Blind Devotion

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Blind Devotion Page 11

by Sam Crescent

  “Frederick is screwing with us. This is not about taking over as a partner or even as a business. He’s going to get rid of us, Tiny.” Devil ran a hand over his face. Pussy’s president looked tired and worn out with this latest revelation.

  “How do you know this woman heard the truth? For all you know her hearing is as bad as her choices.”

  Letting out a sigh, Pussy saw all of his brothers agreed with Tiny. “She’s drugged and addicted to alcohol, but she loves her daughter, Tiny. I’ll vouch for her. She’s telling the truth about Kenneth.” He looked at all of the men. “Didn’t you guys see it in Kenneth’s eyes? He threw a brick through a window. If he’s not got something planned then I’m a fucking idiot. There is more to this than meets the eye.”

  “I fucked up, and we’re all dealing with Frederick,” Curse said. “I don’t think this is anything other than a business relationship. We can’t control what a stepfather wants to do. This is being blown out of proportion.”

  “He killed Ashley. She was a business partner to us,” Pussy said.

  “She was also gathering information for us,” Devil said, speaking up. “Tiny, I’m telling you, man, trust me on this. We’re going to regret letting this lie if you don’t believe me.”

  “You’ve not actually said anything,” Tiny said.

  “He’s going to kill us all.” Devil’s words rang throughout the whole room.

  “What?” Pussy asked, frowning. When did that conclusion get jumped to? Pussy liked living. He’d only just found Sasha, and he wasn’t going to die trying.

  “Think about it. He starts here with Curse taking out that fucker Dale. We’re doing the transport shit of his business, moving whatever he wants. Then, he just happens to come to Fort Wills. Butch’s past with him. This has got to have been planned, Tiny. Frederick Gonzalez is not looking to do business with two small MCs. We don’t have the manpower that he needs.” Devil was pacing the office. “Where he comes from we’re two little fish in a whole fucking ocean. He doesn’t want us. He wants the towns that link us all up in between.”

  “Where are you going with this, boss?” Death asked.

  “Frederick has a plan. He’s too intelligent not to have a plan. Think about it. What do you do when you can own part of a state?”

  “You take out the competition and set up shop.” Tiny spoke up over the line.

  “This has nothing to do with us. Frederick is gaining ground on our soil. He’s setting up shops, warehouses, distribution, girls, guns. You name it, he’s running it. All of us will be in his pocket. We’re expendable, and no one can do anything about it.”

  “For all of those who feel a little slow, raise your hand and ask how he can do this?” Snake asked.

  “He’s not running it. Frederick has a lot of little people, like us, to get caught. We’re expendable, and when he no longer needs us, he pops us off,” Pussy said. “He’s playing cat and mouse, only we’re the mouse and he’s the cat that’s hiding in the long grass out by the field waiting to catch us one by one.”

  Devil nodded. “He’s got the means of putting us away for a long time. Our families are in danger, Tiny. We’ve got to come up with a plan to take this fucker out. I’m sick and tired of waiting.”

  “Alex has gone to Vegas. Ned’s fighters are being attacked, Devil. Whatever is happening, he’s going after Ned now as well.” Tiny sounded awful. “Fuck, this is getting complicated.”

  “We’ll meet up, and we’ll talk it out,” Devil said.

  “Yeah, I think we should come to you this time. Something is going on in Fort Wills. I don’t trust a meeting here. We’ll come to you, and we’ll talk then.” Tiny hung up the phone.

  Frowning, Pussy saw Devil wasn’t expecting that.

  “What’s that all about?” Pussy asked.

  “I don’t know. Until further notice I want you all to stick to the clubhouse. All of us are staying around. I don’t want to risk one of us dying because I wasn’t cautious enough with you all,” Devil said, looking at each of them in turn.

  They all nodded. As they made their way out of the office, Pussy stayed behind to speak to Devil.

  “What’s the matter?” Devil asked, when they were both alone.

  “I’m going to kill Homer when I next see him.”

  Devil looked up at him. “Good.”

  “You’re not going to argue with me. Tell me that I need to keep my shit together because of Gonzalez?” Pussy folded his arms. He knew Devil, had served with the Chaos Bleeds crew for a long time.

  “No, I’m not.”


  “Because Gonzalez never had any intention of keeping Ashley alive. I should have seen it. However, I was trying to make sure our club stayed alive long enough to deal with him. He’s upped the ante on our lives. I’m not going to allow him to take over our town, ruin my club, and hurt my woman. We’re going to fight back, if it’s the last thing I do for this club.”

  Devil stared back at him.

  “Are you going to take out Kenneth?”

  “The fucker threw a brick at my clubhouse, and it hit my woman. Kenneth’s on borrowed time. For the past few months we’ve been acting like a bunch of pussies facing off the school bully.” Devil took a deep breath and smiled. “I hate bullies. I’ve never liked them. It’s time for us to be grown ass men. We’re not sitting down and taking shit anymore. Frederick can go and fuck himself if he thinks I’m some kind of lapdog. I suggest you do the same.”

  Devil walked past him, leaving him stood alone in the office. Glancing around the office, Pussy finally felt free. For the past few months they’d been trying to deal with Gonzalez’s demands whereas now, they were going to take the fight to him.

  He breathed easier. Closing the office door, he headed up to his room. Opening the door he found Sasha’s mother tapping her leg. She needed to go somewhere as otherwise it was going to get a whole lot messier.

  “Death.” His friend was the one who organized the rehabilitation centers.

  “This better be fucking good,” Death said, pulling up his jeans as he exited the room three doors down.

  “Pussy, what’s going on?” Sasha asked.

  Ignoring his woman, he motioned for her mother to come to him. She got off the floor and walked toward him. She was pale, sweating, and looked ready to throw up.

  “You’re the only who handles admissions. She needs rehab, and you need to get her there tonight,” Pussy said.

  “Shit, this fucking sucks. I’ll get Curse to come with me as backup.”

  Pussy didn’t give Sasha time to say goodbye to her mother. It wouldn’t be long before she was back home with them. Pussy watched as Death led her mother away with Curse in tow. The two men were going to be pissed at him, but he didn’t care. He wasn’t leaving his woman alone tonight.

  “Pussy, what’s going on?” she asked.

  “We’ve sent your mother to rehab. The pills and alcohol have taken their toll, and in order for us to keep her around, she needs to be clean. We’re all clean, baby. Devil made sure the whole club got clean with this shit with Gonzalez.” Pussy removed his jacket and kicked off his shoes.

  She wore one of his shirts with a skull-and-crossbones on the front. With her hair wild around her face, she looked so fucking sexy.

  “Baby, I need to take a shower.” He stepped closer to her, taking hold of her hand. “Come with me.”

  He liked the way she held him a little tighter as she walked. Pussy knew she needed to hold him because of her inability to see. Her eyes were focused in front of her as she stood up. Over time, he hoped these little actions would help her build up her confidence. He’d already decided he was going to get her a dog to help her.

  There was no way he’d let her go without while she could have the independence she clearly craved.

  “I’ve already taken a shower.”

  “Now, you’re going to take another shower as I want to see your body naked. It has been too long since I saw your tits.”
r />   She gasped. “I’m never going to get used to this.”

  “Baby, you’re not going to have a choice. This is who I am. I like to curse and to say shit the way I see it. Your tits are mine, and so is this beautiful pussy.” He didn’t release her hand as he reached behind him and flicked on the shower. Cold water cascaded in the tub. Moving away, he drew the shirt she wore up over her head.

  Sasha wasn’t wearing any panties. He had a clear view of her perfect pussy that he’d trimmed and shaved to perfection.

  Placing both of her hands on his stomach, he removed his jeans and told her what he was doing at the same time.

  Her fingers danced across his skin. When they were both naked, he tugged her into the shower, helping her inside.

  She giggled, wrapping her arms around his neck. The water fell over each of them, slicking their bodies.

  “I can’t wait anymore to kiss you.” He dropped his head down, licking the path along her lips. She didn’t leave him waiting long as she moaned, opening her lips.

  Plundering her mouth, he tasted her.

  She was everything he hoped she’d be, and he didn’t want to let her go.


  Pussy’s hands stayed on Sasha’s hips as his tongue played inside her mouth. Heat spilled between her legs. Wrapping her arms around his neck she tried to pull him closer to feel him pressed to her body. There was nothing stopping him from taking her.

  She wanted his rock hard cock thrusting inside her.

  He was turning her into a sex maniac. All her thoughts zeroed in on the pleasure he could give her with his hands and mouth.

  “Please,” she said.

  “Touch me, Sasha. I don’t want you to move your hands away from me.” He spoke the words against her lips. Running her hands up and down his body, she tried to memorize the feel of him by touch. “Here.” He took her palm, placing it on his cheek.

  Taking her time, she touched his face, learning the contours and beauty of him. Caressing his lips, she smiled. “I love these.”

  He didn’t say anything. She winced at the word she’d used.

  Get used to not saying it.

  No, she wouldn’t. She loved Pussy, and there was no way she’d hide it from him. Sliding a thumb into his mouth she giggled. “I love the way you lick my pussy, Shane.”

  She used his name just like he asked her to.

  “Woman, you’re going to drive me crazy. Where have you come from?”

  “I’m away from danger. You make me feel safe, and I can tell you the truth about what I wa—” Sasha was cut off by his lips. His tongue slid inside her mouth, and she caressed his with her own.

  He tasted amazing, and she didn’t want it to end.

  “You’ve no idea what you do to me,” he said.

  She was starting to get an idea. He was driving her crazy as well.

  Licking her lips, she moved her hands down to his chest. Spreading her palms out, she fingered his nipples. They budded against her fingers, and she released a moan.

  “That’s it, baby. Touch me.”

  Leaning forward, she flicked one bud with her tongue. His hands sank into her hair, but he didn’t pull her away.

  Sucking his nipple into her mouth, she kissed along his chest until she gave his other nipple the same attention.

  Pussy moaned, the sounds vibrating through his body letting her know she was doing everything right for him. With her mouth busy, she glided her hands down learning each ripple and ridge. He was a strong man. His body showed how much he worked out.

  “That’s right, baby. Touch me.”

  Down she went until she encountered the thick length of his cock. Pausing at his stomach, she circled the base of his cock, working her fingers up to the tip. He was long, hard, and thick. She didn’t need to see to know this.

  “Fuck.” The hand in her hair tightened. She loved the slight pain he caused as she was giving him pleasure. Smiling, she lowered herself to her knees.

  “What the fuck are you doing?”

  “I want to do with you what you did to me. I’m going to suck your cock and give you just as much pleasure as you did me.” She worked from base to the tip, sliding her hand up and down the shaft.

  He released his hold on her hair. Pressing her mouth to her hand, she worked out where the tip of his cock was. Flicking her tongue over the head, she tasted something musky and salty.

  “What’s that?” she asked.

  “It’s my cum. I’m turned on, and it leaks out of the tip.” He cursed again as she sucked the very tip of his cock into her mouth. She loved the taste of him instantly.

  Moaning, she took more of him until he hit the back of her throat. With her free hand, she reached down to touch herself.

  “Are you fingering your clit?” he asked.

  She murmured her answer.

  “Fuck, you’re so fucking perfect.”

  The water washed down around them. Using one hand at the base of his shaft, she worked up a pace that meant she didn’t gag on his length. With her other hand, she touched her clit, sliding a finger over the bud then down to her cunt to press inside her.

  She’d never touched herself. Sucking Pussy’s cock, she took her time to get to know her own body. Sasha learned what she liked, using two fingers to rub her clit.

  “You’re so fucking sexy. When I get you in my bed I’m going to taste your pussy. I’m going to fill you up with my cum.”

  All of his dirty words drove her closer to orgasm. She didn’t want to come before him.

  “Give me those fucking fingers,” he said.

  Holding her hand up, she felt his large hand circle her wrist. The heat of his mouth swamped her fingers, sucking them into his mouth. She moaned at the small contact. His mouth would be so warm sucking on her clit.

  Bobbing on his shaft, she took more of him to the back of her throat. When she couldn’t handle anymore, she pulled away to circle the tip. She loved his pre-cum and wanted more. Licking the tip, she moaned as each new taste exploded on her tongue.

  “Fuck, baby, keep playing with your cunt. I want more.”

  She slid her fingers inside her pussy then brought them up to tease her clit. Each glide over her nub had her almost coming. There was no way she was going to be able to hold off her orgasm.

  “That’s it, baby, come over your fingers.”

  With no other choice, she released his cock and gasped out as her orgasm crashed through her. Crying out, she continued to finger her clit.

  Pussy took her, sliding his fingers through her slit. “So fucking beautiful.” Kneeling in the tub, she fucked herself onto his hand, never wanting it to end.

  When she couldn’t handle anymore, she gripped his wrist and begged him to stop.

  “Enough, please. I can’t handle anymore.”

  He paused, moving his hand out of her hold. She heard him sucking on his fingers.

  He helped her to her feet. Her legs were like jelly as he moved her.

  “No, please, I want to give you an orgasm.”

  “Baby, you can give me an orgasm soon.”

  Shaking her head, she tried to go back to her knees.

  “Sasha, no. I need to be inside you before the end of the night.” He lifted her up in his arms and turned the shower off.

  His strength surprised her. Holding onto him, she tried to think of where he was moving her.

  Pussy eased her on the bed. He kissed her mouth, and he was moving down her body, sucking on her nipples in turn. There was no stopping him as he went down, pressing kisses to every inch of her body.

  He opened her thighs, and then she screamed as he attacked her clit, sucking the bud into his mouth.

  “Pussy, stop.”


  “I’ve come.”

  “So? I want you to come again and not to stop.” He flicked his tongue repeatedly over her clit. She fisted her hands in the sheets as the pleasure took on a whole new feeling. Every part of her body was alive, sensitive to the smallest touch.
She didn’t know if she’d survive through another orgasm.

  His fingers held onto her hips as he thrust his tongue into her core. The pleasure built within her, drawing her closer and closer.

  “I can feel you, baby. You’re so close to letting go. Give me your orgasm.”

  She didn’t know how it was possible, but only a few flicks of his tongue and she hurtled into another orgasm that was much better than the last one. Her fingers were nothing compared to his talented tongue.

  He gripped her hand, and she sank her nails into the flesh.

  Pussy moved up the bed.

  “How was that, baby?” he asked.

  “I can’t feel my body.” She felt like she was floating. Her head was pounding, and she breathed out a sigh. “That was amazing.”

  “You better get used to amazing,” he said.

  His arms ran across her body. She stroked his arm, loving how safe he made her feel.

  “I love you.” She snuggled in against him, knowing she wanted more.

  “I love you, too,” he said, taking her by surprise.

  “What?” She tensed up in shock.

  “Tell me about it, baby. It took me completely by surprise.”

  She shook her head. “You told me you didn’t do love.”

  “I didn’t until I met you. I guess you made me change my mind.” His fingers teased down to graze the skin at the top of her pussy.

  “You’re in love with me? You’re being serious.”

  “I don’t joke about shit like this, Sasha. I love you. I want to marry you.”

  She stayed silent, unsure what to actually say to him.

  “You don’t believe me?”

  “Erm, no, I don’t. I’m sorry. It just seems a little hard to believe that you’d change your mind within a matter of hours.”

  He’d never given her a reason to doubt him, yet she didn’t trust his sudden change. Why would he change his mind so quickly?

  “I lost one of my best friends because I didn’t protect her. She paid the price for the club’s mistake. I hate being vulnerable, and with you, I am. It’s not because of you. Ever since I first met you there’s been something different about you. I can’t focus when I’m around you. All I want to do is sit and watch you.”


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