Tylar (The Mating Games Book 6)

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Tylar (The Mating Games Book 6) Page 1

by Catty Diva


  The Mating Games series

  Book 6

  By Catty Diva

  Cover by Jesh Art

  2016 Copyright by Catty Diva

  Edited by Eagle editing


  Any resemblance to persons living or dead are strictly a coincidence. While some actual places may be named, they are used only in the context of imaginary events. The story is strictly created from the author’s imagination and all of the events are fictitious.

  This is a series and it is recommended that you read all books in order.


  Book 1

  Razar needs a mate but on his planet there are nine males to one female. Humans look like they are compatible but if they find out the secrets of his kind they will refuse to send them mates.

  Lista needs money for her mother's operation or she will die. Her sister has volunteered her to be a bride for an alien. If she wins the mating game she will be free to keep the money and return home.

  Can she outwit him or will he claim her heart before it's game over?


  Book 2

  Travlr is ready and he wants nothing more than to catch his mate and make her his. His mate seems to be a cunning capable female but he will claim her, what choice does he have?

  Tammie has nothing left on Earth. She was basically sold to the hunt but what kind of male can she expect to try to claim her? Since she doesn’t know, she will use every trick in the book to elude him.

  His time is running out, but what about hers?


  Book 3

  It's finally Glendar's turn to find his mate and he can't wait. He'll have to hunt her but it's a small thing to do in order to get your fated mate and find happiness, right?

  Bernie has escaped from home so no matter what happens she's better off. But what will happen if her father tries to come for her? Will Glendar stand up for her or will they send her back so her father will keep letting them have more mates from the world he controls?


  Book 4

  Maxar has felt drawn to Ernie since the day he met her but there are rules about the mating games that can’t just be ignored. The plan is in place for his to hunt his mate at the upcoming hunt but he knows no one else can make him happy.

  When trouble comes. Ernie is falsely accused and may be sent away. Is there anything that can save her and allow them to be together? If there is, no one is telling.


  Book 5

  Stevr’s duties involve acquiring mates for his people. Most of these mates come from Earth.

  This trip one of those females will be his own. Stevr has never felt unlucky before but he has never had so many near disasters in such a short time in his entire life. Maybe the biggest problem he has is that the woman who appears to be involved is also his future mate.

  Geena has had to do many things in her life she hasn’t wanted to do. This trip is just one example of many. How can she accomplish her goals on this ship with the handsome captain keeping an eye on her?

  When it all comes to a head will they be together or blown apart?


  It’s just a party but nothing seems to be simple for Tylar. Stevr just brought back his mate and Lista’s mother with her little brothers. This bumps Tylar up into the next mating game. He’s just met Careena who is Lista’s mom but looks more like a slightly older sister. What’s more is his demon is going crazy trying to get to her. If he does, something very intimate will happen. How can he hunt another with Careena on his mind? He has only a couple weeks before it is game on and he’ll have no choice.

  Careena feels like a dirty old woman as she checks out the gorgeous young man she finds out is Razar’s brother. Guilt makes her feel awful but it doesn’t stop the desire from hitting her right between the eyes. This mother of four might feel bad but she would so love to take that young man for a ride and teach him about the birds and the bees.


  Chapter 1


  Tylar had to leave the party before his demon did something they would all regret. He felt like he was on fire from the inside out and the more he thought about it the less wrong it seemed to just take her and drag her off someplace to indulge in some heavy mating. His intentions were good, he would make an honest woman of her as the Earthers would say. The problem was who she was and that she was already a mother, she had her place in life secured. Careena might not want a mate or to have a take charge male come into her life carving out a place for himself in it.

  He would want to be father to the boys, it wasn’t his way to be anything less. Lista and her sister, he couldn’t remember her name off hand might also have a hard time accepting him. Age wasn’t a concern, he might look like he was twenty something but he was nearly forty since Mazlans aged much slower than humans. They lived longer too and were tougher as well as harder to injure. None of that mattered if she was truly his mate. What did matter was the hunt was two weeks away.

  The next day he sat in his office staring out the window. There was a knock on his door. All the brothers had offices at home and another away from home. Their dad felt they needed to get out to the office to be more productive. “Come in.”

  “Tylar. Lista was worried about you since you left so suddenly last night. You didn’t even meet her mother or Stevr’s new mate.”

  “My demon was restless.” It was true and the only answer he could give to Razar.

  “Because of Careena?”

  “Is that Lista’s mom?”


  “What if it was?” He said defensively.

  Razar help up his hands. “Hey, I’m just here to help.”

  “I know. Yes, he reacted strongly to her.”

  “I think she might like you too.”

  “What can we do? There are only two weeks before the hunt.”

  “Yes, your timing is bad.”

  Tylar made a weird noise. “You can say that again.”

  “You’re timing is bad.” Razar said as Tylar punched him in the arm.

  “That was unnecessary asshole.”

  Razar chuckled. “Since I’m here, Lista has a list of things she wants. Most are for the baby.” He explained as he handed Tylar the list.

  Tylar scanned it and his brow wrinkled. “What’s a baby jumper?”

  “You hook it to the ceiling and it has a spring coil put in the rope that holds it up. There is a seat for the baby to sit in and he can jump up and down until he is tired. She remembers the one the twins had fondly. She’d have to watch them and they had to take turns because there was only one.”

  “Your baby will shred it the first time it uses it. Doesn’t she realize he’ll be a demon? That toy will annoy the inner beast.”

  “Maybe. Why don’t you explain it to her?”

  “I will get it as soon as I can find a company that sells them. Did she mention where they bought it?”

  “No, but they had little that was new. They probably bought an old one off a friend or neighbor.”

  Tylar grinned. “I love watching her open boxes. Never have I seen anyone get so excited to see what is in them. Even the simplest things delight her.”

  “Not true. Tammie is worse having had even less as a child. She didn’t even know what most of the baby items on the list were.”

  “Her father should be beaten and have all his children taken away.”

  “Yes, then fixed to where he can have no more. I respect Travlr for holding back. I might have killed that man regardless of who he was.”

  “I think I’ll get several of each of the items on the list. Maybe I’ll get something for the
twins too.”

  “Wooing the mother through the children?”

  “They are part of her, but they look like they are good boys. I believe I would enjoy playing with them. We missed out on some things back then because we had to work to survive. Now that we have children in the family we can make up for that.”

  “I like the way you think brother. Find us some fun toys and we can all get together to have fun.”

  “It’s too bad Jorgr isn’t here. Maybe he’ll be back by then.”

  “We’ll do this more than once. His work is important.”

  “I hate that he has to go undercover.”

  “He was the best choice. It will be good experience for him. When he comes back he will have some good tales to tell.”

  “I hope so.” Razar had to hurry off. He’d left Lista with Tammie but Tylar knew he hated not being near her since she would have the baby soon. It would be the first human/Mazlan hybrid. Mazlans carried for four months while humans carried for nine. Lista had conceived quickly and it looked like she would have her baby at around six months. Tylar was looking forward to it. He loved children, all of his kind did. Being around the young calmed their demons.

  Now he was left wondering what he should do. One thing was certain, he needed to begin right away. If he could get Lista on his side, that would be a big help. The problem was she was about to have a baby. He wanted to do nothing that would stress out or worry her when she was so close to delivering the first of the next generation. It would seem he was on his own and the first thing he had to do was find a way to meet Careena. A big smile came over his face as an idea presented itself. Looking at the list of items Lista wanted for the baby he saw a perfect reason to contact her mother.

  Leaving the office, he stopped at Havlar’s desk on the way out. “Havlar, I will be out the rest of the day. Consider yourself in charge. Only com me for the most important of matters.”

  “I hope you are doing something fun. You work too much. I will deal with whatever is needed.” Havlar responded. Tylar liked his assistant. They were close in age and had grown up together. He and his brothers knew everyone in their community, some like Havlar they knew better than others. Their community here previously had about ten thousand people but the ranks were growing with the arrival of humans, and other races, that worked for the Mazlans and the mates, some with children, which were almost all human.

  Tylar found he was in a good mood as he made his way to the small house Careena and the twins were staying in. The house was the one Ernie and her daughter had previously lived in. Housing was a problem, there was a severe shortage but he was having a modular house put together for himself and his future mate. If it turned out to be acceptable, it might solve the problem since the shell would be put together in a week. It did take a month to transport to the location, but that still saved a great deal of time. His house would be arriving tomorrow.

  Pulling up close to the door, Tylar got out of his hover car. Nerves attacked him making his stomach feel like it was inhabited by a wild creature. His hands were sweaty and his heart was pounding. He wasn’t used to feeling this way. Wiping his hands on a disposable towel, he took a deep breath before he exited the vehicle. This would go well, it had to since his whole future depended on it.

  Once he got to the door he knocked softly so he wouldn’t startle her. She must not have heard him so he knocked harder but she opened in the middle of his knock causing him to almost hit her and fall forward. Catching himself he was embarrassed.

  “Sorry about that.”

  “It’s alright. Do I know you?”

  “I’m Razar’s brother, Tylar.”

  “Oh, you’re one of the two I didn’t meet. Aren’t you the one that left unexpectedly?”

  “Yes, we came close to meeting. I had an urgent matter to attend.” It wasn’t a lie. His demon had been almost impossible to control. It wasn’t easy now with him so close to her that her scent wrapped around him.

  “Would you like to come in? I can get you a cup of coffee or tea?”

  “Thank you. Coffee would be nice.” Yes! He did a mental fist pump. Lista and Tammie were rubbing off on him.

  Careena came back with two cups of coffee. She placed his in front of him and motioned for him to sit across from where she sat down. “What can I help you with?” She asked as she looked at him curiously.

  He pulled out the list, his excuse for being here. “Perhaps you are aware that each of us brothers have an area we’re in charge of?”

  “Lista may have mentioned something like that.”

  “My job is to acquire whatever we need. It is a big job and I need some help. Lista has sent me this list of baby needs. I’m unfamiliar with most of the items on here. In order to get them I need to know who makes or sells them.” Putting the list on the table between them he pushed it toward her.

  Careena picked it up smiling as she read it to herself. Her lips moved as she read each item until she was done. “I can help you with this.” She said with certainty. “Even though I didn’t get these items new, I know where they came from. I’ll just write the name of the company next to them.”

  As she began to write, he panicked. This was accomplished far too quickly. “Was there anything you needed?”

  “Oh my no. Your family has been more than generous.”

  “We are your family too now.” He mentally slapped himself. Now she might look at him as family making a relationship between them taboo. What the hell was wrong with him?

  “That’s sweet of you to say.”

  “Has anyone shown you around yet?”

  “No, we’ve not had the time to go anywhere and Lista is on bedrest.”

  “Please, allow me to show you and the boys around.” Tylar knew they were a package deal and he truly didn’t mind the thought of becoming an instant father. The boys would be fun to teach all the things to that he had learned from his father.

  “I’m sure you have other things you need to do.”

  “No, I have the rest of the day off since you are saving me so much time by helping me. I’ll call these companies in while you get the boys ready. Once that’s done, we can go.”

  Careena gave in and went to call for the boys who were playing in the yard. She came running back in clearly upset. “What‘s wrong?”

  “They’re gone. The boys left the yard and I don’t see them.”

  “I’ll go after them. Don’t worry about a thing. Just wait here in case they come back.” He hurried outside around the corner where he stripped down to his underwear. They were a special material that stretched when he transformed. Tylar let his demon out and the change took him over.

  His senses were sharp even in his more human form but as a demon his senses were amazing. The scent of the two young ones was strong. That meant they hadn’t been gone long. His demon moved along the trail they had left behind. Scent and a trail he could visibly see lay in front of him and he ran fast as the wind. A shriek ripped the air as he drew near. An animal lay growling at the two boys who cowered in front of it. They were terrified and frozen in their position unable to move.

  Tylar growled at the burbury, an animal similar to a polar bear only lavender in color. The twins stared at him even more frightened if that was possible. “No fear.” His demon demanded. Moving forward he positioned himself between them and the burbury.

  The animal was injured and in pain which wasn’t a good combination. The burbury stared at him aware that he was a bigger and baddest predator that he shouldn’t mess with. Tylar looked closely seeing a big horre tree thorn sticking from the burbury’s paw.

  “Trust.” He grunted as he moved forward and squatted holding out his hand. Burbury’s were smart animals and he watched amazed as the animal put his injure paw in his hand. Fast as a shot he pulled out the thorn before the burbury had time to think about the pain. He palmed the thorn so he could dispose of it later. The burbury made a funny noise then turned and lumbered away.

  When he turned back
the twins stood staring at him. He immediately changed back to human form. “You’re one of Razar’s brothers.” One of the twins accused.

  “I am. Now I need you to keep this as our little secret.”

  “Can Razar turn into a hero too?” The other twin asked.

  “Yes, all our people can.”

  “Will we be able to do it too if we stay?”

  “I’m sorry. I don’t think so but I can teach you to fight so you can be a hero also.”

  “Really?” They asked with one voice. Excitement shone in their eyes and smiles were on their faces.

  “Yes, but only if you keep this a secret.”

  “We promise.” The twins said in unison.

  “Now we need to go back to the house where I can get dressed before we show your mother you’re alright.” The twins ran ahead of him but he kept up easily even in human form. While he dressed just out of sight of the windows on the back of the house, the boys ran in to their mother. Dressing quickly, he followed the path the twins had taken into the house. As soon as he entered Careena threw herself into his arms hugging him.

  “Oh thank you.” She said her eyes bright with tears. As he stared at this beautiful creature it amazed him that she could be his.

  “It was nothing. They just wandered out of the yard. I think they learned their lesson when they saw how worried you were.”

  “That’s never bothered them before, at least not for long.”

  “Things change as a male grows. Why don’t you let me escort you three to my hover car? The boys will enjoy riding in the back because the roof and sides are transparent. Everything they see here will be new. Would you like to see the countryside first or the town?”

  “I think the town so I know where to shop for necessities.”


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