Adina Falling (Threads of Fate)

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Adina Falling (Threads of Fate) Page 9

by Melissa Brodsky

  Kissing the back of my neck, he whirled me around, “Shouldn’t you call your friends and let them know you’re okay and that you have a ride home?”

  “Oh wow, I can’t believe I completely forgot about them! They’re probably worried sick.” I had just disappeared without telling anyone. They were all so busy; I hadn’t wanted to interrupt them. I had just figured I would be back in time to go home with them.

  I grabbed my phone from my Alexander McQueen handbag. Surprisingly, there were no missed calls or texts which meant Iris probably figured I had gone somewhere with Caleb. I quickly sent out a group text letting them know everything was fine, I was alive and I’d be getting a ride home.

  “Let’s go, my dear.” Caleb led me to a different, more industrial staircase, which was a stark contrast to the one that had led us to his quarters.

  We came out through a stainless steel door which opened into a huge garage housing some of the most expensive cars I had ever seen. He grabbed a set of keys out of a safe and walked me over to an exquisite Hybrid Supercar by Jaguar, an automobile that cost in the millions. It was one of my absolute favorite cars and I let out a squeal.

  “I take it you like this vehicle?” He opened my door and I reached across and opened the driver side.

  “Like it. It’s my favorite car on the planet.” I ran my hands along the dash, marveling in the sexy perfection that was displayed on this piece of machinery.

  “Consider it yours.” He was serious, “I will deliver it to you over the weekend.”

  “Oh no, I couldn’t accept something of this magnitude. Caleb, we’ve only just met.” The intensity I felt for him was undeniable, “We don’t even know each other. I have some serious baggage, Caleb. I mean…serious.”

  “As do I. But know this, I will always help you to carry your load, no matter how heavy it could become.” He backed out of his massive garage structure and headed toward the expressway, “However, I do need to know where you live.”

  I gave him directions to my condo and we sat in comfortable silence, each lost in our own thoughts. Fingers intertwined as our bodies had been just moments earlier.

  Breaking our peace, Caleb spoke softly, “Adina, I have many things to tell you. Things that will take more than a few moments to share. Can I pick you up on Saturday, we’ll spend the day together.”

  He sounded so serious; I was a bit concerned, “What is it?”

  “Oh, it’s nothing to worry your pretty little head over and I shouldn’t have even mentioned it this late at night. Promise me you won’t obsess over it, there is absolutely nothing to worry about.” He squeezed my hand reassuringly.

  “I’ll try not to but, being that it’s in my nature to obsess, I can’t make promises.” I squeezed his hand back.

  The ride went too fast and he pulled up in front of my building. I almost wept as I leaned over to kiss him goodnight.

  “Caleb, I—“ I wanted to say something but I couldn’t gather my thoughts enough to form the appropriate words. I was tired and felt a bit emotional. All I could come up with was, “Do you have my cell number?” I didn’t remember exchanging contact information.

  “I’ll get it, don’t worry. I’ll call you in the morning. Not too early, though.” I kissed him lightly on the lips and climbed out of the car.

  “Goodnight, Caleb.” I gazed at him, trying to memorize every angle of his face so I could picture him clearly as I went to sleep.

  “Goodnight, Adina. I promise you, this is not goodbye, we will be together again. Saturday. And no obsessing!” The look he gave me spoke more than his simple words. Yes, we would be together again, I knew that and it comforted me.

  I gently shut the car door and waved as he pulled away. I kept waving, even after the glow of his tail lights were out of view.

  Hugging myself, I turned and made my way to my condo. It was time for sleep, exhaustion overtook me.

  Climbing into my California king-sized bed, I snuggled myself under my down blanket. I turned toward the window; the white blinds a backdrop for me to conjure up Caleb’s face. I wanted it to be the last image saw before slumber swept over me. I prayed that his face would be enough to chase away the nightmare that plagued me.

  The day passed quickly between phone calls and texts with Caleb. He enjoyed teasing me about my evening plans but I figured it was due to slight jealousy on his part. After all, the woman he had just met and instantly connected with was about to go out with another man.

  I was delighted to learn that we had quite a bit in common, despite a large age difference. He was a fairly old vampire, born over 150 years ago in London, England. I couldn’t even fathom how many changes he had seen over the course of his life. It was surely astounding to think about.

  He spoke about being raised by his mother, he never knew who or what his father was, aside from being a vampire. He shared memories of people he had known that were long gone. He had been married briefly to a human; she died during childbirth and their daughter died a few days later. He told me that he never remarried. He never met anyone he felt as though he couldn’t live without. Until me.

  I let him in on my life, too. I told him I, too, had been married but I was ashamed to tell him more about Michael. I knew the time would come and I would open up more. It took me longer to bare myself; I had a guard that I had to coax into standing down.

  The only thing that remained unspoken was what he had mentioned in the car the previous evening. I didn’t bring it up even though I had wanted too. I had figured it would be best to let him reveal his thoughts to me when we met for our Saturday date.

  Finally, after talking all day, it was time to say good bye. I had to get ready for my date with Xander, who had called earlier to confirm. I had hoped, when I saw his number flashing on my screen, that he would be canceling. Luck hadn’t been on my side.

  I enjoyed dressing up, even when it was for an event I wasn’t whole-heartedly invested in. Looking good was more for me than for anyone else.

  I left my hair down, allowing it to flow smoothly down my back. I applied my make-up and then pulled on my dress I had bought especially for this auspicious occasion.

  Standing in front of the full length mirror on my bathroom door, I inspected myself. I knew, full well, how beautiful I was. I also knew how lucky I was to be one of the attractive ones. My looks, however, were just a part of what defined me. It was the casing, the shell for what was inside. And that wasn’t so bad either. I considered myself to be a good person. Yes, person.

  I deserved someone like Caleb Locke. I didn’t get the feeling that he would ever intentionally hurt me. Because we had exchanged our blood, I had a tiny part of him flowing through me. In turn, he had a tiny part of me coursing through him. We were now connected in a way that humans would never get to experience. When Vampires exchange blood during sex, no matter how small the amount, emotions are enhanced. Love can become more intense than even an orgasm.

  Groaning, it was time to get going. I texted my mother to let her know I was headed out to meet my date. She texted back and requested that I call her immediately afterwards, she wanted to hear every detail. She spelled everything so wrong that even autocorrect couldn’t help her.

  I made my way to Royal Oak, where Ronin’s was located. Sliding up to valet parking, I was grateful to see a sign stating that it was free to valet park but “don’t forget to tip the driver on the way out”. I didn’t have much cash with me, I usually only carried credit cards.

  A young, eager boy with an awkward smile opened the door. It was part of the job, I knew. But it was a nice gesture anyways. I swung my long legs out first, letting him have a glimpse up my short skirt. I loved making boys blush.

  I grabbed the ticket, which he held out to me and I brushed his hand with a manicured finger. I could smell him, the rise in his hormones. I knew the effect I had on men of every age and it was something I brought out and played with every so often.

  Heels clicking and hips swaying seductively, I walked
toward the restaurant door. I slid past the doorman who nodded his head in approval and watched me walk in.

  I hated blind dates as much as I loved male attention, one of the many ironies in my life. Hopefully, this would be the last blind date I would ever be forced to sit through. I had the promise of a budding relationship waiting for me to nurture with Caleb Locke.

  This one, this Xander Stark, was different though. I knew based on Michael’s reaction. I needed to find out for myself, seeing what Michael could possibly be so threatened by.

  I walked past the hostess stand and into the crowded restaurant. I reeled for a minute; it was easy to forget how sensitive I was to scents and sounds, especially when they accosted me all at once. I walked to the bar area where sex, desperation and loneliness were masked by beautiful clothes and simple conversations. It was the usual variation on a theme in the singles scene.

  Xander had texted me earlier and requested that I meet him at the bar. As inconspicuously as possible, I glanced around looking for a lone male. I was disappointed, usually I was able to pick my dates out of the crowd, and crowded this place was.

  Feeling a cool hand on my neck, I whipped around and locked eyes with one of the most beautiful men I had ever seen. Two times in less than twenty four hours, I was awed by male beauty.

  “Xander?” I suddenly felt dizzy, I stumbled backwards and a hand grabbed my arm as I was about to fall.

  “Adina?” He looked concerned, “Are you alright?” He still held onto my arm, helping me to maintain my precarious balance. I didn’t mind, the surreal feelings and waves of dizziness hadn’t passed and did not seem like they were ever going to. He was my life support at the moment.

  “I—I need to sit.” I faltered. He led me to a bar seat, the man sitting on it jumped up quickly to allow me access, and helped me as I sat.

  I couldn’t stop staring at Xander Stark. His hair was dark and long. His eyes were such a piercing, stunning blue that I could swim in them. He radiated power, determination and leadership.

  This man who stood before me was, up until moments ago, a complete stranger. I had never been in his presence before. I would have remembered him.

  Yet, this very man. This Xander Stark who stood before me looking confused and concerned, I knew his face. He was hauntingly familiar. The way his hair waved and his eyes danced, I knew him.

  The last thing I remembered thinking before I began sliding from my barstool on my way to passing out on the floor was Xander Stark was not a stranger. Not really.

  There was a reason our paths had crossed. Call it coincidence or call it fate, they were so closely related that the difference was indistinguishable. All I knew was that the delicate threads of our fates, Xander’s and mine, were now interwoven.

  Melissa used to tell everyone she was going to be a writer when she grew up. Well, she is suddenly a grown up and it looks like she was telling the truth.

  Living in a modern-day "Yours, Mine and Ours" household, Melissa is the biological mother of 3 children and the full-time stepmother to her husbands 2 children. On some days, she may even be considered "evil"...and not just as the stepmother!

  With a strange vampire fascination since she was young, it was only natural that Melissa began writing stories about the Paranormal.

  Coming December 2013...

  Thread Two in the Threads of Fate Series: Adina Rising

  Table of Contents





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