Blind Devotion

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Blind Devotion Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  Squeezing her legs together, she tried to relieve the ache that was building inside her.

  “Yes, you heard me correctly.”

  “Wow, this conversation has changed tack. One moment we’re talking about killing people, then Kenneth, now sex.” She liked talking a lot more than she liked silence. There were times when she was home that she’d lie down on her bed, listening to classical music, anything to stop herself from listening to the silence, knowing there was nothing she could do about it.

  Pussy chuckled.

  “So the, erm, eating pussy reference was about sex, not eating people?”

  His chuckle turned into a full blown laugh. “Babe, you’re cracking me up. You really are completely innocent.”

  “I went blind before I could look porn up on the ‘net. They don’t exactly have sex books in Braille for me to read.”

  He stopped laughing, and the moment he did, she missed the sound.

  “You don’t have to stop laughing. It’s funny, even if I don’t know what you’re laughing at.” She shrugged, offering him a smile.

  “You’ve got the prettiest, sweetest smile I’ve ever seen,” he said, catching her off guard.

  “Thank you.”

  “Shit, I’m turning into a pussy now. Fuck, no, why don’t you listen to books? They do them on audio now or so I’ve heard.”

  She shook her head. “All purchases have to go through Kenneth. He won’t let me have books.”

  Pussy still held onto her arms.

  “I’m getting hungry again. Can I finish eating my food?” She didn’t want him to let her go, but she didn’t have a choice.

  “Sure.” He gave her back her burger, and they started eating.

  Her curiosity built inside her as he stopped talking and ate.

  “What is it like?” she asked.

  “Eating pussy?” Her cheeks had to be bright red. They were hot to the touch. Her curiosity was going to get her in a lot of trouble one day, if it hadn’t already.

  “I don’t know what it’s like. I’ve never had a pussy to be eaten.”

  She giggled, shaking her head. “You’re making this harder for me.”

  “No, baby, I’m making sure you know that I eat pussy. I don’t have one.”

  “Okay. I knew that.”

  “Baby, eat your burger and then we’ll talk more when I get you safe.”

  She wanted to argue, but what more could she say? Pussy was the one in control of this conversation, not her.

  Chapter Four

  Staring up at the sky, Pussy knew he needed to make a call to Devil and his brothers. Glancing behind him, he saw Sasha still remained on the bench where he’d put her drinking her milkshake. From the steakhouse, he rode for the next hour to try to clear his head. With Sasha’s legs cradling his body, he’d not been able to think at all. Shit, Devil was going to be completely pissed with him.

  Now was not the time to start a fight with one of the men in town who could cause them a lot of problems. Pulling out his cell phone, he saw over ten missed calls from the clubhouse alone. Shit, Kenneth must have seen Sasha was missing.

  He couldn’t send her back to the bastard who hurt her. There was no way he’d do it, not even if Devil ordered him to.

  His cell phone went off. Keeping his gaze on Sasha, he accepted the call.

  “Where the fuck have you been?” Devil asked, his voice raised to a shout. “We’ve had the fucking cops around here looking for you. Rumor is you’ve stolen a woman, Kenneth Carmichael’s blind, fucking stepdaughter. What the fuck have you got to say about that?”

  Pussy went to open his mouth. Devil didn’t give him chance to respond.

  “I told you to stay out of fucking sight. We need to stay clean and you go off with a woman who can put you in fucking jail.”

  “She’s twenty, boss. The girl I’m with is twenty, and the guy who’s so concerned about her, caused her to be fucking blind.” Pussy glanced back up at the sky. Maybe going straight to heaven or hell would be better than facing his president.

  “You’re certain.”

  “I’m not sending her back to Piston County to the fucker who hurt her. If this was Lexie, you would have done the same, or to Judi.”

  Devil cursed. “Fuck, why can’t we ever do shit that’s simple?”

  “I think The Skulls are cursed. Ever since we started to visit them, our lives have turned to shit.”

  “Shut up,” Devil yelled.

  Pussy winced, moving the phone away from his ear.

  “I think for tonight it would be best if you checked into a hotel or something. Don’t come back here today. It’s only going to cause problems.”

  “Will do.”

  “Is this what I think it is?” Devil asked.

  “I don’t know. What do you think it is?” Pussy tried to be vague in his response.

  “Are you going to fuck this girl? Turn her into your old lady?” Devil sounded tired once again. The shit with Gonzalez was really starting to wear thin.

  “I can’t answer that right now, boss. She means something.”

  “You want to fuck her?”


  “Then this is going to start causing problems,” Devil said.

  “I’ve wanted to fuck other women before. None of them have ever been a problem.”

  “Are you being fucking stupid on purpose? None of the other women you’ve fucked have forced you to take this next step. You took this girl—”

  “Woman,” Pussy said, interrupting Devil’s rant.

  “Don’t fucking interrupt me. This girl, you’ve taken her away from her family and telling me you’re not letting her back to the people who can protect her? Please, tell me, Pussy, if that’s not laying fucking claim to her, what is?”

  He remained silent, seeing Devil’s logic.

  Watching her suck on the straw of her milkshake sent Pussy’s cock into overdrive. Fuck, this woman didn’t have a clue how hot she was.

  “Are you going to answer me?”

  “Yeah, I’m laying claim to her. There’s something else that you might want to get Whizz to have a look at.”

  “What is it now?” Devil asked.

  “I was talking with Sasha, and she mentioned that her stepfather Kenneth was having meetings with an Italian guy. She can’t give us anything more as she can’t see.”

  “What’s this got to do with anything? Whizz is busy as it is trying to find ways of bringing Gonzalez down.”

  Running fingers through his hair, Pussy watched a couple of men staring at his woman. Starting toward her, he spoke quickly.

  “An Italian in meetings with one of the men on the town council, Devil. That strikes me as odd, especially with Gonzalez throwing his weight around. It’s too much of a coincidence not to think of the two together,” Pussy said.

  The two men saw him and moved in the opposite direction. Sasha didn’t give any notice of him being closer to her. She looked happy. Every now and then she’d smile and look up to the sky. She took his breath away with her openness of enjoying life. How much had Kenneth taken from her? He didn’t think the bastard had raped her or touched her, but he couldn’t be sure of anything.

  “Fuck, you’re right. I’ll get Whizz looking into everything. This shit is really starting to bug me. Stay out of town tonight and we’ll deal with the other shit tomorrow morning. Make sure your woman is on board with whatever plan you’ve got in place.”

  “Will do. Let me know if Whizz finds anything out. I don’t want to be kept waiting.”

  Devil agreed before hanging up.

  “Hey, babe.”

  She turned her head and stared at his stomach. “Hey, is everything okay?”

  “Yeah, how’s your milkshake?”

  “Good. Do you want some?”

  Sasha offered up some shake for him.

  “No, I’m good.”

  He took a seat beside her on the bench. “Wow, you seem a little put out. Did your phone call not go so well?” she ask

  “We can’t go back to Piston County tonight. Your stepfather caused a few problems. We’ll wait ‘til tomorrow and I’ll take you back.”

  “No, you’re going to have to take me back. I don’t want you getting into trouble.”

  “I won’t. My president has given me some orders, and there’s nothing we can do. We’ve got to do as he asked.”

  “President? None of this makes any sense. I’m freaking out.”

  “Do you trust me?” he asked.


  He held her arm so she wouldn’t hurt herself. “Then let me take care of you.”

  He reached out to cup her cheek. She didn’t jerk away from him or tense up. Stroking her pale cheek, he held back a groan. His Sasha was smooth to the touch.

  “Why would you want to?” she asked.

  “I don’t know.” Closing the distance, Pussy stared at her lips. Fuck, they were red, plump, and in need of kissing.

  Slamming his lips down on hers, he moaned the instant they touched. She whimpered. Her hand cupped the back of his hand, caressing down to his cheek.

  He slid his tongue along her lips waiting for her to open up. Sasha didn’t keep him waiting long.

  She tasted of the chocolate milkshake she’d been drinking. Their moans mingled together. Tilting her head back, he deepened the kiss. When their lips touching wasn’t enough, he picked her up getting her to straddle his hips. Her pussy pressed against his cock. Their clothing stopped him from going any further, but he wanted to. Pussy didn’t want to stop feeling her ride his cock.

  Groaning, he slid his tongue in and out of her mouth, mimicking fucking her.

  “Pussy?” She whispered his name against his lips.

  “What, baby?”

  “What’s happening? I don’t know what’s going on.”

  Pulling away from her lips, he pressed his head to hers. “We’re going to have to stop. I’m going to take you to a hotel room where we’re going to have a really long discussion.”

  If he was in luck, he’d find a place to get some condoms. His cock ached from the feel of her body alone.

  “Something’s wrong,” she said, moaning. She thrust against him, rubbing her pussy against his shaft. Sasha caught his face, kissing his lips. “Please, make it stop aching.”

  He groaned as she dry fucked him on the bench.

  You caused this, so now you’ve got to finish it.

  Picking her up, he walked her back until she was next to his bike. Glancing behind him, he made sure no one could see what he was doing. Sliding his palm down the front of her body, he moaned. She really was nicely rounded in all the right places.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “I’m going to make you feel good. Relax, and this will go well.” Fingering the button of her jeans, he found there was enough space for him to slide his hand inside. Down he went until he cupped her pussy. Her panties were soaking wet. Sliding them aside, he fingered her slit. She was so turned on.

  Sasha gripped his arms tightly, groaning. “That feels so good.”

  “It’s going to feel much better, baby, I promise you.”

  “How can it feel better?” She stopped, letting out a moan. Before she could finish, Pussy claimed her lips. He didn’t want anyone else hearing her scream out her pleasure. Her cries of release were for him and him alone.

  When they were alone she could scream until her heart’s content, but until then, she would be silent.

  Stroking two fingers over her clit, he slammed his tongue inside her mouth. She opened up to him, no longer fighting. She thrust against his fingers, whimpering, crying out, and moaning whenever he released her lips long enough to hear.

  Within seconds she was screaming out her release. Her whole body shook at the sudden burst of pleasure pulsing from her. Banding an arm around her waist, he continued to stroke her. Sasha begged him to stop. Kissing her head, he withdrew his hand, and sucked the cream from his fingers.

  “Fuck me, baby, you taste so fucking good.” He let out a moan as her essence filled his mouth. Swallowing down the taste of her, he knew once was never going to be enough for him.

  “Wow,” she said.

  “Come on. Let me find a hotel and I can make you feel that way again.” Helping her onto the back of his bike, Pussy struggled to get comfortable. His dick threatened to split his trousers open he was so hard.

  Sasha was proving to be as much trouble as he imagined.


  When he pulled out of the food court or wherever he’d gotten the milkshake from, Sasha had been reeling from what she’d experienced. Pussy had just given her, her first orgasm. What was she supposed to do or say? No one had prepared her for this in life.

  Her mother didn’t talk about sex, and Sasha never asked questions. She didn’t know how long they rode for. The time passed, and all she could think about was the feel of his fingers down her pants.

  Get a grip.

  Trying to push her thoughts aside was difficult. The threat of Kenneth couldn’t even stop her feelings. None of it made any sense to her.

  Time passed, and the bike finally came to a stop. “Where are we?” she asked.

  “Don’t worry about it. I’m not going to leave you on your own.” He helped her off the bike, removed the helmet, and took her hand. She followed behind him with sure steps. This was the first time she’d ever been out walking when she was sure the person wouldn’t hurt her or cause her to fall. Kenneth always found ways of making her feel unsure on her feet.

  He opened the door, and she reached out instinctively to put her hand on it. Other times, Kenneth made sure she hurt herself.

  Stop thinking about him. He’s not here to take this from you.

  Blowing out a breath, she stopped as Pussy placed a palm on her stomach. Was he purposefully giving her independence?

  She didn’t know. Pussy didn’t seem the guy to go out of his way for a girl. Were they all throwing themselves at him?

  “Hey, darling. We’re looking for a room for the night,” Pussy said.

  The hand holding hers released her. She panicked for a split second then released a sigh as he placed that arm along her shoulders.

  “For you and your sister?” the woman asked.

  “Nah, babe, this is my woman. We’re having a little fun before duty calls back at home.” Pussy kissed her temple.

  “We don’t do rooms by the hour.”

  How dare the bitch say something so mean? Sasha went to speak up, but Pussy got there before her.

  “Get your fucking manager before you seriously piss me the fuck off, bitch.” Pussy had never once talked to her like that.

  Licking her lips, Sasha felt nervous for the girl.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “I don’t care to hear what you’ve got to say. Get your fucking manager and you better hope he or she is feeling in a forgiving mood.”

  Minutes passed, and she didn’t hear anything else. “Don’t you think you were a little hard on her?” Sasha asked.

  “Bitch was insulting, and I don’t accept crap like that when it comes to you.” He kissed her head again. “Don’t panic or anything. I want a room, and I want it without attitude.”

  When the manager arrived, Sasha tucked herself against Pussy. Was he frightening to look at when he was angry? She didn’t think of him as scary. Tuning out what he was saying, she closed her eyes and inhaled the scent of him.

  What if you could see?

  She’d long given up that hope. Right now, she didn’t need to see with his arms wrapped around her. Pussy made her feel protected. She knew it was wrong, but she adored his name. Everything about him contradicted what Kenneth wanted for her.

  Pussy was a hard, rough biker with a startling sweet side.

  “I expect a fucking discount for her treatment.”

  “Absolutely. Here, take this room. It’s a beautiful room, and if you need any help at all, let me know.” She assumed that was the manager stumbling over his w

  “Come on, baby. Let’s get out of here.”

  Pussy led her out of the room. She went with him.

  “Right, we’re going to go up some steps. Are you good to make them?”


  They took several steps forward, and Pussy paused. “Step.”

  She searched for the step and started the momentum going up. Pussy’s arms on her waist kept her steady. Making her way up the flight of stairs was a huge achievement for her. Smiling at the top, she giggled. “I did it.”

  “What’s the matter, baby?”

  “At home they installed one of those chairs for me to get to my room. That was my first flight of steps, and I did it.” She flung her arms around him, holding on tight.

  Pussy laughed with her. She wanted to share this enjoyment with him.

  “He’s really kept you trapped.”

  Sasha stopped to think about what he said. He was right. Kenneth had kept her trapped, afraid to move to the outside world. What could he hope to achieve with keeping her around?

  “Yes, he has.”

  “Baby, don’t worry about him. He’s never going to hurt you.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “Chaos Bleeds, we’re a family as much as we’re a club. We won’t let anything happen to you. I promise.”

  Could she accept his help?

  Did she have a choice?

  Her mother couldn’t stop what Kenneth had done.

  “I don’t want to talk about him anymore. He’s ruined my life enough.” She’d barely lived. All of her friends were off having a great time while she stayed at home, waiting to live. Slowly, she was being beat down, and having Pussy for company was showing her that.

  He took hold of her hand and led her down toward the room. She didn’t try to steady herself like normal. Sasha trusted him to get her to where he wanted her safely.

  She listened for the click of the lock.

  “Right, we’re here.” Pussy opened the door and helped her inside.

  “Is it dark or light out?”

  “It’s getting dark.” He flicked the light on.

  “I wouldn’t worry about it. It doesn’t matter if it’s light or dark.” She tried to smile. Did he like the way she looked? For four years she’d not looked in a mirror. Was she pretty? He had to like her to get her off, right? “I’m so confused,” she said.


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