Duty Bound Desire: The Sheikh's Forced Marriage (Desert Desires Book 1)

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Duty Bound Desire: The Sheikh's Forced Marriage (Desert Desires Book 1) Page 13

by Jennifer Jansen

  It hurt.

  As if reading her thoughts, Nabil suddenly spoke. ‘I apologise if my father’s words made you uncomfortable.’

  Yasmin looked up at him. His deep set eyes which were usually calm and sure were tonight filled with unease. She didn’t want to heap anything more on him at that moment. ‘Your father is on heavy medication, Nabil,’ she offered. ‘There’s no need to apologise.’ I’m quite well aware of our situation, she wanted to say. Although I didn’t know that I had been a choice in the beginning and you still decided on someone else because she was nothing like me. ‘And let’s be honest, we’re both working hard to not only do our duty to our nations,’ she looked him dead in the eye, ‘but to please our parents too. We have to find a way to be just you and me, just us as a couple, Nabil, without anyone else’s demands on us.’

  At that she saw his jaw tighten, but instantly relax as an admiration in his eyes she rarely saw and loved took over. He gave her a small nod, still watching her. He made no attempt to explain anything further though. And she didn’t push him.

  Back at their palace quarters, not a word had been spoken about King Atef’s revelation. She wasn’t going to bring it up. She would wait. Wait for a more appropriate time to speak to her husband. Or maybe this was just something from the past that should be left in the past. He was with her now so why bring up things from the past which may or may not make things worse?

  But that woman he had stopped to speak to? She had to know.

  Without any warning or mincing her words, Yasmin asked, ‘Who was that woman you stopped to talk to as we were leaving for the hospital?’

  Nabil, not needing this particular conversation at this particular moment, stiffened, his jaw clenching. He didn’t want to talk about this. But he knew he would have to tell her.

  Nabil paced to the other side of the room.

  ‘Her name is Farrah,’ he said without looking at her.

  Yasmin waited for more information.

  ‘She’s my sister,’ he said simply.

  Yasmin didn’t say anything for a few moments, just looked at him, mouth agape. ‘Sister?’ She finally asked. ‘I thought you only had one sister – Aliyah.’

  ‘Half-sister, technically,’ he corrected. ‘She is my father’s illegitimate daughter.’


  Nabil turned around. ‘That’s right.’ He paused. He wasn’t comfortable discussing his father’s indiscretions. ‘I know this is a shock to you. I’ve only just accepted this situation recently himself.’

  Nabil walked over to the water cooler on the other side of the room and took a glass. ‘Would you like some?’ he asked, turning to her.

  Yasmin just shook her head. ‘No thanks.’ The expression on her face said it all though.

  Nabil took a sip. ‘You know my mother and father were separated before she died, yes?’

  She nodded. ‘Yes. I had heard.’

  ‘My father, well, he had an affair basically. Farrah is the result of one of my father’s relationships with an English woman. She was the aide of a British diplomat.’ He stopped then his head down. ‘My father still believed that royal marriages were, how shall I say it? Flexible.’ He looked over at her. ‘You understand?’

  Yes, she understood. She understood and it made her feel sick to her stomach.

  ‘My mother had difficulty coping with that. She waited until Aliyah was old enough, then she left to go back to her own family.’ There was silence for a few more moments.

  ‘I should have told you.’ But I couldn’t.

  He was ashamed of what his father had done. If it wasn’t for the fact that he would soon be crowned king and he needed to be married and produce heirs, he would probably still be single. He would keep that to himself though. Pain flashed quickly through his heart but he pushed it away. He had trained himself to ignore pain as soon as it ever came up.

  ‘I found out about her just over a year ago. I went looking for her. It took me a while to find her. When I finally found her she wanted nothing to do with me. She was angry with my father, and I guess I can understand that. It took a while before Farrah and I were able to talk.’ Nabil was silent for a few moments, remembering. He exhaled heavily again. ‘I felt it was unfair that she should be living as a commoner so far away when she has Zasharian royal blood. I offered to bring her here. I felt it was the right thing to do, Yasmin.’

  ‘Why was she living as a commoner?’ Yasmin asked perplexed.

  ‘My father refused to recognise her as his child,’ he said quietly, almost in a whisper, not wanting to say those shameful words out loud.

  Yasmin stood and walked over to him. He could smell her sweet scent. It was like a soothing balm for him. ‘It was the right thing to do,’ she said, once again bringing him sweet relief from a difficult situation.

  Nabil paced around again. He was uncomfortable speaking about this. Uncomfortable speaking about his father’s indiscretions. It wasn’t right. It was something he had a lot of trouble accepting, especially after what had happened with his own first marriage. And deep down, he knew it was another reason why he didn’t want to marry again and only accepted this marriage to Yasmin as long as it was clear it was only for their convenience. Business.

  ‘Only father and I know about her at this stage. I couldn’t risk any word getting out - you know how tabloids and gossip would spread like wildfire, especially after my…first marriage and the fallout from that.’

  ‘Why didn’t you tell me about her sooner?’ Yasmin asked gently.

  He knew he should have. He knew he could trust her. ‘Yasmin, things have been so tense and so busy, I was waiting for the right time. My mind was on other things, and…. I’m ashamed of this.’

  She nodded in understanding. ‘So, what’s the situation with her? I mean, Aliyah clearly doesn’t know. And who do people around the palace think she is?’

  ‘Aliyah will know soon, and for the moment, staff only know she is my guest.’ He sighed. ‘In the past month things have been so hectic, what with our hasty marriage and my father’s ailing health. But I’ll get onto things regarding this very soon.’

  The room suddenly felt stifling. He stood quickly. ‘I’m going out for a while.’ He didn’t know where he was going and Yasmin didn’t ask.

  Yasmin was left stunned by this revelation. Knowing Nabil the way she did, his need for respect, this must have been a very difficult situation for him. Her mind wondered over to the king, and his health. Would he get through this? Or would this be the small heart attack before the big one? She had studied this and knew the chances were high for another attack despite the king receiving the best treatment. It worried her but that was another thing she would keep to herself.

  In the early hours of the morning Nabil still hadn’t returned. Where could he be so long? She waited up for him.

  Upon hearing the click of a door she looked over. As he emerged Yasmin was shocked to see Nabil looking so frazzled. He was unshaven, dark stubble lined his chin, the growth darkening his already sombre mood. She was well aware of how much was riding on his shoulders right now. She wanted to wrap her arms around him and tell him everything was going to be ok. That she was there with him and he didn’t have to do anything alone. But she knew from experience that he would probably keep her at a distance.

  He didn’t speak. He was quiet, contemplative. Not surprising really considering everything that was happening. But there was something else tonight. Something…she couldn’t quite put her finger on.

  ‘Any more news on your father’s progress?’ she asked.

  ‘He’s resting comfortably. I’m hoping he’ll be home soon. Everything he needs has been set up in his quarters, including nursing staff for when he gets home,’ he offered in a clinical manner.

  Yasmin knew that it would be a while longer before the king could come home. ‘Good,’ she simply said. ‘He’ll be more comfortable here. I’ll go and see him tomorrow if he’s up to it.’

  ‘Do you think this stent wi
ll be sufficient?’ he said, not turning to face her.

  Yasmin paused a moment. She slowly stood and walked over to where he was standing.

  ‘A stent can help a lot,’ she said soothingly.

  ‘And?’ he asked, knowing she wasn’t telling him everything.

  She should have known by now that his powers of perception were honed. It seemed he could tell just by the sound of her voice if she was keeping things from him.

  ‘As with everything, Nabil there are dangers. But,’ she quickly added, ‘the odds of an allergic reaction or blood clotting are really, really minimal.’

  The pain on his face made her insides clench. She wanted to take away his distress. Wanted to make things right for him. God help her, despite everything, she wanted this man with everything in her.

  Nabil, by this stage, had had enough of talking. He wanted her comfort. He wanted her. He turned suddenly then, held out his hand to her. He watched as she looked at his outstretched hand then slipped hers into it. She was, despite her push-backs to him, a beautiful, compassionate woman. He admired her despite himself. He admired her intelligence. He admired that she was willing to go out among the people and help where she could. She was devoted to her service to them. And of course, Nabil had discovered Yasmin’s innate sensuality. All these together had fired his blood more than he could ever have expected.

  He began walking, his long legs taking big strides. He wanted to get to their room as soon as he could. Pushing the door to their bedroom open, he pulled her inside.

  Fire consumed him, the hunger in her eyes a reflection of how he felt. He wanted to devour her, to claim her again and again. But she was still new to the sensual pleasures and he would not rush her. Tonight was still about taking his time, making her scream his name with need. It was about making her come undone, just like she did to him every time they were together like this, despite her innocence.

  He lifted her in his arms, his hand moving into her hair, his fingers threading through it. He brought his mouth down onto hers, feeling her heat and her softness. He slowly moved his lips over hers, teasing, taunting, biting her lower lip slowly. Hearing a small moan escape her made his manhood enlarge even more, the blood now rushing there just by holding her in his arms.

  He held onto her tightly, lifting her off her feet. She threw her arms around his neck, holding on. He loved it. Loved the feel of her body next to his. Loved how she responded to him. Revelled in the feeling of her ample breasts crushed into his chest as he pulled her tightly against him. He began moving toward the bed. She clung to him, moving her hand over his shoulders to feel him. His muscles tightening as she touched him.

  Nabil still held her in his arms, not letting her go. He walked slowly to where the bed was and ever so gently laid her down, coming over her with his large frame. His mouth was immediately on hers and it was, as always, hot and inviting. He planted small kisses along her jawline, then lower along her neck, enjoying the soft sounds she was making. Yasmin seemed to revel in her new found sexuality and had begun to slowly allow herself to relax.

  Nabil was careful to move at her pace and treat her with the tenderness she deserved. Every so often he would raise his head and check-in to see if she was ok. He would look at her face and into her eyes. And he would know. She probably didn’t realise how much her emotions showed on her face.

  He let her go for a moment and watched her watch him as he leaned up on his knees. Smiling down at her he removed his shirt, watched as she bit her lip. His body was so ready for her. But he would wait. Wait for her.

  He slowly moved his hands to her shoulders and began moving the dress off them, sliding it down to her waist. He waited. He didn’t have to wait long. She lifted her hips so he could remove the dress completely, leaning down to kiss the soft skin on her belly as he did so.

  She lay there, beneath him in only her panties now. He reached up and cupped both her beautiful breasts in his hands, hearing her groan, a sound he had come to adore. Gently he moved his thumbs over her tight nipples and saw her bite her lip as he did so. She was so beautiful.

  She opened her eyes then and locked straight onto his. Without a word, she squirmed out from beneath him. Nabil felt a stab of disappointment. Was he reading her all wrong? Was she not enjoying this? But then, surprising him, she sat up in front of him on her knees too. He moved to touch her but she gently pressed his arms back to his sides.

  ‘I want to touch you,’ she said in a husky voice.

  These five little words almost had him coming there and then.

  He watched as Yasmin lifted her beautiful hands and placed them onto his chest. He could feel the heat and closed his eyes as she moved them up and over his shoulders. He inhaled sharply and he could feel his muscles bunch as she continued to caress and explore him. ‘God, you have the most beautiful hands,’ he said out of breath.

  He looked down at her and saw the smile that played upon her lips. She was really enjoying this. Enjoying the power she realised she had over him. He continued to watch her without touching her, just allowing her to stroke him, to take the lead. It was one of the most sensual experiences he had ever had.

  She moved her hands all the way down his arms and back up again. A gesture so simple, yet so sexually powerful he was amazed. He could feel her moving around the breadth of his shoulders then slowly move her hands down to his chest gently caress his nipples with the back of her soft hands. She still hadn’t said a word but she was breathing harder, although not as hard as he was. She let her hands rest there for a moment as she looked down at his manhood which had become engorged completely. Her eyelids fluttered quickly and her eyes shot back up to his. He held her gaze, a smile on his lips he couldn’t control. She could see how aroused he was. Of course, it wasn’t only his eyes that told her that. And he could see the fire burning in hers. He wanted to reach out a grab her with all his might. But he held on.

  It was all he could do to not move his hands, to reach out and grab her. To touch her, taste her, caress her. Then she seemed to falter, not knowing what to do next. He could feel her uncertainty. Nabil gently guided her. ‘Move them lower,’ he said, not recognising his own voice by this stage.

  She was still learning and her inexperience, coupled with the fact that she still had uncertainties about the way he felt about her, made this all the more tricky. He knew that. He was sensitive to that.

  Nabil gently took one of her hands and moved it slowly lower and lower, then he wrapped it around his girth and squeezed it slightly. She looked down at her hand around him. He could hear her excitement through her rough breathing. He wanted to touch her, wanted to dip his fingers inside her. Wanted to feel the liquid heat within her and watch as the sensations assailed her as they always did. But he would give her what she needed now, allowing her to continue touching his body and feeling her own reaction to it. That in itself was exhilarating.

  She slowly began to tug at him and a rumbling escaped from deep within him. He closed his eyes and tipped his head back enjoying her touching him in a way she never had before. He opened his eyes again and watched as she scanned his face and then his chest as it heaved with his heavy breathing. She liked this. She liked watching him respond to her like this. And he liked that she liked it.

  Without giving her any warning, and only after his control finally snapped, did he move her hand, place both of his around her and lower her again onto the bed. He moved himself between her thighs, using his legs to open her to him completely, his eyes burning into her now. And she wanted him with the same fierce need that he wanted her. He could see it in her eyes.

  His mouth was kissing and sucking hers as he gently eased his girth inside her. She cried out an enthusiastic groan into his mouth but he didn’t stop the kisses. And as she slowly moved her hips closer, rubbing herself against him, did he plunge himself into her and begin moving slowly but purposefully in and out. She cried out – a beautiful sound that he wanted to hear over and over. He felt her opening her legs further to a
ccommodate him.

  He had moved slowly at first, then a little harder. Yasmin was gasping for air. He lifted his mouth to watch her as he moved like an ocean back and forth, ebbing and flowing. ‘Look at me,’ he demanded gruffly when she had shut her eyes. Her eyes flew open and she called out as he moved his fingers over her sensitive area, stroking and using just the right amount of pressure to bring her to the edge.

  Yasmin’s peak hit first, her voice echoing through their room, her breathing gasps in time with her orgasm. Nabil kept his rhythm with hers, ensuring he could make it last for her as long as possible. He could feel her tightness wrapping around him as she came again and again, her nails digging into his shoulders.

  Then, when Nabil couldn’t hold himself back any longer and let his resolve go, he too came to his peak with a shudder and a thundering bellow, the sensation an amalgam of pure ecstasy and fire roaring through his being.

  As they lay together for a few moments, neither of them moved. Nabil wanted to stay connected to her for a while longer. He didn’t move or pull himself completely out of her. He lifted his head and looked down at his wife. Her eyes were wide and she looked as stunned as he felt. He smiled down at her, raising his hand and pushing her hair away from her beautiful face. He stroked it gently, with reverence. She closed her eyes and breathed in deeply. He had tired her out enough for today. He slowly moved to the side and took her with him, gently draping her over the side of his body. He didn’t want to let her go.

  Chapter 9

  ‘You know, life can sometimes take us in directions we never expected.’

  Yasmin had just opened her eyes and had to squint hard at the harsh light of day. She sat up in bed, unsure of what was happening for a moment. She saw Nabil standing at the threshold of their room at the balcony, under the large glass frames.


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