by elixaeverett
She aligned the speed she stroked his cock with that of her fingers fucking herself. Her body, mouth and hand working in perfect rhythm with his thrusts.
"Oh fuck, I'm coming, Clarissa," he groaned, letting his head fall back and closing his eyes so he could fully enjoy the sensation of relief that was about to crash over him. He gave her mouth one more thrust and then emptied his load against the back of her throat.
Mitch thought he felt her gag slightly from taking in the lion's share of his cock, but she was a trooper and drank him down, her tongue and lips milking him for every last drop.
Just as the last spurt of cum left his cock, she pulled his cock from her mouth and cried out. Opening his eyes he looked down as her body was overtaken by her own intense orgasm. The look of sheer unadulterated pleasure that crossed her expression had him anxious to see that look again, but the next time, as she came with his cock buried deep within her.
After removing the reminder of his clothing, Mitch stepped into the hot tub. As he sank into it, he looked up at Clarissa - his hungry eyes watching her intently. She gave him a coy grin before turning, so her back was to him, and slowly inching her jeans down over her hips and rear.
"Mmmm, damn you have the best looking ass of any woman I've ever seen," Mitch murmured from behind her. She heard a splash and then felt his hands wrapping around her thighs, and his lips lightly kissing the backs of her legs. Her breath caught in her throat, from the sudden, sensual touch.
With her jeans to the floor she kicked them to the side and reached back to unclasp her black lace bra. As she unfastened her bra, Mitch grasped the waistband of her matching panties and pulled them down, exposing her soaked pussy to him. A deep, low growl of appreciation came from behind her; the sound of his appreciation caused a soft smile to touch her lips.
"Turn around," Mitch ordered.
Now fully nude, she turned so he could get a good look at her naked body. His eyes traveled up and then back down the length of her, pausing to appreciate her sizable breasts and then to stop at the apex between her legs.
"Drop to your knees on the edge."
A tremor rocked through Clarissa's body, and her pussy throbbed as she fell to her knees in front of him. With Mitch in the tub, his face was level with her groin. He nudged her knees further apart, spreading her legs wider for him, exposing her pussy fully.
Leaning towards her, he kissed her clean-shaven pussy. "So soft," he muttered, kissing her again, but lower this time. He slipped a finger between her folds and ran it along her slit. Clarissa whimpered; her legs seemed to become suddenly weak, so she grasped his shoulders for support.
"Lean back."
Again, doing as ordered, she placed her hands behind herself, grasping her ankles, arched her back and thrust her pelvis out to him. She became suddenly thankful for her pilates classes as she held the position, balancing on the foot and a half wide ledge of the tub exposing her pussy fully to him.
"That's my girl," he murmured parting the lips of her pussy and exposing her wet quivering nub. Lowering his mouth to her clit, he blew on it; the warm air tickled and teased, sending shivers through her.
"Mitch, please," she begged.
A soft chuckle answered her plea. She wanted him to fuck her so incredibly badly; cock, fingers, tongue, she didn't care as long as he was grinding and thrusting against her.
He slowly slipped two fingers deep into her drenched core, and she moaned in response.
As he began to fuck her with his fingers - stroking her inner wall, his tongue flicked and circled her swollen clit.
"So good. I need you fucking me, Mitch," she moaned, starting to move her hips against his mouth and hand, needing more; craving satisfaction from the knot in her stomach, and the building fire within her.
"You will," he assured her. "Later."
Clarissa half-groaned, half-sighed. His tongue was firm and insistent on her clit and his fingers, stroking her g-spot with expert precision, were such an exquisite tease, but were rapidly bringing her to the brink of an orgasm.
She wanted to watch him, licking and sucking and lapping her juices, but each time she attempted to look down at him another wave of pleasure would crash over her, causing her head to fall back, and for her to cry out. Her hands gripped tightly to her legs as Mitch brought her higher and higher to the summit of her desire.
"Oh God Mitch!" she cried out, her body trembled and her arms suddenly became weak. She thrust her pelvis against his mouth violently, needing to come so badly it hurt.
"That's right honey, come over my hand," Mitch urged lifting his mouth from her clit and watching her intently as she was overtaken by the tremors that rocked her body.
Moments later, she screamed out as her pussy clenched tightly to his fingers and her release came. Her pussy let go and released a gush of her juices, coating his fingers and hand.
Clarissa's body felt like jelly; she was panting hard and her chest was heaving, but she managed to sit up just as Mitch was licking his fingers dry of her nectar. Immediately her arousal was sent soaring again, simply from the mere sight of him indulging in the taste of her.
He grabbed her by the waist and pulled her into the tub with him, forcing her body tight against the side with his own body as his massive cock pressed against her stomach.
As luck would have it, he'd pushed her against one of the jets and the fast, forceful stream of water taunted her bare pussy as it rushed between her legs.
Oh-my-god. She moaned against his lips, as they came crashing down on hers. Taking her moan as an invitation to deepen the kiss his tongue slipped between her lips, caressing and teasing her.
His tongue and lips tasted of her, which sent yet another tremor of anticipation through her. One of the most arousing things for her was tasting pussy on a man; she couldn't seem to get enough of that taste. Circling her arms around his neck, she slipped her legs around his waist, rubbing her groin against his cock.
Mitch groaned against her lips, pressing her harder against the warm, ceramic tub. She wasn't sure what was bringing her to a climax faster, the torment of his cock - so close, or the teasing of his tongue which was now travelling down the side of her neck, or the jet stream shooting between her legs.
"Mitch!" she cried out, her fingernails digging into his shoulders. He chuckled in response, reaching between them and running the head of his cock between her folds. The bugger threw me against the jet on purpose!
She arched her back as his mouth made it to her breasts. He quickly captured one in his mouth sucking it, and then nipping with his teeth, sending a jolt of pleasure and pain through her. She bucked hard against him once more. "Fuck me!"
"You're protected right?" he asked referring to her birth control as his mouth captured the other nipple and quickly brought that one also to a hardened peak through a combination of licking and nipping.
She nodded as tremors of an impending orgasm shot through her. "Yes! Yes! Now give me your cock, dammit!"
Without another word, he thrust hard and fast up into her. She screamed out as his sudden invasion stretched her to the limits. Desperately, she clutched to him in an attempt to stabilize the feelings of pleasure rushing through her, but her body was already beyond control. Water in the tub splashed violently around them, spilling over the side and to the bedroom floor, but neither of them noticed or cared. Two quick, forceful thrusts had her body trembling against his hard frame, as she released a second time.
"Damn, I love feeling that," he growled, capturing her lips with his own once more, kissing her hard.
Not seeming to have the energy to respond and feeling limp, from the mixture of two orgasms and the heat of the hot tub, all she seemed to be able to do was hold tight to him, and bask in the sensations that continued rushing through her.
"You feel so damned good, Clarissa. I'm coming way too fast." He muttered, pulling his lips from hers and burying his face in her neck. "I'll make it up to you."
She managed a tight
laugh. "You already have." Two orgasms had sated her pretty well, at least for the moment. However, her body was rapidly building for a third, which she feared she wouldn't have the energy to survive! More water splashed and went cascading over the side, but again, it went unnoticed.
Clinging to him, she whimpered and moaned as they both neared the point of exploding. His cock tensed and throbbed inside of her, and all she could think about was having him in deeper. She rocked against him, pulling him into her another portion of an inch - balls deep, before he exploded inside of her, his cum filling her completely, with a number of smaller spurts following the first.
"Oh, god!" She sighed as she felt another wave crash over her and her pussy released once more over his now depleted cock. As the last of the tremors rocked her body, she was left completely exhausted and slumped onto him.
He stayed in her for a moment, while he held her soft, panting body tightly to his.
Reluctantly, he pulled free from her, while kissing her lightly on the temple. Taking a seat in the tub, he sank down to his chest in the warm water, bubbling water.
Mitch grabbed her hand and pulled her over to him. Settling her body between his spread legs, her back to his front, Clarissa reclined against him. He wrapped his lean, muscular arms around her waist and nuzzled her neck. She let her head fall back against his shoulder, closed her eyes and sighed.
"Can I ask you something?"
Clarissa turned her head and looked up into his eyes. "Of course."
"How did you know to put that card in my pocket?"
A soft smile touched Clarissa's lips as she reached out to caress his jaw, tracing his lower lip with her thumb. "I just knew."
"But I had said that I was going to Vegas?" he pressed.
Clarissa nodded. "I could see it in your eyes."
Mitch frowned and pulled back slightly. "See what?"
Clarissa's smile widened. "The - I'm starting to really fall for this woman so I had better get out of here before this becomes more than a casual fling - look."
His frown intensified and concern filled his deep blue eyes. "It wasn't like that, Clarissa."
"I understand. That's all I wanted at the time anyhow. I was a divorcée in her mid-thirties who needed a sexy, young twenty-something to fuck her senseless for a few days.
You gave exactly that to me." Clarissa shrugged. "Besides, I figured you'd be back when you were ready."
Mitch ran a hand through his semi-wet sandy-blonde hair as Clarissa eyed him. The nagging feeling that she had had earlier was back; the one making her feel he was hiding something. He needed her help; the realization hit her square in the stomach. He wasn't there for her, at least not yet. He was there because he needed her and not just for room and board for a few days. There was something else, she knew it.
She was about to open her mouth and question him further, but decided against it. He'd be there tomorrow and they could talk then. For tonight she just wanted to enjoy being with him again. "Let's just enjoy tonight Mitch. We'll let tomorrow figure itself out tomorrow, alright?"
Mitch nodded, the nervousness lifting from his expression and he tightened his grip around her waist, kissing her temple. "Alright."
Chapter 3
Turning on the shower located in the spacious bathroom connected to Clarissa's bedroom, Mitch considered waking her up and having her join him for a morning romp.
He'd woken up rock-hard and anxious to relieve some of the pent-up tension, but she'd been sleeping so soundly that he hadn't the heart to wake her. Not to mention they'd fucked for the majority of the previous evening until they'd both fallen asleep from sheer exhaustion.
As he stepped into the stream of water under the shower, he wondered how on earth he'd had the strength to leave her six months ago. Clarissa was the most amazing woman he'd even come across and he'd come across plenty in his twenty-six years.
Mitch sighed loudly, enjoying the sensation of the warm stream of water as it beat against his back, while he scrubbed himself down. She was so independent, and so damned intuitive, it was almost scary. In truth they barely knew each other but she seemed to have him all figured out.
No, it wasn't almost scary, it was very scary. A hint of anxiety flashed through him and he immediately knew why he d had to leave her six months ago. She was the kind of woman who could domesticate him and he still wasn't sure if he was ready for that yet, even with such a posh place to settle in or with such a sexy woman to settle with.
He pushed thoughts of settling down to the back of his mind. They didn't even know each other well enough to seriously consider that anyhow. Finishing up his shower, he turned off the stream of water and stepped out. He tied a white terry cloth towel around his waist before padding across the white ceramic-tiled bathroom floor and back into the bedroom.
He paused beside the king-sized bed and looked down at Clarissa sleeping peacefully, her soft, naked body uncovered and cuddled up to the pillow he'd used the night before.
His cock twitched and began to prepare itself for action. "Damn it," Mitch groaned, turning from the bed and resisting the temptation to do something about his erection, which was now tenting the towel.
Having decided to surprise Clarissa with breakfast in bed, Mitch jogged down the winding staircase. As his foot hit the final step, the doorbell sounded. Frowning, Mitch glanced over at the large brass clock shaped as a sun with rays spearing out from it, mounted on the wall. 7am. "Who in the hell is coming by this early on a Saturday?" he mumbled as he trotted over to the door to answer it before the loud chiming that resounded throughout the house woke Clarissa.
He pulled the door open on the third chime and came face to face with a man whom he knew immediately to be Clarissa's ex-husband - Roger. He had never actually seen the man in person - not even a picture of him, but he knew the type of man, the guy standing before him was.
Roger appeared to be in his fifties and was wearing a conservative, tailored suit that would easily have cost more than some people earned in a month. He stood several inches shorter that Mitch and seemed to busy himself eyeing Mitch up and down and then returning to meet Mitch's eyes with a disapproving frown on his face.
"Who are you?" The man assumed to be Roger demanded to know.
Mitch planted his hip on the door jamb and braced his hand on the door blocking any attempt the other man might make to enter the house. "I could ask you the same question."
"Where's Clarissa?" The man demanded, attempting to push past Mitch, but Mitch blocked his path and shook his head.
"Sorry, I can't let you in."
The man huffed and his eyes narrowed at Mitch, glaring. "If I want to see my wife, then I will. Now move out of the way!"
Refusing to budge Mitch shot him a sarcastic smile. "Ex-wife, isn't it?"
"Yeah well..."
"How about this, Richard "
"Roger," Roger interjected.
Mitch laughed, "Yeah, well Roger, how about this. When she wakes up I'll let her know you dropped by. I don't expect her up for a while though; I had her up pretty late last night, if you catch my drift." He gave Roger a wink for good measure.
The older man's face reddened. "Well make sure you do," he spat, turning on his heel and storming back to the silver Porsche that was parked behind Clarissa's vehicle.
An amused Mitch watched Roger speed away, wondering how in the hell Roger had gotten a card to unlock the front gate to begin with. As he closed the door, a second thought occurred to him; what was Roger doing showing up there anyhow? As far as he knew Clarissa and Roger weren't exactly on friendly terms; had things changed since her divorce?
Nah, he decided, making his way into the kitchen to prepare breakfast. He was sure there was a reasonable explanation. Besides, he told himself, it isn't like it's any of my business anyhow. Right?
The sound of the doorbell woke Clarissa from what had been a very sound, satisfying sleep. With a groan she sat up, and was not surprised to see Mitch had disappeared e
ither to answer the door or explore the house, maybe both. Slipping from the bed she padded over to the window which overlooked the front drive and noticed a silver Porsche speeding away.
Roger's Porshe. Shit.
By the way Roger tore out of the driveway, she could safely assume that he'd met Mitch, an event she wasn't overly thrilled about. Wondering what had been said between the two men, she slipped on a pair of white lacy panties and threw Mitch's denim shirt over her otherwise naked body. Pulling the material up to her nose she took a whiff of the erotic musk smell of his cologne, which lingered on the shirt. Just the smell of him on the shirt was getting her aroused.
Not bothering to snap up the shirt, she made her way downstairs in search of Mitch.
By the time she hit the final stair, the mouth-watering smell of bacon frying assaulted her nostrils. Picking up her pace, she found Mitch preparing breakfast that could easily serve four people with just a white towel slung low on his hips.
" Something smells good in here," she commented sauntering into the modern styled kitchen, with stainless steel appliances and a marble island dividing the cooking area from the smaller dining room. She had a formal dining room through the door at the opposite side of the kitchen, but had yet to actually use it.
With a broad grin, he looked over at her and paused, his mouth dropping open slightly as his eyes took a moment to take in the sight of her near-naked body in his shirt. "Well, something looks pretty damned good as well."
Grease splattered as he flipped the bacon. "Aren't you scared of getting burned?" she asked frowning as her eyes surveyed his bare, muscled chest and torso.
He looked back in her direction and gave her a wink. "The important stuff is covered; not too concerned about the rest."
Groaning, Clarissa rolled her eyes at him in response.
Turning off the stove, he reached into an overhead cabinet for plates. "I'm finished anyhow. I hope you like your eggs scrambled."