Eden's Pleasure (Pulse Book 1)

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Eden's Pleasure (Pulse Book 1) Page 14

by Rose, Jennifer

  What the fuck am I going to do?

  Amanda came in with her coffee, moving some of the mail aside, placed the steaming cup on the desk and looked at Eden enquiringly. “Miss Fox, are you alright? You look very pale.”

  Eden hesitated for a moment, lost in her thoughts. “What? Sorry, I’m ok. Just need to splash some water on my face.”

  Eden stood and walked to her powder room on shaky legs, like a zombie. Closing the door, she turned on the water and leaned her weight on the sink’s edge. Wetting a face cloth, she dabbed her cheeks, trying to force herself to calm down, to start breathing normal again.

  Mik! She’ll help me!

  Eden exited the powder room and practically flew across the office, hitting the speed dial and sitting to wait for a connection. She picked up her coffee and took an extra-large mouthful in a quest for calm. Her heart was racing violently.

  “Good morning, Pulse, how can I help you?” Carl asked politely.

  “Hi Carl, it’s Eden. Could I speak to Mik please?” She was surprised at how calm she kept her voice while panic was taking over her body, causing her to shake uncontrollably.

  “Hi, sweetheart, I haven’t seen you in ages.” Carl spoke full of too much cheerfulness for this time in the day. She knew he’d have worked late last night in the club.

  “Yeah, I’ve been busy with work and all. I promise we’ll do lunch soon, but for now I really need to speak to Mik.” Eden hated to rush their conversation, but she was panicky and didn’t know how much more she could handle before she broke down, already on the verge of tears.

  “Sorry, but Miss Mikala’s out of town for a few days on business. Can I help you out?” he asked.

  Eden closed her eyes and squeezed them together, straining her face in frustration and rubbing her forehead. “Thanks anyway, Carl. I’ll see her when she gets back.”

  “Ok, honey, I’ll let her know you called. And remember you owe me a date,” Carl said.

  “Sure, Carl, bye for now.” She hung up the phone and finished the rest of her coffee in long gulps. She would stay in a hotel. Luckily there was one just down the street, within walking distance. She would wait until tonight, go home, pack a bag, and check into the hotel until she could talk to Mikala.

  There was a knock at her office door, and for a brief moment, she watched it, scared to death of what lay on the other side. It opened, and Paul sauntered in with his slimy, little smartass face. She so didn’t want to deal with this jerk.

  “Your secretary said you were in.” He moved closer to her desk. She never advanced from her seat, watching him make his way closer. This man couldn’t be trusted. She clenched her teeth together hoping he would leave as fast as he came.

  “What can I help you with, Paul?” she asked dryly.

  “I believe that you got my package by mistake.” He scanned her desk until he saw the package that he was seeking. He lifted it to read the label and tucked it under his arm. “Are you ok, Eden?”

  “I’m fine.” She so didn’t like being rude, but rude was all this man understood. “If you’ll excuse me, I have a ton of work to do today.”

  She froze as he slowly started around her desk towards her. He placed his hand on her shoulder, and she jumped to her feet. Crossing the room to the open door, she made a let-me-show-you-out gesture with her hand. He smirked and walked to the door, almost in animated slow motion. As he passed, he ran his fist across her cheek making her cringe. She closed the door and took a deep breath of relief.


  Eden worked well into the night. She had been so distracted all day that the most minor jobs turned out to be major undertakings. Even sitting at her drawing table seemed to be an agonizing task. What could have been accomplished in a few hours had taken the entire day.

  Taking her coffee cup in both hands, the warmth was welcoming and almost felt soothing, as she stood looking out the window at the city. Her world was crashing down around her, but the outside world just kept on going. How crazy was that? Her shoulders rose up as she yawned. Her body demanded sleep, but sleep was not going to come easily. She dreaded the idea of the dreams continuing. Anxiety tugged at her heart. She wondered just how long this would continue. She still needed to get a bag together and check in at the hotel. She tried to focus on moving but was at peace for the moment.

  A flashback of the night Chase came to her at this very spot made her feel suddenly warm. His touch was so tender and attentive. She could use a little of that warm, safe feeling right about now, but she couldn’t go to him. How would she explain this mess? He’d run in the other direction screaming, for god’s sake. This was her problem and she’d have to fix it, but how?

  She made her way to her car in the underground parking area, climbed in and locked the doors. Something she had never done before, but now there was a need. The engine started, and she headed out to the street. It was quiet now, nearly three in the morning. A few couples leaving late-night clubs staggered along the sidewalk. It was agonizingly quiet, causing her to feel the desire to rush, like she was suddenly exposed and vulnerable.

  Eden scanned all directions for any signs of him, her heart pounding mercilessly. Arriving in front of her apartment, she charged past the doorman while informing him that she would be just a few minutes. That way her car sat out front, guarded as she hurried on, not wasting a minute to get upstairs.

  Upon leaving the elevator, she scrutinized each direction of the hallway for any sign of movement before running to her apartment. She opened the door and threw the light on before proceeding any further.

  “Holy fuck!” she spoke out loud as she stepped back into the hall and gazed over at the door number, making sure that she had the right apartment. A cold sweat ran over her, leaving her numb and devoid of any kind of emotion. She could only stand and stare, the sight before her was inconceivable.

  She wanted to scream. Cry. Race away. But she was stunned, standing like a statue, unable to respond. Every muscle felt heavy and weighted. She was clearly in shock. A light down the hallway flickered, causing Eden to blink a few times. Instantly, she became aware of what had happened. She took her cell phone from her purse and dialed 911 as her body started to vibrate irrepressibly.

  “911, what is your emergency please?” the operator asked.

  “My apartment has been broken into,” Eden said calmly.

  “Do not enter the premises miss. The suspect could still be inside. What is your address?” Eden was sure he was not inside. He would have grabbed her, she was sure of this. Still, she backed to the elevator and planted herself with her back to the wall, her eyes wide, gazing down the hall for any movement. Eden conveyed the information to the operator and waited patiently for the police to arrive.

  When they finally did, she was shuffled out of the way in a flurry as a group of four officers drew their guns and made their way into her apartment. After several long minutes, they announced that the apartment was all clear and waved her to come in. She was told not to touch anything while they investigated. She wrapped her arms across her chest and slowly made her way inside.

  The room had been torn apart from one end to the other. It was almost unrecognizable. She stepped into the bedroom, her brow furrowed, and noticed that the bed had been left untouched. Yet her clothes and the contents of her dressers and closet had been strewn throughout the room.

  “Miss?” one of the officers called to her from the bathroom. She walked in and he pointed to the mirror. “Does this mean anything to you?”

  Written across the mirror in her red lipstick were the words: I’m here dollface!

  Her eyes widened, and her mouth fell open. Stumbling backwards from the room, tripping over the mass of clothing on the floor, her knees came to rest on the bed’s edge and she landed abruptly.. The officer followed her and knelt down in front of her, putting his hand on her shoulder in concern.

  “Are you alright, miss?”

  “Yes…I have a letter from the same person. It was delivered Saturday.�
� She had shoved it in her purse last night in her haste to leave. “I have it here. I also have an envelope of photos that he sent to my office, but they’re still in my drawer.”

  Taking the folded envelope from her purse, she handed it to the officer who took it with his gloved hand. He watched her as he opened the envelope, looked down at the page, and called to another officer. Handing it off to him, it was placed in a plastic bag and taken out of her sight.

  “Has anyone else touched the letter?” he asked, and she shook her head no.

  “I’m Officer Kelly. We will need to see those photos. I can arrange to pick them up at your office. Can I call someone for you? Is there anyone that you can stay with for a few days?” He asked so many questions they seemed to all scramble together in her head.

  She shook her head and shoulders in sync. “No.” The reality that she had no one to turn to made her sad; she hated this man for making her feel so empty. This son of a bitch wasn’t going to scare her! She bit back tears.

  But he did. And she was scared.

  As much as she didn’t want to do it, she handed the officer a business card from her wallet. He looked at the card, and he waited for her to tell him what to do. “Would you like me to call this person for you?”


  Officer Kelly left her. She glanced around the room trying to take note of any missing contents, but the mess was terrible, leaving her in awe at the devastation. She noticed that even though the bed had not been disturbed, her childhood teddy bear that she had tied to her headboard was now gone. Only the pink ribbon that it was tied with remained hanging there.

  The officer returned, handing her back the card. She put it back in her wallet and stood. “Miss Fox, I made the call. It won’t be long until your friend arrives. For now, I need you to fill out a report and list anything that may be missing from the apartment. Do you have any idea who may have done this?” he asked while taking out a small notepad and pen, ready to take her answer.

  “I do, I’m afraid.” Eden let out a sigh, and her shoulders fell forward in defeat. She had never wanted to speak his name out loud again. But here she was, brought to this moment of having to say the very name that repulsed her and bringing back a terrible past to stare straight into her face.

  A single tear left her eye and trailed down her cheek. “Jackson Hartley.”

  Eden sat at the breakfast bar as she finished up her report with Officer Kelly looking on. She had answered so many questions her head was swimming, and her hand cramped from writing her report. Officer Kelly had been such a help, unlike most of the others that just snapped questions at her. He had pretty brown eyes and lashes that most women would kill for and one dimple in his left cheek that gave him a boy-next-door charm, making Eden feel a little less anxious.

  She looked up, observing the apartment. It was bustling with cops and investigators, obviously dusting for prints, taking bits and pieces of evidence in plastic and paper bags. They were making such a mess with black dusting powder, yet tiptoed through the clutter like graceful ballerinas in a well-orchestrated performance of Swan Lake. Eden could feel herself cringe at the thought of having to clean it. Thank god the place was small. They took fingerprint samples and photo after photo of every inch of the apartment. She was exhausted just watching.

  “Just one more thing, Miss Fox,” Officer Kelly said. “You say you have had no contact with Jackson Hartley in three years. Why do you think he would show up now?”

  “Don’t know. He thought he owned me, that I was his possession. I told you I left unexpectedly one night, I ran away. I thought he would leave me alone. It’s been three years. Didn’t think he’d find me! Didn’t think he’d try.” She hung her head in exasperation.

  She felt herself hanging from a thin thread ready to snap at any moment. It all felt like a really bad dream. Panic moved in again, taking her over and she nearly leapt from her seat when a hand touched her shoulder. She turned like a shot and, seeing a familiar face, stood quickly. Tears that she had held back started streaming down her cheeks.

  “I’m here, baby!” Chase took her in his arms, holding her tight. She immediately knew he would guard her. She felt so safe with him.

  He looked around the tiny apartment in shock. He would have never recognized it as hers. The once-pristine living room and kitchenette was completely taken apart.

  “Oh god, Chase, I’m sorry. Thank you for coming. I had no one to call…I…” She was babbling, probably from shock. He just tightened his hold on her and whispered a soft shhh in her ear.

  “I’m taking you home with me, you’ll be safe there. We’ll talk then.” He kissed the top of her head while surveying the apartment.

  “Mr. Dean? I’m Officer Kelly. I’m the one that called you.” He put his hand out to Chase. In turn, Chase shook it while shielding Eden.

  “Are you finished with Miss Fox? I’d like to take her home.” He was not really asking, but rather informing the officer of his intent. A power shift could be felt in the air. Officer Kelly stepped aside, allowing passage.

  “Miss Fox, you’re free to go. You have my card. Call me if he tries to contact you,” Officer Kelly said as they passed.

  Chase looked at Eden, wonder in his eyes over hearing the officer’s last statement. He reached into his jacket and handed the officer a card. “This is where you can reach Miss Fox,” he told the officer and directed Eden from the apartment.

  On the drive back to Chase’s apartment, Eden stared out the window as the buildings passed her frozen gaze. She wondered what he was thinking. What would she tell him? How was she going to explain this mess? Surely he wouldn’t feel the same. Instead of wanting to care for her, he’d be planning his escape.

  Leaning her head against the window, she closed her eyes. Is this the beginning of the end? Eden asked herself. His hand stroked over her cheek, and she opened her eyes to see Chase watching her. He had parked the car and she hadn’t noticed. He looked so worried. She wanted to reassure him that everything was all right but couldn’t even convince herself of that lie. She could not, would not lie to him now.

  The ride in the elevator was silent, but he held her tight. She appreciated his strength since her legs were like jelly. Her stomach ached with nausea. When the door opened, Hazel was standing, waiting for them. She took Eden’s hand in hers and directed her to sit on the sofa, handing her a snifter filled with golden liquid.

  “Drink that up, dear, a little brandy to warm you. Mr. Dean told me you had a scare. None of my business though, dear. I just wanted to make sure you were fine.”

  “Thank you,” Eden said, shocked at Hazel’s concern. She thought that this woman didn’t like her after their first awkward meeting.

  “I’ll be off now, Mr. Dean. I left breakfast warming in the oven for you both.”

  “Thanks, Hazel.” He winked at her, and she disappeared just as fast.

  “Come, you need to eat something.” He took her hand and steered her to the kitchen.

  Eden picked at her food, and not a word was shared between them. Anxiety was building. Her heart rate was increasing while contemplating when and what he would say. She could feel him watching her. She finally mustered the courage to look over at him and met his gaze.

  “Sorry for all of this mess.” She lowered her eyes to stare into her folded hands.

  “Don’t be sorry, baby. I’m glad you asked for me. I want to be here for you.” He smiled, and she covered her hands over her face, rubbing as if trying to rid the night from existence. She was exhausted and let out a huge sigh.

  “Go ahead and ask. I know you have questions.” She decided she needed to get on with explanations.

  Chase leaned back in his chair and slipped his arm over the back of her seat.

  “I’m worried…for you. And yes I have many questions, but it’s up to you to tell me what’s going on. I’m here to listen.”

  “Guess I owe you that much.”

  “Let’s go somewhere more comfortable.” He
took her hand and led her to a room down the hall behind the stairs. She didn’t remember seeing it on her tour, but again that night was full of firsts for her.

  A media room. In it was a huge LED screen at one end. A black sofa covering the other end of the room was at least twenty feet long with red throw cushions and blankets to wrap up in. On the red walls were framed photos of movie stars and movie posters, and a red and white popcorn cart sat in one corner.

  “We’ll be comfortable in here.” He motioned her to sit on the sofa and then joined her, sitting with one leg tucked under him.

  “Get comfortable, Eden, you look stiff.” He hauled her into his arms and over his lap to face up at him. He softly touched his lips to hers, kissing her with delicate angel kisses. Chase knew she needed gentle care right now, even if his desire was to take her aggressively and make her cry out his name and hold her breath as she felt him sliding in.

  He looked into Eden’s sad eyes before releasing her, pulling her up to face him. She drew a cushion from behind and hugged it tight to her chest like a child with a security blanket. Chase so badly wanted to be that blanket, only wanting to shelter her in his hold and give her all the love and attention she so deserved. He knew her life had been a struggle. A vulnerability hid just under a thin veil. His girl deserved only the best, and he had the means to give it to her. She would want for nothing, he’d see to it.

  Needing to know exactly what their battle would entail, he pressed on. “So tell me what happened,” he said, in almost a calm demand.

  Hesitating momentarily, she drew in a deep breath, bucked up the courage, and the words burst from her mouth. “He’s here in Boston, somewhere out there. He knows where I am, and he’s here to get me. He knows, he’s been following me I don’t know what to do. I’m scared. He’s going to hurt me. Mik’s away, Carl can’t help. I have no one else. Don’t know what to do,” she blurted out, her words all meshing into one jumbled disaster.

  “First, you take a breath and slow down, and then you tell me who he is. The one that hurt you?” he asked, a feeling of rage sweeping over him. “That caused your scar?”


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