Adina Falling (Threads of Fate)

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Adina Falling (Threads of Fate) Page 4

by Melissa Brodsky

  It was an all-night deal. I had gone shopping, of course, with Lucy and Morgan. We were dressed to kill, or at the very least, to seduce. I couldn’t remember what name was on my tag, it was black and backless. My favorite style.

  I had spotted Michael immediately. He emanated power, something I had always been attracted to. He was my type exemplified; I was obsessed before I even knew his name. I couldn’t stop myself from staring at him. And when I noticed he was returning the looks, I was a goner.

  After he had sent two bottles of 1986 Chateau Mouton Rothschild Pauillac to the table, he came and sat down next to me. He was attentive and charming and the next thing I knew, I had left my friends to continue my birthday celebration without me and I was led back to Michaels place for our own private celebration.

  He had a penthouse overlooking Central Park. It was all windows and open spaces. What I had failed to notice was the lack of warmth. Cold steel everywhere gave it an extremely contemporary feel but what I couldn’t have known then, but would soon come to find out, was how closely it represented his true nature. He was the stereotypical malevolent vampire written about in human literature.

  Michael started out as the perfect boyfriend. He showered me with expensive gifts, took me on exotic vacations and fucked me every which way. We did things I had only read about, things that didn’t even take place during the orgies in my mother’s living room. I was happily in love with him and he made me feel as though it was reciprocated.

  But then, he turned. His true colors starting seeping through the clever, expensive disguise he wore.

  He began unleashing his inner beast. He was from the blood of Lilith. The Vampire Devil herself. And, he was all mine. Or more along the lines of, I was completely his, even if it were the last thing on Earth I wanted.

  I was his hostage arm-piece with a painted on smile and luxurious clothes. He kept me drugged up on a fancy Fae blood mixture, his very own product. A potent combination for vampires that turned into a fortune for Michael. Our very own vampire Drug Lord. It kept me numb and docile and that was exactly how Michael, who went quickly from boyfriend to husband, wanted me to be. Docile. Fast to easily spread my legs and lips, letting anyone in. Only to be seen when he needed me to be seen, otherwise I was a prisoner in a very posh bedroom where he allowed his friends to fuck me too, on occasion.

  Our marriage, if it could even be called that, didn’t last long. With the help of his maid and also,as I had come to learn; his sex slave, Milla, I was able to escape. It was a plan that took a couple months to initiate. The idea was rather simple but because I was heavily guarded and drugged, the timing needed to be opportune. All we had to do was patiently wait for Michael to go out of town on a business trip, which was very often. Then, quite deftly, Milla slipped Michael’s drugs into the bodyguard’s drinks when she lured them into a room under the premise of a sex party. Never trust a vampire, even one that is sworn to protect and serve you, when someone is offering sex and drugs to them. They are weak, especially the men of our species. Pretty pussy was their Achilles Heel. Which works out well for women when they need to get something important done such as fleeing from a hell-hole of a marriage.

  While Milla was busy entertaining Michael’s two burly bodyguards in the form of blow jobs, I was able to pull myself together long enough to run from the penthouse to the waiting car and then make my way safely home where my mom and her husband were waiting to take care of me. Thankfully, Arthur was well connected with the Elders which backed Michael begrudgingly into a corner. Our divorce was final a month later, the only thing I got from him were threats that I would never be able to live without looking over my shoulder. He vowed to show up when I least expected.

  Sure enough, he kept his word.

  Terror tugged at me; I was not, by any stretch of the imagination, a scared woman. Due to the present circumstances of Michael standing directly in front of me, however, feeling fear was a spot-on emotion. There was no one around, the entire building emptied out during the day. The hefty mortgages of the expensive condos kept the worker ants working. I knew this because I had the luxury of working from home, a penthouse within this newly built, high-rise condo building. When the clock struck eight a.m, the human contents of the building emptied out into the parking garage and then tumbled its way into the major crossroads. Off to work they’d go, paychecks needed to be earned in order to afford the lives they had drowned themselves in.

  If I screamed, no one would hear. I felt like that old question, if a tree falls and no one is around, does it make a sound? Yes, I really do think of these things under times of duress. I was pretty positive I would make quite a loud sound, too.

  Michael led me to my couch and ordered me to sit. He stood over me like a father about to lecture his child. His hands planted on his hips, bent over at the waist to bring himself a little closer to my face.

  “What Michael? I’m a little busy so make it fast.” I was relieved my voice came out strong because I was shaking inside. Sure, he was a good looking man but I couldn’t understand what else I had ever found attractive about him.

  “Shut up, Adina. And listen. Closely. I’m going to say this once and then, I’m going to leave. If I have to come back, I can promise you that it will not be pretty.” His black eyes pierced through me. Eyes that, once upon a time, I had melted from now froze me to my seat. I wasn’t going to move, not even to open my mouth. He had my undivided attention.

  I nodded my head, my black pony tail bobbed up and down comically, “Okay.” I managed to squeak out. It would never cease to amaze me what this man could reduce me to. No wonder I explored such dark things in my writing. I guess, in a way, I should thank this vile person for my success.

  Michael began pacing, he seemed agitated. It was making me even more nervous because I knew, from past experience, when he got like this he had a tendency toward violence. I stiffened in response, in case I needed to protect myself. I wasn’t sure how I would be able to against Michael but I sure as hell would be ready to fight back, if needed.

  “I am watching you Adina. And under no circumstances are you to have anything to do with Xander Stark.” He laughed so sinisterly that it was almost funny. “I don’t need to tell you my reasons, they happen to be none of your business. Just know that if I find out that you have gone anywhere near him, I will have you both punished by permanent death. Do you understand me, Adina?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Michael.” I refused to make eye contact with him, he was too powerful and I was worried about what he might do to my mind if he had that opportunity.

  “Don’t play coy with me, you bitch. Have you forgotten who I am, Adina? Do you not remember what I am capable of?” I looked down at my hands; I could feel his eyes burning a hole through the top of my head, “Look at me.” He demanded.

  Looking up, I stared at his forehead hoping that would placate him, “No Michael, I have not forgotten.”

  “I have been kind enough to stay out of your life this long, Adina. I’ve let you lead your silly, pathetic life without interfering. Despite promises I had made when you left, I even let you carry on with those ridiculous things you called affairs.” He paused, waiting for my reaction.

  “Well gee, Michael, you’ve been so very generous. How can I ever repay you?” Sarcasm oozed from my words.

  “You are never to use that tone with me, you whore. Yes Adina, that’s what you are, nothing but a stupid cow of a whore. You were better off when you were with me. At least the entire world didn’t have to be tortured by your autobiographical stories in the guise of erotic fiction.” It was apparent that Michael was trying to beat me down so that I would obey him. There was no way I’d let him win.

  “Why thank you, you’re too kind.” Before I could even react, he slapped my across my face. Raising my hand to the stinging area, I swallowed down the tears that threatened to escape. “You mother fucker. How dare you come into my home and attack me.”

  “Oh please, save y
our whimpering for some other fool who pretends to give a shit about you.” He laughed, raising his hand again as though he were going to repeat the slap.

  “Tell me what you want and then get the fuck out of my house, Michael.” I warned, I felt my fangs start to protrude and it wasn’t desire coaxing them.

  He laughed again, “Have I angered the great Adina LaCroix, bestselling author and Queen of Blow Jobs?”

  I wasn’t going to fall into this trap he was setting, “Get to your point, Michael.”

  “My point? I thought I had made that perfectly clear, Adina. Xander Stark is a no-no. You are to go nowhere near him. Is that clear enough for you to understand?” He spoke smoothly but I caught an undercurrent in his voice, one that soothed me. He was mortally afraid.

  All I could do was open-mouthed gape at him, think deer-in-headlights. I knew nothing about Xander Stark except that he met my mother; she liked him so she gave him my number, which he used in order to ask me on a simple date. I didn’t know who he was, what he did or where he was from. In fact, I had no idea how I would even recognize him on Friday and I would potentially be wandering around the restaurant in search of a single man waiting on a blind date. It was clear, however, that Michael knew exactly who Xander Stark was. And there was something about Xander Stark that scared the shit out of the Michael Diamante. Seeing Michael this scared, even though he was masking his fear with anger, did something to sequester my own terrors that surfaced in the presence of this man.

  Suddenly, for the first time since I had known him, the chills Michael evoked from me left my body. It was a weight that had lifted, I was freed. I wasn’t terrified anymore. Because there was actually someone, for some reason, that frightened the piss out of him. It showed a weakness I had never witnessed before. He became almost…human. I had to look down at the ground to keep from laughing in his face.

  I had no doubt that he was deadly and he would make good on his word. But I didn’t need to live in dread of him anymore. There was a bigger ant out there waiting to squash him all over the cement.

  As I sat on my hand and crossed my fingers underneath my butt, a silly old superstition used when telling lies, I nodded “Yes, Michael. I understand. You took time out of your very busy to pay me a visit in person, to inform me that I am not to go anywhere near this person named Xander Stark. You are using scare tactics and insults to try to intimidate me into doing what you want. Yes, Michael. I completely understand.” I kept my tone as even as possible. I wanted Michael to leave and the only way to make that happen was to look right into his face and lie.

  Really, the only thought running through my mind was that my curiosity had been officially piqued. I needed to know more about this Xander Stark and what it was about him that had Michael in a panic.

  Besides, an enemy of my ex-husbands was definitely someone that needed to be a dear friend of mine.

  Michael left as abruptly as he had shown up. Something must have made him feel very threatened to lure him out of hiding. He lived everywhere else but Michigan which was perfectly fine with me. I enjoyed not having to randomly run into him like I have with so many other lovers. Except, my other lovers were generally kind and oh-so-normal, which could have explained why I hadn’t kept any of them around for very long.

  He glared at me one final time before slamming the door behind him. I watched as he flew off back to whatever pit of Hell he came from. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that some of us are able to fly. I can but not for long distances. A day trip to New York is totally doable but Paris is another story. At any rate, I prefer using my car for transportation, it’s much more comfortable. And there is no chance of getting bugs caught between my teeth.

  Questioning my desire to make a trip to the mall, I had lost that shopping lovin’ feeling; instead I paced the length of my condo. It was about 3,000 square feet and I walked back and forth for close to an hour, my mind racing with questions that I didn’t have the opportunity or desire to ask Michael during his little visit.

  For starters, how did Michael know I was fixed up with Xander. I mean, I hadn’t even had an opportunity to tell anyone. And what was it about this Xander character that made Michael’s fangs curl? Also, what exactly did Michael do for a living? I never really did get the whole low-down when we were together. I was mostly baked on Fae blood, zoned out and oblivious. The only thing I knew about him was that he made a lot of money selling this illegal substance and I doubted very much that he got the blood from willing Fae.

  With my mind made up, I grabbed my purse and headed out the door, certain there wouldn’t be anyone waiting outside lurking, redirecting me from completing my mission of finding the perfect outfit. I just needed to clear my head and pacing through my place wasn’t an effective head-clearing device.

  I impressed myself, after the initial shock of Michael’s surprise visit along with the powerful knock across my cheek; I was only a little bit fazed. A tiny bit shaken but not stirred. Take that, Bond. I may be a vampire but I still believed in a higher power and was confident that Michael would meet with some sort of Karma. I just hoped that I would be standing there, watching with a smile plastered to my face as I watched his self-righteous look change to one of pure agony.

  Not feeling much like being alone, I made a decision to stop over at Morgan’s house before doing anything drastic like buying an outfit. Crying babies could actually prove to be a much needed distraction from the thoughts flooding my brain. I had hours ahead of me, the mall was open until 9 p.m.

  Jumping into my car, which still smelled of David’s cologne, I headed out of Birmingham and drove east toward Rochester. Morgan and Gal live in one of those new subdivisions, bursting with mini-mansions built on tiny lots. Her kitchen window had a lovely view of her backyard neighbor’s kitchen window. They could basically request a cup of sugar without ever leaving their house. The only thing separating their yard was a small tiered deck and a lap pool which was the only size in-ground pool that would fit onto the narrow lot.

  The main thing was that Morgan was extremely content in her life. She had everything she had ever wanted and more. Gal was an exceptionally successful business attorney to exceptionally successful Fae business people. He was on everyone’s retainer which meant big bucks in the bank accounts. Again, I wondered how Morgan was able to avoid the sweet temptation of his ambrosia-like blood scent. I had to sip on their stored blood the minute I walked into their home, Morgan had to keep a large stash, Gal’s scent had that effect on every vamp that walked through their doors. Even when Gal wasn’t there, the residual odor of him made my mouth water profusely.

  It was nice to have a friend whose house I could just show up at. Open invitations were unspoken from both of us, that was just how we were. Neither one of us had siblings so we compensated by filling that little gap in for each other. We were as close as any blood sisters could possibly be.

  I pulled into her circle drive, cut the ignition and walked up to her door. Before I could even knock, Morgan was there with a smile.

  “I had a feeling you were going to show up. Good, the twins are in rare form and I could use a second set of arms.” She moved aside so I could walk in.

  “Where’s the Nanny?” Morgan was rarely alone; somebody was always there to help her. Gal was thoughtful that way.

  “She went out with some of her other Fae friends last night. They went to Birmingham. She never came home. No call, no email; absolutely nothing.”

  We walked toward the living room where here red-faced, shrieking babies were fussing in their bouncy seats. For a moment I considered making up some sort of excuse so I could run out of there. That would have been a bad move since Morgan so clearly needed me there.

  “Strange.” I muttered, wondering for a moment if the beautiful blonde Fae I had seen David picking up last night, before I so rudely interrupted, was Morgan’s new nanny. I hadn’t met Lorella, she had just taken over a couple weeks ago when their other one decided to leave.

  We each threw a bu
rpy-cloth and baby over our shoulder and began bouncing. Within seconds, the baby screaming stopped and we were able to carry on a semi-adult conversation.

  “Yeah. It’s so unlike Lorella, she’s been so responsible, an absolute pleasure to have around. So are her friends. They are good kids. I spoke with her friends employers, none of them have returned home either. Gal is looking into it, they are from his village. I heard that there have been Fae disappearing all over the world. And quite a few vamps have gone missing, as well.” Morgan shuddered.

  I watched my friend bounce her baby, I couldn’t tell which twin it was, she had a look of concern lining her face, “Morgan, I’m sure Gal will find them. They probably got drunk and hooked up with some guys. I mean, don’t you remember those days, pre-adult life?”

  “Yeah, of course. Listen, Gal told me not to mention this but you know how I am about keeping secrets.” She was definitely torn about whether or not to share with me. And secret keeping, especially gigantic secrets, were not her strong point. I loved my best friend dearly but if I didn’t want something spread about me, I didn’t tell her. Conversely, her rather big mouth did prove helpful occasionally.

  “Uh-huh, I know all about you, my friend.” I agreed as the twin burped and sighed contentedly.

  “Over the last year, more and more Fae have been disappearing off the face of the earth Adina. Gal has a suspicion that Michael has something to do with it.” Her stare was so intense that I shifted slightly in my seat.

  “Honestly, it wouldn’t surprise me. He is the anti-Christ, if there is such a thing.” Gal’s thought made perfect sense. Michael needed Fae blood in order to produce his vamp drug called Akalorle. The drug seemed to be finding its way into the human Black Market under a different name, and what better way meet the demand than to kidnap the Fae for their blood supply?


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