The Mists of Sorrow: The Morcyth Saga Book Seven

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The Mists of Sorrow: The Morcyth Saga Book Seven Page 51

by Brian S. Pratt

  Yes, he is.

  What he did was out of survival. They are doing it out of choice and that is the difference. The day he no longer looks for better alternatives will be the day he can count himself as being just as they are.

  The rest of the evening passes well. A traveling minstrel sets up on the platform at the end of the common room and they sit and listen to him all night. When James finally reaches the point where he can no longer keep his eyes open, he takes his leave.

  Upstairs he finds Brother Willim in deep discussion of one theological idea or another. Off to one side of the room, Aku is asleep on the floor. Miko shrugs when he glances questioningly to him. “He wouldn’t sleep on the bed,” Miko explains. “The look on his face when we tried to get him to was one of distrust.”

  “I don’t think he’s ever been on a bed before,” Brother Willim replies. “At least other than with Aleya.”

  “As long as he’s comfortable,” James says. “Try to get some rest. We’ll be leaving tomorrow night.” They both nod and as he closes the door, resume their discussion. Too much is on his mind as he makes his way down to his room. What will tomorrow hold? Will they be successful? And what may await them should they manage to reach the teleportation dais here in Zixtyn and make it to the High Temple?

  Once within his room he undresses for bed and his eye catches sight of the barest sliver of a moon out his window. Tomorrow night will be when Killian’s Shroud blinds the giant’s eye. A shiver runs through him as he turns away from the window and climbs into bed.

  Chapter Thirty Seven


  Since they were first brought here to this dark cold place, the daily routine has been just that, routine. Three meals a day, a new slops bucket twice a day and the continual appearances by those strange little creatures who like so much to stare at them. Only once had the routine ever changed.

  A man had grown sick. Tinok didn’t know the man and he was being kept in the cell adjacent to his, but one day the man started coughing. Nothing serious, just a cough every now and then. Perhaps it was due to the cold, the inactivity, or something else, but the cough progressively worsened over the course of two sleep periods. With no way to tell time, Tinok has grown to judge it by the times when he sleeps.

  After the second sleep period, one of the cowled figures appeared and moved to the cell containing the sick man. The cowled figure then opened the cell and entered. Moving across to where the man was lying on the cold stone floor, it stopped next to him.

  A hand, rather emaciated with the skin tightly stretched around the bones beneath, emerges from the robe’s sleeve. A small flask is gripped by the hand and is brought forward to the man. The poor guy is now trying in vain to scoot away but another hand emerges from the other sleeve and grabs him.

  The man panics and his coughing fit increases badly as he struggles against the hand holding him still. Then a word is uttered by the cowled figure and the man suddenly grows quiet and still. Once he’s completely quieted down, the hand holding the flask put it to the man’s mouth and poured its contents between his lips. Unable to do otherwise, the man swallowed the liquid.

  Standing up, the cowled figure turned toward the door and left. During this time, not a single prisoner within the cell the cowled figure entered tried to escape or fight. Maybe it was the feel of the place or the uncertainty that escape would even be possible, but they remained where they were.

  Shortly after the door shut and the cowled figure departed, the man was able to move again. Several hours later, his cough cleared up and he felt well. Whatever that stuff was that was poured into him, it definitely cured him.

  That was many sleep periods ago. And from that time to now, there was only the routine. Today however, things felt different. There was an urgency in the air that wasn’t there before. A feeling that something was going to happen and that it wasn’t going to be good.

  Also, the little creatures that had been such constant companions since they first arrived, are absent. After their second meal of the day was brought and consumed, the man in armor again appears. Four of the cowled figures accompany him. They begin to open the cell doors and have those within come out.

  “Man I don’t like this,” says Esix as he and Tinok, along with the others in their cell, are brought out to stand with the others.

  What Tinok wouldn’t give to have his knives in his hand once again. “I don’t either,” he replies.

  They’re lined up and then the warrior priest begins leading them down the passage. Going in the opposite direction than that which they did in coming here, they move along until they come to a steep stairwell leading down. The warrior priest enters the stairwell and begins descending the steps.

  “Where are they taking us?” Esix asks.

  “Nowhere good I’m sure,” Tinok whispers back.

  What dim light there had been in the cell area is all but nonexistent as they enter the stairs. With barely enough light to see the person before them, they follow cautiously as they descend down the steps.

  Moving straight down, the stairs come to an area where the wall on their right suddenly ends. Unable to see any great distance, they have the feeling that where they’ve entered is a large underground cavern. The echoes of their footfalls give them that feeling more than anything else.

  When at last they come to the end of the stairs, the warrior priest turns around and begins following the wall beneath the stairs they just came down. As they continue to follow the warrior priest, fear begins to grow in their hearts. The source of the fear isn’t apparent, but Tinok can’t help but stare into the darkness of the cavern. Beyond all reason, the source of the fear comes from there.

  Behind him, Tinok can hear one man beginning to pant from the fear he’s feeling. Another starts mumbling to himself. Trying to shut out the noises of the others, Tinok concentrates on placing one foot in front of the other as the fear he too is feeling works to take away his ability to function.

  Then his fear suddenly spikes as a shadow passes close by. Darker than the darkness that surrounds them, this shadow draws every eye until it again disappears back into the darkness.

  “Wh…wh…what was that?” stammers Esix, fear very evident in his tone.

  Unable to formulate words, Tinok simply shakes his head.

  The warrior priest at last reaches a cell that looks to have been dug out of the cavern’s side. Basically a hole in the wall with a line of iron bars enclosing it. The door is opened and the prisoners are ushered inside.

  Once they’re all in, the door shuts and the lock clicks closed. Then the warrior priest turns and fades into the darkness as he leaves them. The four cowled figures leave with him as well. The darkness is somewhat abated by a subtle light that fills the cell area. Where the source of the light is, is anyone’s guess.

  The fear they’ve all felt since first entering the cavern still remains with them. Most of the men move as far back away from the front of their cell as they can. Tinok, to his shame, is there with them. Staring out into the darkness beyond the bars of their cell, he prays.

  Night has fallen and the group gathers for one last meal before they make the attempt to gain entry into the temple. The mood is somber, even Aku has picked up that something is different than it was.

  “This is truly a saga of the ages,” Scar says at one point.

  “What do you mean?” asks James.

  “If we survive this, what a tale it will make.” He glances from one to another. Then with a grin he continues. “How Scar and Potbelly saved the world.”

  Everyone grins, some actually laugh. “Perhaps another name might be appropriate seeing as how you two aren’t even in the entire tale,” says Jiron.

  “I guess it would all depend on who was telling it now wouldn’t it?” Potbelly asks in all seriousness. Then his face breaks into another grin as laughter rolls forth.

  “Are you going to sit on the bank of that river when this is all over?” Jiron asks James.<
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  “Man you know it,” he replies. “I think each of us has had enough adventuring for awhile.”

  “What do you mean enough?” asks Scar. “This is the most fun we’ve ever had!”

  “You got that right,” pipes up Potbelly.

  “So what do you plan to do?” asks Stig the pair. “Still going to get one of those hell hounds and put it in the Pits?”

  “Why not?” Potbelly exclaims.

  “Be the best money maker we’ve ever had,” adds Scar.

  Silence falls for a moment then Jiron says, “I would just like to see Tersa again. See how her teddy bears are coming along.”

  “Every woman in Cardri will be making them before long,” Shorty says.

  “Perhaps,” agrees Jiron. Then he looks to Aleya who’s sitting next to him, propped up against the wall behind her chair stands her bow and a quiver now full of arrows. Jiron had managed to find a fletcher here in Zixtyn and bought her a score.

  “There’s been something I’ve been meaning to do for a long time,” he says as he gazes to her.

  “You have?” she asks.

  “Yes,” he replies. “And if I don’t do it now I may not have a chance to later.” He takes her by the hand which begins to tremble in expectation. “Aleya, though we have only known each other such a short time…” he trials off as he has to clear his throat. He sees her nod for him to continue.

  “I’m not what you could say a great catch. Not rich, never home and likely to be killed at any time, but…”

  “Yes?” she asks with a catch in her throat.

  “Would you be willing to be my wife?” he asks. The whole room becomes silent as everyone in the room strains to be able to hear her reply.

  A single tear runs down her cheek as she nods. “Yes my dear Jiron,” she says. “I would.”

  “Yes!” exclaims Stig and the others clap as the engaged couple share a kiss.

  “A toast!” hollers Scar.

  “Yes, a toast,” the others say as the ale in their mugs is quickly refreshed. Once everyone’s mug is filled, they turn to James who suddenly realizes he’s the one they’re looking to make the toast.

  Getting to his feet, he turns to the couple and says, “Not very good at this, but here it goes.” He sees a reassuring nod from Jiron and a smile from Aleya. “To Jiron and Aleya, may the life they embark upon be filled with joy, happiness, and lots and lots of children!” At the mention of children he sees Jiron’s eye’s tighten in panic but then relaxes when he realizes there’s some time before he’ll have to worry about one of them coming into their lives.

  “To Jiron and Aleya!” the others say and raise their cups.

  Then Scar comes forward with two beautiful silver cups of fine workmanship. “Jiron had informed me earlier today that he planned to do this,” he explains. “So the rest of us went out and bought these as a gift.”

  Potbelly comes forward with a bottle of wine. Opening it, he fills each of the cups before handing them to Aleya and Jiron. “Can’t have the first drink you two share after something like this be just ale.”

  “Thank you,” Aleya says as she takes hers.

  “Yes,” Jiron states. “Thank you all.” Taking his cup, he entwines his drinking arm around hers and they both drink at the same time. Cheers and applause erupt as they finish the wine to the last drop.

  Setting their cups back on the table, they gaze into each other’s eyes. Then Jiron leans forward and gives her a kiss. She returns it. Her eyes close and when he breaks off the kiss, her head lolls to the side.

  “Sorry my love,” he says to her as he picks up her unconscious body and carries it over to the bed. Laying her down, he turns to James and asks, “Do you think she’ll ever forgive me?”

  “Only time will tell,” he says.

  “Is everything ready?” Jiron asks Scar.

  “As ready as can be,” he says.

  Jiron gets up off the bed and then turns to Reilin, Shorty and Stig. “If you don’t see her safely back to The Ranch, I’ll personally hunt each of you down and kill you.”

  Stig lays his hand on his shoulder. “Only our death is going to prevent us,” he says, “rest assured.”

  Earlier that day, Jiron and James had come to the conclusion that where they are going, it would be pure folly to take Aleya and Aku along. Reilin, Stig, and Shorty agreed to escort them back to The Ranch starting at first light. He wanted Scar and Potbelly to accompany them as well, but they would not be denied their chance to have some fun. Said they were tired of always being left behind.

  “Okay then,” Jiron says. Coming back to his Aleya, he bends over and kisses her upon the forehead and moves a few errant strands of hair from out of her face. “How long will she be out?”

  “Most of the night,” Brother Willim says. “The leaves of the Acriptia plant are most affective at such things.”

  “We better get going,” Jiron says.

  James turns to Reilin and says, “Shorty is coming with us as far as the temple complex. Should things go bad, he’ll return here and the rest of you get out of town before they come for you.”

  “It won’t come to that,” he says.

  “Let’s hope not,” agrees James. “But just in case…”

  “I know, get out of town,” finishes Reilin.

  Miko shoulders the pack containing the Book of Morcyth and Brother Willim takes his staff. When they’re ready, Jiron turns to Shorty and Stig. “Thank you for doing this for me.”

  “You can pay us back by buying a round at the Squawking Goose,” Shorty tells him.

  Jiron pats him on the shoulder, “I don’t know if I’ll have that much money.”

  They laugh, a nervous, sad laugh.

  “Come on,” he says and heads for the door. Just before he leaves he glances back one more time to his betrothed lying on the bed. “This really is for the best,” he says to himself. Then he leaves the room.

  James follows right on his heels with Brother Willim and Miko coming next. After them follows Scar, Potbelly and Shorty. The rest remain within the room.

  Down in the darkened street, James glances up to where the dark moon must be rising. The hackles on the back of his neck rise as a shiver runs through him. With Jiron in the lead, they make their way across town until the temple complex comes into sight. Earlier he located a deserted building where they could hide until the time came to make their play.

  Once they’ve all entered the building and the door is closed, he moves to the window giving the best view of the entrance to the temple grounds that he plans for them to take. “How are we to know when the rite begins?” he asks.

  “Those of us who can sense magic will know,” Brother Willim states.

  “I hope so,” he says. “I don’t want to cut this too close.”

  “We won’t,” James assures him. “As soon as it begins, we go.”

  Jiron nods and continues looking toward the complex. He sees the guard pass whose path takes him by the entrance every ten minutes. According to the way the other guard’s routes lay, two minutes after this guard passes by the entrance is the best time in which to go.

  Four times the guard passes by the entrance before James begins to feel an increase in the prickling sensation which comes when magic is being worked nearby. He glances to Brother Willim and sees him nods. “It’s time Jiron,” he tells his friend.

  “Okay,” he says from the window. “The guard will pass by again in a couple minutes, then we can move out.” They crowd around the window and look toward the entrance in the outer wall of the temple complex. A few minutes later, the guard appears. “Let’s go,” Jiron says once the guard has passed by the entrance.

  “Good luck,” Shorty says before they head out.

  Jiron turns to him and pats him on the shoulder. “You too,” he replies. “See you back at The Ranch.” Moving out, he leads them quickly toward the entrance to the temple grounds. This area is deserted, not even animals are present this evening. Almost as if they know somet
hing is about to happen.

  Upon reaching the opening in the wall, Jiron brings them to a halt while he moves forward and enters the opening. On the far side he sees the back of the guard that had recently passed in front of the opening on his way over to between two of the smaller auxiliary buildings. Once the guard has moved between them, he waves for the others to follow and runs across the grounds. There’s only about a five or six second window before another guard makes his appearance. If they haven’t reached the side of the building directly across from the entrance by the time he does, they’ll be spotted.

  No sooner does Miko, who’s the last to reach the building, presses himself against its side than the expected guard makes his appearance further to their right. Emerging from between two of the smaller buildings, he turns and walks along the face of the one to his right. Then he disappears a few seconds later as he rounds the corner and begins working his way back.

  Run and wait. Once it’s clear, they run again. Step by step they make it closer to the temple’s entrance. They possibly could have done this without the diagram, but they would have left a wake of dead guards behind them. And with that many gone, it would have been almost impossible for someone not to notice.

  Once they’ve made it to the corner of the building directly across from the double doors which are the temple’s entrance, Jiron gathers them close. “A guard will appear in one minute from around the left side,” he explains. “He’ll move across the front of the temple toward the left then turn and go around to the back. Once he disappears around the corner, we have less than a minute to get to those doors and through before two other guards will appear from there,” he says as he points to the building on their right, “and there,” he concludes, pointing behind them.


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