A New Life Series - Starter Kit

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A New Life Series - Starter Kit Page 33

by Samantha Jacobey

  Tainted Trophy

  Michael had only been out of the army a few months when he received the call from his brother. He had always followed in his older brother’s footsteps, kind of taking his lead. So when Henry called to say he had a job for him, well, he wasn’t eager to work for the Dragons, but he wasn’t going to turn it down either.

  He met up with the group in Little Rock and rode with them a total of four days. He had a vague idea of what he was walking into, but he figured he could handle it; get the job and get on with a new way of life.

  When he arrived, Henry Morgan had greeted him with a hearty handshake and made sure he knew the crew. That is, he presented him to all of the men of the group. They also had a girl with them, young and beautiful, but sullen, that Henry pretended didn’t exist.

  Michael had tried to be polite, and she had snubbed him, obviously not interested in making his acquaintance. He had assumed there was some kind of bad blood between her and Henry, which carried over to him on principle. Didn’t really matter much, as far as he figured; he knew the Dragon’s take on women… only good for one thing, and disposable at that, so she wouldn’t be around for long.

  The first night, he watched in amazement as darkness fell. The meek young woman who hadn’t spoken hardly a word to anyone stripped off her clothes and became the life of the party. She made the rounds easy enough, fucking several of the men and making quite a show of it. He had kept his distance, out of the way to watch while she worked her magic.

  In the end, he had seen enough to know she was the group slut and into some very nasty sex. At the time, he had suspected that was the reason she had been with them and not dead in a ditch someplace, as they were the kind of men to enjoy her special brand of company. He deduced that she was actually part of the outfit, as much as a woman could be, and they kept her around as long as she made herself useful, which it appeared she was quite good at being useful.

  For three days, Michael did his best to impress Eddie and win his favor, and thereby the job that needed doing. The afternoon of the third day, the group stopped for a late lunch at a truck stop, and he finally had a few minutes alone with his brother. He hoped he would gain some insight into how his chances were looking, and the two of them wandered away from the pack long enough to have a quick conversation.

  As soon as they were in private, Henry had asked him point blank, “So whatdaya think?”

  “Yeah, I can do it, if Eddie wants to give it to me. Sounds real easy, and clean, like you said.” He spoke eagerly, having warmed up to the idea since he had been with the group.

  “No, stupid,” the older man shook his head, “About the girl.”

  Michael had stared at him, at a loss for several seconds. “You mean the whore? What about her? She’s a nasty cunt. What’d she do, run away from home to join up with you guys? She likes to fuck; that’s for sure.”

  Henry had given him an icy stare so cold, Michael could still feel the chill. “Naw man, we raised her,” his words were barely above a whisper. “She’s the real reason I asked you t’ come here. I wanna get her outta all o’ this.” Wafting his hand around, he indicated the muck the group carried with them.

  “Eddie found her some place when she was a tiny thing. We took her t’ Brazil, t’ that old camp we keep down there. Had her fifteen years, teachin’ her… well, everything; all that we could.”

  “Brazil? I thought you were on vacation down there or some shit like that.” The few cards and letters he had received from the area over the years flashed to mind, and no mention of training camps had ever been made, much less a girl.

  Henry’s brown orbs stared at his brother, boring into him. “No, it waddn’t no vacation,” he licked at his lips anxiously, “She knows her place. Does her job real good. If you think she does that shit ‘cause she wants to, you ain’ watchin’ close enough.” He walked away, shaking his head, leaving Michael to consider his words until they could speak again.

  That evening, when dark approached, the group pulled in at a small motel. Gathering the group around, Eddie announced his decision; the job would go to Michael. To celebrate, he presented him with the girl for the night.

  Immediately, Red spoke up, stipulating he still wanted his share first, but he would leave her to their fresh cohort afterwards, and Eddie agreed that would work, giving his newest crony a wink.

  Michael could feel his gut wrench at the thought of touching her after what he had seen her do with the rest of the group. However, he would never let on he wasn’t thrilled with the offer, that would be an ignorant move in this crowd. Giving Eddie a short nod, he agreed that sounded like a plan, and they shook on the deal for good measure.

  Getting a few rooms, the three of them were given one to share, and Michael grew more anxious. How am I gonna get out of fucking the nasty bitch and catching whatever she’s sharing? He pondered his options on the way to their room, and he noticed she seemed to be flirting with Red pretty heavily as they made their way inside. Wonder if he’s her favorite? If so, I might be able to use that to somehow get out of it…

  When they entered the small chamber, Michael led the way, pausing to have a look around once inside. He heard the door shut, followed by the sound of Red punching the girl in the back, knocking her to the floor at his feet.

  Immediately, he had reached down to help her, forgetting that wasn’t the place to be a gentleman. When their eyes met, he could have sworn he saw real fear, but she quickly wiped it away, and it surprised him that she didn’t cry; most girls go to bawling when you’re slapping them around.

  Instead, she grabbed his arm and pushed him back to sit in a large chair to watch. He noticed that she reeked of alcohol as she leaned over him, and it occurred to him she might be drunk; that could explain the lack of tears.

  The girl soothed him, stroking his hair and neck with a gentle touch, and he fought the urge to push her off of him when she kissed his lips lightly. She nuzzled his cheek with her nose intimately and whispered, “Just watch, love,” before Red ended their interaction, using her hair to pull her back to his side of the room.

  I ain’t your love, bitch, Michael wiped at his cheek and ran his arm across his lips where she had touched him. Folding his hands in front of his face, interlocking the digits, he used his index fingers to tap nervously on his lips. He tried to remain calm, and allow the scene to unfold before him.

  He found keeping his cool difficult, as Red had a grasping hold on the girl and handled her roughly. Michael didn’t like men who abused women, even ones who were willing to play along. He had seen this shit before, and quite frankly had no desire to watch the kinky sex the couple obviously enjoyed. Ok Henry, I’m watching, and she’s looking pretty into this.

  Twisting out of his grasp, the young woman began to remove her clothing, kicking off her boots and throwing them towards the dresser while unbuttoning her pants. As she pulled and lowered them, she wiggled her rear end to work them down, and Michael noticed how Red stepped back to stare, a crooked grin on his face. Yeah, they’ve played this game before.

  When she tugged her shirt over her head, she pulled her hair through it and tossed it around in an exaggerated motion. Bending over, she unhooked her bra, sliding the straps down her arms and threw it onto the pile forming a few feet away. Wonder if she acts this way when Henry fucks her. And why does he think she’s faking this shit…?

  Red moved back towards her, this time standing so he could pull her body hard against his. Licking and biting at her face and neck, he slipped his hands down into her panties and began to stroke the crack of her rear end, continuing to push against her. Michael noted that she smiled and cooed as he worked her; I think you’re being played, bro.

  Red pushed her away and grasped the button on his pants, pulled them open and unzipped them with one hand. Reaching in, he grasped himself and yanked it out, stroking it roughly. He grinned at the girl, a look between eager and angry.

  She immediately dropped to her knees, licking him playfully.
She took the end of it into her mouth and began taking it in deeper until it slid down her throat; she worked him in and out for several minutes before pushing him back, a wide grin on her lips. Oh yeah. She’s lovin’ this.

  Red left welts the shape of his right hand all over her, which she endured in silence, actually looking pleased with his actions as she nuzzled him affectionately. If she’s pretending, she’s one hell of an actress.

  While he watched, Michael’s thoughts churned, and he considered what he had seen and his brother’s words. “We taught her everything.” Ok, so you turned her into a whore. Realistically, he knew nothing about the girl, not her name, her age, nothing. After hearing his brother’s take on the situation, he wasn’t sure how all of the pieces fit; it don’t make any sense.

  When Red had had enough, he pulled back on her hair to remove her mouth, and she grabbed the sides of his jeans to pull them down for him and help him out of them. Once freed, he released her and she stood and removed her panties before climbing onto the bed and bending over onto all fours. She stuck her rear end out and leaned on her elbows to grip the bedspread. Michael could see her knuckles go white, but her face appeared calm, almost trance like. Oh man, now what?

  She had turned at an angle to him, so Michael wasn’t able to see what Red did, but he had a pretty good idea. The other man used a small tube to grease the way with his fingers for several seconds, then pulling himself up behind her.

  Michael gripped his hands tighter, realizing he really didn’t want to see the action anyways, it being an act that always disgusted him and he would never take part in. God, she’s nasty; you can’t tell me she’s not into this...

  The girl relaxed into the motion of his body as Red bumped against her, making small grunts that punctuated the sounds of their bodies slapping together. Red used her hair to gain leverage while he fucked her, causing Michael to wince at the idea of it. Eventually, she lost her grip and slid towards the edge a bit.

  Red corrected by pulling back harder on her mane for a moment; then he shoved her on forward and changed his angle of entry enough to finish the job. Michael then had a clear view of the action, and simply glared at the couple. You guys… are disgusting.

  He noted the blood on Red’s softening flesh as when withdrew. Red seemed pleased at the sight of it, laughing while he cleaned himself and got dressed, leaving the girl lying on the bed. She lay still, watching with wide eyes, as if she were waiting for something. Yeah, like I’m gonna touch you…

  Red left them, still jovial at their antics, and closed the door loudly as he departed. Michael didn’t move, and sat glaring at her, half expecting her to get up and try to put her moves on him again. Stay down, bitch. No need to make me call you a nasty cunt to your face.

  A few minutes later, he realized she had lost consciousness. Thinking about the way she had smelled when they first entered the room, he stood quickly to run his fingers along her cheek and neck to locate her pulse. Relieved to find it, he stroked her hair out of the way as she breathed into the twisted bedding.

  With a firm tug, he managed to cover her nakedness, noticing the blood and body fluids that had oozed out of her and formed a dark splotch on her inner thigh. For a moment, he thought he might to be sick. Henry, you’re a damned fool.

  Swinging his eyes around the room, he realized he could not leave. They all believed he was enjoying his prize at the moment, and snubbing the offering could hold serious consequences. He had to wait it out, even if he didn’t touch her. Removing his jacket, he kicked off his boots and dropped onto the chair in disgust.

  No softy, Michael had seen some bad shit, hell even done some bad shit in his time. However, he had come to realize that really wasn’t the life that he wanted to live. He had hoped this would be his chance to get away from it. He wanted no part in the world the Dragons lived in. His being there didn’t change that, and neither would Eddie’s job.

  His mind returned to his brief conversation with his older sibling earlier that day. Get her away from them; that’s what he said. But what if she don’t wanna go? Leaned back in the chair, sorry Henry, but she looks pretty happy here, he drifted off to sleep, his mind still working through the puzzle and moving in circles.

  His sleep broken, Michael awoke a few times with a start, disturbed by his dreams. Eventually, he decided he had waited long enough to pass for the intended purpose, so he got up and slipped his boots back on. Grabbing his jacket, he closed the door quietly behind him.

  The instant the cool night air hit him, he felt angry. He didn’t like having to endure watching whatever the hell was going on in the shadows of the group. He had gotten out of the service and left this kind of shit behind, or so he thought. Running his fingers around his lips tensely, he tried to keep his head on straight. Tomorrow, you get to leave, so don’t fuck it up, he reminded himself.

  Michael looked around, everything quiet. For a moment, he had a crazy thought, and he considered if the girl would be sober enough to ride, provided he could wake her. Henry wanted to get her out of this mess, maybe he could make that happen. If she wants to go that is, otherwise we should let the Dragons keep their tainted trophy.

  Henry stepped out of the shadow, giving Michael a small start, “Hey, little brother, le’s go for a walk.”

  Michael glanced about again anxiously and followed. When they were clear of the rooms, he eagerly shared his plan. “What if I go back and get her up, put her on my bike, and ride away with her?”

  Henry shook his head while glaring at him, “If it was that simple I’d already’ve done it.”

  Their eyes locked, and Michael realized stealing Eddie’s prize whore would be like asking to have his head removed. “So, I guess you just have your turn and pretend nothing’s wrong with it,” he spit the words out, still not able to put two and two together in the mixed up lot.

  Henry shook his head, “I ain’ allowed to touch her. Not since the first an’ only time I’ve been with her.” They walked a little further as he described the single night the two of them had shared, and the price he had paid for it.

  Michael listened quietly, clenching his jaw, “So, if she don’t wanna be here, then why is she?” You’re not gonna convince me this isn’t her choice, he added mentally.

  Henry only shook his head. “I’m afraid you’re on a need t’ know basis, bro. I’ll tell you what I can, and you’ll have t’ trust me on the rest. Ya see; not everything with this crew is what it looks t’ be. When our service ended and we put the team together, we made some contacts. The kind you don’ get rid of once you’re affiliated. Ya get me?”

  Michael nodded. He had been in high school when his older brother got out of the army and took on a darker, more mysterious life. Back then, he had thought he wanted to be a part of it. During his own years in the Special Forces Unit, he had a few brief encounters with Red and Eddie, along with some other members of the group. In the end, he had decided taking after his hero wasn’t such a hot idea after all.

  He kicked the ground in disgust, “Yeah, I get you. So you raised her, and trained her, but you won’t tell me how well or what for.” Henry nodded, and Michael continued with a sneer, “And you’re in love with her, even though she fucks your buddies every night.”

  His heartless words stung. “So, are you gonna help me or not?” Henry demanded, pissed at the younger man’s surliness.

  Michael studied the brown eyes that matched his own. Running his fingers through his dark brown curls, he exhaled loudly, “Yeah, well, I don’t really have a choice, now do I? So, what’s your plan?”

  “It’s simple,” Henry replied matter-of-factly. “You take Eddie’s job an’ you do it. An’ you wait. When I’m able t’ get her away from ‘em, I’ll send her to ya; I know you’ll look after ‘er for me. However long it takes; you gotta promise me you’ll wait, an’ promise me you’ll take care of ‘er.”

  Michael stared at his half-brother blankly; that’s the stupidest plan I have ever heard. Clenching his jaw, he kept
his mouth shut.

  Henry looked dejected at his lack of response, “She’s special, Mike. I never tol’ anyone what she means t’ me. But I guess you’ve seen more ‘an I wanted you to. I’d risk everything I got an’ all that I am for her.”

  “You know what the odds of us being successful at this are? Eddie’ll kill us all if he even thinks we’re making plans like this.” Michael wasn’t scared of Eddie, but he knew what the man was capable of.

  Henry nodded once again. “Yeah, I know. But we gotta try. She deserves a chance, no matter th’ odds.”

  Michael looked away, watching car lights snake along on a distant stretch of road. Yup. This is a pretty stupid fucking plan. Gonna wind up dead, all of us. However, as he couldn’t come up with a better one, he guessed it would have to do. He turned to shake on the deal, giving his brother his word. “Ok, you get her to me and I’ll see that she’s looked after.” After all, he would do just about anything for his brother; even taking care of nasty whores if I have to.

  Waiting Game

  Michael sat staring at the girl as she avoided looking at him, thinking how his opinion of her had softened a bit over the years. Maybe staring at her picture so many nights and thinking about the cut on her face had something to do with that. I still don’t get why Eddie sent it to me, or why he cut her… not like she wasn’t willing or anything. And I was doing my job… so why threaten me?

  Holding his tongue as long as he could, he gave her some time, but eventually there were things he needed to know. Trying not to set her off, he asked quietly, “Can you at least tell me where my brother is?”

  She stiffened in the seat beside him, looking down at her hands for a long moment before turning enough to ask, “Who’s your brother?”


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