Pendergast [07] The Book of the Dead

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Pendergast [07] The Book of the Dead Page 31

by Preston,Douglas;Child,Lincoln

  “No. I—followed him once.”

  “That’s when he told you.”

  A pause. “I made him tell me.”

  The sweat was thicker on Pendergast’s brow now, and Glinn did not press this point. “Describe the sub-basements to me.”

  “They were reached through a false wall in the basement.”

  “And beyond, a staircase leading down?”


  “What was at the bottom of the staircase?”

  Another pause. “A necropolis.”

  Glinn paused a moment to master his surprise. “And you were exploring this necropolis?”

  “Yes. We were reading inscriptions on the family tombs. That is how… how it started.”

  “You found something?”

  “The entrance to a secret chamber.”

  “And what was inside?”

  “The magical equipment of my ancestor, Comstock Pendergast.”

  Glinn paused again. “Comstock Pendergast, the magician?”


  “So he stored his stage equipment in the sub-basement?”

  “No. My family hid it there.”

  “Why did they do that?”

  “Because much of the equipment was dangerous.”

  “But while you were exploring the room, you didn’t know that.”

  “No. Not at first.”

  “At first?”

  “Some of the devices looked strange. Cruel. We were young, we didn’t fully understand…” Pendergast hesitated.

  “What happened next?” Glinn asked gently.

  “In the back, we found a large box.”

  “Describe it.”

  “Very large—almost the size of a small room itself—but portable. It was garish. Red and gold. The face of a demon was painted on its side. There were words above the face.”

  “What did the words say?”

  “ ‘The Doorway to Hell.’ ”

  Pendergast was trembling slightly now, and Glinn let some more time pass before speaking again. “Did the box have an entrance?”


  “And you went inside.”

  “Yes. No.”

  “You mean, Diogenes went first?”



  Another long pause. “No.”

  “You goaded him,” Glinn said.

  “That, and…” Pendergast stopped once more.

  “You used force?”


  Glinn now kept utterly still. He did not allow even the slightest squeak of the wheelchair to break the tense atmosphere.


  “He had been sarcastic, as usual. I was angry with him. If there was something a little frightening… I wanted him to go first.”

  “So Diogenes crawled inside. And you followed him.”


  “What did you find?”

  Pendergast’s mouth worked, but it was some time before the words emerged. “A ladder. Leading up to a crawl space above.”

  “Describe it.”

  “Dark. Stifling. Photographs on the walls.”

  “Go on.”

  “There was a porthole in the rear wall, leading into another room. Diogenes went first.”

  Watching Pendergast, Glinn hesitated, then said, “You made him go first?”


  “And you followed.”

  “I… I was about to.”

  “What stopped you?”

  Pendergast gave a sudden, spasmodic twitch, but did not answer.

  “What stopped you?” Glinn pressed suddenly.

  “The show began. Inside the box. Inside, where Diogenes was.”

  “A show of Comstock’s devising?”


  “What was its purpose?”

  Another twitch. “To frighten someone to death.”

  Glinn leaned back slowly in his wheelchair. He had, as part of his research, studied Pendergast’s ancestry, and among his many colorful antecedents Comstock stood out. He had been the agent’s great-grand-uncle, in his youth a famed magician, mesmerist, and creator of illusions. As he grew old, however, he became increasingly bitter and misanthropic. Like so many of his relatives, he ended his days in an asylum.

  So this was where Comstock’s madness had led.

  “Tell me how it began,” he said.

  “I don’t know. The floor tilted or collapsed beneath Diogenes. He fell into a lower chamber.”

  “Deeper into the box?”

  “Yes, back down to the first level. That was where the… show took place.”

  “Describe it,” Glinn said.

  Suddenly Pendergast moaned—a moan of such anguish, such long-repressed suffering, that Glinn was for a moment left speechless.

  “Describe it,” he urged again as soon as he could speak.

  “I only had a glimpse, I didn’t really see it. And then… they closed around me.”


  “Mechanisms. Driven by secret springs. One behind me, shutting off escape. Another that locked Diogenes inside the inner chamber.”

  Pendergast fell silent again. The pillow beneath his head was now soaked in perspiration.

  “But for a moment… you saw what Diogenes saw.”

  Pendergast lay still. Then—very slowly—he inclined his head. “Only for a moment. But I heard it all. All of it.”

  “What was it?”

  “A magic-lantern show,” Pendergast whispered. “A phantasmagoria. Operated by voltaic cell. It was… Comstock’s specialty.”

  Glinn nodded. He knew something of this. Magic-lanterns were devices that passed light through sheets of glass onto which images had been etched. Projected onto a slowly rotating wall with uneven surfaces to reinforce the illusion, and supplemented by sinister music and repetitious voices, it was the nineteenth-century equivalent of the horror movie.

  “Well then, what did you see?”

  Abruptly the agent leaped from the couch, suddenly full of feverish action. He paced the room, hands clenching and unclenching. Then he turned toward Glinn. “I beg you, do not ask me that.”

  He mastered himself with a supreme effort, still pacing the room like a caged beast.

  “Go on, please,” said Glinn tonelessly.

  “Diogenes shrieked and screamed from within the inner chamber. Again and again… and again. I heard a terrible scrabbling as he tried to claw his way out—I could hear his nails breaking. Then there was a long silence… And then—I don’t know how much later—I heard the shot.”


  “Comstock Pendergast had furnished his… house of pain with a single-shot derringer. He gave his victim a choice. You could go mad; you could die of fright—or you could take your life.”

  “And Diogenes chose the last.”

  “Yes. But the bullet didn’t… didn’t kill him. It only damaged him.”

  “How did your parents react?”

  “At first they said nothing. Then they pretended Diogenes was sick, scarlet fever. They kept it secret. They were afraid of the scandal. They told me the fever had altered his vision, his sense of taste and smell. That it deadened one eye. But now I know it must have been the bullet.”

  Glinn felt a chill horror settle over him, and he felt an illogical need to wash his hands. The thought of something so awful, so utterly terrifying, that a seven-year-old could possibly be induced to… He forced the thought away.

  “And the small chamber you were imprisoned in,” he said. “These photographs you mention—what were they of?”

  “Official crime scene photographs and police sketches of the world’s most terrible murders. Perhaps a way to prepare for the… the horror beyond.”

  An awful silence settled over the small room.

  “And how long was it before you were rescued?” Glinn asked at last.

  “I don’t know. Hours, a day perhaps.”

  “And you awakened from this living nightmar
e under the impression Diogenes had become sick. And that accounted for his long absence.”


  “You had no idea of the truth.”

  “No, none.”

  “And yet Diogenes never realized that you had repressed the memory.”

  Abruptly Pendergast stopped in his pacing. “No. I suppose he didn’t.”

  “As a result, you never apologized to your brother, tried to make it up to him. You never even mentioned it, because you had utterly blocked out all memory of the Event.”

  Pendergast looked away.

  “But to Diogenes, your silence meant something else entirely. A stubborn refusal to admit your mistake, to ask forgiveness. And that would explain…”

  Glinn fell silent. Slowly he pushed his wheelchair back. He did not know everything—that would await the computer analysis—but he knew enough to see it now, clearly, in its broadest brushstrokes. Almost from birth, Diogenes had been a strange, dark, and brilliant creature, as had many Pendergasts before him. He might have swung either way, if the Event had not occurred. But the person who emerged from the Doorway to Hell—ravaged emotionally as well as physically—had turned into something else entirely. Yes, it all made sense: the gruesome images of crime, of murder, that Pendergast had endured… Diogenes’s hatred of the brother who refused to speak of the ordeal he had caused… Pendergast’s own unnatural attraction to pathological crimes… Both brothers now made sense. And Glinn now knew why Pendergast had repressed the memory so utterly. It was not simply because it was so awful. No—it was because the guilt was so overwhelming it threatened his very sanity.

  Remotely, Glinn became aware that Pendergast was looking at him. The agent was standing as stiff as a statue, his skin like gray marble.

  “Mr. Glinn,” he said.

  Glinn raised his eyebrows in silent query.

  “There is nothing more I can or will say.”


  “I will now require five minutes alone, please. Without interruptions of any kind. And then we can… proceed.”

  After a moment, Glinn nodded. Then he turned the wheelchair around, opened the door, and exited the studio without another word.


  With sirens shrieking, Hayward was able to get down to Greenwich Village in twenty minutes. On the way, she had tried the few other contact numbers she had for D’Agosta—none connected. She had tried to find a listing for Effective Engineering Solutions or Eli Glinn, without success. Even the NYPD telephone and Manhattan business databases didn’t have a number, although EES was registered as a legitimate business, as required by law.

  She knew the company existed, and she knew its address on Little West 12th Street. Beyond that, nothing.

  Sirens still blaring, she pulled off the West Side Highway onto West Street, and from there turned into a narrow lane, crowded on both sides by dingy brick buildings. She shut off her sirens and crawled along, glancing at the building numbers. Little West 12th, once the center of the meatpacking district, was a single block in length. The EES building had no number, but she deduced it must be the correct one by the numbers on either side. It was not exactly what she imagined: perhaps a dozen stories tall, with the faded name of some long-defunct meatpacking company on the side—except it betrayed itself by tiers of expensive new windows on the upper floors and a pair of metal doors at the loading dock that looked suspiciously high-tech. She double-parked in front, blocking the narrow street, and went up to the entrance.

  A smaller door sat beside the loading dock, an intercom with a buzzer its only adornment. She pressed the intercom and waited, her heart racing with frustration and impatience.

  Almost immediately a female voice answered. “Yes?”

  She flashed her badge, not sure where the camera was but certain there was one. “Captain Laura Hayward, NYPD Homicide. I demand immediate access to these premises.”

  “Do you have a warrant?” came the pleasant answer.

  “No. I’m here to see Lieutenant Vincent D’Agosta. I’ve got to see him immediately—it’s a matter of life and death.”

  “We don’t have a Vincent D’Agosta on staff here,” came the female voice, still maintaining a tone of bureaucratic pleasantness.

  Hayward took a breath. “I want you to carry a message to Eli Glinn. If this door isn’t opened within thirty seconds, here’s what’ll happen: the NYPD will stake out the entrance, we’ll photograph everyone coming in or out, and we’ll get a search warrant looking for a meth lab and bust a lot of glass. You understand me? The countdown just began.”

  It took only fifteen seconds. There came a faint click and the doors sprang open noiselessly.

  She stepped into a dimly lit corridor that ended in doors of polished stainless steel. They opened simultaneously, revealing a heavily muscled man in a warm-up suit emblazoned with the logo of Harvey Mudd College. “This way,” he said, and turned unceremoniously.

  She followed him through a cavernous room to an industrial elevator, which led via a short ascent to a maze of white corridors, finally ending up at a pair of polished cherry doors. They opened onto a small, elegant conference room.

  Standing at the far end was Vincent D’Agosta.

  “Hi, Laura,” he managed after a moment.

  Hayward suddenly found herself at a loss for words. She’d been so intent on getting to see him that she hadn’t thought ahead to what she would say if she succeeded. D’Agosta, too, was silent. It seemed that beyond a greeting, he was also unable to speak.

  Hayward swallowed, found her voice. “Vincent, I need your help.”

  Another long silence. “My help?”

  “At our last meeting, you spoke about Diogenes planning something bigger. You said, ‘He’s got a plan which he’s put in motion.’ ”

  Silence. Hayward found herself coloring; this was a lot harder than she’d thought. “That plan is tonight,” she went on. “At the museum. At the opening.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Let’s call it a gut feeling—a pretty damn strong gut feeling.”

  D’Agosta nodded.

  “I think Diogenes works at the museum, in some kind of alter ego. All the evidence shows the diamond theft had inside help, right? Well, he was the inside help.”

  “That isn’t what you and Coffey and all the others concluded—”

  She waved her hand impatiently. “You said Viola Maskelene and Pendergast were romantically involved. That’s why Diogenes kidnapped her. Right?”


  “Guess who’s at the opening.”

  Another silence—this one not awkward, but surprised.

  “That’s right. Maskelene. Hired at the last minute to be Egyptologist for the show. To replace Wicherly, who died in the museum under very strange circumstances.”

  “Oh, Jesus.” D’Agosta glanced at his watch. “It’s seven-thirty.”

  “The opening’s going on as we speak. We need to go right now.”

  “I—” D’Agosta hesitated again.

  “Come on, Vinnie, there’s no time to waste. You know the place better than I do. The brass isn’t going to do anything—I have to do it myself. That’s why I need you there.”

  “You need more than me,” he said, his voice now quiet.

  “Who else did you have in mind?”

  “You need Pendergast.”

  Hayward laughed mirthlessly. “Brilliant. Let’s send a chopper up to Herkmoor and see if we can’t borrow him for the evening.”

  Another silence. “He isn’t at Herkmoor. He’s here.”

  Hayward stared at him, uncomprehending.

  “Here?” she repeated at last.

  D’Agosta nodded.

  “You busted him out of Herkmoor?”

  Another nod.

  “My God, Vinnie. Are you frigging crazy? You’re already hip-deep in shit… and now this?” Without thinking, she sank into one of the chairs at the conference table, then sprang immediately back to her feet. “I can’t b
elieve it.”

  “What are you going to do about it?” D’Agosta asked.

  Hayward stood there, staring at him. Slowly the enormity of the choice she had to make became clear to her. It was a choice between playing it by the book—taking Pendergast into custody, calling in backup and transferring custody, then getting back to the museum—or…

  Or what? There was no other option. That was what she should do—what she had to do. Everything she had learned as a cop, every fiber of her cop’s soul, told her so.

  She took out her radio.

  “Calling for backup?” D’Agosta asked in a low voice.

  She nodded.

  “Think about what you’re about to do, Laura. Please.”

  But fifteen years of training had already thought for her. She raised the radio to her lips. “This is Captain Hayward calling Homicide One, come in.”

  She felt D’Agosta’s hand gently touch her shoulder. “You need him.”

  “Homicide One? This is a Code 16. I’ve got a fugitive and need backup…” Her voice trailed off.

  In the silence, she could hear the dispatcher’s inevitable question. “Your location, Captain?”

  Hayward said nothing. Her eyes met D’Agosta’s.

  “Captain? I need your location.”

  There was a silence broken only by the crackle of the radio.

  “I read you, over,” Hayward said.

  “Your location?”

  Another silence. Then she said, “Cancel that Code 16. Situation resolved. This is Captain Hayward, over and out.”


  Hayward tore away from the curb, made a U-turn, and drove the wrong way down Little West 12th, peeled right onto West Street, and rocketed uptown, cars braking and pulling off to the left and right as she flashed past, sirens screaming. If all went well, they would be at the museum no later than 8:20 P.M. D’Agosta sat in the passenger’s seat next to her, saying nothing. She glanced at Pendergast in the rearview mirror—face badly bruised, a freshly dressed cut along one cheek. He wore a ghostly expression, one she had never seen on his face before—or anybody else’s, for that matter. He had the look of somebody who had just peered into his own personal hell.

  Hayward returned her gaze to the street ahead. She knew, in some profound way, that she had just crossed the Rubicon. She had done something that went against all her training, everything she knew about what it meant to be a good cop.


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