A Pack Divided (Cascade Storms Book 1)

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A Pack Divided (Cascade Storms Book 1) Page 4

by Claire Ryann

  Haley had rounded the corner of the kitchen wall and her jaw had dropped clear to the 1960's orange and green linoleum tile. He'd had his back to her and she just stood there motionless, watching him bend over with the old stock pot to scoop out another 10 quarts of snow, his shoulder muscles flexing, his biceps bulging as he scraped the ice into the pot before she got to watch those perfect leg muscles lift him back to standing while he tossed the contents of the pot over the wall of snow and bent to dig out another scoop.

  His torso had been covered in droplets of what she was pretty sure was sweat, despite the frigid conditions he was working in.

  When he realized she was behind him he had turned to face her, his chest broad and heaving with exertion. A fine smattering of dark hair graced the flat pecs that looked every bit as good as they had felt when her hands had been against them yesterday. The hair came together along his breast bone and created a trail that ran through the valley between the sculpted 6 pack and finally disappeared under the waistband of his pants.

  She almost hadn't even noticed the wide grin on his face, the way it spread across his features and lit his eyes when he caught her staring at him. The wayward curls that fell around his face pushed back and damp from a combination of melted snow and sweat.

  He'd looked so thrilled to catch her in the act of fucking him with her eyes. Cuz, oh yeah, that's so what she'd been doing right then.

  Her head tipped back and her hand strummed her clit till her body was buzzing. She could feel the release on its way and her other hand mindlessly reached out to steady herself in the shower.

  It was one of those old fashioned, free-standing tubs and the shower was just a pipe jutting up from the faucet with knobs for the hot and cold water attached about halfway up. The shower curtain was attached to a circular rod that went all the way around the tub on little hooks. It wasn't very sturdy, since the only support it had was where it bolted on to the pipe just below the shower head.

  Her breathing was jagged and her imagination was filled with vivid images of Daelan's biceps bulging as he held himself poised above her. She could almost feel his thick forearms bracing himself over her, and she imagined what his cock would feel like pumping in and out of her in the same rhythm that she was currently using to slide her first two fingers into her center.

  The feeling built and the orgasm began to tumble through her, her eyes were closed, and her feet stumbled slightly on the slick surface of the tub. Her free hand grasped blindly and latched onto the metal beneath it.

  The water went cold, the shower curtain came down, and just as her orgasm picked up steam, she found herself screaming for entirely different reasons as the cold water berated her skin in the avalanche that was part Haley, part shower curtain, part curtain rod, and all unsatisfied ending.

  Add utter humiliation.

  Before she could recover, a knock at the door startled her back to reality. Then a heavy crash and the door burst open, the little hook and eye bolt pulled from the soft pine molding around the door.

  "Are you--"

  There he stood. Every bit the picture she'd had in her mind just seconds before he'd literally broken down the door to make sure she was all right. All tousled hair and bare chest and dangerous flashing eyes as he assessed her situation.

  This time it was his turn to drop his jaw.


  He'd spent all night concentrating on learning who she was. Determining the situation, calculating his odds, weighing the consequences, trying to resist the overwhelming urge to push her into the soft cushions of the sofa and sink his face between her legs until his lungs were so filled with her scent that he would smell it forever.

  This morning he'd been so worked up from the effort of keeping his hands off her, he'd gone outside and dug a 12 foot long trench through 6 feet of snow with an enameled stock pot he'd found in one of the kitchen cabinets.

  The damn thing had frozen in his hands after a few scoops but he'd kept shoveling until his fingers ached from the cold steel while his body was drenched in sweat from the work.

  He'd kept digging and scooping with the pan till the aching erection that begged to fill Haley with his seed finally subsided. He'd kept working till his muscles begged to rest.

  Just when he'd finally started to feel some semblance of control, his lungs had drunk in air that was filled with her scent again. She was awake, and standing in the kitchen, watching him work. And her scent was heavy with the thick, sweet-spicy aroma of want.

  So much for keeping his hard-on under control.

  Haley had squirmed under his gaze, knowing she'd been caught with her mouth hanging open and her panties damp and it was only because he'd already worked so much of his extra energy off already that he'd been able to hold himself back.

  He was relieved when she'd hastily excused herself to take a shower.

  Daelan had finished the trench and brought in another armload of firewood. Judging by the sputtering flame on the stove that morning when he'd made coffee, the propane wasn't going to last much longer and another storm was headed their way.

  He knew there was a good chance they could end up properly snowed in with no escape from the cabin other than that attic window.

  If that happened, it could be days before he could back to the den. He'd left a message with the kid when he'd gone to get the truck, but he was sure it was just a matter of time before Rek sent a search party after him.

  Looking toward the place where Haley had been standing just moments before, Daelan considered his options. If his hunters found him here-- if they found Haley-- he was alpha now, but if he saw this through he didn't know how much longer that would last.

  And if he took a mate? A mate that the pack didn't accept?

  Daelan stood in the trench he'd dug out of the snow, oblivious to the cold on his naked skin, and tried to wrestle his demons.

  He'd stacked wood close to the door so she didn't need to go out to the wood pile. There was enough food in the kitchen to get her through a few more days. He couldn't get the truck out of here without a good set of chains, but it would only take a day of travel by wolf to get back to the den where he could alert authorities and get help back up to the cabin to dig her out and move her into town.

  She'd be OK without him.

  Without him might be the only way she'd be OK.

  Daelan's shoulders sagged. He took another deep inhale of her lingering fragrance on the air and then he turned away from the cabin and hit the snow below the patio deck on all four paws.

  If he really wanted to protect her, this was the best way to do it.

  He had made it to the woods on the far end of the cabin's property when she screamed.

  It was a startled, frightened, somewhat pained scream from inside the cabin. Not the sound of her calling for him, discovering he had left. Something had happened to Haley. Leaving was no longer an option.

  Daelan knew this would seal his fate, but he had to go back.


  Daelan didn't stop to wait for her answer from the other side of the door. He launched his shoulder into the thick wood and felt the latch give way on the other side. The door flew open and he stumbled into the bathroom.

  It took a fraction of a second for his body to adjust to the humid warmth of the air after spending all morning in the snow. As soon as his head cleared and his eyes focused, he saw her crumpled in a heap in the oversize tub.

  His worry lifted and he would have laughed at her predicament if he could have.

  The scent that had been filled with want earlier was now thick with need and from the look of things, it seemed obvious that she'd been working on doing something about that.

  Haley was folded into an uncomfortable-looking heap in the big tub. The curtain had come down and had her trapped with her knees bent and her hand pinned between her thighs. The circular rod that had held the curtain in place had also collapsed and fallen so that it encircled her at an angle that pinned her free hand in the plastic curtain. Cold
water continued to trickle down from the show head and Haley was helpless to get herself untangled.

  She stared at his intrusion with startled eyes that were both filled with relief and embarrassment.

  "It's not funny," she said dejectedly. She demonstrated the extent of her bondage by attempting to raise her left arm. It was the one wrapped in the plastic curtain with the rod weighing down across it. Her shoulder lifted but her arm made little progress. On closer inspection, the curtain was securely under her naked bottom, restricting movement.

  "I said it's not funny!" She raised her voice in a warning tone but it cracked on the last note as she fell into a fit of giggles.

  Daelan stopped fighting the urge to laugh, letting his amusement take control of his face.

  Haley's head fell back against the side of the tub, laughing hysterically for only a minute while he turned off the water and began disengaging her from her wrappings. Then she shut her eyes tightly till tears squeezed out the corners.

  "This is so embarrassing," she whimpered as he pulled her free of the rod and polyvinyl prison, "I"m so sorry."

  "For what?" he was genuinely curious how she could be sorry for this as he lifted her arm to his shoulder and then gently pulled her other hand from between her legs so that he could lift her up.

  Her fingers brushed his beard as he move her hand and the intoxicating scent that betrayed how she'd no doubt ended up pulling down the shower curtain drifting so close to his nose that it felt like an explosion had gone off inside his head.

  Somewhere outside of himself he vaguely heard Haley's gasp as his mouth closed over her fingers.

  His arm closed around her body and brought her against him as he pulled her onto her feet. Not onto her feet, off of them. He lifted her from the tub, holding her tightly against his chest as he sucked the flavor from her fingertips.

  Daelan was headed for the bedroom. It was only a few feet away but he still wasn't sure he was going to make it that far.

  Haley was naked, her skin was chilled from the cold water but her heat was building with each movement of his tongue. Little moans made their way through her lips as he half carried, half pushed her through the doorway toward the bed.

  Finally, his journey ended at the side of the bed. He was able to set her down and let his hands roam over her body freely.

  His mouth left her fingers and sealed against her lips, pushing past the soft exclamation that escaped before his tongue slid between them.

  He let her slide down his chest to her feet and then pulled her firmly against him. His hands ached to touch her everywhere, starting with roaming over her shoulders down to her breasts and letting the heavy orbs rest in his open palms.

  Haley's mouth left his, her back arching to press herself into his grasp as a moan slowly echoed through the room. Her hands were wrapped around his upper arms, holding him for support as his thumbs move across her nipples.

  Daelan noticed how small her hands were, they barely reached halfway around his biceps when he wasn't flexing. He imagined her hands wrapped around his cock and it was enough to send fire coursing through his veins.


  She'd been cold from the stupid shower water. She'd accidentally turned off the hot water when she was in the shower and when she jumped at the unexpected temperature change, the whole thing had crashed down on her, leaving the cold water pouring over her till Daelan had come to her rescue.

  Now she was over hot. She'd been so embarrassed that she'd still had her fingers trapped between her legs when he'd barged in she'd barely noticed she was naked too. As soon as he'd freed her hand that wild look had come over him and seconds later this is where she found herself.

  It was like something had taken over him but there was no way she was going to question it right now. He was kissing her. He was rubbing his thumbs across her nipples and making them strain against his touch. Then suddenly, he had his mouth on one while the coarse canvas of the work pants went between her thighs.

  The move pushed her backward, taking her feet out from under her as he laid her down on the bed behind her.

  He bent with her, his bare chest following her body down like he couldn't stand to stop touching her but as they fell onto the bed, he moved down her body.

  Haley sucked in her breath as his intention became obvious. He was on his knees beside the bed and his hands gripped her hips and yanked her ass to the edge. Then he lifted her feet and pushed them back so that her knees were raised giving her little choice but to allow her thighs to fall open and make room for his hungry mouth.

  It always made her nervous when a guy tried to go down on her. She'd been known to pass on being the main course just to avoid the anxiety. It was hard for her to believe that guys really wanted to lick her there.

  Daelan really wanted to lick her there.

  His hands were braced against the inside of her thighs, one by her knee, the other much higher on the other leg, gripping the hinge of her hip. Both hands were firmly pushing her legs farther apart as his tongue slid into her seam. He wasn't tentatively going through the movements as though this was a mere obligation. Nothing about the feel of his mouth against her suggested he was hesitantly sampling her juices in anticipation of something unpleasant.

  His mouth was firm, his tongue eagerly seeking the source of her pleasure as it explored her delicate folds. The tip of his tongue drew down, dipping into her center and then lapped through the pleats of her labia till it reached the swollen nub of her clit.

  Then stars exploded behind her eyelids as her back arched, driving her mound against his face.

  His lips locked against her, his tongue greedy for her pleasure as it coaxed her out of her mind.

  Haley was vaguely aware of her fingers twisting the sheets around her, her heels digging into the edge of the mattress as she abandoned her senses to the feel of his beard against her skin. His tongue was relentless as the hand that had held her knee moved toward her center.

  She felt him slide his fingertip along the edge of her opening and she forgot herself, lifting her ass off the bed slightly to beg him to stop teasing.

  His finger slid into her and her hips bucked. She was panting, so close to the breaking point. Then a second finger joined his first, his lips now sucking gently but insistently on her clit as his fingers slid in and out of her body, stroking her inner walls as they moved.

  Her hands made a sudden move to tangle into the soft curls on top of his head. She felt her body tightening, coiling up before the final release.

  One slight change in pace on his part and the world exploded around her then through her. She felt the climax rip through her, shattering her, and then rebuilding her as she settled back into the down comforter that topped the bed.

  Her muscles were melted marshmallow, one foot lost its grip on the bed and fell limply beside Daelan's shoulder.

  Aftershocks rocked her body as he continued to lap at her with feather light movements of his tongue.

  Sliding his fingers slowly out of her, he rose to his feet and stared down at her. The gleam in his eyes was molten as he licked his fingers clean of her extract.

  That seemed so dirty, for him to just stand there licking her off his fingers while he looked down at her like that. She watched him through heavy eyelids and a new surge of need ran through her.

  Haley barely had time to appreciate the view before it got so much better. Without taking his eyes off her his hands unfastened the buckle of his belt and then the fly of his pants, letting them slide down his hips and hit the ground with a soft rustle of canvas and the jangle of the metal belt buckle.

  Her mouth fell open in a small O as his cock sprang into view.

  That was a little different than she'd imagined in her fantasy. It was bigger and thicker and harder than she'd thought was possible for a cock to get. It stood up from a thick patch of deep brown fur at the base of his happy trail. It curved proudly up and gently back till it just touched the smooth skin of his flat stomach. The veins runnin
g along the bottom were strong and almost visibly pulsing while the head was a deep purple crowned with a drop of glistening precum at the very tip.

  It was so hard it looked painful as he took his own shaft in his hand and circled it with his thumb and index finger. The look on his face as he slid his hand down to the base was pure art. His jaw tightened, his eye lashes fluttered, his lips pursed for a barely controlled exhale.

  Haley's pulse pounding in her ears. She needed him inside her about 5 minutes ago. She lifted herself on her elbows, eager to reach him but he didn't give her time. He climbed onto the bed, pushing his knees between hers and forcing her thighs wide to give him room. His mouth was on hers again as his chest pressed against hers.

  She felt the broad head of his penis slip through her folds and then felt his hand between their bodies. He gently rubbed himself against her, making sure she was ready and stoking her desire till she was clawing at his shoulder and begging to feel him inside her.

  Daelan lost his resolve, she could see his playfulness slip out of his control and the untamed look take over. He pushed past the tight gate of her entrance and sank deep inside her with a choked groan.

  Haley stiffened under him. She could tell his was trying to go slow but she could feel his control slipping. Her body was being pushed to its limits, expanding around him as he bored deeply into her. By the time he was fully seated inside her she was quaking with short gasps, her nails digging into his sides as she raised her knees and rocked her hips to make more room for his size.

  Holy shit, this guy was humongous and once he gave her a second to adjust around him, it felt amazing to be filled so completely.

  He waited for her breathing to calm a tad before tightening his arms around her shoulders and beginning to thrust. His hips drawing back and pistoning forward again, driving into her with long, fluid strokes that caused her tunnel to pulse and contract to pull him greedily inside her.

  Haley caught up to his rhythm and met his strokes with her own. Their speed increased until she felt her body begin to shake with the promise of an even greater orgasm than the last one.


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