Adina Falling (Threads of Fate)

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Adina Falling (Threads of Fate) Page 1

by Melissa Brodsky


  Copyright © 2013 by Melissa Brodsky

  Cover by R.A. Mizer of ShoutLines Design

  This book may not be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission from the author. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author's rights.

  All characters and storylines are the property of the author and your support and respect is appreciated. The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

  All rights reserved.

  First and foremost, I would like to thank all my Beta Readers who helped make this story flow in the right direction. Nadine Collings, Amber Snyder, Jenny Small, Gemma Aspinall and Sean Cleary. I know I forgot some names but that doesn’t make you any less important in this process. THANK YOU.

  I’d like to also thank Rachel Mizer of Shoutlines Designs for creating the incredible cover.

  I first created Adina, the main character of the story when I was flying home from LA after being on the Dr. Phil show. It was 2009 when Adina came into my life. I had been trying, for all these years, to figure out how to finish her story, the original part being the prologue of this novella. And one September morning, when the kids had gone back to school after a long summer vacation, it happened. Her life finally revealed itself to me. All I had to do was type. It poured out onto the screen and the Threads of Fate series was created.

  Thank you for reading,

  Melissa Brodsky

  To my husband, Eric,

  who encouraged me to take Adina and run with her.

  I slid into a rock star parking space in the heavily crowded, downtown parking structure. I smiled smugly and looked up toward the heavens and thought See God, you do gaze kindly upon vampires. Sometimes.

  I opened the door, swung my very shapely legs around to get out, and put my keys into the pocket of my old yet favorite Chloe Paddington bag. My Choo-clad feet barely made contact with the pavement when I caught his strong scent. It made me shiver and gasp with delight and anticipation. I, Adina LaCroix, would find him and make him mine for the night.

  His scent of anger and darkness made me hot. It was the perfect mix for the cocktail I was craving, one that would completely intoxicate me on this deliciously warm evening.

  I was hungry. Ravenous. But I liked the anticipation. I got off on prolonging my satisfaction. It was foreplay for the sweet release.

  The stalking was one thing I loved about being a vampire. The thrill of the hunt was an exciting finale to my mundane day. After all, for all practical purposes, I was a sort of serial killer. A predator. I took my role in the theater of life very seriously. I played my part with an award-winning performance. Well, I liked to think that I did. I considered myself to be quite the actress.

  By night, I lived the life of a stereotypical vampire, I hunted for blood. Not all the time, though. Some nights, I was perfectly content to stay home and just drink from my personal stash I kept in my refrigerator. By day, it was a different story. Contrary to widespread popular belief, many vampires had evolved and were able to carry on regular, almost human-like lives. They got married, they had careers. Some of them were even able to procreate which was something I would consider in the future. Right now I felt as though I were still too young and selfish to be tied down to a husband and children. I wanted to go out and enjoy life’s experiences while I still could, before the Elders forced me to settle down.

  I started walking with a confident stride, following my nose. My senses were alert and tingling. Whenever I thought of myself that way, I was reminded of Spider-man. My steps made no sound as I glided along the busy street in search of my evening plaything.

  I paused in front of a large picture window, a place swarming with nightlife. Window shopping but saw nothing I really wanted. So I moved on, toward the scent that beckoned me with sweet promise.

  Downtown Birmingham seemed to be the happening place tonight, full of sex, desperation and alcohol. Not a good combination for mortals but a succulent feast for vampires. I could sense that I was the only vampire in the city, at the moment. Most of my friends were hanging out in Detroit. They didn’t want to venture into the “burbs” during the week; there was not enough happening for them to make the trip. Cities, even Detroit, had more things to do and people to do it with. So, I decided to solo-it this evening.

  Typically I only preyed on men while many of my kind were indiscriminate. I went after cheaters and criminals; it was the least I could do to aid society. Savory characters, in more ways than one. Men with hidden agendas and dirty secrets like the one I was stalking tonight. These were the ideal quarry.

  On rare occasion, I would hook up with a woman but that mostly depended on what sort of selection there was in the masculine department. I preferred to be in the company of men but a girl has to eat and sometimes my options were a little more limited. It had been a very long while since I had been with a woman for anything more than a quick snack, and by that I meant blood only.

  Walking a little further, I felt him. His presence was stronger; I knew I was getting closer. I shuddered again, anticipation rolling down my spine. I probed his mind and for a moment, I actually felt sorry for his wife. He was a prick, without a doubt. His character, or lack thereof, didn’t matter to me; I wouldn’t be with him for the long haul. I was simply going to use him to meet my needs, however long that would take.

  Without realizing it, I had stopped in my tracks. I had arrived. Looking up at the awning, I recognized I was finally at my destination. Effortlessly, I pulled open the heavy door to the bar and I walked down the stairs. Propelled by the heavy masculine pheromones beckoning me, I pushed past the crowd waiting in line to get in . His aroma was taunting me, teasing me by mixing itself with flowers and spices. I felt a tugging in my sex, a desire I couldn’t wait to drown in.

  I walked down the dimly lit staircase, following the sounds of drunken giggles with undercurrents of desperation and need. There are a lot of horny people here tonight, I thought, completely owning that I was included in that description.

  Stereotyping didn’t matter to me at the moment; all I was interested in was this man. The man whose scent I had followed since I stepped out of my car. And when I was done getting off, I would do the world a favor and suck him dry, erase his memory and leave him with a thought, so deeply implanted in his mind that he will never hurt anyone again. It was my public service to the female population. The perfect climax. The cherry on top.

  He was standing next to a stunning blonde, leaning closely to her, trying to seduce the woman by whispering promises in her ear. His Mediterranean heritage was as obvious as the dark aura that encompassed him, to me anyway. His teeth glowed in the black lights, strong and straight. He was gorgeous. I wanted to high-five myself; he was the perfect specimen for my evening plaything.

  I wanted him. A primal drive so deep that, despite the warmth radiating from the sea of bodies that crowded the room, I suddenly shivered. I loved when this happened to me, when I found the flawless entertainment. It didn’t happen all the time, sometimes I just had to settle with second best. Not tonight, though. Tonight, the only thing that would be settled was my ravenous appetite for sex and blood.

  I found myself wanting to go up to him, whip down his pants and wrap my mouth around his cock. I wanted to taste his juices. All of his delicious juices from all of his arteries. I ran my tongue along my teeth in anticipation and gazed seductively at him. I had to exercise caution though or my fangs would expose themselves. It happened when I was too hungry, turned on or both.

  Eye contact was made and I caught his attention further with a little help from vampire glamour. He walked abruptly away from the blonde and sauntered casually toward me, never taking his eyes off mine. In my peripheral, I noticed the blonde sulk and walk away in search of someone else to bring home with her. She was on a hunt, too? Cocking my head to the side, I noted the girl was not human but I did not sense she was Vamp either. Fae? Oh yes, I caught a whiff of the intoxicating aroma of the Fae blood. Any other time, I might have chosen to feast on Fae over human; even if it was from the female of their species. Not tonight, however. Tonight, I wanted all male. I wanted to feel the warmth of his skin, to run my hands over his hard abs and even harder cock. I wanted to indulge in testosterone. Glancing over to the pretty blonde, our eyes met briefly. Fear radiated from the female Fae but I shook my head, signaling that for tonight she would be safe from me. She was a pretty little thing, though, I thought.

  The man, dressed in expensive jeans and a tasteful shirt, wound his way through the crowd toward me. I knew he thought I was hot, it showed all over his face. I could tell by gently probing his mind that this would be easy. Really, not even a compliment because he’d probably go home with anyone. But nonetheless, he was sexy and dark and I wanted some of that.

  When he finally approached me, he put his mouth to my ear, “Can I get you something to drink?”

  I just smiled and said, “No, thank you. I’m not drinking tonight. Not alcohol.” I looked directly into his deep brown eyes. Promises unspoken.

  “What is your poison, then?” he asked me seductively, his eyes sweeping over me in appreciation of my well-endowed chest, flat stomach and long, shapely legs.

  “You,” I teased. “I want to drink you.”

  He smiled and ran his tongue over his lips, an action that was extremely sexy on him. It’s a shame that such a beautiful creature be so corrupt, I mused.

  I could feel the heat coming from the crotch of his jeans, an effect I seem to have on most of my prey. I grabbed his bulge and moaned gently. “Let's go,” I breathed into his mouth as our lips touched.

  “Your name?” he groaned as he grew harder beneath my touch.

  “Adina,” I said simply. “And yours is David.”

  “How did–” I broke his words off with a deep kiss, my mind caressing his with thoughts of warmth and wetness as my tongue explored his. He moaned again and grabbed my firm breast in his huge hand, his thumb tracing and teasing my nipple over my silky black top. I didn’t care if anyone saw this foreplay in the middle of the bar because with just a single look around the room, they would all forget they ever saw either one of us.

  “Let’s get out of here,” he begged; his mouth still on mine. “I have to have you.”

  I grabbed his hand in my own, leading him like a dog on a leash. His hands were so warm compared with the chill of mine. But he didn’t seem to notice, he was too caught up in his luck at the moment.

  The only heat on my body was coming from between my legs. I smiled at the thought that most believed that vampires weren’t capable of any type of warmth. Feel that, I thought. “Let’s go back to my place.” I turned to him. “We can take my car. It’s right here in the structure.”

  David allowed himself to be led to the Italian sports car. All he cared about was fucking this hot broad who seemed to want him just as badly. He didn’t even care about his wife who was at home watching bad television and thinking her husband was at a fancy business dinner. Again. She’d never find out, she never did. She knew he’d be home eventually and she was content to wait for him. I frowned as David’s thoughts made their way into my own mind. I decided I despised him. All men like him, actually. They made me sick but that didn’t stop me from using them like they used others.

  "Nice ride." David remarked while tenderly stroking his hand along the seat made of fine Italian leather, "You must be married to money to afford the luxury of a Pagani." His voice couldn't hide how impressed he was.

  Bored, I exhaled audibly. I didn't really care about this car. It meant nothing more to me than a mode of transportation bought by illegal drug money my ex-husband had made. Money that, upon our divorce, I had been given a hefty settlement from, "It was just a little something I decided to sink my teeth into." I responded, keeping my voice controlled and emotionless in hopes that it would make the conversation short lived. I didn't want to talk. I didn’t want to answer questions or listen to stories; I wasn’t in the mood for that. I only had one thing on my mind tonight and that was to get down and dirty.

  "Well, the hunk of change this gorgeous baby costs is way more than 'a little something'." He drawled, not picking up in my voice this conversation was over. He kept talking but I tuned him out until he sounded like nothing more than an adult from the Charlie Brown cartoons.

  The more David gushed about my Pagani Zonda C12F, the more annoyed I got and the cooler I became. I wasn't feeling that pent up heat anymore, the pulsing in my sex ceased and it upset me. The warmth I felt from sex and feeding was the only time I really felt what it would be like to be a real, live woman; something I would never get to experience. I needed to get him to shut up but I sure as hell wasn't going to feed in the car. I certainly didn't want to risk getting crumbs on my million dollar automobile. I did happen to have a little more respect for this machine than that. Besides, I wanted more than dinner; I had pent up yearning, I wanted to fuck first.

  Instead of attacking, I did what any horny vampire would do in this particular situation and tightened control over his mind. With silence settling in the car, I was able to relax in my seat and I drove the couple more miles to my condo.

  Taking a hand from the steering wheel, I grabbed David’s hand and placed it under my skirt. I needed the stimulation. I also figured he would get even more turned on due to the fact that I didn't wear panties. He would enjoy running his fingers along my skin as much as he enjoyed running them along the smooth leather of the car seat.

  I was right. I heard him draw a sharp breath as his fingers traced my bare folds, stopping to stroke my pleasure point. I was immediately thawed. See, I smirked to myself in the darkened car, it doesn't take much. I couldn’t help myself, I moaned softly, spreading my legs slightly, letting the warmth of that sensation embrace me as I maneuvered my car into the garage.

  In no hurry to move this tryst into the house, I lithely climbed over to the passenger seat, lifted my dress and straddled David.

  I began grinding over the hardness hidden in his pants. The roughness of his jeans mixed with the stiffness of his rod made the most delightful combination. I was thoroughly enjoying this foreplay; the currents coursing through me were electric. It had been a couple of weeks since I had sex and my craving was quickly rising. I briefly considered keeping him as my sex-toy for a few days and just dining on the blood I had stored in my fridge. He was as delicious looking as Lenny Kravitz and only God knew how long it would be until the next time I would have sex again. Dry spells were coming far too frequently these days.

  I stopped my hip movements before either one of us could climax and way before all the licking and sucking of his nipples and neck became bites leading to drinking his life nectar. I really wanted to fuck him before I feasted. Well, maybe I would have a tiny nibble now. Usually my playthings enjoyed it. The stories surrounding vampire sex were so very true, it was so much better than mortal sex, even for those fragile mortals themselves.

  I punctured a tiny hole in the soft flesh of his chest, right below the gold and diamond cross he wore. The licking and sucking motion of my sampling his blood while stimulating his nipple made him rock hard and he moaned even louder, “I’m going to explode.”

  We started our seated grind-dancing again. We were rhythmically swaying to a symphony of our own composing. Our moans were a rising chorus of desire with the crescendo yet to be reached. Our hands and mouths were busy exploring, tasting, taking, giving.

  I reached over David to the seat controller and reclined the seat as far back as it w
ould go. I needed him in my mouth. Sliding down between his legs, I worked the button and zipper exposing a thick, long, perfect specimen. “Oh my, my.” I purred, “What do we have here?”

  I took David’s cock in my hand and stroked it. He grabbed my hands, “Put it in your mouth, baby.”

  “You have no idea what I want to do to you.” Hovering my lips over his member, I blew gently on the tip causing him to shudder. Taking him all the way in my mouth, he cried out in ecstasy. His movements in time with mine.

  “I’m going to cum.” He moaned, gyrating against my face.

  Releasing him from my mouth, I lifted my head, “Oh yes, you will cum. But not right now.” Teasing him, I rubbed my lips along his shaft before climbing back on top of him, “Touch me.” I cried.

  “Oh I will. I’m going to touch you all over.” He nuzzled his face between my breasts, his hands cupping my ass and squeezing.

  “I want you everywhere.” I was so turned on, his mouth and hands traveled my entire body. His pulled me up to my knees and wrapped his mouth around my tight nipple as his hand trailed down to my clit. He began massaging me in circular motions using my wetness for lubrication. I was so near the precipice yet I wanted to prolong the sweet release. It was beginning to get uncomfortable, cramped within the confines of my car. I needed to be spread out so I could open myself to him.

  "Stop." I demanded. David looked confused so I kissed him passionately.

  "Come with me. We need more room for what I'm going to do to you." I smiled flirtatiously as I led him to my condo.

  When stumbled into my living room, David grabbed me by the wrist. I looked at him and realized he liked to control. Well, let's just see how much control we can give to him.

  I allowed him to lead me to the overstuffed sofa where he gently threw me down.

  "Take off your pants and bring me that hard, beautiful cock of yours." I commanded; not ready to relinquish authority completely.


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