Wolfsbane: An Infinite Arcana Novella (Werewolves of Boston Book 1)

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Wolfsbane: An Infinite Arcana Novella (Werewolves of Boston Book 1) Page 9

by SJ Himes

  Hands gripped his hips and Jameson stood in one long, smooth movement, graceful even though he was huge. His admiration impossible to hide, Rael let Jameson carefully tug him forward and into the shower. The spray was hot, steam rising from the floor tiles. Jameson stood under the spray and blocked the hot water, pulling Rael to him, and Rael closed his eyes, every fiber of his being focused on how Jameson felt, naked and hard and hot against his abdomen. His own cock was pressed unabashedly to a rock-hard, thick thigh, and he whimpered in amazed joy at the novel sensations.

  Slippery fingers glided over his back and shoulders, suds running down in rivulets, and he leaned into each stroke, each touch, pushing back even while clinging to wide shoulders, pulling Jameson closer. A throaty chuckle made him lift his head, eyes blinking open from a haze of thought-obliterating lust. Lips caressed the shell of his ear. “Let’s get clean first, then we can get to bed.”

  Rael nuzzled along a chiseled jaw, nipping and kissing scruffy flesh, the taste of Jameson on his tongue, a small growl inching up from his chest. “Bed.” He nipped Jameson’s chin and suddenly his mouth was taken in a deep, dominating kiss and he growled again, encouraging more. They broke apart, panting, and Rael could feel his fangs and claws, eyes hot, surely glowing that bright blue that Jameson appreciated so much he spent a fortune on a gem to match them. The same gem that hung still from Rael’s neck, dripping with water, and Rael recalled enough sense to lean back, keeping the silver from touching Jameson’s skin. “Alpha. Bed. Now.”

  Each word was a growl, and Jameson heeded them, angling the shower head to wash away the soap from their bodies, and Rael wondered how out of it he was if he couldn’t recall Jameson cleaning them both. He didn’t care all that much, though—he wanted Jameson’s hands back on him, immediately.

  The water cut off and Jameson lifted him with one powerful arm, and Rael wrapped his arms and legs around Jameson tightly as he could. Jameson knocked the shower door open, and he carried Rael from the bathroom, both of them dripping water in their wake, the air in the hallway cold, the contrast to wet, hot skin electrifying.

  The rest of Jameson’s apartment passed in a swift blur, and they landed on a soft surface with a bounce, Rael under Jameson. He tightened his legs around Jameson’s lean waist and rolled his hips up, hands tugging and gripping muscled shoulders. Jameson chuckled, the sound morphing into a deep growl, and clawed hands held him down, pressing him into the bedding. He whined, needing more. “Jameson,” he breathed out, fangs making the alpha’s name rougher than he intended, but Jameson responded exactly as he needed him to—mouth taking his, heavy torso holding him in place, hips rubbing so their cocks brushed, and sensations exploded through Rael’s nerves.

  Gold eyes glowed in the darkness of the bedroom, and Rael wanted to feel those eyes on him forever. The gaze of a predator, which made his nerves thrill and squirm to escape, and a conflicting desire to bite and be bitten hit him. Flight and fight and fuck.

  A big hand grabbed his cock and stroked, and he thrust his hips upward into the touch. A thumb rubbed the slit at the head, gently revealing the crown as the foreskin receded. Tightening his legs around Jameson, Rael tugged insistently on silken strands of hair and gripped Jameson’s head, pulling their lips together, the kiss deep and drugging.

  He whined into the mouth over his as that big hand squeezed and stroked, and then his whole world exploded when the grip changed, and the long, thick length of Jameson was pressed alongside his cock. Jameson stroked them both, and he panted and bit the lush bottom lip of the alpha torturing him.

  Jameson growled quietly, a deep sound that pulled at half-formed instincts that yearned to answer from deep within Rael’s spirit. He wanted to come, his orgasm gathering at the edges of his body and yet it wasn’t enough. He wanted, needed, more.

  Rael slid a hand down between them, their kiss full of teeth and tongue, and found where Jameson stroked them both, adding his hand to the mix. Jameson slid his other arm under and around Rael’s shoulders and held him tightly, unrelenting in his touch and kiss. Rael gasped at the heat he found beneath silky skin when he slid his fingers around the base of Jameson’s cock, then downward to gently pull on heavy balls.

  “Sweetheart,” Jameson growled in his ear after breaking from the kiss, hips thrusting hard before he reined himself in. “Tell me what you want.”

  “Come all over me,” Rael whispered brokenly, pushing his hips up, wanting more friction.

  “Anything you want,” Jameson promised, and nudged Rael’s hand away.

  Rael grabbed Jameson’s shoulders and held on tightly. That big hand wrapped around their cocks gripped harder, tighter, and that damned thumb rubbing the crown slicked by precum made Rael squirm. Teeth gripped the side of his neck and suction left him gasping, and the rolling destruction of his orgasm exploded inwards, unraveling him down to his bones. Cum spurted over his stomach, and Rael keened, arching his head back into the bedding, and Jameson’s huge frame stilled and grew taut, a growl rending the air, full of primal satisfaction. Jameson came in long spurts over Rael’s belly and up toward his pecs, hot lines marking their mutual pleasure.

  Breathing hard, Rael went limp, legs falling wide, shaking, and he jerked as Jameson gently released his grip on their cocks. He gathered Jameson to him, encouraging the bigger man to rest on top of him, his weight holding Rael together. Sweat-slicked skin under his fingers shivered as Rael trailed his fingers over the hard muscles and long lines of Jameson’s back and shoulders, glorying in the ability to touch as much as he wanted.

  Kisses along his neck sent a ripple down his spine and Rael laughed, breathless. He felt Jameson smile against his neck, another kiss making him giggle. He slapped a hand over his mouth and tried to wiggle away, and Jameson lifted his head to reveal a massive smile, eyes glinting. “Ticklish?”

  “Not usually,” Rael said through a grin, too tired to squirm anymore.

  “Just after sex, huh?” Jameson pecked a tiny kiss to the tip of Rael’s nose. “Good to know.”

  “No, no tickling,” Rael whined, getting a devilish wink in response.

  “Be right back, just relax.” Jameson rolled off of Rael and left the bed, heading for a darkened doorway off to the side, and Rael figured it was the en suite bathroom when he heard water running. Jameson came back, and Rael flushed at the sight of a naked Jameson prowling back toward the bed. Long legs and arms, broad shoulders, a six-pack, and hard thighs. A thick, uncut cock and a neatly trimmed groin clearly visible in the light from the street and Rael felt his body stir in response.

  A cold washcloth swiped at the sticky mess on his stomach and Rael jumped, making Jameson wince. “Sorry, but neither of us want to be stuck to the sheets in the morning.” He finished and then tossed the washcloth across the room, and Rael thought he heard it hit a wall, and he burst out laughing, arms lifting to Jameson to encourage him back to bed.

  Grinning, Jameson yanked at the blankets, and Rael climbed under them and then wasted no time slipping into Jameson’s arms when he joined him. He snuggled into powerful arms, legs entwined, and pressed his nose to warm skin and hard muscle. Sated, happy, and smiling, Rael sighed contentedly when a kiss landed in his hair. Jameson held him securely, and the steady thump of the alpha’s heart followed him into sleep.

  Chapter 10

  Waking up in Jameson’s bed was better than he ever dreamed it might be—especially since Jameson was still in it, wrapped around him like he feared in sleep that Rael would slip away.

  Rael was warm and happy, and for once didn’t feel like he was still in need of hours’ worth of sleep just to crawl out of bed. He was not a morning person at all, but he felt like he’d gotten meaningful rest after having sex.

  His face went hot and he buried his nose in the pillow they shared. Jameson mumbled in his sleep and his arms tightened around Rael. Sunlight fell over the bed, bright and inescapable, and Rael was wide awake, despite the enticing lassitude of a soft bed and his lover’s warm body.

  He had to pee. Grumbling about inconvenient bodily functions, he slid down a bit until he was out from under most of Jameson’s bulk, and after a slow breath, Jameson let him go enough that he could climb awkwardly out of bed. The entire room smelled like Jameson, not at all unpleasant, and a part of him relaxed even more, content to be in his alpha’s personal space.

  Thinking of Jameson as his alpha made his heart jump.

  He made sure Jameson was still covered so he didn’t get cold and went to the attached bathroom. He took care of his bladder and found a new toothbrush under the sink. He brushed his teeth and flicked on the light, only to wince at the mess made from sleeping with wet hair. He rinsed his mouth out and wet his hands, running fingers through the chaotic strands, thinking he might need to take another shower, but a part of him was deeply reluctant to wash away Jameson’s scent.


  Jameson sounded sleepy and grumpy and Rael smiled wide, going to the bathroom door. He forgot he was naked right up until brown eyes went liquid gold, taking him in from his hastily straightened hair down to his bare feet. He barely kept his hands from covering his groin, but when Jameson got out of bed, just as naked and half-hard, Rael absolutely forgot about being shy and stared wide-eyed at the sexy predator with hunger in his gaze.

  “Good morning,” Jameson said as he slid one hand around Rael’s hip and buried the other in his hair before pressing a kiss to his mouth. Rael went limp and reached for Jameson, murmuring in approval as the hand on his hip went to his ass and squeezed.

  “Good morning,” Rael gasped out, going up on his toes when Jameson tilted his head to the side with the grip he had in his hair and nibbled along the exposed flesh from just below his ear to his shoulder. “You’re frisky in the morning, huh?”

  “Just for you,” Jameson promised as he gave Rael’s shoulder a smacking kiss. “Been up long?” His alpha let him go and headed for the bathroom, and Rael blushed when Jameson went for the toilet. They were pack and such things were natural but being so easily accepted into Jameson’s personal space was pushing him past every imagined hiccup he’d worried about with getting into a relationship with the alpha. Jameson acted like Rael belonged and that made his heart beat harder and skip, and his skin tingle in excitement and happiness.

  He scrounged around for his clothing, not finding any of it, then he recalled with sheepish pride that it was all in the other bathroom down the hall. He found his boxer briefs and clothing, bundling it all up, and went back to the bedroom just as Jameson exited the bathroom. Jameson grinned, a sexy expression that made Rael want to drop everything and jump him.

  “Let’s get your clothes washed, then I’ll make you breakfast.”

  Just as easy as that he found himself wearing a pair of sweats that he had to tie off extra tight since they belonged to Jameson, and he was sitting at the bar/island watching as Jameson cooked. The alpha was chopping away while a cast iron skillet sizzled on the range, and the smell of mushrooms and sausage cooking made his mouth water. “Onions in your omelet?”

  “Yes, please,” he answered, almost regretting it if he wanted to get more kisses later. “If you’re having some.”

  “I am,” and Jameson stopped his heart with a swift wink. He tossed chopped onions in the skillet, then went to the coffee maker and retrieved the freshly brewed mug and handed it across the island to Rael. He took the mug and reached for the cold steel pitcher of cream but stopped.

  He hadn’t had a wolfsbane tonic in days. Not since the first one, and he hadn’t felt the joint aches or the sharp pains he usually experienced in the lead up to the full moon.

  “Rael? You okay?”

  He blinked and met Jameson’s concerned gaze. “I haven’t had any wolfsbane in days.”

  Jameson put down the knife. “Do you need it? I can take you to the apothecary nearby and get some.” Jameson looked ready to turn off the stove and hop in the car and go. Rael shook his head.

  “I don’t need it.” He flexed his fingers, and stretched his arms out, rolling his shoulders slowly, waiting for the pain to start, but nothing happened. “For a year I’ve needed the tonics, every full moon week.”

  “No pain?”

  “None.” A grin came out and he wanted to jump around and scream but restrained himself to reaching for the creamer and pouring some into his coffee. Once he put the creamer down, he was swept off the stool and swung around in a circle. He laughed, hugging Jameson as he was put down gently on his feet and kissed soundly.

  “I’m so happy for you, sweetheart.” Another kiss, and he sank into it. He would never get tired of kisses from Jameson.

  Jameson went back to cooking, and Rael took his seat again. Watching Jameson move around the kitchen was soothing and he was awash in contentment.

  “Are we leaving the pack?” Rael blurted out. Jameson sent him a swift glance but went back to whipping the eggs in a glass bowl.

  “I’ll call the Cambridge alpha after we eat breakfast, see what our options are. I do know they get a lot of temporary members due to the campuses there, and that the Cambridge pack has no problem with mixed species members. It’s the most progressive pack in the area.”

  “Most expensive, too.” Rael grumbled, and sipped his coffee.

  “I know you don’t want me to support you financially, but I’ll help anyone who wants to leave Bertram’s pack, including my employees, not just you and Scylla. Let me help. Maybe we can negotiate the pack tithes, or get them waived entirely. You’re going to school to be a doctor, and Scylla is a nurse practitioner, which is a valued skill set. And after you get training, your magic is high value in and of itself. There’s options, and lots of things we can do to make this easy for everyone.”

  Rael stared at Jameson, his impassioned speech finally landing past Rael’s doubts. Jameson wasn’t a fool or naive—if he had faith there was a workable option out there for leaving the Southside Pack, then he could lean on Jameson until he believed it himself.

  “Okay.” Rael smiled, blushing a bit when happiness and pride crossed Jameson’s expressive features.

  Scylla eyeballed Rael when he walked into the kitchen back at home, grinning unrepentantly. She sniffed, then did a weird exasperated sigh and disgusted groan thing, eye roll included. He burst out laughing. “What? I showered!”

  “Didn’t even last a month,” Scylla said, sipping her coffee. “A whole week. But that’s normal for wolves. I’m just glad you can’t get knocked up.”

  She winced a bit, thoughts obvious, but he was in too good a mood for his status and the changes to it within the pack to dampen his happiness. He shrugged. “I don’t care about the pack, not after what’s happened. I want to leave.”

  “What does Jameson think?” Scylla asked, putting her mug in the sink and rinsing it.

  “He’s leaving with us and will help anyone who wants to follow him.” Rael grinned at that, thinking about how much had changed in a week and that he was happier than he ever expected to be about leaving his pack. “And I have a couple things to tell you.”

  “You are pregnant?” Scylla asked with an exaggerated gasp.

  He snorted out a laugh. “No. I got myself a mentor yesterday and I don’t think I need the wolfsbane anymore.”

  Rael took out his wallet and withdrew the card from Angel Salvatore, handing it to his mother. She frowned, looking at it curiously, and then shock swept across her features and she fumbled for a chair at the table, sitting heavily. “Is this for real?”

  “Yup,” Rael scuffed at the linoleum with the toe of his shoe and hoped she would take it as well as Jameson did. Scylla was protective and Angelus Salvatore tended to run headlong into trouble.

  “He has to be expensive?” A question and a statement, her brow furrowed, concern in her eyes.

  “Pro bono,” Rael said with a shrug. “I believe him.”

  “I want to meet him and talk to him before you start anything with Salvatore,” she said with a frown, but that wasn’t a No, and he relaxed. He
would do it with or without her support, but he wanted her to support his choices, to be happy for him.

  “I don’t think he’ll object. Seems really upfront and honest. Zero bullshit kinda guy.”

  “What’s the other thing you wanted to tell me? I got distracted by the Necromancer of Boston wanting to mentor you in magic.”

  “I don’t need the wolfsbane tonic anymore,” he smiled wide, still thrilled and incredulous and thankful he didn’t need to drink that poison anymore.

  Scylla got up and went to the fridge, opening it, and the wolfsbane tonic still sat on the shelf within, sans the one bottle he took earlier in the week before his breakout event. She shut the door and then came back to the table to pull him into her arms. “Oh, honey, I’m so happy for you! By now you’d be curled up in bed and sick to your stomach, and you’re fine!” She pulled back, looking at him from head to toe, hands holding his shoulders. “No pain? No aches? Are you sure?”

  “Nothing. And this is easier, now,” he said, holding up a hand and willing his claws to grow. It took zero effort, appearing in a heartbeat, and then he relaxed, his fingers returning to their human appearance. “Maybe the pain was my magic and my werewolf blood fighting to see which would come out as the dominant side. I think whatever struggle was going on inside of me is over.”


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