Chemistry Lessons

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Chemistry Lessons Page 21

by Jae

  Ky brushed openmouthed kisses across the top of Regan’s thighs and over her hipbones, then moved up her body. Her hard nipples traced a path along Regan’s skin, making Regan’s breath hitch.

  When their naked bodies finally came into full contact for the first time, they both moaned.

  Regan felt as if she was catching on fire. She threaded her fingers through Ky’s hair again and pulled her down.

  As their lips met in a long kiss, their legs intertwined.

  Regan gasped into her mouth and pressed her wetness against Ky.

  Breathing heavily, Ky broke the kiss. Her arousal painted Regan’s skin as she moved down, nipping and kissing Regan’s throat, the hollow between her collarbones, and down the slope of one breast.

  The first touch of Ky’s tongue on her nipple sent Regan’s brain into a tailspin.

  Ky looked up, and the passion in her eyes made Regan as breathless as what she was doing with her tongue. Then Ky gently closed her lips around her nipple.

  The pull of her mouth sent a jolt straight to Regan’s core.

  “God, Ky, you…” Regan’s words were lost when Ky brought up her hand and started to caress the other breast at the same time.

  She clutched Ky’s head with both hands and writhed against her with no inhibitions, no insecurities. She wasn’t embarrassed by the sounds that came from her throat. This was Ky. She was safe with her. “Ky. Please. I need you.” It was too much and not enough at the same time.

  Ky stroked her thumb across Regan’s nipple one last time, then rolled to the side a little to give herself more access to Regan’s body. Braced on one elbow, she slid her hand down Regan’s quivering belly. Her palm was hot against Regan’s skin as she caressed the sensitive spot at the bend of her leg.

  Regan lightly scraped her nails down the back of Ky’s neck.

  A guttural groan escaped Ky.

  Apparently, she liked that. Regan tried to file it away, but then Ky trailed her fingertips down, through her damp curls, and between her thighs, and all thoughts fled.

  Ky stroked her softly at first. Her mouth still hovered an inch above Regan’s breast, and her rapid breath washed over Regan’s nipple, adding to the sensations coursing through her.

  Regan’s eyes, heavy with pleasure, fluttered shut. She slid her hands up and down Ky’s back in a restless caress.

  “Regan.” Ky’s voice was urgent with need. “Look at me.”

  When Regan opened her eyes and looked into Ky’s, Ky trailed her fingers down and circled her entrance. “Do you—?”

  “Yes. God, yes!” Regan arched up, into her touch.

  Ky filled her, first with one finger, then two.

  Pleasure jolted through Regan. A throaty sound, half cry, half moan, escaped her.

  Ky stilled against her for a moment, a look of dazed awe on her face. She dug her teeth into her own bottom lip as if trying to restrain herself.

  But Regan didn’t want restraint. She canted her hips against Ky to press her deeper and urged Ky’s mouth to hers.

  They kissed with growing passion as they began to rock against each other. The way they moved together was intoxicating. Their bodies effortlessly found the perfect rhythm.

  Finally, Regan had to break the kiss to draw a ragged breath.

  Ky was panting too.

  Regan saw every sensation, every emotion she experienced mirrored on Ky’s flushed face.

  A clenching sensation started low in Regan’s belly. Her body tightened, strained against Ky’s at a faster pace, which Ky immediately picked up.

  Every clear thought disintegrated except for yes, more, and faster!

  Her pleasure built and built, then, when Ky slid her thumb over her clit, it finally spiked. A kaleidoscope of colors burst behind her eyelids, and a scream slipped free.

  She groaned Ky’s name into her shoulder as she arched up one last time, then collapsed back onto the bed.

  Ky stilled her fingers but placed light kisses on her shoulders, her breasts, her cheeks, her lips.

  Slowly, the last delicious little shivers faded away, but Regan still couldn’t form even a single word. She blinked until Ky’s face swam into focus.

  Ky stared down at her, pupils blown wide. “Regan,” she whispered, her voice rough with awe and need.

  The sound of her name had never made Regan feel so much.

  Ky kissed the rim of her ear. “You okay?”

  Regan shivered at the tickling breath. Her muscles felt sluggish, as if she’d spent an hour in a hot bubble bath, as she lifted her hand and trailed her fingertips through Ky’s hair and down the nape of her neck. Finally, she rested her palm on her sweat-dampened back, keeping Ky close. “Mm-hmm. If I felt any better, I’d float away.”

  “Can’t have that.” Ky carefully withdrew her fingers, causing one last quiver, then eased one thigh between Regan’s and pressed her hips against Regan as if anchoring her to the bed.

  The slide of Ky’s wetness against her skin made them both moan.

  Ky’s arm, which braced her weight half next to Regan, half on top of her, trembled.

  A different kind of urgency swept through Regan, and she surged up to capture Ky’s mouth in an intense kiss. When it ended, she whispered against Ky’s lips: “Let’s see if we can make you float.” She hooked one leg over the back of Ky’s, placed one hand on her shoulder, and tried to tip her onto her back with a tilt of her hips, even though Ky was taller and heavier.

  Ky rolled with her, melting and eager beneath her hands.

  With their legs still intertwined, Regan looked down at her. She had always thought of Ky as striking, but she’d never seen her as beautiful and vulnerable as this. Ky’s heartbeat drummed against Regan’s chest, echoed by the rapid rhythm of her own. She stroked Ky’s overheated cheeks, caressed her strong chin and wide forehead with her fingertips, then traced the arc of one eyebrow. Gently, she touched her lips to the scar.

  Ky gently nipped the sensitive skin of Regan’s neck. “I don’t have any other scars for you to kiss.”

  “Right. Hmm, that’s a problem.”

  “Nah. You’re a scientist. I’m sure you’ll find a solution.” Ky’s words were light, but she peered at Regan through heavy-lidded eyes, as if the ability to banter was quickly slipping away from her.

  “True. I’m always up for a little research. Let’s see… Where else could I kiss you instead? Maybe here?” She kissed Ky’s jaw, her throat, her collarbone. “Or here?” She trailed her lips down to the valley between her breasts, tasting her salty skin, then glanced back up.

  “Anywhere you want.” Raw need flashed across Ky’s face. Need for her.

  Regan gave up on her playful teasing and began to explore in earnest, using her hands, her mouth, her entire body to find every place that made Ky moan, every spot that made her tremble.

  Goose bumps rippled across Ky’s skin everywhere she touched. Her groans intensified as Regan ran her finger along the satiny skin right beneath one nipple.

  Regan dipped her head, swirled her tongue around Ky’s nipple, then grazed it with a light kiss. It instantly hardened as she took it into her mouth.

  A low, desperate sound tore from Ky’s throat. She tangled her fingers in Regan’s hair.

  Pleasure twisted down Regan’s spine as if it were Ky’s mouth on her, not the other way around. It was surprisingly arousing that she could undo Ky so easily. She cupped one hand around Ky’s breast, holding it to her lips as she rolled her tongue over the tight nipple.

  “Regan,” Ky choked out. “Please.” She put her hand on top of Regan’s, laced her fingers though hers, and pressed their joined hands against her breast before sliding them down her body.

  God. So sexy. Regan squeezed her legs together. Never before had she experienced so much pleasure from touching someone. She skated her fingertips along the long line of Ky’s belly, then over the curve of her hip and, finally, to her inner thigh. The skin there was incredibly soft and already damp with arousal.

’s fingers clenched around her hand, then let go. Instead, she dug her fingers into the sheets, giving Regan full control.

  The trust and open need in Ky’s eyes made Regan’s breath catch. She dipped her fingers lower, into Ky’s wetness.

  They both moaned at the contact.

  Ky rocked her hips forward, pressed herself into Regan’s hand. Her eyes went hazy, but she didn’t look away.

  Regan kept her gaze on Ky’s face too as she moved her fingers, circling, then stroking in long swipes, learning what kind of touch Ky needed. “Like this?”

  “Mm. Just…God…a little…”



  She was so attuned to Ky, she felt every shudder, every groan, every hitch of her breath. The sounds Ky made as she started to lose control were so incredibly hot.

  Their breaths, fast and shallow, mingled as Ky arched up and captured her mouth in an urgent kiss.

  Regan’s own excitement built along with Ky’s as she stroked her faster. She had to feel more of Ky, to claim her and give her as much as Ky had given her, so she slid one finger lower, into her heat.

  Ky tore her mouth away and arched her head back against the pillow.

  The sight of Ky stretched out beneath her, with passion-flushed cheeks, sent a thrill through her.

  One of Ky’s hands found Regan’s free one and threaded their fingers together. She rocked against Regan.


  Ky made a sound that might have been a yes, but the pleading, desperate look in her eyes gave a more unmistakable answer.

  When Ky rolled her hips against her once more, Regan slid into her with a second finger. She held eye contact as she drove her higher with deep strokes, following the rhythm Ky set, then pressed the heel of her palm against Ky’s clit.

  A tremor ran through Ky’s thighs. Her body went taut beneath Regan, and her neck arched back.

  Regan couldn’t resist putting her mouth to her throat and gently rasping her teeth over the tender skin.

  A long moan rose up Ky’s chest, ending in a shout. “Regan!” She tightened around Regan’s fingers.

  Regan lifted her mouth away and watched her come. God, so beautiful.

  With a breathy whisper of Regan’s name, Ky finally stilled.

  When Regan withdrew her fingers and settled next to her, Ky pulled her close.

  Regan curled up in her arms and luxuriated in the feeling of Ky’s sweat-dampened skin on her own. She kissed the spot between Ky’s breasts, then laid her head onto her chest to listen to the thudding of her heart as it slowed. A peaceful feeling filled her. Every remaining doubt and fear had completely evaporated. This was where she belonged. This was what she and Ky were supposed to be.

  Ky trailed one finger along her cheekbone and swiped a strand of hair behind Regan’s ear with a tenderness that made Regan ache in a different way. “That was…”

  Regan loved that breathless note in Ky’s voice. She grinned at her. “The ultimate chemical reaction?”

  A chuckle vibrated beneath Regan’s ear. “Something like that.” Ky peeked at her. “What? No smart-ass remark about how you scientists are always after repeating experiments to see if the result can be replicated?” She swept her fingertips down Regan’s back, then ran her nails over her butt.

  Regan shivered. New heat gathered deep inside of her. How could Ky have her so aroused again so soon, with only one touch? Forming words to banter back was already taking a lot of effort. “Personally, I’m not into replicating.”

  Ky rolled them over so she was on top. “No?” she asked, her lips only inches from Regan’s. “Then I’ll have to find another way to cause a combustion.”

  A hoarse laugh escaped Regan. “And here I thought you didn’t pay attention in chem class.”

  “I paid attention to you.” Tenderness and passion mingled in Ky’s voice. “Let’s see if I can apply what I learned…” She kissed, nibbled, and licked a path down Regan’s body, not stopping until all thoughts of chemistry fled from Regan’s mind.

  Chapter 16

  Ky had woken up with Regan in her arms before, but never when they were naked. The feeling of Regan’s soft skin against her own was the best thing she had experienced since…okay, since last night.

  Or rather this morning.

  They had made love until sometime after three, exploring each other’s bodies over and over again. Ky hadn’t been able to get enough of Regan, and Regan had been just as insatiable. It was fascinating getting to experience a whole new side of her.

  Ky had marveled at each new discovery—what made Regan sigh with pleasure, what made her shout out her name, and what made her growl and take control, leaving Ky as weak with need as she left Regan.

  In between rounds of lovemaking, they had bantered and teased as they had in the past, proving that this part of their relationship wasn’t lost. Now their playful exchanges held a deeper meaning and were interspersed with whispered “I love yous.”

  It was everything Ky had ever wanted in a relationship and never thought she would have. After decades of assuming it was impossible and burying that yearning deep inside of her, she now had what she’d always longed for, and it was even better than she could have imagined. For the first time in fourteen years—or maybe for the first time in her life—everything was in perfect balance, exactly the way it was supposed to be.

  She felt as if she could do anything she wanted to do, be who she wanted to be. At the moment, that was only one thing: the person Regan loved and who got to love her in return.

  They were lying face-to-face, cuddled up, with Regan’s head pillowed on Ky’s arm. Her disheveled curls spilled across the pillow and Ky’s skin, tickling softly. A golden stripe of sunlight fell through the blinds and across Regan’s face. She looked so beautiful that Ky’s breath caught.

  Regan scrunched up her nose and stirred against her.

  Ky’s heart melted into a puddle at so much adorableness. Was that even a word? Well, it was now because it described Regan to perfection.

  Regan’s toes slid along Ky’s leg as she stretched. She opened one eye and squinted at Ky, then closed it and buried her face against Ky’s shoulder with a mewl of protest. “It’s not morning yet,” she mumbled against her skin.

  Grumpy-in-the-morning Regan was the cutest thing ever. Ky had always thought so, but now she had a new way to help ease her into the day. She brushed Regan’s tousled hair aside and kissed her neck.

  Another mewl escaped Regan, but this one sounded a lot more sensual. She ran one hand up Ky’s back and into her hair as she pressed into the touch.

  Ky let her lips wander up her neck, along her jaw, across her chin, to her lips, where she paused, inches from Regan’s mouth.

  Both of Regan’s eyes were now open, but still bleary with sleep.

  Ky leaned forward to kiss her fully awake.

  “Morning breath,” Regan mumbled, one hand braced against Ky’s chest.

  “I couldn’t care less.” When Regan’s arm lost its tension, Ky dipped her head and kissed her tenderly, but left it at a short, gentle caress of their lips, not yet sure what Regan would be comfortable with. She looked forward to finding out and learning all the new things about her.

  When the kiss ended, Regan snuggled closer. When Ky rolled onto her back, she settled her head on Ky’s shoulder and tucked one foot between her calves.

  The intimate slide of skin on skin sent a tingle up Ky’s legs and made her wonder what Regan thought of morning sex.

  Before she could find out, Regan lifted her head and studied her with an expression so vulnerable that Ky’s heart ached. “I’m so glad you’re still here.” Her voice was quiet, yet it still seemed to echo through the bedroom.

  “Still here?” Ky repeated to give her brain time to understand. “Where else would I be?” If it were up to her, they would never leave this bed again.

  Regan’s fingers restlessly played across a sun-warmed stripe of golden light along Ky’s upper chest. “L
ast week, you ran from this. From us. And just yesterday, you said you wanted to take things slow. I was fine with that, and I didn’t mean to ambush or rush you in any way, but then you kissed me on the couch, and you were so damn sexy, and next thing I know…” She waved her hand back and forth between their naked bodies.

  Ky soothingly trailed her hand down Regan’s back and circled her delicate shoulder blades. “Hey, it’s not like I wasn’t a willing participant.” Images from last night flashed through her mind. “A very, very willing participant.”

  “Yeah, I know.” Regan’s voice dipped low. She paused to clear her throat. “But in the heat of the moment, things often—”

  “That wasn’t it. I mean, yeah, there were plenty of heated moments last night, but I made a conscious decision not to let my fears stop me from being happy. Besides, sex…making love with you wasn’t really what scared me. It was wanting more…and then losing it all.”

  Her explanation might have been confusing to anyone else, but Regan nodded. “The way your parents lost everything…you lost everything…because they kept wanting more.” Her gaze seemed to reach deep within Ky and caress her battered heart.

  “Yeah,” Ky croaked out. Being understood on such a fundamental level was the most incredible experience of Ky’s life, rivaling even their lovemaking. “Although…” She forced a grin to lighten the mood. “While I definitely wasn’t scared of sex with you, knowing bits and pieces about what you and a certain ex of yours did in that hotel room in Florida…”

  Regan groaned and hid her face against Ky’s shoulder, then peeked at her. “That’s the one disadvantage of starting a relationship with your best friend.” She poked her playfully. “You know too much.”

  Ky firmly shook her head. “There’s no such thing as knowing too much about you. But I admit that particular piece of knowledge did make me wonder how I’d compare.”

  Regan gave her an incredulous look. “You’re kidding, right? There’s no comparison.”


  “No!” Regan indicated the two of them and the rumpled sheets. “This was a clear 100 on the pH scale.”


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