Super Stupid Cupid: An Enemies to Lovers Valentine's Day Romance (Super in Love Book 6)

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Super Stupid Cupid: An Enemies to Lovers Valentine's Day Romance (Super in Love Book 6) Page 4

by Jamie Knight

  “I’m good, sir. Women are the farthest thing from my mind.”

  Some of my teammates snickered, but I got right down to business, ignoring any further conversations. Coach nodded and walked away.

  It took a while to settle into my regular training routine amid the distractions from my teammates. However, in truth, I was still thinking about Mandy. There was a strange way in which she evoked feelings deep inside me that I had always been afraid of. For once, I felt that if I was going to commit to anybody, it would have to be her. Despite my long history of being a player and seemingly using the women I was with, I started believing that Mandy was special.

  I didn’t want to mess things up with her, which was why I was not going to kiss and tell with my teammates. I wanted her to see me as an adult, an actual loving boyfriend, and completely dispel the notion that all I could be was a womanizer.

  I was embarrassed about my past at that point because I never thought I would develop such deep feelings for Mandy. She really was wonderful to the extent that my teammates had now noticed.

  The sense of excitement in the locker room and later on the field was palpable. I hoped that it would bring us to a victory. We had worked hard for the past couple of months, and it was only justified that our efforts be rewarded.


  Later that evening, after a couple of hours of training with the team and enjoying lunch together, I spoke with Mandy. We agreed to meet up for dinner at a local Italian restaurant. I had been thinking about her the entire day, so it would be great to finally be alone with her.

  However, the moment Mandy walked in through the door, I felt as though my evening had livened up. She had a winter coat on, but under it, she wore jeans and high-heeled boots. She looked more beautiful than ever.

  I got up and pecked her on her cheek before taking her jacket. She had a smile on her face that was persistent as if she was in the mood to relax with me and enjoy a good dinner.

  The restaurant was dimly lit, and it gave the whole place a mysterious feeling. There were not many people in the dining room. Only the staff members recognized me, making our meal more enjoyable. I reveled in being in the presence of my new interest.

  Mandy had fascinating stories to talk about and was super intelligent. She could speak on a lot of topics, from politics to the environment. She made me feel like going back to school to crack the books just so I could keep up with her.

  I had grown used to dating girls who talked about their perfumes, their problems with their girlfriends, and what to eat or drink. I was not used to actual sophisticated conversations simply because I did not have the time. I always wanted to get a girl and bed her immediately.

  Mandy was very affectionate, touching my hand, refusing to waver her gaze at me. We ended up enjoying a perfect dinner, but as we were going through our dessert, disaster struck.

  Chapter Eight - Felix

  The restaurant’s front door swung open, the little bell at the top of the door ringing. I chanced a glance and instantly held my breath. It was Coach Kramer and his wife.

  As I stared, they had their coats taken and were ushered to an empty table. The coach had a smile on his face, and he was deep in conversation with his wife. It was rare that I got to see him dressed in a formal suit and black leather shoes.

  He looked to be in a good mood, and as the waiter took their orders, he laughed loudly at some point. Despite the good appearances, I could not forget the stern warning he had given the entire team; as long as we were chasing after girls, we were risking our spot on the team.

  Mandy noticed that I was staring at the coach for an extended period and asked if everything was alright. I didn’t want to raise the alarm, so I told her everything was fine, and we kept on enjoying our dessert.

  However, when Coach Kramer got up from his seat and made for what appeared to be the men’s room, I ducked, turning away so that he wouldn’t see me. I literally tried hiding my face by cupping my hands.

  “What are you doing?” Mandy demanded after the coach had disappeared into the back of the restaurant.

  “Nothing,” I insisted.

  Mandy set down her spoon. “Are you embarrassed to be with me? I’m good for sex but not good enough for you to be seen with me in public?”

  “What? No.”

  I was concentrating so hard on not being caught by Coach Kramer that I was offending Mandy. She had an angry look on her face, and I tried my best to convince her that it was not the case.

  “I’m thrilled to be out with you,” I pleaded.

  “Then why are you trying to hide from your coach? Is there something I need to know?”

  I shook my head, but the damage was already done. Mandy got to her feet. She stormed out of the restaurant, leaving me there seated in shock. One minute, everything had been going perfectly. The very next minute, it was like my world was sinking into an abyss.

  There was now no need to hide from the coach. He had already returned from the bathroom and had noticed me from the commotion. I expected him to come storming over, but he remained seated for a while. I tried finishing my dessert, but it was no good; I was too upset.

  All I had to do was tell Mandy the truth, but I hesitated. She had to understand because I was not hiding out of fear of being seen with her. It was fear of the coach assuming that I was womanizing instead of resting and preparing for the big game.

  However, I was also scared that by bringing it up, the issue about my reputation with women would come up. There was nothing worse than Mandy having to endure more stories about my past and my mistakes.

  I didn’t want to wreck what was a developing relationship even before it had started. I wanted to show Mandy that I genuinely cared for her, and I would not accept this to just end on such a small misunderstanding.

  I saw Coach Kramer rise to his feet. He started walking over to my table. This was it for me, I knew I was in trouble, and there was no escaping it now. I would have to convince the coach that I was just having an innocent dinner, and it had nothing to do with my usual quests.

  “Felix, I’m glad to see you here,” said the coach, taking a seat where Mandy had been sitting earlier.

  He had a big smile on his face, which surprised me. “I’m proud of you,” he informed me. “I’ve never seen you expressing such emotion over a woman before, and your affection for Mandy is obvious.”

  He shocked me with his reaction. I expected him to give me a hard time, even threaten my position on the team, but he just patted me on the shoulder.

  “It’s clear you’re not just trying to play the field with Mandy. There is something sincere about your actions.”

  I nodded my head. “I’ve never felt this way about a woman before.” Nervously, I glanced up. “I… I think I’m starting to fall for her. I keep imagining what our life could be like together.”

  Coach’s face lit up. “Are you finally ready for an adult relationship, Felix?”

  “She’s the first girl I’ve ever imagined marrying,” I admitted. Hearing those words coming out of my own mouth shook me.

  I was surprised that I sat there and openly expressed just how I felt about Mandy. My heart quivered with the risk. There was fear there, but oddly, I wasn’t ready to give up yet.

  “Mandy is extraordinary,” I told the coach. “I’ve never met anyone like her. I can’t get her out of my mind, and I don’t want to.”

  We ended up sitting there for a while, discussing relationships, and I realized that I shouldn’t be upset over Mandy leaving me there abruptly. After all, she had every reason to be suspicious about what I really wanted.

  I never expected it, but the coach ended up giving me some sound relationship advice and vowed to be on my side. He made it clear that my position on the team was not vulnerable as long as I kept up with the rest of my teammates.

  I left the restaurant feeling happy, knowing only too well that I would fix the damage between Mandy and me. As long as the coach was not breathing down my neck, everything
would be alright. I would be able to fix everything and be with her because I was really crazy about Mandy.

  Chapter Nine – Mandy

  There were little, dark clouds hanging over my head.

  I was slouched on my couch trying to watch some soap opera on television, but I simply could not concentrate.

  The sour taste of what had happened the previous night still lingered in my mouth, and I felt really stupid that I had trusted Felix to be a different man. It had been a bad mistake to not listen to my own initial instincts.

  As I sat there sulking and thinking just how stupid I was, I got a phone call from Brianna. She and Barry had just gotten back from seeing a musical, and she wanted to invite me out for drinks. The idea of getting drunk was appealing, but my mood was too sour. There was no way I was getting off the couch.

  I told her everything about Felix, how we had gone out for the first time and how he tried to hide that he was with me. I told her that I felt foolish agreeing to be with Felix. There was no way I could have avoided the initial date that was explicitly organized by the coaches. Still, I should have never accepted an invitation to have dinner with him.

  I told Brianna how we had kissed that night in the ballroom, how hot it had been. There was a spark between the two of us, but now, all I felt was a deep darkness that had replaced that affection.

  Brianna listened patiently until I was done. “Look,” she said, “it was likely that there was a misunderstanding considering the coach technically is Felix’s boss.”

  “I doubt it,” I argued. “Felix is just like Drake. You know it. We’ve all heard the stories.”

  She knew that I had been single for a long time, and she tried as much as possible to push the idea of being with Felix. Brianna was very interested in seeing me happy, and one of those ways was being with a boyfriend.

  However, I dismissed any notion that there was a misunderstanding between Felix and me. I reminded her of his history of promiscuity, his total disregard for relationships. I uttered once more how stupid it was for me to go out on a date with him.

  “Well, I’m not completely convinced, Mandy. It does sound like he really likes you. Why go through all the trouble, then?”

  “He just wanted to get me between the sheets; that’s all men think about.”

  I simply could not entertain the idea of Felix being serious after what had happened the previous night. I could not help but visualize how he crouched on his seat and turned away from me as though I was not there. It was very awkward and hurtful. I didn’t ever want to endure that again. There was no need for me to be involved in such games regardless of how handsome or intriguing Felix was. I wanted a man who could genuinely respect me and enjoy me for who I really was.

  Just as I hung up the phone with Brianna, a call from Coach Kramer came in. I was surprised because he never called cheerleaders, let alone me, and it made me wonder what he would have to say.

  Was there something specific he wanted the cheerleaders to do? Or was there a specific problem that had happened? Well, either way, it would be necessary to speak to him.

  I was surprised when he quickly dismissed all formalities, looking to speak to me on a personal basis.

  “What do you have in mind, sir?” I asked him.

  “Look, Mandy, I want to talk about Felix,” he said in a fatherly tone I had never heard before. “I saw what happened last night, and I tell you, he was distraught when you left.” The coach cleared his throat. “Now I know you girls gossip, and Felix has quite the reputation. But I think he is actually interested in you. I’ve been waiting for a while to see that kid turn the corner in his life, and well, I think you might help him with that. Just give him another chance.”

  I was initially shocked, and I was unable to respond to the coach. Why was he talking about Felix? What did he know about him and me?

  Coach Kramer asked me again to give the tight end another chance. He argued that Felix was error-prone like everybody else, that he had made mistakes in his past, but he was now trying to do the right thing. His primary interest at present was to find a woman he could settle with and that I would not regret being with him.

  I listened as the coach spoke for a few minutes, completely baffling me. I wondered why he was saying nice things about Felix, somebody he knew had a bad reputation, particularly among the opposite gender.

  The coach spoke passionately about him, telling me that he had never seen him happier and that it was making him happy, too. Felix was the perfect person to be with, and I would achieve happiness with him.

  When I finally spoke, all I could do was thank the coach for his thoughts. I was still stunned that he had called me just to speak about why Felix was the perfect boyfriend for me. He must have been feeling guilty for ‘interrupting’ our dinner the previous night.

  I was honestly waiting for Coach Kramer to tell me to try out some new drills for the cheerleading team or that we need to handle a specific task during the game. Whenever he called, it was always something technical. It was never a personal phone call.

  And so, as I sat there with the phone to my ear, I realized that this was a genuinely unique moment. For the first time that day, my heart started beating slower, and I felt slightly relaxed. It was rare to have somebody talk about Felix in positive ways other than his football career.

  The coach told me that the phone call was not merely altruistic but also self-serving. With that, he hung up the phone and left me seated there in surprise. For once, the dark clouds that were hanging over my head slowly disappeared.

  Chapter Ten - Mandy

  Forty-five minutes later, my phone rang once more, jarring me from my thoughts of what I wanted to do with Felix. I was still confused, particularly after that phone call from Coach Kramer, and I still was not sure I was willing to take any risks with Felix.

  But I thought of that hot body, the way he held me tightly against him. He was a strong man, and his eyes were very imposing. He made me melt right in front of him, and even though he had hurt me, there was nothing I could do to fight the conflicting emotions.

  When I picked up my phone, I was glad to hear the voice of Felix on the other end. I was surprised that he had opted to call me so soon, but he told me that he had just spoken with Coach Kramer, and he was very eager to see me.

  He promised to show up at my place as soon as possible. I barely had a chance to change when he rapped on my front door. He was looking handsome as ever, dressed in a sports jacket and sneakers despite the freezing conditions outside.

  Felix had a big smile on his face and was apologetic about what had happened the previous night.

  “Look, you have to understand that there is no woman right now I respect more than you.”

  “I didn’t realize you were under pressure from your coach; I’m sorry.”

  “That’s okay.”

  We stared into each other’s eyes sincerely before I offered him a cup of coffee. We sat in my messy den, kissing, touching each other. Just as I had imagined, there was something very clutching about his grip. I sunk into his arms.

  Before we both knew it, our clothes were off, and we were kissing each other all over. I liked the heavy cologne that Felix was wearing. It made him seem very brut as he was caressing me uncontrollably.

  I had resisted the advances of several men for such a long time, and now I was finding myself completely unable to resist Felix. I had no reason to stop him, and I had never realized that he could be such a passionate lover.

  He started licking me between my legs, something I had not experienced in a very long time. It felt so good. I immediately lay back on the couch as my entire body shuddered in pleasure. I grabbed myself a fistful of his luscious, black hair.

  I was struggling to believe what was happening to me. Felix was doing to me exactly what I wanted a man to do on my body, make me wet, fondle my nipples, give me long, hard kisses.

  I started playing with his cock as he licked me. It was rock hard and big. Maybe there was a
reason that he frequently got women and was continually mistreating them; he clearly was well endowed.

  I rolled his cock in my hand for a bit, wondering how he was going to get all of it in me.

  Moving his head from between my thighs, I got on my knees and started sucking him off. His right hand lodged on my breast. His thumb rubbing my nipple. I felt his cock become longer and harder in my mouth as I sucked him, and I made sure to make him as wet as possible.

  He grunted slightly in pleasure as I fondled his balls, then jerked slightly when I started sucking them.

  “Oh, Mandy, you’re terrific.”

  But it had been a while for me, too. Eventually, he took me by the shoulders and plunked me on the bed, spreading my legs wide open. He got on top of me, missionary position, and slowly inserted his cock into my waiting pussy.

  His cock slipped into me with a little difficulty, but it was good that we were both wet. It had been such a long time since I had a man in bed, and it felt nice having Felix inside me, bringing me to life. His long, thick cock was like nothing I had ever felt before. It stretched my pussy in a way that made me feel lightheaded.

  “Oh, wow,” I moaned as Felix started to thrust rapidly inside me, enjoying the tightness of my pussy. “You feel so good.”

  “You like my big dick, baby?” he asked as he pumped me.


  “You like it when I fuck you with it?” he teased, “Making those big titties bounce?”

  “God yes,” I moaned, feeling my core start to tighten. “Fuck me harder, Felix.”

  Grabbing my hips, he filled my pussy and then pulled out over and over, rubbing over my g-spot and hitting all the right places. My core was lit up and sensitive as hell. I clawed the bed behind me, unable to keep still as the sensations started to overwhelm my body. I was very much in the throes of lust. Felix knew exactly how to move inside and out of me with precision. His lovemaking was almost as technical as some of his best moves in a Leviathans’ playbook.


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