Eagle River Bonded Trio2

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Eagle River Bonded Trio2 Page 4

by Becky Wilde

  Chapter Five

  Holly didn't see Brock and Zane for quite a few hours, and she was thankful for the reprieve. She had so much to get her head around, and felt as if she was the one going insane, as she tried to process everything Jade had told her.

  A knock at her door had her freezing in her tracks. She had been pacing as she thought things through. She didn't really want to have to deal with Brock and Zane so she called out to whoever was on the other side of the door.

  “Who is it?”

  “It's Emma, Holly. I brought you up something to eat since you didn't eat much at dinner. I thought you may be hungry,” Emma called through the door.

  Holly opened the door and let Emma in. She quickly closed it again, just in case Brock and Zane were nearby.

  Emma placed a covered tray on a small table near the bedroom window and then turned to face Holly.

  “I know Jade has tried to explain the way of things around here, but I just wanted you to know, if you have any questions all you have to do is ask and I'll answer them for you. Now, why don't you sit down and eat your sandwiches. I know you're probably hungry. And don't worry about the other meals, I'll make sure all your meat is cooked properly,” Emma stated with a gentle smile.

  “Thanks Emma, you're a life saver. I'm starving. So, are you one too?” Holly asked as she sat down, took the cover off her food and took a big bite of her chicken salad sandwich.

  At Emma's nod, Holly swallowed loudly and looked down at the table.

  “You have nothing to fear from any of us, Holly. No one here would ever harm you. In fact, I think you'll find the men who live here in this pack, treat women a lot better than a normal human male does. I'll leave you to finish your meal. Just leave everything on the table when you’re done and someone will come and collect your dishes later,” Emma said, and then to her surprise she leaned down kissed Holly on the top of the head, then left.

  Holly finished her sandwiches, then decided she would save someone a trip back to her room and left to take her dishes back to the kitchen. She was half way down the stairs when one of the men was on his way up. He stopped and stared at her, sniffing the air near her. He must have liked what he sniffed, because he moved toward her, trapping her against the wooden banister.

  “Well, hello there sweetheart. What's your name?” the man asked as he picked up a lock of her hair and rubbed between his fingertips. Then he lifted it to his nose and inhaled deeply.

  “You smell good enough to eat,” he said and snapped his teeth together audibly and smirked. “So what's your name sugar?”

  “Holly,” she replied, a nervous quiver in her voice.

  “My name's Ethan Samson. I just know you and I are gonna be good friends. Who do you belong to sugar?” Ethan asked as he leered at her.

  “I don't belong to anyone and I never will,” Holly replied, glaring at the man.

  “Oh, so you do have a bit of fire. Good, I'll look forward to taming you, Holly,” Ethan drawled out.

  “Get your fucking hands off her, right now,” Zane growled out through his teeth, as he bared them at Ethan.

  “Hey man, I was just fooling around,” Ethan stated, before swallowing nervously.

  Holly watched Zane stalk up to Ethan and crowd him back against the banister, the same way he had done to her.

  Zane was a lot taller and much more intimidating than Ethan could ever be. Holly backed away from the two men cautiously and began to make her way slowly downstairs once more, but she didn't take her eyes off the two men.

  “You will never go near my mate, again. Is that understood?” Zane asked Ethan.

  “Yeah, sure. Sorry Zane, my apologies, Holly,” Ethan said as he looked at her.

  Holly didn't say anything, just gave a nod of her head, turned back around and hurried into the kitchen. Holly washed and dried her dishes and was about to leave, when she felt large muscular arms wrap around her waist.

  “Are you alright baby? He didn't hurt you did he?” Zane asked from behind and above Holly.

  “No, I'm fine. Please let me go, Zane,” Holly said as she pushed at his arms.

  Zane released his hold on Holly and stepped back away from her. “Why don't you come into the living room for a while, Holly? We could watch some TV or play some pool or cards. Whatever you want baby?”

  “Okay,” Holly said and followed Zane out of the kitchen.

  The living room was full of people, mostly men, and Holly could feel them all staring at her. She sat down on one of the large modular sofas in the huge room and gave a sigh as Zane then Brock sat down on either side of her.

  Holly was just starting to feel comfortable, when other male werewolves entered the room. Instead of sitting on the other furniture, they sat on the floor in front of her, Zane and Brock as they tried to jostle for a position, so they were touching her.

  Holly was about to wriggle away and get up, but didn't get a chance. Brock wrapped an arm around her shoulders, and then leaned down to whisper into her ear. “Don't be scared of them, little darlin'. No one here would hurt you.

  But you have to remember, we are pack animals and as such, we like to be touching others all the time. Single males especially, like to be touching any and all of our females if they can. They would never touch you inappropriately, so just sit back and relax.” Holly breathed in and out a few times and let her muscles loosen with every breath she took. She settled into the back of the sofa and began to watch the television. She was aware of someone rubbing one of her feet and looked down to see one of the males in the process of taking her other shoe off and then he began to massage her foot. She couldn't even remember his name, but whatever he was doing felt damn good and she wasn't about to interrupt his ministrations. She felt a tug on her other foot and saw another man pulling her other shoe off. He smiled up at her and then looked down at her still swollen and bruised foot.

  “What happened to your foot, Holly?”

  “Oh well, I twisted it. It doesn't hurt much anymore. I'm really sorry, but I can't remember your names.”

  “I'm Myles O'Dwyer and this great lug next to me is my brother, Riley. And don't worry about keeping all our names straight, you'll remember eventually. If you don't know just ask, honey.” Myles stated.

  “Okay, thanks Myles,” Holly replied then looked away again.

  Holly snuggled in closer to Brock, as the droning noise of the television lulled her to relax even more. She began to feel really sleepy and was having trouble keeping her eyes open, until something Jade had said ran through her brain.

  She sat up straight and looked from Brock to Zane and back again.

  “What?” Brock and Zane asked at the same time.

  “Have either of you had sex with Jade?” Holly asked, as she watched their faces closely.

  “What difference does that make, little darlin'? We aren't asking you about your previous love life,” Brock said, but didn't look Holly in the eye.

  “Oh my god. You did, didn't you? How the hell...? What the hell..? Oh I am so out of here,” Holly said, as she pushed out of Brock's arms and rose to her feet.

  “Holly sit down,” Zane barked out as he rose to his feet.

  “You can just both go to hell. Leave me, the fuck alone,” Holly sobbed as she ran from the room.

  “You know, if Jade wasn't our Queen and mated with Sloan, as well as being under Hunter, Grady's, and all of our protection, I think I would kill her right now,” Brock stated with disgruntlement.

  “What the fuck have you done to that girl now?” Jade yelled at Brock and Zane as she waddled into the room.

  “Hey, how come everything is always our fault?” Brock asked with a frown.

  “Because it's always the man's fault when a woman is upset,” Jade replied as she winced, then crossed her arms over her big belly.

  “Well, it just so happens that it's your fault this time, Jade,” Zane said sarcastically.

  “What did I do?”

  “It's not what you did, it's what you sai
d. Did you tell Holly we had sex with you?” asked Brock.

  “No. Oh fuck it. Me and my big mouth. How come women are always so perceptive?” Jade asked with a frown.

  She then tried to stomp from the room, but ended up looking like a duck waddling with something shoved up her ass. The men watching her had to hold back their snickers of amusement, until she was out of hearing range.

  Jade found Holly out in the back garden, in her favorite spot. Sitting on the bench watching and listening to water as it sprouted from the wolf fountain.

  “Holly, can I please have a moment of your time?” Jade asked cautiously.

  “Yes, take a seat,” Holly replied, scooting over giving Jade more room, but making sure to keep her tear stained face turned away.

  “Brock did have sex with me, but he didn't know he was going to find his mate, you. Besides, he didn't fuck me in the pussy; he took me up the ass. Would you condemn him to a life of celibacy until he found the right woman?

  Zane and I haven't had sex, but I watched him and Hunter masturbate each other. I gotta tell you girl, that was fucking hot,” Jade stated with a leering grin. “I will never love anyone the way I love Sloan, Holly. I have loved most of the men living here, but only as friends. No one could ever take the place of Sloan. I have a special place in my heart for Hunter and Grady, since they are my anchors and I always will, but you've got to remember, that we are all part animals. Animals usually have sex with any female. Sloan only wanted to enhance my pleasure by letting others join in. If you decide to hang around and end up mating with Zane and Brock, when you first get pregnant you are going to be so horny, you'd jump anything with a cock. Well, almost. It's not like being a normal human, Holly. It's so much more,” Jade stated, as she held her belly and doubled over panting.

  “Jade are you alright?” Holly asked as she watched her new friend.

  “Yeah, but do you think you could go get Sloan? This baby isn't going to wait much longer,” Jade replied.

  “You're in labor? Oh my God. Why didn't you say something? What should I do? Do you want me to go and boil some water?” Holly asked in a panic.

  “Noooo,” Jade groaned out. When the pain finally passed, she sat up straight and looked at Holly, “Please, go and get Sloan.”

  “I'm already here, little Jade. I was wondering how long you were going to try and hide the fact you were in labor from me,” Sloan stated, and then bent scooping Jade up into his arms with ease.

  “Well, fuck you Sloan. This is all your fault you know.

  How come you always know everything? Is nothing sacred around here?” Jade yelled at her mate.

  “I can tell, because your scent changes honey. Now take some deep breaths and try to go with the pain. Don't fight it, Jade,” Sloan said, his voice drifting away as he carried Jade away.

  “Fuck off, Sloan,” Holly heard Jade yell in reply, and had to cover her mouth to smother her laughter.

  She knew then and there she was going to accept Zane and Brock as her mates. She had been falling steadily in love with them since the first time she had laid eyes on them. The thought of leaving and never seeing them again, had pain searing through her heart. She wanted to have what Jade and Sloan had. She'd never been wanted for herself. Never really had anyone to care for her. She was sick of being unloved and lonely.

  “I love the sound of your laughter, little darlin'. You don't laugh anywhere near enough,” Brock stated as he stepped out of the shadows.

  “I used to, until recently. Except it wasn't real, it was a front I showed to everyone. I've never been accepted for who I really am. I've never let myself be myself. I've always felt like I would never fit in, anywhere,” Holly whispered.

  “Oh, Holly. Please stay here with us, little darlin'? We love you for who you are. You've had to be so brave and independent haven't you? You've never had anyone to lean on or take control for you. Please, let Zane and I do that for you, Holly?” Brock asked in an emotional tone, as he moved to Holly and wrapped her in his arms, pulling her against his chest.

  “Holly, Brock and I love you so much, baby. We want to take care of you for the rest of your life. Will you stay and mate with us?” Zane asked, as he pushed his big body up against Holly's back, wrapped his arms around her hips, and thrust his hard cock into her ass.

  “Yes. I love you too. I want to stay here and spend the rest of my life with you both. I never want to be alone again. I spent my life going in and out of foster homes. Just when I thought everything was going to be okay, the families I was living with would pull up roots and move. I spent until the age of sixteen, going from foster home to foster home. By then I'd had enough, so I went out and got a job. I've been so lonely. I want nothing more than to mate with you both, to spend the rest of my life with you. I don't know how I can love you already? I've only just met you, but I do love you both.”

  “Oh baby, thank you. You won't regret it,” Zane replied as he spun her in his arms and slammed his mouth down over hers.

  Zane groaned at the first taste of his mate. He wanted to go on kissing her forever, but knew he would have to stop soon, to let Brock kiss Holly. He used his lips to open Holly's mouth and thrust his tongue in between her lips. He tangled his tongue with hers, as he slanted his lips over hers again and again.

  Brock became impatient waiting for Zane to finish kissing Holly, so he moved around them and shoved Zane to the side. He stepped in, took Holly into his arms and kissed her with all the love he had been holding back. He coaxed her into kissing him and groaned as she tangled her tongue with his, then slowly weaned his mouth from hers when she began to rock her hips against his. He cradled her head against his chest and ran a hand down over her hair, soothing her arousal away, as Zane did the same, by rubbing a hand gently up and down her back.

  Holly looked up at Zane and Brock, dazed by the passion they had brought forth from her. She had never, ever, been kissed like that in her life. Her legs felt like cooked noodles, too weak to hold her up. What the hell was having sex with them going to do to her? Oh God. She was going to have to have sex in front of lots of strangers, as well as have sex with someone else. She'd never survive it.

  The night was a hive of activity as people came and left again. It seemed the birthing of a child by a Queen and Alpha was a big deal, and the news of the impending arrival of a baby brought Alpha's and werewolves from other packs to the house, to pay their respects. Which seemed kind of strange to Holly, as Jade was still laboring and no one would be able to see the baby until after it was born.

  Holly helped Emma in the kitchen preparing food and drink, for all the visitors dropping in throughout the night; and had to hold back a laugh when Sloan entered the room looking a sickly gray color, as he yelled for 'someone to go and make the doctor hurry up and get his ass here before he killed him.'

  Jade finally gave birth around three am in the morning, which Holly and Emma were profoundly grateful for. The visitors had stopped coming around one am, and Sloan apparently had had to be physically restrained by his brothers so he wouldn't tear the doctor’s throat out. All in all it, was a pretty normal occurrence according to Emma.

  Holly had to bite her tongue so she didn't argue with Emma, but knew it was probably something to do with werewolf protocol, which she had no idea about. I mean who comes to visit the house and leave gifts before the baby was even born?

  Jade and Sloan were now the proud parents to a healthy baby boy. Who could be heard throughout the house screaming for his food, as Sloan carried him out of his and Jade's suite of rooms, to show off like the proud father he was. What had Emma and Holly laughing was the fact they could hear Jade screaming at Sloan to 'bring her baby back, right now damn it.'

  Holly finally crawled into bed around four am and was asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

  Chapter Six

  The rest of the week was busy with more visitors, who came to see Sloan and Jade's, baby boy, whom they’d, named Zachariah Taggert. Holly would have had wanted the ceremon
y the next night, but Jade had put her foot down because she wanted to be there to watch the ceremony, even though she couldn't participate.

  Holly spent her time visiting Jade and Zachariah in her Queen's apartment, holding the tiny baby boy and cooing over him like he was hers. Jade and Holly had become great friends; and even though Holly was still shy, when there were a lot of men around, she was becoming more confident.

  Zane and Brock tried to stay away from Holly as much as possible, as there wolves were continually pushing at them to claim their mate. The only time they spent with her was in the evenings in the living room surrounded by others. Holly was beginning to get so sexually frustrated, she was scared she was going jump on her men, no matter who was around. Since she was still a virgin and didn't really know what to expect other than what she had heard from others or read, she figured her men were probably feeling a lot worse than she was.

  Finally the day of the bonding ceremony arrived. Holly spent most of the morning in the kitchen helping Emma cook for the night’s meal, and making sandwiches to tide everyone over the rest of the day. Holly looked at the clock and gave a tired sigh. It was three o'clock and she had just over three hours before the bonding ceremony would take place. She was beginning to get very nervous and knew she should have told her men she was still a virgin. She decided to seek them out. The last thing she wanted was to embarrass herself in front of the whole pack by crying with pain and asking her men to stop making love to her. They wouldn't be bonded properly, unless they climaxed at the same time while her men bit her, according to Jade. She was scared she was going to freeze and not being experienced, had no idea what to expect.

  Holly found Zane and Brock playing pool on the far side of the huge living room. She wandered over to them and waited until Brock had finished his shot.


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