Aspirant 2: A Sci-Fi Harem Adventure

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Aspirant 2: A Sci-Fi Harem Adventure Page 10

by Maxx Whittaker

  Her vines spasm with each pass, and I get the impression that its involuntary. I don’t care. It feels amazing, like she’s jerking me off by accident, and in moments I’m close to finishing again. She is, too… Her deep, husky moans get more and more desperate until…

  She cums violently, pussy trembling against my face as the vines twist around me one last time. I finish so hard it hurts and I moan against her burning lips as I spatter my stomach and her back with hot cum.

  “Fuck,” I whisper when she slides back down my chest. Lines of mercury thread her new form, cutting apart the comic book colors like she can’t hold the shape. She slides further, dragging her pussy through the cum pooled on my stomach before straightening.

  She repairs her guise, grinning down at me with lips the color of fresh blood. She’s gorgeous, and her cartoon form is so perfect. It’s unbelievable. Auburn hair wreathes us as she bends toward me, and thick tits pool on my chest as she kisses me once. Hard. “You like this?” she whispers.

  “I don’t… I don’t even know if I’m awake right now,” I laugh.

  Astra sits, biting her lip like it’s not the answer she expected. “Hmm. Maybe a different form?”

  “Wait, that’s not–”

  But she’s already changing. I watch in disbelief as her body shifts through a dozen forms like she’s trying to decide on her favorite. A dozen women at least, movie characters, celebrities, cartoons, anime characters… She flows through their forms, body changing shape as fast as thought. Finally, she pauses, thoughtful, and I can hardly breathe.

  She pauses, her body a redhead from a cartoon in my childhood that I hardly remember. “Still not right,” she winks. “Wait, I know.”

  One last change. I stare, rapt, as her proportions shift unbelievably… Hair so deep red and thick it looks like one mass, ruby lips in a perpetual pout, tits so large and buoyant there’s no way gravity applies to them, red sequined that winks in the low light like it’s made of thousands of rubies, long hips and legs that wrap me tight… And she’s a cartoon. Again.

  “Your favorite, I think,” she says in a voice like liquid smoke.

  I reach up with a trembling hand, and even though I can feel her weight on my stomach, I still can’t believe it as my hand runs up her stomach, under her dress, and then further until I lift it free. Animated tits like a horny teenager’s dream lift with it, dropping and bouncing so hypnotically I almost cum a third time right then.

  Astra purses her lips. She doesn’t smile… I’m not sure if the character is capable of it. “You… I can’t believe… You’re so…”

  “I’m just drawn this way.” Her words are sultry, her voice like liquid sex. She raises and backs up a little more, pauses with her pussy hanging above my cock. “Or maybe I am bad.” With that, she drops, enveloping me in her heat.

  For a moment, I’m sure I’m about to black out. She feels so fucking good, so impossibly perfect. And the sight of my very real cock driving into the pussy of my first animated fantasy girl… I can’t even think.

  Astra smiles, answering that question. “Sam, I think you might have a thing for redheads.”

  I can only nod as she starts slowly, fucking me in long passes that leave me powerless. Her pussy is tight like it’s molded exactly for me. Considering what I know of her, maybe it is. I reach up, running my fingers along nipples the same cartoon shade as her lips, and when she moans I harden further, if that’s possible.

  For a moment, I lose myself in our rhythm. Staring up at her as she bites her lip, as her unbelievable tits bounce with each thrust, as her perfect pussy pulls me closer and closer to spilling again… It’s hard not to go with this. To lay back and let it happen. To turn off my mind and believe that I’m being screwed by my teenage masturbatory fantasy.

  But Astra watches me a little too closely. Responds to my reactions too quickly. She doesn’t close her eyes and lose herself in the press of our bodies like she should. Like I want her to.

  Something’s not right. Which is really, really hard to admit when you’re balls deep in fantasy made reality.

  “Astra, wait.”

  She stills instantly, confirming my suspicions. Her face screws up in concern. “What, Sam? Isn’t this your fantasy?”

  “Mine, maybe,” I say, sitting. I grip her waist so she doesn’t move. She’s so tight, so incredibly snug around my cock that it almost finishes me, but I grit my teeth and take a long breath. “But not yours,” I finally finish.

  “What…” She blinks, still not understanding. “What does–”

  “This isn’t just about me, Astra. I mean… Yeah. This,” I say, running my hand along her flawless, vibrant curves, “is just about the sexiest thing that I’ve ever experienced. And that’s saying a lot, considering the last few days.”

  “Good,” Astra murmurs, grinding me even deeper and thrusting her tits against my chest.

  “Oh, God… Astra, if you don’t… Let me finish.” God, I’m so close. Every part of me screams to release, to spill inside her. To let this dream come true happen.

  But no.

  “Astra.” I hold her hips tight, arresting her teasing. “This isn’t your ideal fantasy.”

  “But I want to make you–”

  “You don’t have to do all this to please me, Astra. This is incredible, but not for both of us. Molding your body, your image, even your…” I cough, motioning downward. “When you change every part of yourself to please me, this isn’t about us anymore. And I want it to be.” I run my hand along her cheek and she closes her eyes, leaning into my touch. “This is as much for you as it is for me. That’s what makes it perfect. Not all this.”

  Astra frowns, looks lost. “What should I do?”

  “Like I asked before: who do you want to be?”

  There’s a long pause as she just breathes slowly, watching me. Finally, she smiles. “Thank you, Sam.” Then she changes, melting and shifting, her figure shrinking. The sensation of her body changing as she still hugs my shaft is unbelievable, something I’ll have to unpack later because I’m busy marveling as she flows back to herself in a few beats of my heart. From cartoon to real. From impossible proportions to very human. From cartoon to Astra. She’s back, every detail perfect.

  Except one thing. Her hair’s strawberry red instead of dark brown.

  “Hey,” I tease. “Didn’t we just talk about this?”

  Astra leans forward slowly, kisses me like she never wants to stop. But she does, tracing a path to my ear. “Wanting to please you and being myself don’t have to be mutually exclusive.”

  It’s such a perfect thing to say and is so Astra. I laugh into her throat. “In that case, I’ve got this weird kink about tails…”

  She pulls back, eyes wide. “What? Well, I can…” She purses her lips as I grin. “Very funny,” she grunts, tightening her insides like a vice around my cock.

  “Ohhhh Jesus,” I moan.

  “Better.” She loosens her grip, sliding up my shaft as she shoves me back to the bed. Her eyes roll back as she takes me back inside, and she pants softly as she falls against my chest.

  We don’t speak, don’t tease, after that. This time we do lose ourselves in each other’s bodies, in the pumping of my cock into her delicious pussy. Her mouth ravages my chest, my neck, my lips; she explores me with her fingers and tongue. I suck her little nipples, nipping and earning yelps that clench her pussy around me tighter with each bite. But this time, they’re natural reactions of her body, not calculated movements and changes to please me.

  When she cums, shuddering against me so hard that she loses form for a split second, it’s real. Satisfying. And so absolute that it drags me over the edge with her.

  She lays against me for a long time after, breath feathering my chest. Finally, she raises and kisses me softly. It’s almost chaste. “Thank you, Sam,” she says again.

  “Protip for human relations,” I say, smiling against her lips. “You don’t have to thank your partner for sex unless you pa
id for it.”

  Astra sits up, which momentarily blanks my mind considering the fact that I’m still inside her. From half-mast to hard as a rock in seconds. Goddamn, I love Citadel upgrades.

  She cocks her head. “Maybe I don’t like human relations.” She sticks out her tongue. “Maybe I’m making up my own rules.”

  “I can deal with that,” I bite out. “Or maybe you’re an evil AI, harvesting my human essence for your nefarious schemes.”

  “If I had any, I’m not sure how your essence would help.”

  “Speaking of which,” I say. “Where… Um. Well, you don’t have normal girl parts, right?” I can’t believe I’m about to ask this, but the Citadel’s kind of thrown the normal rules of appropriate conversation out the window.

  Astra raises an eyebrow, waiting.

  “I mean… Where do you keep it?”

  “Anywhere I want it.” She winks and, closes her mouth. When she opens it again, my thick load rests on her tongue.

  I gape as she shuts her full lips and swallows theatrically.

  Was I hard a moment ago? I can’t remember, but I’m definitely hard now.

  She shakes her hips back and forth, smiling. “We have a few hours til the others wake.”

  I grip her ass. “Then let’s make the most of them.”


  Null Chamber

  Aspirant #1

  Room Timer: ERROR


  I wake by degrees, and it takes me awhile to make sense of the tangle of limbs and flesh that surround me. I don’t move, not at first. Soft snores brushing my ear, snores I’m intimately familiar with, help me make sense of the situation.


  She clings to me like she’s afraid I’ll disappear if she lets go, an arm across my chest and soft leg slung across mine. She nuzzles my shoulder, warm lips feathering my sweat slicked skin.

  My chest swells at her touch, and I have to fight back sudden tears that prick the corners of my eyes. She’s here, and she’s alive. And the fact that she’s joined us in bed confirms what I already knew. She’s as accepting of Astra as I am.

  And she’s naked. Her body presses against mine, deliciously thick. God, I missed her.

  Where’s Syl? I don’t see her. Maybe still recovering?

  I don’t remember falling asleep, but considering the hours with Astra just before, I’m not surprised Mika wrapping herself around me didn’t wake me up. The AI was, unsurprisingly, tireless. Adventurous yet somehow almost chaste. Shy, until I’d get her going. I shiver, remembering.

  At my other side, she mimics Mika’s position. One trim leg is threaded between mine, and her arm is curled, fingers twined with Mika’s. Her eyes are closed, and she breathes softly, almost imperceptibly. Does an AI need to sleep? Is she faking, or forcing herself into some kind of shutdown to feel more human? I know it doesn’t matter, not really, but she’s so human most of the time that it’s easy to forget that she’s not.

  Soft footsteps, padding across the carpeted floor. If the room wasn’t so still, so silent, I wouldn’t have heard them. Or maybe it’s the Citadel’s upgrades or my burgeoning sense of self preservation. I’m getting used to my life being in danger all the time, so maybe heightened senses are a natural byproduct.

  Whatever the case, I’m already watching when Syl comes into view. Even walking across a room, her reptile grace is breathtaking. Multicolored scales reflect low lights and the fireplace, and despite her casual movements she’s danger incarnate, body poised and composed like she can spring into killing mode in an instant.

  She leans against the wall at the foot of the bed, arms crossed. The little half smile, so subtle on her alien face, is almost imperceptible. Guess there’s something about almost dying with someone that teaches you to read them. Or maybe that’s what came after. Her slender, muscled body is effortlessly sexual, and I don’t hide my gaze as I take in her glittering curves.

  God. Two beautiful, perfect women in my arms, and I’m mentally undressing the one who’s not? How the hell did I get so lucky?

  None of that matters if we don’t get out of here alive, though. Before falling asleep, Astra and I decided on our next move. Now I just need to wake Mika so we can tell the others.

  But God, I don’t want to move. This is heaven, more than a random blue collar shmoe like me ever deserved, and the only thing I’m missing is Syl in this bed with us. Mika’s curves are so hot against my skin, and the way Astra’s fingers rest in hers on my abdomen…

  It’s been an exhausting night, but goddamn. I’m ready for more.

  Syl’s smile widens as she stares at my crotch. Like she can see right through the thick blankets to what’s hardening underneath.

  I open my mouth to whisper to the girls, wake them. What happens after…

  But wait.

  Syl’s eyes widen, and like a viper, her hand whips out. Her onyx claws extend like dark spikes a heartbeat before she stabs downward.

  At the bed.

  I don’t have time to move. To take hold of her wrist with my mind to stop her strike. To wonder if she’s lost it and is attacking for some reason. It all happens so fast that it’s over almost before it’s begun.

  Agony. Cutting into the muscle of my leg.


  But she’s not done. A bellow of pain and betrayal barely clears my lips before Syl’s wiry muscles bunch and she yanks. Claws, dug deep into the bed and my flesh, hold as she tugs the entire mattress and its three occupants off the bed frame. The alien’s so strong that Mika and Astra tumble away when we hit the ground like they’ve fallen from an enormous sled.

  Twin cries of confusion and anger from the girls are drowned out by my shriek as the claw in my leg tears flesh to shreds as it punctures deeper.

  There’s something else, another noise from behind us that I can’t process because the pain is so consuming, so sudden. Five seconds ago, I was on the bed contemplating the world’s first four way involving an alien and a computer program, and now this. Whatever’s going on behind me, I’m not even close to thinking about it.

  I look up to Syl. “Why?” I can barely speak.

  “Sam!” She shouts, face stricken. She yanks her hand back, out of my leg, which brings on a wave of fresh agony so white hot I almost vomit. “I did not mean–”

  Another crash from behind us, louder. It sounds like a building’s foundation behind torn to pieces. It’s enough that it snaps me from my shock and I finally twist to see what the hell’s happening.

  A blade, enormous, black. Jutting from a wall ripped almost in half. It withdraws before cutting inward again, showering us with sharp splinters and bits of stone.

  The Shepherd.

  “No, no, impossible,” Astra shouts. She sits on the ground, skootching back toward the opposite wall like she’s incapable of thought. Of anything but escape.

  “Sam!” Mika shouts. She’s already tearing a long strip of material from the bedsheet. Her muscles flex and the sheet tears easily, something I know she couldn’t have done before the Citadel. “Here.” She grabs my good leg and tugs, and I bump unceremoniously past Syl, my bare ass sliding along the carpet. The alien’s legs are bunched, claws extended like she’s going to leap for the black blade the next time it punches through the wall.

  I put a hand on her ankle as Mika tugs me to the far side of the room. “No,” I groan. “Escape. Have to get out of here.”

  Syl nods and turns away as Mika wraps the torn strip of bedding around my leg just below the knee. “Syl, get Astra!” She tugs the tourniquet tight, and a fresh wave of agony hits me, so bad I almost black out. No orange lights appear above us to heal my wound; when we got here before, Astra had to use her computer terminal to turn on the ones that took care of Mika and Syl’s injuries.

  There’s another explosion of sound and wood from behind us. The Shepherd tears a furrow sideways through his other two giant slices, and when he retracts a section of wall big enough to crawl through collapses in a cloud of
dust and wood.

  Syl lifts Astra like a doll, setting her on her feet. The AI hugs herself defensively, never tearing her eyes off the wall. She mumbles, over and over: “Not possible. Not possible.”

  Mika stands, turns to shake the AI. “Astra!” She shouts into a face gone silver from fear. “Sam’s hurt! We have to go! Now!”

  A slow blink. Astra’s glassy eyes turn down, take in the mess of blood staining the carpet below me. “Sam…” She whispers.

  Another blast of sound and fury. I don’t turn to look, don’t want to know. How many more hits can the wall take before the Shepherd can step through? Why didn’t it just appear in here with us? How can the wall take so much punishment?

  I shake my head. None of that matters. I’m getting delirious.

  “Astra, help,” Mika begs, frustrated tears running down her cheeks. “We need to leave. I don’t know your systems… I’m not fast enough!”

  “Please. Astra.” God, the pain is so fucking bad. You’d think almost dying a dozen times and being rebuilt over and over would get me used to this, but it hasn’t. At all. “Hurry.”

  The AI’s eyes widen, and she finally shakes her head. Color flushes through her, and she stumbles from Syl’s grip. “Oh, Sam! I’m sorry,” she shouts over another crash. “I didn’t–”

  “Don’t apologize… Just get us out of here!” I yell, trying to soften the words with a smile that probably looks horrifying through the excruciating spasming in my leg.

  Astra’s shaking like a leaf, but she nods and dashes to where Mika’s furiously studying the wall of panels and monitors. Her fingers stab out and dance over two keyboards at once, so fast that I can’t follow her movements.

  Or maybe that’s my injury. I’m starting to feel loopy from blood loss.

  Scaled arms against my naked skin. Syl’s, under my knees and at my back. She picks me up in the classic princess pose, and at any other time I’d be insulted and try to stand, but at the moment all I can do is blink at her gratefully.


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