Men Out of Uniform: 6 Book Omnibus

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Men Out of Uniform: 6 Book Omnibus Page 91

by Rhonda Russell

  Levi bent forward, pulled her nipple into his mouth and suckled. “Damn, you taste good.”

  “Not as good as you feel,” Natalie told him, smiling at the sugar smudge on his cheek. She leaned down and licked it off, then purposely settled her sex over the hot ridge of his arousal.

  Hot, hard and huge. Her lids fluttered shut as sweet sensation bolted through her.

  She couldn’t believe this was finally happening. After all these years, all of her pining away for him, after all of her letters...he was finally going to be hers.

  And it couldn’t happen soon enough.

  She didn’t want slow and easy--they’d have time enough for that later.

  She wanted him now. “Prepare yourself,” she said, widening her eyes meaningfully.

  A bark of laughter bubbled up from Levi’s throat. He did as she instructed, smoothing the protection into place. A second later, Natalie hovered above him, then sank slowly onto the long, hard length of him. The air left her lungs in a slow hiss as she seated herself firmly onto him.

  Levi’s fingers dug into her hips and his lips peeled away from his teeth in a feral sort of smile that was strangely sexy. Their eyes locked and in that moment, everything inside of her seemed to click into place. She looked into his eyes and saw her future children, her happiness, her very world. This was happening here and now for a reason, Natalie realized as she bent forward and licked a flat, masculine nipple.

  Levi flexed beneath her, pushing deeper. His hands slid around and shaped her rump, almost possessively, and the sensation was nothing short of amazing. He was hot and hard, soft skin and lean muscle and for the moment, completely, utterly hers.

  And that thought simply did it for her.

  Natalie leaned back and worked herself up and down the length of him. Her clit tingled and her breasts grew heavy and her neck suddenly didn’t feel like it could support her head, but none of that mattered because she was close, so very close to--

  Levi upped the tempo beneath her, bucking deliberately. He bent forward and took the crown of her breast into his hot mouth and laved her nipple with his tongue. He palmed her other breast, abrading the sensitive peak, rolling it between his thumb and forefinger.

  Little sparklers started dancing behind her closed lids and her belly grew impossibly more hot and muddled. The first flash of impending climax quickened in her womb and she felt Levi harden more inside of her.

  She rode him harder, up and down, up and down, pushing, reaching, desperate for the release she’d waited so very long for.

  “Levi, I need--“

  “Me,” he said, pushing deeper, holding her hips as he took over and pistoned in and out of her. “You need me.”

  Oh, Lord, yes, Natalie thought. She did. She needed him. Loved him. Had always loved him. This was what she’d been waiting for. Him. Inside her.

  Harder and faster and harder still, he kept on, pushing into her heat, pummeling her sex, nailing her swollen clit with every single relentless drive of him deep inside of her.

  He pushed again, one, two times, three, then squeezed her rear and she literally came so hard her back felt like it would break from the impact.

  She stiffened above him, her mouth opened and a long, keening cry ripped from her very soul tore from her throat. Levi bent forward and caught that scream of release with his mouth, ate it and savored it. She felt him pulsing deep inside of her, then he suddenly went rigid and joined her in the wonderful world of Orgasm Land.

  Breathing hard, Natalie collapsed on top of him. She could feel his heart pounding beneath her chest and there was something so affirming about that steady thump-thump-thump that tears inexplicably burned in her eyes.

  At last. And it was everything she’d ever dreamed of and more. So much more.

  His long, talented fingers stroked down her back, then up again and tangled in her hair. She could feel him testing the strands against his fingers, curling the length of it around his hand.

  “This makes me want to drag you back to my cave and never let you go.”

  Natalie grinned and kissed his chest, then gave her feminine muscles a gentle squeeze. “This makes me want to let you.”

  “That was amazing,” he said, his voice a bit rusty.

  “I won’t be lodging a complaint.”

  His breathing slowed and he continued to play with her hair. “Do you have plans tonight?”

  She drew a half-heart on his side. “Not until you ask me to do something.”

  His chuckle vibrated under her cheek. “Come out on the boat with me,” he said softly. “Me, you and the moonlight. What do you say?”

  Yes, yes, yes. “So long as you’re prepared, I’m there.”

  Levi’s laugh stirred her hair and that sexy chuckle settled warmly around her heart. “You bet.”


  Dear Levi, this morning I woke up and my first thought was of you. I imagined your naked body twisted in my sheets and your head resting against my rumpled pillow...

  Levi took Natalie’s hand as she climbed aboard the boat. “Did you tell your dad we were doing this?”

  As though it were the most natural thing in the world, Natalie leaned forward and pressed a kiss against his cheek. “Of course, not. He would just worry.”

  “Natalie.” He didn’t think anything would go wrong, but he hated the idea of keeping her father out of the loop.

  “I’ve brought my cell phone,” Natalie told him. “If he calls me and asks where I am, then I won’t lie. I’ll tell him the truth.”

  Fair enough, he supposed. Still, John really needed to face this fear on Natalie’s behalf. They lived in a bayside community, a stone’s throw from the Atlantic. She worked in and around the shore all the time. He was going to have to give her some room, otherwise he could see a potential problem developing.

  “How’s your Uncle Milton?”

  “He’s doing better,” Natalie said, settling into a bench seat. She dropped her bag at her feet--he’d told her to plan on spending the night--and had the pleasure of watching a beautiful smile move over her raspberry lips as he pulled away from the dock. “And it’s been good for Dad to be there, too. He and Uncle Milton have been playing chess and watching Andy Griffith reruns. He needs other interests besides--“ She frowned, seemingly struggling to find the right word.

  “You,” Levi supplied.

  She grinned. “That works, yes.”

  Truth be told, he could hardly fault her father. He seriously suspected that, given the time, his interest would be solely focused on her as well. He could easily see his world narrowing down until only she was in view, until all he could think about was the shape of her smile, the sound of her laugh, the achingly beautiful curve of her cheek, those adorable freckles on her small nose, the way her long hair naturally curved to the shape of her pert little face.

  And then there were the other things... The things that made him go hard.

  The exact shade of her dusky nipples--a deep rosy hue. The gentle swell of her naked hip, the ripe feel of her wonderful ass in his hands. The way her dark brown eyes went all soft and heavy-lidded when he was inside of her.

  Today had been...beyond his wildest dreams.

  Getting the letter had been nice, having his suspicions confirmed a perk. But taking her in Winnie’s store room had been hands down, the best thing that had ever happened to him.

  Reading her letters, Levi had known that she wanted him. That she literally ached for him. But having all that passion, the complete surrender of any sense of reservation, manifest itself in her arms... Sweet Lord.

  He was ruined, Levi thought.

  He’d never--never--imagined sex could be anything like what they’d experienced. They hadn’t just made love or merely had sex--they’d connected on a level beyond anything he could have ever imagined. They’d exploded together.

  Just looking at her right now made him go hard. His fingers actually shook on the wheel and it was all he could do not to drop anchor and drag her d
own to his little bedroom.

  And he would. In due time.

  Until then, he wanted to recreate one of her fantasies. She’d once told him that she wanted to make it on his boat, to feel him rocking above her as the boat rocked below.

  He was so willing to accommodate.

  In fact, despite the fact that time was so very short, Levi had every intention of recreating each and every fantasy that she’d written to him. For this single moment in time, he had the ability to make her dreams come true and, though he couldn’t offer her forever--even if she’d leave Bethel Bay, he wouldn’t ask her to and coming home wasn’t an option for him--he could offer her right now.

  “How’s Adam doing?” Natalie asked. “Winnie mentioned that he’d been distant when she’d visited yesterday.”

  Levi winced and settled in behind the wheel. “He’s going stir crazy,” he said. “He’s not healing as quickly as he’d like to and that’s frustrating. Then there’s the emotional trauma he claims doesn’t exist, but I know better. He’s lost part of his leg. He’s in mourning for that, whether he’ll admit it or not.”

  Levi couldn’t even begin to imagine his brother’s irritation. Though he knew Adam would eventually do everything he set his mind to, Levi didn’t think he’d factored in sufficient time for the recovery period.

  “As for Winnie.” Levi made a face. “They’ve always had a very competitive relationship and he’s always respected that about her. He’s probably worried about losing face. And...she’s always had a thing for him, right?”

  Natalie nodded. “I knew that Adam was aware of it, but not you.”

  “We’re brothers,” he said by way of explanation. “Anyway, if I were in his shoes, I’d be worried about no longer holding her interest, if you catch my drift.”

  Natalie’s eyes widened. “You mean because of the accident?”


  “That’s absurd.”

  He smiled and shook his head. “That’s a man.”

  Natalie grew thoughtful for a moment and he watched her worry her bottom lip. “Winnie would never be so shallow. She hates what happened, Levi--we all do.” She shook her head. “But she’s in love with him. Her feelings aren’t going to change because he’s lost part of his leg. He’s the one who keeps insisting that he’s the same. He can’t play it both ways. He’s either the same or he isn’t.”

  Levi chuckled. “Have fun telling him that.”

  She nodded pertly. “I will.”

  Levi aimed the boat out toward the middle of the bay and felt the familiar peace that always surfaced when he was out on the water settle around him. The sun was sinking low on the horizon, painting the ocean in various shades of shimmering blue, pink and orange. Without warning, Natalie’s arms came around his waist and she settled her cheek on his back. Something in his chest tightened and expanded, making it momentarily hard to breathe.

  “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” she said, sighing contentedly.

  Though he’d been on many different oceans, Bethel Bay would always be the standard. He tugged her around and slung an arm over her shoulder, feeling more content than he could ever remember. “It is.”

  “I love Bethel Bay. It’s got everything, you know? It’s small enough to know most everyone, but big enough to have a little culture. And the landscape.” She gestured to the bay. “Second to none.”

  They were treading into dangerous territory and he knew it.

  Natalie started and drew back so that she could look at him. Excitement glittered in those coffee-colored eyes. “You should come to my Walking Tour Friday night.”


  “I do Walking Tour of the downtown area every Friday night. Go over the history of the town. Talk about the rum runners and the smugglers who used to frequent our little burg. It’s quite fascinating.”

  Seems like he remembered Adam saying something about that. Come to think of it, maybe Adam would like to go. One of the things his physical therapist had mentioned was getting more exercise. “Would you mind if I brought Adam along?”

  “Absolutely not.” A concerned line wrinkled her brow. “Are you sure that it wouldn’t be too much for him?”

  Levi relayed what the physical therapist had said. “He’s got the temporary prosthesis. He needs to move.”

  “Then bring him.” Her gaze bumped into his. “And I was kind of hoping you could come to my place and spend the night. It’s selfish, I know, but...”

  “I’d planned on inviting myself over,” Levi admitted as a rush of pleasure moved through his chest. He gave her a little squeeze. “You can be selfish with me anytime.”

  A shadow moved behind her gaze. “Not true,” she said. “You leave Saturday, right?”

  He knew they needed to talk about this, but that didn’t make it any easier. He didn’t want to talk about leaving her when he’d just found her. But at the same time, he had a job to do. Being a Ranger--it was who he was. He was part of a team, a brotherhood of men who were committed to doing things for the greater good. He couldn’t just change that...even if he were tempted. And God help him, he was. “I do.”

  “What time?”

  “I fly out at nine, but will need to leave the house no later than six.” He swallowed. “You know how that goes.”

  “So we’ll need to say our goodbyes Friday night, then.

  He nodded. “I’m afraid so. Unless you want to ride to--“

  She shook her head. “No, I don’t think so,” she admitted shakily. “That’s, uh-- That’s family time.”

  He understood. Speaking of family, his had certainly celebrated his seeing Natalie. His brother had wasted no time in telling his mother, who’d happily given her blessings. “She’s a lovely girl, your Natalie,” she’d told him, smiling with approval.

  Your Natalie. Those two little words had affected him more than he would have ever imagined. She was his. How in the world was he going to leave her?

  Time to change the subject, to talk about something more pleasant. Like his plans for the evening. “Are you getting hungry?”

  She looked up and her gaze tangled with his. She looked hungry, all right, but not for food. “I could eat.” She paused. “You.”

  The perpetual hard-on he’d been experiencing hit critical level at the bald comment. Levi chuckled softly under his breath, then bent and kissed her lips. “I’m definitely on the menu.”

  “Then I plan to get full.”

  * * *

  Natalie waited for Levi to drop anchor, then threaded her fingers through his and tugged him toward the small bedroom. Talking about him leaving had only intensified the fact that she had very little time left to spend with Levi. And she be damned if she’d waste that time with if-only’s and what-might-have-been’s. She knew the score going into this very brief relationship and, rather than dwell on what she couldn’t change--there’d be time enough for that beyond Friday night--she planned to take advantage of every second they had left.

  Beginning now.

  Her fantasy lover--the bonafide love of her life--was standing right here in front of her, ready to do her bidding, ready to make her dreams come true, ready to rock her world.

  And she looked forward to the quake.

  This morning she’d been so desperate, in such a hurry to get him beneath her skin she hadn’t been able to give much thought to little else. Frankly, she’d just needed to take the edge off.

  And while this morning’s frantic sex session in Winnie’s store room--she was still finding the occasional grain of sugar on her body--had done just that, it had also done something more.

  It had whetted her appetite.

  She hadn’t been kidding when she said she wanted to eat him. She did. She wanted to taste the hot, hard length of him. She wanted to feel that silky skin against her tongue. She wanted to suck him up like an ice cream cone on the Fourth of July, then set him off like a Roman candle.

  Natalie shrugged out of her shirt, then shucked her pants. “You’re going
to need to get naked for this.”

  Levi’s hungry gaze slid from one end of her body to the other in a slow leisurely procession that set her blood on fire and made her nipples pearl. He instantly stripped, then laid down on the bed and threaded his fingers casually behind his head. “Done.”

  Natalie deliberately popped the front closure on her bra and let it fall open, then casually shrugged out of it. Next, she slowly shimmied out of her panties--although there hadn’t been much to them--and kicked them aside.

  A stuttering breath echoed out of his lungs. “Wow.”

  Pleased, she set one knee against the bed, then trailed her hand slowly up over his thigh. His penis jumped, almost as if it were trying to land in her hand. She feasted her eyes on him, on the part of him that was so very different from her. He was hard and hot and the slippery skin glided effortlessly against her palm as she explored him.

  His breath hissed through his clenched teeth. “Natalie,” he said warningly.

  She bent and touched her tongue to the very tip.

  He swore.

  “Yes?” she asked.

  “You’re doing this on purpose.”

  She took the whole of him in her mouth and sucked long and hard. “I thought that was the whole point.”

  “I’m going to get you back for this,” he promised, his voice cracking. “I am so going to get you back. You’re not the only one who’s hungry.”

  She quirked a brow at him. “Who says we have to dine alone?”

  His head popped off the pillow, his eyes widened and then a long, slow smile designed to set her panties--had she been wearing any--on fire slid over his beautiful lips. “You’re right. We don’t.”

  Before she knew what was happening, Levi took hold her legs and dragged her into position. His fingers parted her curls and a second later, his hot tongue was fastened over the heart of her sex, licking and sucking, laving her clit.


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