Blind Devotion

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Blind Devotion Page 13

by Sam Crescent

  He pulled all the way out of her until only the tip was inside, and then with one long jerk, he shoved every inch inside her. The pain combined with the pleasure was a heady experience. She locked her fingers with his and enjoyed the ride he was taking her on.

  Over and over, he pulled out only to slam inside. Each stroke was precise, prolonging their pleasure.

  “I can feel your pussy clenching around me, baby. It knows who its master is. Do you know who your master is?” he asked.


  “Say my name.”


  “And who am I?” he asked.

  Every time he spoke, he thrust inside her.

  “You’re my master.”

  “Good girl.”

  He didn’t stop and pounded inside her. She gripped his hands tightly as he rode her body harder than ever before. The depth shocked her, yet she wanted more. Pussy took possession of her lips, sliding his tongue in and out of her mouth.

  “You feel so fucking good. Your naked pussy is tightening around me as if it’s got a life of its own.” He groaned, kissing down to her neck. She tilted her head to the side, and he sucked on the flesh.

  She whimpered at the pleasure.

  “That’s it, baby. Give me everything. Let me hear you come.”

  He pulled out of her pussy and bumped her clit with his rock hard shaft. She cried out at the jolt of ecstasy.

  “Come for me.” He released one of her hands, and his fingers replaced his cock. Sasha didn’t stand a chance against his latest onslaught.

  Her orgasm crashed through her as he pounded away, refusing to release her.

  “Fuck, baby, I’m going to come.” Within seconds Pussy followed her into bliss.

  She felt the jerk of his cock along with the pulse of his cum. Afterward he collapsed against her.

  “I love you.”

  “I love you, too. Please, don’t go.”

  “I’ve got to go, and you’re going to have to trust me with this.” He kissed her lips. “I’ve not broken a single promise I’ve made to you, have I?”

  She shook her head.

  “I’m not going to start now.”

  Sasha hoped everything was going to be okay. In all of her life she’d never known any man about to go and start a fight. Especially a fight he didn’t know he could win.


  “You shouldn’t go,” Lexie said. “It’s dangerous.”

  “I’ve taken this guy’s shit, Lex. For the past few months I’ve been living with his fucking demands. I’m a bastard postal service, and if we get caught, that’s it.” Devil sat naked on the bed. Their children were asleep in the room next to theirs. He stared at his woman, seeing her in tight night shorts and a thin strap shirt. She looked so fucking sexy, and seeing her like this made his dick ache to be inside her. “Come here.”

  She stepped closer to him. Pushing her shorts out of the way, he eased his cock inside her pussy. Lexie wrapped her legs around his waist, as he slid in deep. He wasn’t wearing a condom, and they’d been trying for another baby.

  “I’m scared.”

  “Don’t be.” He pushed the straps of her shirt underneath her breasts. Watching those lush mounds bounce as he fucked her always drove him insane.

  Whatever she was about to say was cut off by a moan.

  “You and the kids mean the world to me, Lex. I’m not going to let this fucker take shit away from us anymore. He can take me away, the kids, you. I can’t let that happen. This is going to stop him from doing that.” He cupped her cheek, feeling her pussy clench around him. “When it comes to you I’ll never take any risks.”

  “I love you, Devil. You’ve got to promise me you’ll come back to me. I didn’t agree to doing this on my own.”

  “I’m not asking you to. We’re going to be a team all the way.” He sank his fingers into her hair, tugging on the full strands. Her tits arched up toward him. “Now shut the fuck up so I can fuck you.”

  “Is my man back?”

  “I’ve never been gone.” He plundered her mouth as he ravished her pussy.

  He was back, and no one was going to be telling him what to do. This was his club, his town, and everyone could go and fuck themselves.

  If Frederick thought he could fuck with Devil then it was time for him to show Frederick what fucking with the Devil of Chaos Bleeds really meant.

  Chapter Eleven

  Pussy stared at his woman as she stood in the main hall. She was holding onto Judi’s arm as she stared at the floor. Wrapping his arms around her, he tilted her head back and claimed her lips. “I’ll be back before you know it.”

  “What should I do?” she asked.

  “Call your mother and see how she’s settled into the clinic. It won’t be long before you don’t even recognize her. She’s in good hands.” He turned to look at Lexie. She was wrapped around Devil wearing his leather cut. Every inch of her displayed her role within the club. She was Devil’s old lady and the leader of the women. No one fucked with her unless they wanted shit to come down on their heads. “Lex will take care of you.”

  “I love you.”

  “I love you, too, baby.” He kissed the top of her head and turned away.

  Following his brothers out of the main hall he ignored the sweet-butts as he passed. Ripper stood beside his bike, looking at the clubhouse.

  “Are you okay, man?”

  “No, I’m not okay. Leaving Judi behind is like wrenching my fucking heart out.” Ripper took out a cigarette and lit up. “But I so want a chance to kick this fucker’s ass in. We’ve been pussies for too fucking long. It’s time for a little payback, I think.”

  Pussy couldn’t agree more.

  “What’s happening with Curse and Death?” Pussy asked.

  “They’re meeting us on the road. Devil’s arranged for a meeting near one of Frederick’s known warehouses. Our boss is about to start a full out war. I can’t wait.” Ripper chuckled, throwing his cigarette to the ground. “It’s show time.”

  Devil walked out of the clubhouse going straight for his bike. Some of the club members were staying behind to keep an eye on the clubhouse and the women.

  Climbing onto his bike, Pussy stared at his woman as Judi led her out. She looked so beautiful even though she was out of place.

  With her face being the last thing he saw Pussy pulled out of the parking lot and followed the rest of his club. Today he’d get his vengeance and the club would be back to being who they were supposed to be.

  The drive went by slowly. The sun rose in the sky, and his mind was on the job at hand. The Skulls could sit around waiting for shit to happen. Chaos Bleeds were done waiting. They were taking the fight to the problem.

  Time passed, and the ride on his bike relaxed him. He loved being on the open road.

  I love Sasha a hell of a lot more.

  He smiled thinking about her. She meant so much to him, and yet they’d barely known each other.

  Looking ahead of him, Pussy saw the warehouse come into view. Devil pulled into the available parking space set off from the old warehouse that had been used for employees when the warehouse was in use.

  Turning his engine off, he saw the cars surrounding Frederick Gonzalez. Kenneth, Homer, and Ronald were clear to see.

  Feeling happier, Pussy climbed off his bike going to stand with his president. Death and Curse arrived within minutes. Pussy kept his gaze on Homer and Ronald. Both men looked startled to see the other two alive. Frederick gave no sign of any emotion.

  “So what’s the meaning of this, Devil?” Frederick asked.

  “I thought it was time for us to have a chat.”

  “If I wanted a chat I’d have called you.”

  Devil chuckled. “Yeah, we heard about the hit on Murphy and Tate. You like playing games, don’t you?”

  “There are no games going on here, Devil. You’re a means to an end. I need you for one thing, transportation. When you fail to be of use, I get rid of you.”

/>   Kenneth smirked from his place beside Frederick. “I’m going to be wanting my wife and daughter.”

  “I’ve got a problem with you, fuck-face,” Devil said, glaring at Kenneth.

  “Who the fuck are you talking to?” Kenneth asked, going red in the face.

  “Come here and talk to me like that.”

  Frederick smirked. “Go on, Kenneth. He won’t do anything. I need you all alive.”

  Pussy stared at Homer. In his mind he saw Ashley’s laughing face despite her troubled past. She didn’t deserve to die. Whatever Devil had planned Pussy wasn’t leaving until this fucker was in the ground. Kenneth took the cocky steps toward Devil. The bastard was so sure of his position in Frederick’s life.

  Smirking, Pussy watched as Devil looked relaxed. His boss always looked most relaxed when he was about to strike and kill.

  “What do you want?” Kenneth asked.

  “Play nice, Devil. He’s a cunt, but I need him for work,” Frederick said, glancing down at his cell phone.

  For several seconds Devil didn’t do anything. He stared at Kenneth, and then in one motion, the blade Devil had been hiding struck in Kenneth’s neck. “You hurt my fucking wife, you sick little fuck. You blinded a woman and were going to kill her to get her out of the way. You’re fucking dead.”

  Ronald and Homer tensed up. Drawing his gun, Pussy aimed it at Homer while the rest of his brothers aimed guns at Frederick and Ronald.

  “I wouldn’t fucking think about it.”

  “This about the black haired bitch, Ashley?” Homer asked.

  Pussy didn’t respond. He was waiting for his boss to give the go ahead to end this fucker. All he needed was for Devil to say the words and this man was gone.

  “I didn’t give you permission,” Frederick said, getting to his feet.

  “I’d sit down if I was you,” Curse said. “Nothing would give me more pleasure than seeing you piss and shit yourself before I blow your fucking brains out.”

  Kenneth gargled, and blood dripped out of his mouth.

  “What? You got nothing to say to me?”

  Devil chuckled. “Think you can mess with me, think the fuck again.” He withdrew the knife then slammed it back inside the side of Kenneth’s neck. Over and over Devil struck out at Kenneth leaving a puddle of blood.

  “Pussy, now,” Devil shouted.

  Dropping his gun to the man’s cock, Pussy shot Homer’s dick off. He fired two more bullets, one in each knee cap, until the man was on the floor, screaming. Gripping him by his head, Pussy tugged his head back and stared into his eyes. These would be the eyes Ashley looked into before she died. This man wouldn’t have made it easy for her.

  “She … worth … it?” Homer asked.

  “She was my friend.”

  “She … was … a … club … whore.”

  Pussy smiled. “She was our club whore.”

  Using the butt of his gun, he struck out at the man, slamming the gun down. Over and over he struck Homer until the bastard no longer had a face and he was covered in blood.

  No one stopped him. Ronald made to move, but Pussy’s brothers fired shots at his feet. When it was over, Pussy went and stood beside Devil, who was covered in as much blood as he was.

  “What the fuck does this prove?” Frederick asked.


  “I’m going to ruin you.”

  “Good.” Devil looked toward Snake and nodded.

  Snaked pressed a button, and the building behind them started to crumble to the ground.

  Frederick looked behind him. “What the fuck are you doing?”

  “You take my livelihood, I’ll take from you.”

  “There were people in there.” The other man was yelling. He no longer looked like the calm Italian mobster.

  “Were there? Ashley was one of mine. So are Death and Curse. Consider this payback.”

  Devil stepped up close toward Frederick, glaring at the man in the eye.

  Pussy stared at his boss. He looked larger, taller, and far more powerful than Frederick.

  “You kill me and everyone you love dies,” Frederick said.

  “I’m not going to kill you. I figured you’re the type of coward who’d have shit like that in place. You proved that with Tate and Murphy. They don’t wake up and you’re going to have Tiny on your case.”

  “I’m going to own all of you.”

  Devil chuckled. “No, you’re not.”

  “You can’t win this.”

  “And neither can you. You fuck with me, and I’ll fuck with you. This,” Devil pointed toward Homer and Kenneth, “is just the start. I can make this worse. I can find every business you ever owned and have it in the ground within hours.”

  Frederick’s rage was clear for them all to see.

  “I will win this. You’ll die.”

  “I know, but here’s the thing, Fred. I don’t give a fuck about dying. Do you? You walk around with your guards and your deals. If someone gets hurt, you hurt someone else. You’re afraid to die. I’m not, and I’ll take you down with me.” Devil continued to stare at Frederick. “Do your own fucking runs from now on. I’m out.”

  “You owe me.”

  “And you took one of my women from me. I don’t owe you shit. Consider the fact I’m giving you your life and walk the fuck away.” Devil stepped away, and they all lowered their weapons. Ronald made no move to reach for his.

  Climbing on the back of his bike, Pussy gunned the engine and headed back to the clubhouse with Devil.

  Life was going to change, he had no doubt, but he also knew he was going to be living his life with Sasha.

  Once they were back at the clubhouse, Lexie didn’t say a word as she led Devil away. No words were needed. Pussy took Sasha into the bathroom with him, but he made sure to wash the blood away before she touched him. He wasn’t going to risk anything happening to her.


  Two weeks later

  Sasha stood within the doorway. She ran her hand up and down the frame getting used to the feel and texture. Using her walking stick, she ran it around in the room. Pussy had been teaching her the layout of the room, but he was out for the moment and she always practiced when she was alone.

  It had been two weeks since Devil had gone to pick a fight. Within the last couple of weeks a lot had happened. Pussy had moved her out of the clubhouse and brought her here. It was a small house near the town center with a small garden. Every day he took her out, counting the steps and helping her get used to where things were. It was nice not having to panic in case she smashed anything. Pussy promised her there were no valuable items around the house.

  This was her time to get used to her life. During the day he helped her to become more independent, and by night he taught her exactly why he got his name. Shane, or Pussy, was addicted to licking her out. He spent more time licking her clit than he did fucking her. She did love sucking his cock and hearing him splinter apart underneath her touch. The sounds he made turned her on more.

  “Okay, Sasha, you can do this.”

  Releasing the wall she took three steps into the room. She imagined Pussy behind her. He’d wrap his hand around her waist and whisper the steps.

  “Turn left and make one step, turn front and three more.” She paused as she recalled where everything was. “Lean forward and there is the coffee table.” She felt the coffee table, giggling. “Three steps to the side and sit down.” Sasha followed the orders and lowered herself into the chair.

  Her achievement was great, and she giggled, clapping her hands.

  “Baby, I told you that you could do it,” Pussy said. His voice came from behind her.

  “I didn’t hear you come in.”

  “I’ve got you a gift.”

  “A gift?” What could he have given her? Pussy had gotten her more than enough. The time he spent with her giving her back what Kenneth had taken was more than she could have imagined.

  “Stay where you are,” he said.

e strained to listen to all the sounds.

  “Put your hands out.”

  She did as he asked, and she encountered fur.

  “A dog, you’ve bought me a dog?” she asked.

  “Yes. She’s designed to help you. There’s going to be a woman come around later to talk you through the commands. You’ve got to name her though.”

  Sasha stroked the dog, loving her pet instantly.

  “I’m going to name her Ashley, after your friend. She helped to guide you.”

  Pussy cupped her face and kissed her.

  In the last two weeks Pussy had arranged for a proper burial for Ashley. She’d been by his side as Pussy and the rest of the Chaos bleeds crew said their goodbyes to the woman who’d lost her life too soon.

  “Fuck, baby, I love you.”

  She smiled. “I love you. I love you so much.”

  “You can’t ever leave me. Sasha, you’ve got a pussy I love licking, and I love being around you. You’re not getting rid of me any time soon.” He dropped a kiss to her temple. “You’re stuck with me.”

  Wrapping her arms around him, she smiled.

  Being stuck with Pussy was the best feeling in the world.


  Six months later

  Somewhere out of Fort Wills

  “Butch, wake up, baby, please, you’ve got to wake up. You can’t die,” Cheryl said, screaming his name. There was blood everywhere, and none of The Skulls agreed to help him. Everything had gone wrong, and she didn’t know how to make it all right. “Please, somebody, help me.”

  Tiny, Devil, Alex stared down at the body refusing to help. Why wouldn’t they help? Butch had done everything they asked.

  He didn’t tell you about the Savage Brothers MC.

  “He’s dead. Leave him be,” Tiny said, spitting on the ground. He was covered in blood, his arm holding a giant gash that revealed too much of his flesh. Gonzalez and the Savage Brothers had taken them all by surprise, and now both crews were having to pay the price.

  “No, he’s not dead. I can feel a pulse. Please, you’ve got to help him.” Cheryl tried to cover the bullet wound to keep his blood from leaving his body.

  No one was helping. Sandy was passing out across the room. What remained of the Fort Wills town hall left a lot to be desired. Civilians were running around trying to get away from the attack that had fallen on the town within days of Tiny going to war with Devil. For the first time in years Devil and Tiny didn’t get along. They’d all been mistaken. Gonzalez never intended to choose between the two men. He was going to take on Fort Wills and Piston County, killing all of them. Cheryl saw the glares they were shooting at her man. It was all a big mistake. They were all staring at Butch as if he was a rat, vermin, something they couldn’t bring themselves to touch. Didn’t they know he was helping them all?


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