Love in the Fast Lane

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Love in the Fast Lane Page 13

by Melissa Kate

  “Noah?” he began tentatively. The child looked up at Nate. “You must know that I didn’t know about you until very recently.”

  Noah’s expression became sad. “Did you want to be my dad?”

  “I was scared at first,” he said honestly. “But I’ve never not wanted to know you. Nothing would stop me from being your father now that I do know about you.”

  Noah’s eyes held a certain sparkle at Nate’s words. “Mom always said that my dad was saving the world, like superman. I just always wanted you to come home and be with us. If my dad was superman then why couldn’t he drop in to see me?”

  “I’m not superman, son, but I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. I’m sorry I have missed so much and I will try and make it up to you as best I can, if you let me.”

  Noah nodded vigorously. “Promise?”

  “I promise,” he said as he put his good arm around Noah, for the first time starting to feel like he could actually do this. He could be a good father.

  He flipped the last page of the album and holy smokes, nearly choked on his own air. There were a bunch of loose photos tucked into the back of the album, as if someone was in a hurry to hide them, but they were knockout photos. Most were of Brielle when she must have been nearly full-term but they were professionally taken in brilliant shots. In one she had a sheer sheath of dark fabric covering her enormous belly and a swath of opaque black covered her breasts. It was tasteful and she positively glowed beauty and radiance. In another she was floating in a dark pool of water, only her face and belly sticking out. The photographer had played up the blue of her eyes and her face was stark against the mostly dark background. There were at least a dozen similar exotic looking photographs and Nate couldn’t help but wonder why Brielle hadn’t preserved these like she had all of Noah’s photos.

  The last few photos made him stop short. It was still Brielle but either post-or pre-pregnancy because her belly was flat and toned and his jaw was on the floor at how beautiful she looked. She was leaning back against a wall, the background was dark and she had on low slung jeans and a bustier top that plumped up her luscious boobs. He was getting hard just staring at the photograph.

  At that moment the door opened and Brielle breezed in. Nate quickly shut the album before Brielle could see what he was staring at. This woman had so many sides to her. She could be a mom, a working girl, a minx and a vixen all rolled up into one pretty blonde package.

  “Hey boys, what are you guys doing?” she walked in holding a box of pizza in one hand.

  “Hi, Momma. I was showing Nate my baby photos,” Noah explained, still sitting close to Nate.

  Brielle groaned as she came to kiss Noah on the head. “Great, so now he’s seen how fat and gross I was.”

  “You weren’t,” he answered. “You looked beautiful.”

  She gave him an odd look. “Come, let’s eat.”

  “No, I have to get going.” He slowly stood up and winced with the shooting pain in his shoulder. The nerves were shot and it was driving the pain straight into his skull, giving him a joyful migraine.

  “Sit,” she said firmly, gently touching his other shoulder. “You have no way of going home anyway. Eat and then I will take you home.”

  “I can call Luca. He’s probably finished with his date with Emma anyway.”

  “What?” Brielle asked, coming around to look at him. “Emma’s on a date with Luca.”

  Nate nodded. “I thought you knew.”

  “No. That sneak!”

  She laughed, finding something amusing before heading to the kitchen to get plates for their pizza.

  The sound of her heels echoed on the tiles and Nate couldn’t help but find the sound sexy as hell.

  Brielle couldn’t help but feel surprised and pleased that Noah and Nate were getting along. She had been really anxious that she’d come back to an uncomfortable and weary twosome but they both looked unperturbed and contented with each other.

  They now sat, relaxed at different areas of the living room, eating their pizza and watching Nickelodeon. Brielle had long since lost the battle of the TV with Noah. There was no point anyway; she was a sucker for her son. But the whole situation felt too much like a “family” for her comfort. She didn’t want Noah getting the wrong idea, that she and Nate were going to get together and play mommy and daddy under the same roof. Although she was thrilled that they were bonding, that didn’t necessarily mean they were going to be more than that for Noah.

  She watched Nate over her slice of pizza. His gaze was fixed on the TV but his thoughts seemed to be elsewhere. His expression was strained and she could clearly see that he was in pain. He absentmindedly rubbed his thigh with his good hand and Brielle could tell that he had a knot from the accident. His face was all shades of blue and purple, albeit somewhat fading. And instead of making him look scary, the bruising just gave him a sexy, bad boy edge.

  He’d done a great job with Noah today and she’d noticed that they had even gotten around to doing his class project, which took a huge weight off her shoulders. It didn’t miss her that Noah had chosen his dad’s vocation for show and tell. The pride was evident in his project and she could see the hero worship in the young boy’s eyes.

  “It’s bath time kiddo,” Brielle announced, getting up to clear the dishes.

  “Awe, Mom, five more minutes pleeeease.”

  “No son, now.”

  “Awe man,” he grudgingly left the living room and trudged in the direction of the bathroom.

  “He tries his luck with you,” Nate commented as he followed her into the kitchen.

  “And he gets his way most of the time. I just can’t resist when he makes those big doleful eyes.”

  Nate smirked. “I noticed.”

  “How did it go today?”

  “It was good. Awkward at first but I guess like any kid, once you start talking about them they open up.”

  “Oh yes. And Noah loves talking about his younger years. What did he tell you?”

  “Mostly recounted his youth. Birthdays and things. And your sixteen hour, almost drug-free birth.”

  “Oh no,” she groaned. “That’s so embarrassing.”

  “No it’s not. It’s a great achievement.”

  “Oh no, the delivery was the easiest part of the pregnancy. You know how most women have morning sickness within the first three months?”

  Nate nodded.

  “Well, I had all day sickness through the entire nine months. I puked everything, everywhere; once even in someone’s potted plant while I was showing a home.”

  Nate laughed. “Oh no.”

  “Oh yes. But I had a difficult pregnancy. Halfway through I was diagnosed with oligohydramnios.”

  Nate looked confused

  “It’s when there’s not enough fluid in the amniotic sac. It’s what protects the growing baby when they are in there. I nearly lost him before the doctor picked it up.

  “How did they fix it?”

  “They couldn’t do much and could only monitor me closely. If the fluid reduced more then they would have induced labor but Noah wasn’t fully developed.”

  “Sounds like he gave you hell before he was born.”

  Brielle smiled. “He did but it was worth it. Look at him now; he’s every parent’s dream.”

  As if on cue Noah shouted from the bedroom, “Mom!! I’m ready for bed.”

  “You want to come say goodnight?”

  “Yeah, I’d like that.”

  Saying goodnight to Noah turned into a twenty-minute event with him wanting a story from Nate before he turned in for the night.

  “Thanks for helping me with my project, Nate.”

  “You’re welcome kiddo.” He ruffled his hair before leaving the room, Brielle in tow.

  “I’m going to call a cab to come get me, ok? It’s late and I don�
��t want you driving at night,” he said to Brielle.

  “Wait, I want to do something first.”

  She ushered him into her bedroom and he looked at her with wide green eyes.

  “Relax, I’m not trying to seduce you.” She could have been wrong but he almost looked disappointed.

  She stood before him and started to unbutton his shirt.

  “You sure?” he asked teasingly. “It wouldn’t be the worst thing.”

  “Yes. I just want to ease your pain. I was almost a chiropractor remember?”

  “Oh honey, sex can ease my pain right out the door.”

  She rolled her eyes at him as she opened his shirt wide. “This is new,” she commented, caressing her finger over a tribal tattoo that covered the left side of his chest up to his shoulder and halfway down his left arm.

  “It’s a Maori. Happened during a drunken moment after I won my first championship.” He carefully shrugged out of his shirt, wincing as he pulled against his injured shoulder.

  Brielle stared at his half-naked body. The beautifully sculpted neck to his defined chest and the hard ridges of his six pack, all covered by a smattering of hair that led down to his low slung jeans and into a place that she was sure would bring hours of blissful pleasure. She couldn’t go there. She was here to help his pain, no more.

  She touched the top of his jeans to unbutton him but Nate caught her wrist with his good arm. “Are you sure you’re not trying to get me naked to seduce me?”

  “I’m sure.”

  When he was down to just his boxers, she brought some massage oil and started to gently knead the knots out of his stiff shoulders. His head flopped forward and she took it as a sign that her hands were doing the trick. He was a big man and she balanced her knee on the bed and wrapped her one arm around his chest to get a better grip on his shoulders. Her breasts brushed against his back and her arousal started to peak. Hell, at the rate she was going, she could just as well find her release by touching him. His back muscles were equally defined and she found herself appreciating his perfect physique.

  “You ok there?”

  “Yeah,” he murmured. “You have magic hands.”

  “Thanks, now lie back on the bed.”

  She ignored his raised eyebrow and started to massage out the knots in his thigh. Her hands moved up and up, closer to what she could see was his rising erection. He immediately sat upright.

  “You’re killing me,” he whispered.

  Her hands still on his thighs, she stared into his amazing green eyes. Before she could move away, he bent down and kissed her. It was a light touching of lips, as though he were testing her. He pulled back and looked into her face again.

  She couldn’t help herself and instead of waiting for him, she grabbed the back of his head and pulled him to her. He was like water after a long drought and she could feel the moisture pool between her legs. God, she so badly wanted him to touch her. Needed him to touch her.

  His good arm snaked around her waist and somehow, he managed to lift her to straddle his lap. He pushed his rock hard erection against her and she ground against him like a horny teenager. His dark hair was so soft against her fingers and she pulled him closer to her still. He was an amazing kisser and everything about his soft, full lips and deft tongue reminded her how long she had been without sex. She ran her hands against his bare back and wrapped her legs around him, wanting to feel his erection deep inside her. She was practically vibrating with longing. Her body actually shook with vibration and Nate stopped suddenly.

  She pulled back, her eyes wild as she looked at him. “What’s wrong?”

  “It’s my phone. It’s ringing.”

  “Oh.” She disentangled herself from him as he pulled the cell phone out of his pocket to take the call.

  “Hello,” he answered gruffly. She noticed that he hadn’t taken his eyes off her. They were the darkest shade of green she’d ever seen them and they spoke of pure lust. The look excited her. She was lost in her thoughts as Nate snapped the phone off and stood up, pulling his jeans on. “Luca’s waiting outside,” he explained.

  “Oh.” She picked up his shirt and helped him button it. She was nearly done when he pushed her against the wall and planted a chaste kiss on her lips. “The next time we start this, I won’t be partially disabled and I’m not going to leave you till we are both lifeless and satisfied.”

  With that, he opened the bedroom door and left.


  OVER THE NEXT WEEK BRIELLE’S days were busy with open houses and viewing potential listings. Her portfolio was becoming quite varied and she found that she was getting a lot of word of mouth business. This was a good thing since she was making a respectable name for herself in real estate.

  For the first time in a long time she thought about where her life would have taken her if she hadn’t become pregnant. Would she be a successful chiropractor? Would she have found that career to be fulfilling? The other night with Nate had been the first time since she had given up on her career that she had actually used any of her chiropractic talents. She was amazed at how easy it had all come back to her and the easewith which she fell back into it. If she was honest with herself, a small part of her longed for that career. It had been the focus of her life for so many years. In fact, it had been her sustaining life force since she’d been left alone in the world; her only source of direction.

  And then Noah came along and that focus changed. She didn’t hate real estate. It was just a lot of work, usually after hours, that took up a lot of her time. Time that she would prefer to spend outdoors with Noah. Maybe she could go back and finish her final year and qualify in chiropractics. Who was she kidding? Even if she could afford it, where would she find the time between showing houses and taking care of Noah. Motherhood in itself was a full-time job.

  She thought about Nate and the new role he would play in their son’s life. As much as he had accepted being a father, his life was also a crazy rollercoaster of travelling. Even now, being injured, he was off to Madrid with the race team. He wasn’t a fixed entity that she could rely on. Emma had been a great support system for both Brielle and Noah, but Brielle knew that she needed to force Emma to cut the cord now. She had sacrificed so much to be there for them, so much so that even her social life had suffered. Emma needed to have her own life now that Noah was older and Brielle was determined to give her just that.

  “Hey, Em,” she greeted as she popped her head into the other woman’s office.

  “Hey, babe,” Emma threw back. “Come on in.”

  Brielle sat down and leaned back in the guest chair. “I haven’t seen you in days. You didn’t even tell me about your date.”

  Emma actually blushed and couldn’t meet Brielle’s gaze.

  “Spill,” she demanded, eyeing her friend suspiciously.


  “Don’t you lie to me Emma Ross. You spill the beans right now.”

  Emma threw her hands in the air in exasperation. “What can I say?”

  “You didn’t even tell me who this guy is and how you met him. He could be some serial killer for all I know.”

  Emma blushed again.

  “What’s going on Em?”

  “It’s Luca.”

  “I found that out already.”

  She put her head in her hands. “I know, I know. I don’t know what I’m doing,” she groaned. “Maybe it’s because I haven’t been in the game for so long but it just feels so nice.”

  “Nice? You feel it’s nice? This is the man you practically ran from in Brazil. And now you’re blushing over him?”

  Her face turned beet red. “I’m a sucker. I know. He’s just done everything so right. And the sex… Oh my God, this man knows how to satisfy a woman. Or maybe it’s just that I haven’t had sex in so many years. I’m losing it Bree.”

  Brielle smiled
at the beautiful brunette in front of her and reached out to cover her hand with her own. “Em, you deserve some happiness. So, if you are having fun with Luca, then go for it. Just don’t give him your heart unless he’s willing to take care of it.”

  “Thanks, Bree. He’s just different this time around. Like he’s matured or something. In Brazil he was like a horny man-child. And now he’s more… refined.”

  “How did you even see him again?”

  “It’s so boring actually. We bumped into each other at the gym. He was sparring with one of the instructors and then he took off his shirt and I was a goner.”

  “You dog you.”

  “Hey! Women have needs too.”

  “Preaching to the choir, honey.”

  “Well, what about you and Nate?

  “What about me and Nate?”

  “Well, there’s clearly some sexual tension there. Are you going to do the deed?”

  “It’s not so easy with us. We have Noah to think about you know. A sexual relationship with us could lead to things getting confusing for Noah. I don’t want him to think that we are suddenly going to be a regular family.” Brielle conveniently left out the part where she had practically jumped Nate a few nights ago.

  “Yeah I understand. The sexual frustration has got to be killing you though.”

  “It’s like an itch that I just cannot reach. But when I do get it scratched, I’m going to scratch and scratch till it itches no more.”

  “Hi, Momma,” Noah greeted when Brielle picked him up from after care that afternoon.

  “Hi sweetheart, how was your day?”

  “It was great! I gops an A plus on my show and tell project.”

  “That’s great Noah, well done.”

  Noah beamed. “Miss Lincoln said that it was well researched and that I had learnt so much about racing.”

  “That’s amazing, I am so proud of you.”

  “Mr. Wolfe taught me everything, so it’s all because of him.”

  “He sure did help you my angel, but it was you who did the presentation and you remembered all of what he taught you.”


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