked his cock with her middle finger. “Do we get to play with him later?”

  “Certainly,” Mistress Ai said, “though we’ll have to let him tell us what games he’s willing to play.”

  “Sometimes I wonder why people think you’re a Dominant, Ai,” said Raquel. “Well, run along, Ga-whatever-the-fuck-you’re-called. We’ll talk later.”

  Andrew returned to the kitchen, where Inkei clearly thought there were too many slaves trying to be helpful and getting underfoot. “I want the three of you to go sit in the hallway, beyond the bathroom,” he said, “and I’ll call you when I need you.”

  Andrew, Asoko, and Tosatsu went to sit in the hallway. Tosatsu said to Andrew, “So you’re one of Mistress Ai’s slaves? I haven’t seen you before.”

  “I’m a slave for one day. Mistress Ai is teaching me what it is to be a submissive.”

  Asoko said, “He’s really a Dominant.”

  Andrew said, “I don’t know if I am or not. My girlfriend and Mistress Ai say I am, but sometimes I wonder. Mistress Ai thought a day as a slave might teach me things I ought to know and give me confidence.”

  Asoko said, “Mistress is always right about people. She always knows what’s best.”

  “I’m sure she does,” said Tosatsu.

  They sat in silence for a moment. Then Asoko said, “Tosatsu works for Mistress’s business, and when she’s here she gets to be Mistress’s slave. But she’s only been here once,” she added with a sad smile.

  “What’s Mistress’s business?” asked Andrew.

  “Mistress Shigemi’s House of Kink,” said Tosatsu. “It’s a place where men and women can go to dominate or be dominated, and it rents out playrooms for play parties and stuff. It’s a cool place. I’m a professional submissive there.”

  “It sounds like an interesting job,” said Andrew.

  “It’s intense sometimes,” said Tosatsu. “It can be draining. But I feel really useful working there. Like people who feel they’re Dominants but aren’t really sure what to do? We can help them figure things out, like how to make submissives obey you, how far you can go with certain kinds of play, that kind of thing. It’s really fulfilling.”

  Andrew wanted to know more about Mistress Shigemi’s, but just then Inkei called, “Gakusha! Come pour the wine.” He jumped up and ran to the kitchen.

  Andrew and Asoko were in charge of serving Raquel, while Tosatsu and Inkei served Mistress Ai. Andrew thought that no two diners had ever been so attentively served. When Raquel and Mistress Ai had eaten and were relaxing with their coffee and dessert, Inkei brought out four dog bowls heaped with spaghetti in a plain red meat sauce, very different from the elegant fare they’d been serving.

  Andrew had seen slaves eat during the days he and Emily had stayed with Mistress Ai, so he knew that they had to get on their hands and knees and eat without either silverware or hands, holding their asses high in the air. If either of the Dominants decided to play with their asses or genitalia while they ate, they were expected to ignore the attention as best they could and go on eating. Though Andrew had seen slaves eat this way often enough, he hadn’t seen them eat spaghetti with red sauce. This choice of dish seemed calculated to humiliate.

  At first Andrew tried to eat as delicately as possible, picking out strands of spaghetti with his teeth and lips, but he soon decided that he’d end the meal desperately hungry if he continued that way. Besides, the other three slaves were eating hearty, putting aside their dignity and sinking their faces into the warm mush so they could get a decent amount to eat before the Dominants called time.

  Raquel said, “Those are four fine asses, Ai.”

  “Thank you,” said Mistress Ai. “Feel free to touch.”

  A few seconds later Andrew felt a light pressure on his anus. From just behind him Raquel’s voice said, “I like this asshole, Ai. It looks like it’s never been fucked.” Andrew went on eating. He was starting to like the feel of the warm, wet pasta on his face. Raquel reached under him and held his cock and balls in her hand. “Why don’t you keep these locked up, Ai? I’d put a cock cage on this one in a minute.”

  Mistress Ai said, “I’ve never felt the urge to control that aspect of my slaves’ behavior. I leave them free to masturbate and even have sex with each other in their spare time if they like.”

  “You’re fucking crazy, Ai,” said Raquel. She moved on to Asoko and said, “I’ve always liked this one. Look at this fat cunt! When are you going to let me borrow her?”

  “When I’m sure you won’t give her back to me broken. Which reminds me: are you treating Tosatsu all right? You’re supposed to be just putting her up for a few days, not taking her over.”

  “Oh, she’s fine,” said Raquel. “We play a little, you know? But mostly we just go our separate ways. I’m helping her look for a place of her own.”

  Andrew was glad when dinner was over and they let the slaves go wash their faces. They took turns in the bathroom in order of rank. Andrew looked at himself in the mirror: he looked like a demented circus clown. He smiled at Tosatsu as he passed her in the doorway. She didn’t look like a clown, but was beautiful even with red sauce all over the bottom half of her face.

  That night, Mistress Ai sent Inkei and Asoko to the kitchen to clean up, and she and Raquel took Tosatsu and Andrew to the playroom.

  Mistress Ai said, “Mistress Raquel wants to play with you, Gakusha. Is that all right?”

  He didn’t particularly want to be passed around like this, but everything about Mistress Raquel excited him: her crude manner, the threat that seemed implicit in her every word and movement—even her age. He nodded, and Mistress Raquel grinned a predatory grin.

  Mistress Ai said, “If you want to contribute to Gakusha’s education, you’ll do some impact play.”

  Mistress Raquel said, “I’ll contribute to his fucking education. I’ll be a whole fucking university.”

  Mistress Ai helped Mistress Raquel tie Andrew so he was hanging spreadeagled in the middle of the room. Then Mistress Raquel circled him slowly.

  “You got your ass whipped today,” she said.

  “Yes, Mistress Raquel,” said Andrew.

  She gave his ass a swat with her bare, open hand. It burned, and he yelped.

  “Fucking candy-ass loser,” Mistress Raquel muttered. “I can’t pronounce the name Ai gave you. I’m gonna call you loser.”

  Andrew resolved not to cry out again if he could help it.

  She swatted him again. It burned just as bad, and he twitched but didn’t cry out.

�That’s better,” said Mistress Raquel, “but you’re still a fucking loser.”

  Not far away, Mistress Ai had Tosatsu face-down on the floor and was enclosing her whole body in a network of soft rope. Andrew thought they were beautiful together, and his cock started to rise.

  “Fucking hard-on keeps coming and going. Ai, you got a cock ring in your cabinet?”

  “Several of them,” said Mistress Ai. “Go and take your pick.”

  Mistress Raquel came back with a stretchy silicone cock-ring, which she slipped over him. Andrew gasped as she pulled his balls through the ring, but then felt a little tingling in his cock. He liked this.

  “Gotta keep you hard, loser,” she said, and gave his ass another swat.

  Now Tosatsu looked a little like a fish in a net. Mistress Ai raised her till she was hanging about two feet from the floor. She gave her a little push, and she swung like a porch swing.

  Mistress Raquel said, “Don’t let the cunt distract you, loser,” and gave him a stinging blow across his upper back with something. He looked: it was a cane. He wondered why she wasn’t warming up slowly the way Mistress Ai had done this afternoon. But he didn’t have time to think about this, because the blows began to come every few seconds, and he couldn’t concentrate on anything but keeping control of himself so he wouldn’t cry out, drawing another rebuke from this savage Domme.

  After a minute she paused, came around to the front of him, and stood close. She grasped his hard cock, stroked it, and looked into his face.

  “Not too bad for a fucking loser,” she said. She tucked her cane under an arm and with her free hand grabbed his balls, squeezed hard, and held on. The pain was excruciating: he gritted his teeth, closed his eyes, and wondered how much worse this session would get.

  “Look at me, loser,” she said. He made himself open his eyes and look into her face. She was smiling, showing her teeth. “Don’t look away,” she said, and squeezed his balls tighter. He breathed hard and held her gaze. Fuck, but she was sexy in that red dress—so curvy. Red high heels, too.

  She must have read his look, because she said, “Am I sexy, loser?”

  Andrew said, “Yes, Mistress.”

  “Do you think I’m going to let you fuck me?”

  “I don’t know, Mistress.”

  “I’m not going to let you fuck me,” said Mistress Raquel. “I’m going to fuck you up.” She let go of his cock and balls, walked around behind him, and hit him with the cane again, harder. He couldn’t suppress a cry.

  Now she was caning him rhythmically, and his world seemed to be shrinking around him. Yet he was aware of Mistress Ai, gloriously naked now, sitting in a chair and holding the bound Tosatsu’s face to her pussy. Every now and then she’d give her a little push, and she’d swing away and back, and her face would bump into Mistress Ai’s crotch.

  Andrew’s back seemed on fire, and he’d just begun to think he might safeword soon when Mistress Raquel stopped, went to the cabinet for some shears, and cut him down—feet first, then hands. He felt shaky, but forced himself to hold still and look at her.

  She stared at him a long time—it felt like minutes—and then said, “Fucking asshole loser,” and shoved him hard so he fell backwards onto his back. She fetched her gym bag from along the wall and brought out a large black strap-on and a bottle of lubricant. She undressed and strapped on the big dildo: her breasts were so big—Andrew longed to suck her nipples.

  She kicked him and said “Turn the fuck over, butt boy. I’m the gal that takes your cherry.” He rolled over, his hard cock pressed between the floor and his stomach, and a few seconds later he felt her fingers smearing cool lubricant into his crack. Then there was unbearable pain, the worst yet in this violent session, as she shoved the dildo into him, stretching him too suddenly: he thought a bomb must have gone off in his crack, and he screamed.

  Mistress Ai jumped up, leaving Tosatsu swinging, and said, “Hold on, Raquel.” Mistress Raquel paused. Mistress Ai bent down by Andrew’s head and said, “Are you all right, Gakusha? Do you need to safeword?”

  But the pain of Mistress Raquel’s first sudden thrust was already dying away and Andrew shook his head.

  “Not yellow, Gakusha?”

  “No, Mistress Ai,” said Andrew.

  “Very well,” she said, and nodded to Mistress Raquel, who started again with a vicious thrust. It hurt, but not as bad as that first awful shock. Mistress was violent, but the pain stayed just the right side of unbearable. He clenched his fists, gritted his teeth, and bore up till she finally pulled out of him, gave him another kick to turn him over, tore off the strap-on, and sat down heavily on his mouth.

  She held him by his hair, humped him, and snarled, “Eat me, you fucking loser!” He did it as well as he could with her grinding into his face and smashing his mouth, and she must have liked it well enough, because she said, “Fuck, yeah,” and humped him harder, yanking his hair so his head bumped against the floor, till finally she shouted, “Ah! Ah! Ah!” thrusting against him in powerful spasms.

  Mistress Raquel climbed off him and turned to Mistress Ai, who was sitting in her chair again with Tosatsu kneeling at her feet.

  “He’s a fucking loser, Ai, but he was fun to play with.” She nudged Andrew’s erect cock with her toe. He was still wearing the cock ring, and his erection was getting a little painful. “What do you want to do about this, Ai? I don’t let losers fuck me.”

  “I’m sure he’ll figure out something,” said Mistress Ai.

  “We could make him fuck the cunt there,” said Mistress Raquel, “whatever the fuck you call her.”

  “Tosatsu,” said Mistress Ai. “And I don’t think that would be a good idea. Do you want a nightcap?”

  “Guess we’d better get home,” said Mistress Raquel. “C’mon, babycunt. Get ready to go.”

  Mistress Ai said, “Raquel, are you sure you’re not treating Tosatsu as your submissive?”

  “No, no, don’t worry about a thing, Ai. It’s just she’s got like a hundred names, and I can’t fucking remember any of them. So it’s, you know, just like a nickname I can remember.” She said to Tosatsu and Andrew, “Go get washed up, kids.”

  Mistress Ai looked nervous for a moment, as if she wanted to say something but wasn’t sure what—Andrew had never seen her like that—but she recovered herself and said, “Gakusha, you can take your cock ring off in the bathroom. We’ll wait for you in the living room.”

  The bathroom was just a few feet down the hallway. Andrew said, “You first.”

  Tosatsu turned to him, glanced towards the playroom, then put her hands behind his neck, pulled him to her, and and kissed him, pressing her body against his. She whispered, “I wish they’d let us make love.”

  He whispered, “I do too.”

  “Come see me some time at Mistress Shigemi’s,” she said, and disappeared into the bathroom. Andrew pulled the cock ring off, but his erection didn’t subside.

  When Andrew got to the living room, everyone was dressed and saying their goodbyes. He felt odd, being the only naked person, but then remembered that he was the slave, and he was supposed to be naked.

  Mistress Ai saw Tosatsu and Mistress Raquel out the door, then turned to Andrew and said, “What did you think of Mistress Raquel?”

  “She was pretty rough, Mistress Ai,” he said.

  “Some submissives need her kind of roughness. In fact, she’s a very good Dominant, even though her style is different from mine. I wanted you to experience that difference. There’s no one correct approach.”

  “Thank you, Mistress Ai.”

  “Come with me, Gakusha.” She led him to the kitchen, where Inkei and Asoko were sitting together, sipping from little glasses. A bottle of Drambuie sat on the bar between them. “I told them to give themselves a treat. You can have one too.”

  “Thank you, Mistress Ai,” said Andrew.

  Inkei got up and fetched another little glass, which he filled and handed to Andrew.

  Mistress Ai sa
id, “Inkei, come with me. Bring your drink. You two can enjoy your drinks and go to bed when you’re ready. I won’t be needing you again tonight.”

  When Andrew and Asoko were alone, she said, “Mistress Ai loves Inkei’s big cock. She takes him to bed with her a lot. I wish she took me to bed half as much. I’ve never seen her suck a cock, but I’ll bet she sucks Inkei when she gets him alone. I love sucking his cock too. When he comes in your mouth it’s like nothing you’ve ever experienced. You ought to try him before you go. He wouldn’t mind.”

  “I think maybe not,” said Andrew. “I’m pretty much a girl guy. Do you always speak so frankly?”

  “I’m dedicating my life to being a fuck-toy,” said Asoko. “I’d better be able to talk about sex, since it’s what I like to do most. But it’s easier to talk to other slaves than to Masters and Mistresses. Tomorrow, when you turn back into a Master, I’ll probably get all tongue-tied around you.”

  “Maybe I won’t turn back into a Master. Mistress Raquel made me feel pretty submissive tonight.”

  “It’s good that you can feel like a submissive,” said Asoko. “It’s easier to trust a Dominant that knows what it feels like.”

  “Do you really think Tosatsu can train Dominants the way she says?” asked Andrew, thinking of how she’d said, “I wish they’d let us make love.”

  “I’ll bet she does a good job,” said Asoko. “I think she’s sweet. I’m going to throw her down and fuck her next time she’s here.”

  He took that as a yes of sorts. “You really are frank,” he said.

  She smiled. “When you look like me, you’ve got to be up front about your desires. Otherwise you don’t get fucked at all.”

  “I think you’re really pretty,” said Andrew.

  “You’re joking,” she laughed.

  “No,” he said, thinking of her wide hips and plump thighs. He shook his head.

  Asoko tossed back the rest of her Drambuie and grabbed Andrew’s hand. “C’mon,” she said. “It’s time for bed.”


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