ROMANCE: Paranormal Romance: The Valley (Book One) (Fun, Sexy, Mature Young Adult Vampire Shape Shifter Romance)

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ROMANCE: Paranormal Romance: The Valley (Book One) (Fun, Sexy, Mature Young Adult Vampire Shape Shifter Romance) Page 60

by Charlotte Swanpol


  The next day, Jade counted every second until she could rush home and get ready for the party. When she’d heard about the party the month before, she immediately sought to find a dress. After hours of searching, she finally found one. Someone was selling their barely-worn prom dress for dirt cheap, and Jade knew she’d regret it if she didn’t jump at the opportunity. It needed minor adjustments, but she knew she would rock it; a strapless, midnight blue gown with a sweetheart neckline and a slit up the left thigh. She could hardly contain her excitement.

  Lewis had been less than enthused when she mentioned it to him the night before, but now that the dress was back from alterations, she was convinced that it would be enough to tip the scales in her favor. He didn’t often like to dress up, which is why a degree in Political Science confused her to no end, but when he did dress up, he dressed up well. Besides, it would be good practice for their wedding.

  When she got home, garment bag in hand, Lewis was sitting on the couch, pants off and Xbox controller in hand, and barely uttered a distracted “Hey.” She sighed, and headed straight for the bedroom. She was going to knock his socks off.

  The entire time she marched behind him from bedroom to the bathroom and back, his eyes remained glued to the screen. Good she thought. No sneak peeks to ruin the grand reveal.

  When she strutted into the living room, her smoky-eye and Old-Hollywood curls perfectly accenting the gown, she gave a light yet deliberate “Ahem.”

  Lewis turned to look and dropped his jaw. He took her in from bottom to top. Her vintage pearl-colored satin pumps, the little glimmers of beading on the gown, the way the mermaid cut hugged her curves and accentuated her ample bosom. Amidst voluminous curls, her mother’s teardrop pearl earrings poked through.

  “Still think this Christmas party isn’t ‘your kind of thing’?” she smirked.

  His jaw worked soundlessly for a moment before finally uttering a “Whoa.”

  “Babe, you know it’s finals time – I’m just taking a quick study break and then I’m charging right back to it. But you should definitely go. Looking like that, you have to. Holy shit. I hope you don’t like that dress too much, because when you get back, I’m going to tear it off of you.”

  Despite her disappointment, she beamed. He still wanted her.

  “Okay, well don’t fall asleep too early. It’ll be going until around two or three, but I’ll probably be home before that.”

  “I’ll see you then,” he smirked, turning back to the T.V.

  She sighed as she shut the door behind her.


  As she walked into the party, she took a quick look around, and Jade was overwhelmed by the glamour. The hospital had rented out the ballroom at one of the fancier hotels downtown, complete with crystal chandeliers and butlers with trays of hors d’oeurves. She felt beyond outside her element here. If she was going to get through this, she needed a drink.

  As she made her way to the bar, she spied the person she’d been hoping to see. Owen stood in a cluster beneath a wide arched window, looking as though he’d walked right out of a black and white film. His black tuxedo fit him perfectly, his black curls tied back to showcase his flawless jaw.

  She ordered a glass of Sauvignon Blanc and meandered through the crowd. As she approached the group, she was dismayed to discover that the person to which he was speaking was none other than her skinny and perky coworker Alexa.

  Of course she was dressed to the nines; where everyone else was wearing black, or white, or some combination thereof, Alexa wore a stunning floor-length number in rose-colored crushed velvet that clung to her like a glove. Her blonde hair was swept up in an elaborate up-do, accentuating the back of the dress that plunged nearly too deep. As Jade approached, she threw back a good two-thirds of her wine. Fuck, she thought.

  “Good evening everyone,” Jade announced, as confidently as she could. Unexpectedly, the heads of all in the group swung to see her, and all had looks of surprised admiration or plain shock painting their faces. Alexa was one of those who wore a look of shock, tinged lightly with jealousy. But the only look that mattered was that of Owen.

  His face read nothing but intense approval, his eyes glazed as they took her in, unconsciously licking his lips.

  “Hello Doctor Azevedo,” she grinned. “You’re looking well.”

  “Thank you, Jade,” he coughed. “You are as well. That is a stunning dress.”

  “What, this old thing?” she giggled, and downed the rest of her wine. Her cheeks colored at the realization of what she just said. What are you doing? Are you seriously flirting with Owen – Doctor Azevedo – in front of everyone!? The band began to play a smooth jazz number, and Jade was relieved for the distraction.

  “A beautiful song,” she mentioned, changing the subject.

  “Cole Porter is one of my favorites,” Owen agreed. “It would be a shame to let him go to waste.”

  He bowed in front of her, offering his hand. “Dance with me?”

  The calm smile that spread across her face belied the cartwheels she was doing in her mind.

  “I’d love to,” she replied.

  As he led her to the dance floor, she was glad for the music; her heartbeat would surely cause a panic. Once arrived, he took her right hand in his left, and placed his right tenderly on the small of her back. Even with her slight heel, it was difficult to look up at him without craning her neck. They found the rhythm and began their modified waltz. Over the band, nobody could hear him whisper besides her.

  “You are breathtaking,” he breathed, and she giggled politely in thanks. “No, I mean it. You took my breath away.”

  He looked at her intently, driving his point home, and she flushed. They moved in silence for a moment, swaying to the croon of the saxophone.

  “I’m happy you came,” he spoke so softly even she had to strain to hear him. “Alexa said you might not make it.”

  “It was up in the air for a little while, but I’m glad I came. I’m having a lovely time,” she agreed.

  “Where is your fiancé tonight?”

  “He --” didn’t want to come, she finished in her head. “He had some last minute studying to do for finals tonight.”

  “That’s too bad,” he murmured. “Did he see the way you look tonight? I can hardly believe he did; if I were him I wouldn’t have let you out of my sight.”

  Maybe the wine had gone to her head, or maybe she was drunk on his cologne, but she leaned her head against his shoulder as a tidal wave of goosebumps erupted throughout her body. The song ended, and the dancers clapped, and it was physically painful to tear herself away from him. I’m sure there are dozens of other girls waiting in line to dance with him, she thought. Better make way.

  “Another?” he asked, sheepishly. She needn’t even speak; she just nodded her head and grinned. They danced all night, song after song and, even though there were other women who plainly wanted to dance with him, when they asked, he’d politely decline and use the restroom.

  She ignored the furious stares from Alexa all night, too busy enjoying herself to be bothered. Before she knew it, it was half past midnight. She’d intended to be home by now.

  “Doctor Azevedo,” she began.

  “You can call me Owen,” he smiled. Such a dazzling smile.

  “Owen,” Jade grinned. “I’ve been having such a wonderful night, but I regret that I have to leave after this dance.”

  He cleared his throat slightly, and swallowed.

  “Yes, I suppose your fiancé is at home waiting for you.”

  “Yes, he is,” her confirmation dripped with sorrow.

  The dancers clapped once more as the song concluded. They looked at one another hesitantly.

  “One more dance?” Owen smirked. Good God, was he handsome.

  “Okay, one more dance,” she agreed. “But then I really have to go.”

  “Deal,” he grinned, and took her by the hand. He led her from the dancefloor out beyond the ballroom i
nto the lobby, and pushed the elevator call button.

  “What’s going on?” Jade stammered. “Where are we going?”

  “You agreed to another dance, but had no specifications as to where that dance took place.” He gave her a mischievous grin. “Just trust me.”

  They only climbed two floors, but when they got out, they strode into an unseen balcony above the ballroom they’d just left. It was less glamorous, but still grand, the hardwood floor recently swept. The music still sounded from two floors below, and he took her hand and led her to the center. As they danced, her mind raced.

  “By now it’s no surprise,” Owen began. “That I have feelings for you.” Jade thought her heart would stop.

  “From your first day at the hospital, I had this feeling about you; like you were going to change my world. And I was right. I knew I was right, yesterday, when I realized that I didn’t ever want to be away from you. And I think I saw it in your eyes, that you feel the same way.”

  Speechless, she stared up at him.

  “I know this is insane. I know you’re engaged, and you love your fiancé, and he could very well be the one you’re supposed to end up with, but I would live the rest of my life in regret if I didn’t tell you how I felt.”

  They stopped dancing, she was beginning to feel very dizzy. Confused, she looked him in the eyes.

  “There are so many women down there,” she gestured to the ballroom below. “There are so many women who are better for you than I am; taller than me, thinner than me, more attractive. Why me? Is it just because I am unavailable?”

  Owen took a moment and looked at her, then shook his head.

  “Because none of them are you. You are beautiful, and intelligent, and funny, and we get along so well. Because you are broken, just like me.”

  Reeling, she took a breath and looked up into his handsome face, his deep jewel eyes and freckles staring back. I should go, she thought. I should go home right now, before I do something bad. But she couldn’t make her mouth say it.

  Spurred on by the silence, he slowly bent his neck, growing closer and closer until his lips were an inch from hers.

  “I meant what I said earlier,” he whispered. “About not letting you out of my sight. Any man who could let you out of the house looking like that deserves to lose you.”

  With that, Jade released a breath she didn’t know she’d been holding, and Owen brushed his lips against hers. Soft and plump, they hesitated just long enough to pull her into him. She could have melted. She threw her arms around his neck and sunk into his kiss with unbridled curiosity. She longed to explore his mouth, her tongue tickling and teasing as he scooped her into his arms and walked away from the ledge. He set her down on the remaining loveseat and knelt before her, kissing her deeply. His fingers explored the nape of her neck, and down, his kisses trailing along her arms and back. He found her zipper and tugged, the dress falling away to reveal her voluptuous bosom.

  Something inside him caught fire when he saw them, his mouth and hands working simultaneously, tirelessly, flicking and tickling nipples now hard with arousal. Jade laid back on the sofa and Owen slid her dress off of the curves of her hips. Intoxicated by her body, he leaned above her, and she could feel his excitement as he pressed into her. She tore his tuxedo jacket off, tossing it on top of her dress, followed by his tie. Sliding his suspenders over his shoulders, she grinned. I love suspenders, she thought. Hands moving deftly from shoulder to hips, she unbuttoned his pants and eagerly sought his erection, pleased to discover it would be more than enough.

  With each of his kisses, she became more and more turned on, her lust for him mounting. He dragged a finger up her leg, pressing into her skin hard. When the finger moved to her clitoris, she thought she would explode. Working the little button like it was his job, she writhed on the couch. He placed a hand tenderly over her mouth, whispering in her ear, “Don’t be too loud, or they’ll hear us,” but that only made her want him more, her back arching as he bent over tease with his tongue.

  She grabbed his curls with both hands, wriggling with ecstasy. Then she looked down.

  Somehow in the dim glow from the ballroom below, her ring caught light and sparkled maliciously, and her heart slowed. Panicked, she began to sit up.


  “What?” he asked, confused.

  “Stop, I need to leave. I need to get out of here.” Tears streamed down her face. I can’t believe I did this.

  “Jade, he doesn’t appreciate you,” Owen reasoned. “I could see that from the day I met him.

  “Even still, I am wearing the ring he gave me, and if anything was to happen – this shouldn’t have happened.”

  Frantic, she collected her things; pulled her dress back on, and fumbled with the zipper.

  “I am sorry,” Owen breathed. “I thought this was something you wanted. I thought I was --”

  “I’m sorry too,” Jade huffed, biting back tears. “Under different circumstances, maybe, but --” she couldn’t continue.

  “What are you going to tell him?”

  “The truth,” Jade answered firmly.

  “I can respect that,” Owen conceded.

  Finally laden with her belongings, Jade was ready to leave. I need to leave. I need to get out of here.

  “Jade, I am sorry I upset you,” Owen lamented. “But I don’t regret this, even for a second.”

  As the elevator door shut behind her, it took everything she had not to turn and look at him one last time.


  As Jade approached the apartment complex, the pounding of her heart was punctuated by the click-click of her heels on the pavement. The entire trip home she went over what she was going to say. She’d lay her heart on the line, the truth at his feet, and let him take out his rage in whichever way he needed to.

  The wait for the elevator was the longest two minutes of her life.

  Her breathing quickened in the elevator, and she was grateful she had until the twelfth floor to calm down. I’m going to break his heart, she thought. He’s going to scream and god knows what else, and I can’t say I don’t deserve it.

  When the doors dinged open, she turned to walk down the longest hallway of her life, but instead of being alone, there was another person walking ahead of her, a woman. Odd, she thought. I’ve never seen visitors in the building this late, before.

  With each step she felt her heart break, could see clearer the look of betrayal that he would turn on her. With each step she counted the doors the woman passed, ahead of her. When the woman stopped, so did Jade. When the woman knocked on the door, Jade’s breath caught.

  And when Lewis opened the door and greeted the woman with a fierce kiss, Jade thought she might die.

  The End of Book Two

  Back to Table of Contents

  The New Hire

  Book Two

  Natalia Shields

  The New Hire

  Book Three


  Time froze. Each heartbeat felt as though it were being wrenched with an invisible meat hook. Her lungs felt as though they were fighting concrete blocks sitting on her chest, each breath felt like it was sifted through a feather pillow. Though Jade stood still, she felt the earth spinning. She felt the wine and dainties rising in a hot ball from the pit of her stomach, felt it searing through her guts as she forced her sick back down. As she stared down the now empty hallway, the outdated wallpaper walls seemed to swell with each labored breath, and at the same time press all the air from her, keeping her standing.

  The elevator door slid open behind her, flooding the hallway with raucous Friday-night chatter. The laughter stung, mocking her; the gleeful voices and every drunken “I love you, man” paraded by her, wrapping her further and further in despair. As the party-goers made their way home, the apartment door closed and locked behind them, time became real again.

  Jade’s mind and pulse raced, heart pounded in her throat. She raised a shaking hand to her forehead in hopes that it woul
d stop the spinning, ease the dizzying, spiralling thoughts. I need to get out of here, she thought frantically. Where to go? Places and people sped through her mind – she was out of town, and he didn’t live here anymore, and they were too busy starting a family to be bothered at two in the morning.

  She pressed the down button six or seven times before the stainless steel door groaned open, the mirrored walls revealing what Jade had feared. Shadowy lines crept down her cheeks where unconscious tears streaked mascara, the murky pools beneath her eyes more than just ugly shadow cast by the inconsiderate fluorescence. She scrubbed at them in vain as the doors opened into the lobby. Where do I go?

  Walking outside, she flagged a taxi and clambered inside.

  “Where to?” the cabbie asked, and the speed of her response stunned her as much as the answer, itself.

  He put the car in gear and they lurched into the night. Grateful for the silence, Jade sat in the backseat, understanding settling over her like a blanket. She was numb.

  Lewis had cheated on her. Not just ‘had,’ but was currently cheating on her that very moment. He was kissing a stranger, likely on top of her sweating, naked body. In their bed. How long has this been going on? she wondered, looking at her ring. Can you really be upset? she laughed, bitterly. You’d be doing the exact same thing if you hadn’t glanced at your ring. Your engagement ring, she reminded herself. Guilt stabbed its way through her numbness, a new wave of tears leaping down her cheeks.

  “Miss?” came a voice from the front seat. He peered at her in the rear-view mirror, a tissue dangling from his fingers. She took it with a grim smile, dabbing the sad eyes that stared back at her from the compact mirror.

  As the car pulled up to its destination, she steeled herself, handing the driver more cash than was necessary. He mumbled his thanks, his utterances of ‘too much’ rolling off of her. She thanked him, and got out of the cab. Taking a deep breath, she climbed the stairs, her midnight gown tinkling on the polished marble.


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