Duty Bound Desire: The Sheikh's Forced Marriage (Desert Desires Book 1)

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Duty Bound Desire: The Sheikh's Forced Marriage (Desert Desires Book 1) Page 8

by Jennifer Jansen

  ‘Well, I guess I expected someone else to drive.’

  He looked ahead and turned the key in the ignition. ‘This is not an official function, habibti, and just for your information, I have extensive military training and I am the desert rally car champion seven years running.’

  She looked over. ‘You are full of surprises,’ she said and watched as he tried unsuccessfully to contain a smile. She wondered what it would be like to truly know this man as her heart ramped up as it did in his presence. Up until now he had kept his inner thoughts very private. He always seemed so capable and so strong but still she wondered what his vulnerability might be. Everyone had one. How she wished they could connect more on a non-physical level. She seemed to be the only one who was feeling between the two of them. There had been times when he seemed to go out of his way to make her happy. Could he actually be starting to care for her? Was he capable of love or would his heart never really engage despite the fact that when they were in bed together he was always a kind and generous lover?

  The vehicles began moving, engines softly purring, the palace beginning to fade behind them. Two security details rode in front of them. Their car and the next three were filled with doctors, nurses and Mahir and another two with more security people driving behind.

  Yasmin sat back in her seat and watched the scene outside the vehicle drift past as it changed from modern buildings and paved streets to the dirt roads heading out towards the desert, brown sand and rocky cliffs now lining the horizon. The sun was scorching as its rays shone down on the harsh landscape around them. The ground was brown and dry as they moved outside the city. They drove along curved roads surrounded on either side by majestic, rocky mountains, huge boulders peering down at them.

  Yasmin quickly understood why he was the rally car champion. He knew this terrain like the back of his hand, easily manoeuvring the vehicle according to the landscape outside. He was wearing a linen shirt with the sleeves rolled up and she couldn’t help but watch as his muscles flexed under that bronzed skin, his hands changing gears, his strong legs working the clutch and other pedals with ease. One of his thighs was leaning to the side close to hers and even though she wanted to relax her senses were on alert.

  A few hours into the drive, the barren landscape scenery changed dramatically – to a luscious green. She could see it in the near distance and looked on in wonder. Yasmin sat up in her seat, eyes wide open as she beheld this sight. Green grass and beautiful flowers fanned out before her, luscious fruit growing on massive trees, and in the distance a small cluster of villages, their inhabitants clearly living in heaven. It was like a mirage. Yasmin looked on in awe.

  ‘Is this it?’ She asked, her eyes still wide as she tried to take it all in.

  ‘This is the oasis of Al Atan. Most of the rural people in the north live in these villages.’

  Yasmin was still looking out the window, mouth agape at the sheer beauty and magnitude of the place.

  ‘How is it this area is so green? I mean, we have oases in Qaman but they’re smaller and nothing like this.’ She turned to him and saw he was looking directly at her, his eyes were soft now and filled with a happiness she hadn’t seen before. Her heart fluttered.

  ‘This whole area is fed by underground springs, he explained. ‘This oasis is one of the new Wonders of the World even though it has been here for centuries.’

  Yasmin turned to look out the window again shaking her head. Nabil pressed a button inside the car and the entire support vehicles stopped when he did. He jumped out of the Land Rover, walked over to the car behind speaking to the driver. Yasmin couldn’t hear what he was saying but he strode back, opened her door and held out a hand.

  Unbuckling her seat belt, she put her hand in his and he enveloped it with his warm embrace. She stepped outside the vehicle. The sun was hot but she didn’t care. Nabil led her to a spot a little higher than where the cars were. From here she could see the full extent of the area. She gasped at the sight and felt his hand gently squeeze hers. He was looking at her as she admired the scene before her.

  ‘This is the best place from which to view it. Would you like to take a photo?’

  She shook her head. ‘A camera would never be able to capture this beauty. I want to just look upon it and keep it in my heart.’

  She could feel him watching her intently. Then he turned his head and looked across the land too.

  ‘Your country is incredibly beautiful,’ she said breathlessly. And she meant it.

  ‘Our county,’ he corrected.

  She turned her head to look up at him, for a moment forgetting who she was. His looked down at her, his eyes warm and she felt her heart race as he beheld at her in that way.

  ‘Our country,’ she whispered, feeling a stirring inside her again. Could there really be an ‘our’ in every sense of the word? Again she ached for an emotional connection with him and wondered if he could ever really love her, if they could ever really be husband and wife in the very real sense.

  A few minutes later, the cars were driving into the populated areas. Yasmin saw people gathering to welcome them.

  Nabil stepped out of the car first without even waiting for his security staff as he usually would. A few metres away, there was a small group of men dressed in traditional costume. Yasmin got out of the vehicle and watched as he walked over to the elders who were waiting for him. The smiles on their faces and the warm greeting they gave him, it was clear he had been here before and was well liked.

  She noticed the elders didn’t bow to him. Instead, he bowed and kissed their hands. She watched, fascinated, as this exchange took place. She’d never seen this before.

  He turned then, and the beauty of his face assailed her. He was smiling and it was genuine and warm. He wasn’t just smiling with his mouth. He was smiling with his eyes. He looked happy. Truly happy.

  He motioned for her to join him. As she approached, he reached out and placed his hand on hers bringing her close. He introduced her to all of them by name. These people were warm, their wrinkled faces creasing as they smiled and she could clearly see their respect for Nabil and their genuine happiness at her arrival. In the background women trilled their tongues, the sounds of happiness echoing through the air.

  People rushed to assist with their belongings, taking them towards a more private area where Yasmin could see huge tents had been set up. As they walked she leaned towards him. ‘Everyone here is so welcoming and friendly.’ Her heart began to fill with the love she could feel all around her. It was a wonderful place.

  Nabil looked down at her, his smile took her breath away. It was warm and genuine and relaxed. That said it all. ‘You seem a different person here,’ she commented.

  ‘My father used to bring me here as a child. We’d come often. It was the one place I could feel like just a kid, not a royal. I come here very few months to…feel like just a man.’

  You could never be just a man, she thought to herself. Nonetheless, Yasmin mentally noted that little bit of touching information in her memory bank.

  Arriving at their tent, he held the large flap open and motioned for her to enter. Yasmin’s eyes opened wide and she put her hand over her chest in a gesture of surprise.

  ‘I’ve never seen anything like it,’ she said, as she bent and entered, looking around in amazement.

  He moved next to her and she could feel the heat of his breath as he leaned in. ‘You like it?’

  ‘Like it? I love it! It’s….it’s extraordinary,’ she said, almost breathless as she looked around at something the size of a small house. It was fully furnished with elaborate Persian rugs on the floor and huge pillows for reclining.

  A soft humming could be heard and she looked around wondering where it was coming from and what it was. Nabil pressed his hand across her back in a gesture to move her further into the tent. She realised that air was being circulated but two large fans!

  Yasmin turned and looked questioningly at her husband.

  A deep,
slow laugh escaped him and the sound was beautiful.

  ‘Even in this part of the world we are not completely uncivilised. Generators exist here too.’ Then he paused and said, ‘Not everyone has access to power, of course. Some still prefer to live the traditional way, hard as it may be.’

  ‘Wow. I never expected anything like this. It’s just amazing,’ she uttered as she moved around the tent.

  At the far end of the ‘living room’ was a another flap. She walked over and pulled it open. Inside this other ‘room’ she saw a very comfortable-looking bed close to the ground, and a dresser for her toiletries. It was like a real bedroom.

  Yasmin’s stomach clenched as she looked at the bed. Thoughts of the way he made love to her came crashing through her mind. Thoughts of his slow, sure hands working their way around her body. Thoughts of the sounds he made as he made love to her. Low, deep groans of satisfaction and pleasure. Thoughts of him.

  She breathed in deeply, a tinge of sadness moving through her. He treated her with such reverence during their time in bed. She could sometimes believe that it would continue in their day to day lives. But outside the bedroom he still kept himself reserved. He had expectations of her that she didn't know she could fill. He didn’t see all the sides to her. How could he when they hardly knew each other? She was more than a princess. She wanted to do work that mattered, change people’s lives, not be simply a show piece on his arm.

  Spying another flap near the corner of this room too, she pushed those thoughts aside for the moment and walked over to see what was on the other side. She yanked at the thick fabric to open it. She almost fell over at the sight that greeted her. An elaborate bathroom, equipped with all the modern conveniences she was used to at the palace. She let out a startled breath.

  ‘Pretty impressive, isn’t it?’ Came Nabil’s strong voice from behind her.

  ‘Ah...this I wasn’t expecting,’ Yasmin replied.

  Nabil let out a deep chuckle which sent a tingling down her spine. She looked over at him. He seemed so relaxed and genuinely happy? Was that what she was seeing? Because if she was correct, she definitely liked what she saw. He seemed to be a different man.

  ‘You stay and freshen up, rest a bit, habibti, it’s been a long drive. I have to meet with the elders in a few minutes. Then tonight we’ll be treated to the official welcome.’

  She turned quickly and caught him as he lifted the flap of the main tent area. ‘Wait,’ she walked over. ‘Will there be any women present?’

  His eyebrows came together. ‘What do you mean?’ he asked, confusion in his gaze.

  ‘Aren’t we here to assess the needs of the people regarding health care?’

  ‘Yes,’ he said. Still she could see his eyes questioning, unsure of where she was going with her enquiries.

  ‘The health system is for everybody, is it not?’

  He nodded. ‘Indeed.’ Then seemingly a little irritated he said, ‘Stop beating around the bush, Yasmin. Say what you have to say.’

  He was getting frustrated and now she was feeling it too. ‘Well, shouldn’t women be present at your meeting? After all, part of the reason we came here is because you said you were concerned about the infant mortality rates.’

  He sighed, understanding gleaming in his eyes. ‘Yasmin, this is the initial meeting. I need to get permission from the Bedouin elders before anything can be done. Now allow me to do my part of the job.’ And in a flash he was back to his formal, authoritative self again.

  Yasmin gave a quick nod but in reality she wasn’t satisfied with that answer. She’d have to accept it for the time being though, and made a mental note to learn more about the way things are done here.

  Later, as the sun was beginning to make its way slowly across the horizon, the oasis waters shimmered with its red-orange hue. Nabil returned to the tent to wash and change. He had been in discussions and negotiations all afternoon. She watched as he made his way across the tent, noticing his strong jaw was blue-black with stubble. She loved that. It made him look even more manly, if that was even possible. And when he turned and caught her watching him, she held her breath. His glance moved swiftly up and down and his mouth curved slightly on one side.

  ‘You look beautiful, habibti.’

  Once again he had called her his beloved.

  You look amazing, she wanted to say.

  ‘Thank you. How did everything go with the elders?’ Even though she was genuinely interested, the change of subject was more for her sake, since she could feel the heat rising within her.

  ‘Very well. They are in agreement as long as their way of life is not threatened and their environment is protected.’

  She hesitated a moment, not sure if now was the time to mention what else was on her mind. ‘Nabil, I was wondering about something.’

  He seated himself on the enormous rug on the floor and leaned back, resting on the pillows, his strong legs stretched out on front of him, his arms now up behind his head, his eyes closed.

  He’s tired.

  When she didn’t say anything more for a few moments, he opened one eye slightly. ‘What is it you were wondering, habibti?’

  ‘Oh, it, it can wait. You’re obviously tired.’

  He breathed in deeply and said, ‘Yasmin, if I were that tired I would have gone to bed.’

  Bed. And her thoughts were off again. She thought about the closeness she felt when they were together in bed. He was always so gentle and attentive. She wanted more of that out of bed.

  He threw her a questioning glance and she knew she had to pull herself together. She moved closer and sat opposite him noticing his eyes on her legs as she lowered herself onto the pillows.

  ‘I noticed when we arrived…’ she waited until his eyes moved from her legs to her eyes and saw a smile tugging at his lips.


  ‘When we arrived…?’ He repeated, his smile growing along with her frustration.

  ‘I noticed the elders didn’t bow to you…’ she paused.

  ‘And you think this unusual,’ he completed.

  ‘Well…..yes. I mean, you are the Crown Prince and this is your country.’

  He let out a small chuckle. ‘This is my country, yes, but here,’ he motioned with his hands, ‘this is their land,’ he said.

  Yasmin looked at him, intrigued now and wanting to understand more. More about how things worked there.

  As usual, he seemed to read her mind, disconcerting her. ‘This land has belonged to the Bedouin for centuries,’ he began. ‘It is theirs even though it is within my borders. I respect their right to the land and their autonomy. I will always do so.’

  She tilted her head slightly. She was captivated by his view on this. She didn’t know any other leader who would give the tribes within their borders such power. And respect. She admired that. Suddenly, she was beginning to see more of the man he was, becoming more aware of the other sides to him, and she definitely liked what she was seeing. Yet his moving forward, positioning himself to become king, she feared would mean having to leave her career behind. It was like tearing out her soul.

  ‘That’s…’ forward-thinking, she wanted to say but then remembered how he refused to let her participate in the hospital. Her confusion grew.

  He was watching her, waiting for her to complete her sentence.

  ‘That’s very considerate of you,’ she finally said.

  He raised his eyebrows. ‘Did you think I was anything less than considerate?’

  Yasmin let out a small sigh. ‘It’s not that, Nabil.’ She hesitated. ‘We’re just getting to know each other, and…well, I see so many contradictions in you.’ Then she added, ‘I guess it’s all still very new.’

  He didn’t answer, just continued to look at her, his face serious now.

  ‘Yasmin, we have respect. That’s the best foundation for any relationship.’

  She felt a thud in her heart. Her chest constricted. He was telling her not to expect anything more. Making sure she understood
and remembered where she stood. She felt deflated in that moment.

  Before she could respond, he was already on his feet, clearly wanting the conversation to end.

  ‘I have to wash and change. We are expected soon for the official welcome.’

  He strode towards the flap and with one quick move he was in the other room, leaving her on the ground feeling as vulnerable as she had before their wedding.

  Slowly, she raised herself and moved into the bedroom area of the tent. Shaking herself mentally she knew she had to get on with the job at hand. Wanting to ensure she was totally appropriate in her dress for the Bedouin welcome, she walked over to the mirror to check herself one more time. The simple blue-green dress which covered her up to her neck and came down just above the ankle was a good choice. On her feet she slipped on a pair of leather sandals. Only a touch of light make-up was on her face.

  Suddenly, an image in the mirror behind her swamped her senses, pushing them into overload. Her very handsome, very virile husband had come out from behind the bathroom flap in all his glorious nakedness. His hair was wet, and small beads of water were trickling down his bronzed, muscled chest. His lean torso led her eyes down to his more than ample manhood which stood out in a very clear, very breath-taking manner.

  Nabil didn’t seem to react except for a short pause to examine his wife’s face. Then he turned and donned a thin trouser pants and white abaya, the white robe, over the top which came down to his feet. He looked as stunning as he had on their wedding day; tall, powerful and commanding.

  She tried to shift her gaze but there was no safe place to look. He just oozed sexuality and his presence was all encompassing. She decided moving into another area of the tent was probably a good idea, so she waited for him in the living area.

  Nabil smiled at her as he walked in and his gaze lingered warmly on her face. The tension of their earlier discussion had faded and the relaxed man she had noticed this afternoon was back.

  ‘Did I mention earlier how lovely you look, habibti?’ His voice felt like soft velvet moving over her skin. That voice, combined with the way those eyes gazed at her with appreciation, began to pierce her defences. He was kinder here it seemed. It would have been so easy to allow her heart begin hoping again – but she had learnt and would train herself to live with what was instead of what she wanted to be.


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