Wolves at the Gate

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Wolves at the Gate Page 13

by Shane Van Aulen

  “They finally made Hope an Admiral!” Collins exclaimed in both joy and surprise.

  “Yep, two stars, Rear Admiral-Upper Half. I guess they finally realized that the old boy could still kick butt!” Hunter said now smiling broadly.

  “What about the defense of my starbase? Who will defend this system and the bend point once the 34th Attack Fleet is gone?” Yancy bemoaned.

  “The 8th Defense Fleet will be moved up and will take over the defense of this sector,” he answered.

  “You must be joking! The 8th Defense Fleet was in mothballs waiting to be sold as scrap metal!” Essex exclaimed his face turning red in anger.

  Captain Hunter shook his head, “Sir, that was before the Breakthrough, the 8th has just finished eight months of refit and modernization. She may look old but she’ll get the job done.”

  “Who is commanding the 8th Defense Fleet?” Cmdr. Hemmings inquired.

  “Rear Admiral Janice Dupain,” he announced as both Essex and Yancy made faces of anguish.

  “She is as old as her fleet! In fact, didn’t she once command the 8th back during the Colony Uprisings,” Captain LaFevers stated.

  “Yes, and she is an old-school officer, who is as hard as they come or in other words, she is a real ball buster,” Hunter said and added, “if you’ll excuse my frank language.”

  “Why would the Admiralty do this?” Essex asked to no one in particular as he rubbed his hand across his mouth.

  “They see this as a great opportunity, Hope has managed to defeat more than four enemy squadrons as well as capturing a forward enemy repair base. He has helped to save and refit the 12th Defense Fleet, he has enlisted the Templars at Blue Rock and has freed thousands of Confederation servicemen who had been prisoners and slaves of the Karduans. He has taken those servicemen, trained them and crewed them on the dozens of ships he has captured over the last year. The Emperor and the Confederation Senate are very happy with him and not only has he been promoted but he has been awarded the Knight’s Star for his actions in battle,” Captain Hunter said with satisfaction.

  Sir Randolph Hope had already earned the Knight’s Sword during the Colony Uprising and Pirate Conflicts. The Knight’s Sword was the second highest in the Confederation given for extreme bravery in battle.

  The Knight’s Star though was the highest of all human awards given to so few that to have one meant esteem prestige and extraordinary valor. It was for those very rare people who repeatedly did the impossible. For both awards, one had to be recommended by the Admiralty, approved by the Senate and it was then awarded by the Emperor. They also brought Imperial knighthoods to their recipients.

  The room had a moment of sudden silence as they each dealt with this news in their own way. For some, it meant a shift in the balance of power and a loss of their little fiefdoms. For others, it meant a renewed feeling of hope and pride.

  Commander Hemmings broke the silence with a question.

  “Why have you asked Ensign Collins to be present for this meeting?” he said trying hard to keep a straight face.

  “These orders also concern him but before I get to that may I ask why you are referring him as an ensign and why is he in custody?”

  “His battlefield promotion was revoked after a flag review along with his qualification badges as the awarding authority was not a sanctioned school,” Lt. Friar answered for her Commodore.

  Captain Hunter slowly nodded, “And why is he in custody?”

  “He has received non-judicial punishment before a Captain’s Mast,” Captain LaFevers answered.

  “I see, what misconduct did he commit?”

  Lt. Friar quickly answered this question.

  “He violated ship rules on storage of arms,” she said.

  Edmund Hunter wanted to laugh but he kept a serious expression and looked to Mister Collins.

  “What happen?” the attack cruiser captain inquired.

  “I had two assigned weapons in my quarters,” he answered.

  “Not personally owned weapons?”

  “No, sir,” he answered and added, “I had already turned those in at the Commodore’s orders when I unsuccessfully tried to brief him on Admiral Sir Egbert Norton-Underhill’s orders.”

  Captain Hunter looked back to the seated command officers while turning his gaze to the ship’s captain.

  “What was his punishment?

  “He was given sixty days confinement and sixty days loss of pay,” Captain LaFevers stated as he seemed to squirm a little in his chair. His skin seemed pale and he was sweating.

  Edmund Hunter wanted to whistle or say that such a punishment was excessive but he knew the fire that the young officer had been thrown into and he had to be a bit more political.

  “Did you appeal?” he asked looking back to Collins.

  “Yes, sir. I appealed yesterday on the fifth day since the Captain’s Mast,” Mike answered.

  “So, this all just happened?” Hunter questioned.

  “Yes, sir,” he said once more.

  “If you would look to page six, paragraph four of these orders you will see why I asked for Mister Collins to be present,” Captain Hunter said and waited until they checked that section and read it for themselves.

  “I can’t believe it!” This is outrageous!” Commodore Essex exclaimed looking away in disgust.

  “Very surprising,” Yancy said in a controlled voice as she continued to read the orders.

  Captain LaFevers said nothing at all and simply put his palm pad down on the table. Commander Hemmings was smiling from ear to ear and Lt. Friar, who was standing behind her commodore reading over his shoulder making a very sour expression. Ensign Collins was the only one at a loss to what the orders said.

  “What does it say, sir?” he asked looking to the attack cruiser captain.

  “It says, that all commissions and battlefield promotions made or awarded by Captain Hope have been approved,” he revealed with a smile.

  “So, I’m a full lieutenant again?” Mike said.

  “Yes, and there is more. All field training and qualification badges earned under Commander Hutton’s tutelage have been fully sanctioned and approved,” Hunter said watching Essex shift in his seat.

  “I get my pilot ratings and commando badge back,” Mike said with a smile as he looked to Lt. Friar and refrained from sticking his tongue out.

  “This changes nothing! Mister Collins still has fifty-five more days of confinement to serve before his release,” Granny Essex stated turning back to face them.

  “I suggest that everyone turn to the top of page twelve, heading of Awards and Citations,” Hunter said and waited for everyone to catch up.

  “There must be nineteen pages of awards and citations here,” the Commodore announced.

  “Yes, it seems that the Admiralty approved the recommendations for awards submitted by Captain ... sorry Admiral Hope and his command staff. There are also numerous ship citations for the Star Wolf as well as thirteen Battle Stars,” Hunter said in agreement.

  “Not really surprising considering they have been in battle and behind enemy lines for almost a year,” Cmdr. Hemmings pointed out.

  “I don’t see your point. What are we supposed to be looking at?” Captain LaFevers inquired.

  “Oh, let me read the section you’d be interested in,” he said and continued, “it is on page fourteen under Junior Officers’ citations. There it is starting with Lt. Michael Collins is awarded. I won’t read each award’s entire citation and will just skip to the good parts.”

  “Very well, just get on with it,” Admiral Yancy said cutting off her half-brother before he could say something in anger.

  “Lt. Michael Collins is hereby awarded: The Confederation Defense Medal, the Navy Achievement Medal, the Navy Commendation Medal, the Meritorious Legion of the Comet, Two Silver Nova Awards for Valor, and the Confederation’s Nebula Award for Gallantry in Combat,” Captain Hunter said pausing to look at their faces. The Nebula was the highest award in the Confe
deration Navy other than the Imperial Awards that were given directly by the Emperor.

  “How does this young man deserve such awards let alone the Nebula?” Admiral Yancy inquired as her brother searched his palm pad reading each citation’s description.

  “Yes, that seems like a lot of honors,” Captain LaFevers agreed, wiping the back of his neck with a handkerchief.

  Commander Hemmings also spoke up, “He and the crew of the Star Wolf have been in combat for the past year and at least six of their battles were major ones.”

  “The Nebula was awarded for Mister Collins’ actions at Jericho Six. Cut off from help and his ship, he evaded enemy capture, led a rescue of the crew of the ISS Alamo. He then took his boarding party and from the bowels of an enemy controlled ship, the ISS Mammoth he and his men retook the ship freeing the Confederation crew and capturing or killing the Karduans on board as well as firing on two enemy ships before making his escape. Lt. Collins then brought his ships back to safety while along the way saving the frigate, ISS Varuna and her crew who were under attack by two pirate ships. In that engagement, he drove off one pirate vessel and captured the other,” Hunter said having read the entire citation.

  Mike felt embarrassed at such praise and lowered his head and looked to the floor.

  At that moment, Commodore Essex let out a gasp that sounded like a mix of a groan and a wheeze.

  “What’s wrong with you? Admiral Yancy asked turning to look at him.

  “Go on to the next page,” he mumbled still in shock.

  She shook her head but did what he asked. After a moment, she took a deep breath and looked up.

  “He has been awarded the Knight’s Spur,” she stated referring to the fourth highest Imperial Award that could only be bestowed by the Emperor.

  “What?” Mike said in surprise.

  “Yes, it seems this young officer, led a commando team and helped free over four thousand captured Confederation servicemen at the Second Battle of Austro Prime. He also almost single-handedly captured a Karduan Star Destroyer along with its Fleet Mistress,” Captain Hunter commented.

  “No, it’s worse than that keep reading,” Granny Essex said making a face that resembled a prune.

  Captain LaFevers broke his silence and let out a breath as he leaned back in his chair and set the palm pad down.

  “He … he has been awarded the Knight’s Star,” he revealed.

  “I believe that was for the Battle of the Randori or was it for his part in the attack and capture of Sargasso Station?” Edmund Hunter said feigning confusion.

  “This is outrageous!” Commodore Essex exclaimed.

  “No sir, what is outrageous is what the Confederation Senate, the Emperor and the people of Earth will say when they find out that you have imprisoned an Imperial war hero for a very minor weapon’s violation,” the skilled tactician commented having them now in his trap.

  The seated officers looked to each in silent communication.

  Captain Hunter didn’t let up and pressed on.

  “I might add that his father was victorious at the Battle of Helena saving the 40th Attack Fleet and has been recently promoted to Captain of ISS Prometheus. I also heard that he was honored for his brave actions and was awarded the Knight’s Sword, the second highest Imperial award.”

  Commander Hemmings again broke the silence and looked to Captain LaFevers.

  “Sir, I believe that Mister Collins’ case is in appeal,” the XO prompted hoping they’d take the bait.

  LaFevers’ head was sweating as he wiped it with his handkerchief and swallowed hard. He knew that it was his Captain’s Mast that found this young hero guilty. It would be LaFevers who would have to answer for any insult to the Senate or to the Emperor if this got back to them. He didn’t look to the Commodore or to the starbase’s Admiral as this was way beyond even them.

  “Lt. Collins, in light of your appeal I have decided to dismiss all charges against you. I will also expunge this incident from your records. You are hereby released and restored to duty,” the captain of the Pallas said giving into the inevitability of it all.

  “Thank you, sir,” Mike managed to say, still in a mild form of shock at the honors he had received. He didn’t think he should get anything for getting more than half of the Randori’s crew killed in battle. He knew it was survivor’s guilt but it didn’t mean it was wrong to feel that way.

  “Now that is settled, I must take my leave as I have orders to deliver to Admiral Hope,” Captain Hunter said turning to leave and nodding to Lt. Collins to follow.

  “Hold on Captain,” Commodore Essex ordered stopping the pair from leaving.

  Hunter and Collins turned back and looked at the irate flag officer.

  Granny Essex seemed to be at a loss for words for the moment until his dog robber handed him her palm pad. He looked down at it and smiled. He was still smiling in victory when he looked back up.

  “Captain Hunter, you may leave but the good lieutenant here will be staying,” he said crossing his arms and leaning back in his chair.

  “Lt. Collins is here only on TDA and needs to get back to the Star Wolf, his assigned ship,” he protested.

  “Yes, but his TDA orders from Admiral Hope states that he is at my disposal for as long as I need him. These new orders from the Admiralty order me to link up with Hope in fourteen days at Austro Prime but say nothing about releasing Mister Collins from my command until that time,” he said in triumph.

  Edmund Hunter frowned, looked down to his palm pad and quickly scanned the orders.

  “You are right sir, but I believe that Admiral Hope would want Lt. Collins to return with me,” he said trying to express the spirit of the orders.

  “No, I think he’ll stay here until we link up with this Wolf Squadron,” Essex said still grinning.

  The attack cruiser captain nodded and looked back to the orders on his palm pad.

  “Well sir, if he is to stay with the 34th then you should look to page twenty-seven, paragraph three,” he said countering the Commodore’s move like a chess master.

  “What?” Essex said his brow wrinkling in momentary confusion.

  “If you check that section it states – that it is highly recommended that Lt. Michael Collins should be given the command of a ship of war at the earliest convenience,” Hunter said looking up from his palm pad and added, “Do you have a ship for Mister Collins?”

  The Commodore made a sour face again and looked to his sister who shrugged. He then looked to his flag aide who just stood there looking uncertain.

  “I don’t believe we have any ship commands currently available,” Captain LaFevers stated.

  “That’s too bad, I’d hate to send my report back to the Admiralty and tell them that you have a Knight’s Star recipient working in a maintenance section cleaning floors,” Captain Hunter said looking down at his palm pad and slowly shaking his head.

  “Captain, why don’t you give us a minute to discuss this and find out if we can meet these order’s needs,” Admiral Yancy suggested sound ever the politician.

  “Commander Hemmings, would you please see Captain Hunter and Lt. Collins to your office to wait,” Captain LaFevers said knowing that the Admiral and the Commodore would want to talk this over in private.

  “Aye, sir,” Cmdr. Hemmings said as all three departing officers saluted, turned about-face and quickly left the room.

  Leaving the captain’s day room, they headed down the corridor getting closer to the CIC. Turning down a narrow hallway they reached the XO’s office. The room was small in comparison to the Commodore and the Captain’s offices. It was a plain and very functional room with a desk and chair as well as two chairs for visitors.

  As the door slid closed Hemmings turned and grabbed his godson’s hand.

  “Congratulations Mike,” he said and then pulled him in for a hug.

  Captain Hunter raised an eyebrow but smiled also happy for the young man who had once saved his life.

  “Good to see you
made a least one friend while you were here,” he said.

  “I’d tell you sir but the walls have ears,” Cmdr. Hemmings commented in a lowered voice.

  “Really?” Edmund replied with a frown.

  Before Hemmings could say anything the comm. link on his desk went off. A familiar voice pipped through the comm. unit ordering him back to the captain’s day cabin. He quickly left with a nod and a wide smile.

  “What was he saying about the walls having ears?” Hunter asked.

  “Commodore Essex uses the ship’s A.I. to spy on the crew and record any conversations or actions that might undermine his command,” Mike explained.

  Hunter looked surprised and a bit angry at this news.

  “Pallas, are you listening?” he asked speaking to the ceiling.

  “Yes, Captain Hunter, how can I help you today?” the ship’s A.I. inquired.

  “Do you spy on your crew for your Commodore?” Edmund asked.

  “I’m sorry sir, I can’t answer that question and I’m afraid only Commodore Essex has command authority on this ship,” the supercomputer informed.

  “Really? Command Override Omega 4, Authorization Black Prince, Voice Identification Protocols,” he said.

  “Omega 4 Override acknowledged, Black Prince authorization confirmed,” Pallas said and then added, “Welcome aboard your Highness.”

  “Security seal this room,” Hunter ordered.

  “Seal confirmed,” the A.I announced.

  “I thought you could never play that card?” Mike asked of the emperor’s eldest son.

  “What are you talking about,” the Prince said with a smile, “I was never here. Pallas delete all records of the Black Prince being on board this ship and that Captain Edmund Hunter is the Black Prince.”

  “All records will be deleted once you leave this room,” Pallas answered unable to delete anything with a security seal in place.

  “Good, now Pallas,” Hunter started.

  “He likes to be called Pal,” Mike interjected.

  “Pal?” he replied as Collins nodded.

  Hunter smiled for a minute staring at the young lieutenant.

  “You do seem to make the most unexpected friends.”


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