Hitching A Ride 2:

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Hitching A Ride 2: Page 4

by elixaeverett

  Clarissa slipped her hand into Mitch's and led him into the restaurant which could be considered French art deco in design and style. Everything from the tables, to the staff and the decor screamed sophistication and class. He glanced down at his ripped faded jeans and t-shirt and felt severely out of place.

  Clarissa was sporting the same type of attire as she strode towards the back of the restaurant - in the direction of a staircase leading to the second floor - but in her case, she appeared to belong there. Even in jeans and a snug fitting t-shirt, Clarissa just screamed class. He would swear the woman could pull off a potato sack as high fashion and get away with it.

  As they approached the stairwell, out of the shadows stepped two massive men, wearing matching finely-tailored, black suits. When one raised his hand to halt Clarissa from ascending the stairwell, Mitch took notice of the shoulder holster and pistol he was sporting under the jacket.

  "I'm sorry ma'am, I can't allow you up there, it's a restricted area," The first man stated

  - the man with the gun on display.

  Dropping Mitch's hand, Clarissa folded her arms across her chest and glared at him.

  "Lucas is expecting us. Tell him Clarissa is here to see him."

  With a curt nod, the first man, a man who Mitch was sure - due to his massive size and muscle - would fit right in with the WWE, pulled his phone from his jacket pocket and made a call, presumably to Lucas.

  "Yeah, alright, I'll send them up."

  The guard nodded, hanging up the phone and slipping it back into his pocket. "Alright, go on up. He's expecting you."

  Less than a minute later they were knocking on a door with the words 'Mr. Choski'

  written across it. Mitch's heart was beating so quickly, he thought he was going to have a heart attack.

  The last time he'd seen Mr. Choski was through swollen, sore eyes after having the shit kicked out of him to the point where he had wished he was dead, in the back room of Lucas's casino. Many people assume stuff like that never happens in Vegas anymore, but they couldn't be more wrong. Mitch still had the scars to prove it.

  The door was answered by none other that Mr. Choski himself. Lucas was a man in his mid-forties of average height and stature, with dark hair which was speckled with grey. An average, non-threatening sort of man - at first glance. But it was the cold, ruthless look in his grey eyes that made men quiver. People knew not to fuck with him, and if Mitch hadn't been so cocky, perhaps he'd have known better himself and not been in the bind he was currently in.

  "Ahhh, Clarissa, sweetheart how have you been? How are your father and brother?"

  Lucas pulled Clarissa into a warm - fatherly - embrace, which surprised Mitch. Clarissa had explained that her father knew Lucas, but she hadn't explained how well, though he was beginning to get a good idea now.

  "I'm good. Dad's good. We're all good."

  After releasing her, Lucas stepped back and eyed Mitch. "I know you, don't I?" Lucas wagged a finger at Mitch and took another step back contemplating where he knew Mitch from. Considering how fucked up he'd looked when Mr. Choski had finally shown up to speak with him personally a couple of months ago, Mitch could see why Lucas was taking the extra moment for the pieces to fall into place.

  Lucas frowned as sudden recognition lit up his eyes. His frown deepened and he turned his attention back to Clarissa. "Clarissa, sweetheart, what have you gotten yourself mixed up with?" He waved a dismissive hand at Mitch, turned and walked back to his large finely polished walnut desk and slipped in behind it.

  Clarissa shrugged and made her way over to the chairs sitting across from Lucas. She flopped herself into one and motioned for Mitch to follow suit.

  "Before we get to why I assume you've come to see me... Where are you staying?"

  "The Luxor."

  "What!" Lucas shook his head, and raised a finger to her as he picked up the phone.

  "Nope, I'm going to have you set up in my hotel. Give me a minute."

  Several minutes and two phone calls later Lucas directed his attention back to Clarissa. "Do you realize what he did? How much he owes me?" Lucas raised a sceptical brow at her. "I may love sex Clarissa, but I don't appreciate getting fucked."

  A soft smile touched Clarissa's lips, "I understand, and I'm sorry about that."

  With hesitation, Mitch seated himself in the vacant chair next to Clarissa's.

  "I'm here to pay off his debt, Uncle Lucas."

  Uncle Lucas? Mitch knew his mouth must have dropped open at the word, but he couldn't help it. He d had no idea.

  Lucas snorted. "No way in hell I'm letting you pay off his debt."

  Clarissa face fell. "But..."

  Lucas wagged a finger at her, silencing her protest. Sitting back in his chair, he looked from Clarissa to Mitch then back again. The silence was deafening and with each second that rolled past, Mitch became less and less confident the situation would get resolved with him keeping all of his body parts intact.

  After what seemed like hours, Lucas sat forward in his chair and placed his elbows on his desk, one hand rubbing his chin. He motioned towards Mitch while keeping his eyes trained on Clarissa, "So you have affections towards this man?"

  Clarissa nodded. "I care for him, yes."

  Mitch shot a glance over at Clarissa and he felt a warming in his chest. He wanted to reach over and take her hand in his but restrained himself.

  "I'm not an unreasonable man, sweetie, so this is what I'm going to do." He trained a hard glare at Mitch and nodded. "I'm not doing this for you; I'm doing this for her.

  Understand that now."

  Mitch nodded, "Of course, Sir."

  "I want you close, so I can watch you. And you're going to work off what you owe me.

  It may take you a lifetime, but until you do your ass is mine. "

  Mitch frowned. What in the hell did he mean by work for him? Like give him a job?

  "I'm not sure I follow."

  Lucas scowled. "What I mean is this... Tomorrow morning you'll go down to see my head of security at the casino. His name is Terrance. You're going to do whatever the fuck Terrance tells you. I'll pay you, of course, but half your wage goes to me, half you keep. You're going to earn the money to pay me back, Mitch and if it takes until you're sixty, then so be it. Considering how much you owe me," Lucas shrugged, "I have a feeling you'll be in Vegas a very, very long time."

  Mitch gulped. Partly because he completely understood the conditions that if he fucked up, it would be on his head - perhaps literally; but also because that meant he needed to stay put. No more travelling, no more open road. He didn't have a choice in the matter. He was being nurtured whether he liked it or not.

  He looked over at Clarissa's hopeful expression and nodded. "I appreciate your generosity, Mr. Choski."

  Lucas was quiet for a moment and then suddenly slapped the palm of his hand down on the desk surface, causing Mitch to flinch in his seat. "Great, then! Clarissa it has been nice seeing you again sweetheart, but I have a lot of work to do. Your luggage is being sent to my hotel as we speak, so it should be there by the time you check in."

  "Thank you, Uncle Lucas."

  "My pleasure. Maybe we can have dinner tomorrow night?"

  "Sounds wonderful, Uncle Lucas," Clarissa responded with a broad smile.

  "Good; run along then."

  Clarissa caught Mitch's gaze and jerked her head towards the door as she stood. Mitch quickly followed suit, anxious to leave. Clarissa was already at the top of the staircase by the time Mitch began to close the door behind them, when Lucas called out to him.

  Shit. Mitch let out a puff of air he hadn't realized he had been holding until that moment. "Sir?" he questioned stepping back into the office, but keeping his hand remaining on the door handle.

  The hint of friendliness and affection that Lucas had displayed for Clarissa's benefit was gone, leaving a cold, murderous glint to his eyes and expression. "If you fuck this up or hurt Clarissa in any way, I will track you down, have you g
utted and your body will never be found. Are we clear?"

  A chill shot down Mitch's spine. "Crystal, Sir." Mitch didn't doubt his words for a moment.

  A smile touched Lucas's lips, but it failed to make it all the way to warm his grey eyes, making him appear even more sinister. "Good, now show Clarissa a good time tonight.

  You're to see Terrance at 6am sharp."


  "You know, I can always talk to Lucas privately, I'm sure if I pushed " Clarissa finally blurted out, no longer able to take the silence between them as they walked hand in hand down the strip.

  Mitch brought her hand up to his mouth and kissed the palm, sending shot of warmth through her. "I am more than happy with the arrangement," he assured her.

  Clarissa wasn't entirely convinced. Mitch was the type of man that needed his freedom. Now that Lucas had him by the balls, he'd be forced to change a big part of who he was, and that concerned her.


  Mitch didn't meet her inquiring eyes, but simply stared straight ahead as he spoke.

  "You know, Lucas is right. I just turned twenty-six last month, and it's time I started taking responsibility for my actions. It's time I rooted myself somewhere." He spread his hands out, motioning towards the casinos and brightly lit buildings as they walked, "And what better place than in the city that never sleeps, where the excitement never dies?"

  He looked down at her and gave her a wink.

  Clarissa had to admit, if there ever was a place built for someone like Mitch, then it must certainly be Vegas.

  Stopping suddenly, Mitch turned to face her and pulled her into his arms. "Thank you," he whispered into her hair.

  She looked up at him and smiled. "You're welcome."

  "Can I ask you another favour?"

  Clarissa frowned.

  Seeing her troubled expression he chuckled and kissed the tip of her nose. "No no.

  That was all the trouble I'd gotten myself into, I assure you of that."

  She slipped her arms around his neck and reached up to brush her lips across his, "In that case, ask away."

  "Stay with me."

  Clarissa pulled away and eyed him curiously. "You want me to stay here, with you, in Vegas?" It hadn't even crossed her mind. She d assumed she would stay a few days and then head back to her automotive detailing shop and her life in New York. "Just to be clear. You mean stay in Vegas, indefinitely?"

  He chuckled and pulled her back against his hard chest. "Or until you get bored of me and Vegas and want to go back to that posh little set-up you have in New York."

  Clarissa hadn t meant to be standoffish about the idea; it was just such a surprise to her. What he was proposing was a relationship - an actual relationship. She knew she was ready to start seeing someone more seriously; she was ready for a relationship, but she still had doubts about Mitch. "Are you suggesting this because of Lucas or because it's what you really want?"

  He cupped her chin in his hand and tilted her face up to his. "I'm asking because you are the most amazing woman I've ever met and if I'm going to be settled down then I want you with me." When she didn't respond he continued, "That is, if you want to."

  "So we'd go on dates..." she teased.

  "I'd introduce you as the girlfriend..."

  Clarissa laughed. "The girlfriend, huh?"

  "Yeah, I haven't had one of those since... since high school. I think her name was Becky." They began walking again, Clarissa held close to his side as they strolled.

  "Becky... Blonde hair, big tits, a cheerleader?"

  Laughing outright Mitch shook his head. "Nope. She was an emo chick that I honestly didn't even like all that much, but she gave good head so..."

  Laughing, Clarissa swatted him on the arm.

  "Ouch," he feigned injury and frowned as he looked down at her. "I'd appreciate it if you saved the rough stuff until we get back to the hotel."

  "Mmmm, that so?"

  Mitch wiggled his eyebrows at her. "Oh yeah, I have something really special planned for you tonight."

  A shot of anticipation rushed through her and she found that she was becoming uncomfortably wet between her legs just thinking of all the fun and nasty things he might have up his sleeve.

  Girlfriend... She smiled at the idea. Looking up into his deep blue eyes, she nodded.

  Yep, she liked the sound of that.

  The End

  Soft & Hard Erotic Publishing


  Works By Terry Towers

  Available Now

  Halloween Partner Swap

  All For Daddy

  Sibling Rivalry

  Hitching A Ride

  Moan For Uncle

  The Marine's Naughty Sister

  Doing Her For Dad

  Little Virgin Sister's Webcam Show

  Moan For Uncle 2: Keeping It Secret

  Daddy's Special Christmas Gift

  Under The Officer's Command

  Moan For Uncle 3: No More Secrets

  Conjugal Visits (Good Girls With Bad Boys)

  Sibling Rivalry 2: Never Say Never

  The Cop And The Girl From The Coffee Shop

  Hitching a Ride 2: To Trust A Con

  Coming Soon

  Moan For Uncle 4: Skeletons In The Closet

  The Politician And The Girl From The Coffee Shop

  Sibling Rivalry 3: In It Together

  Works As Adrian Athens

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  Melting Point

  The Welding Instructor

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  Men For Sale

  Works By Nikki Nexus

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  Daddy Says: Ménage Sex Games

  Santa's Brothel

  Naughty Nuns: The Confessional

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  Busted: Naughty Teens

  Contact Information

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