Nelson, Christian, 245
Nelson, Willie, 286
Neptune, 162
Nero, 44
Netherlands, 230
neuropraxia, 68
New World Order, 352
New Year’s Eve, 104
New York City, 103, 284, 287, 321
New York Marathon, 49
New York v. Castro, 366
New York Yankees, 11
Newman, Paul, 109
newspapers, most-read, 8
Newton, Isaac, 15
Newton, Wayne, 19
niacin, 349
Niagara Falls, 43, 294
nick of time, 324
Nickell, Joe, 385
nicotine, 28, 256
Nike, 117, 141
Nissan, 210
nitrogen, 36
Nixon, Richard, 163
Nobel Prize categories, 66
Noguchi, Thomas, 365
Norse gods, 23
Norway, 98
nose, 48
nose picking, 33
nosebleed, 113
novels, 93, 128
numbers, 20
numbness, 68
O’Hare, John and Cecelia, 11
O’Hare International Airport, 21, 144
O’Neal, Shaquille, 177
obscene phone calls, 243
oceans, 268, 294
octopus, 10, 198
octothorpe, 46
Odin, 23
odors, 48, 74, 88, 154, 214, 319–320, 330
office workers, 199
oil tankers, 90
Olajuwon, Hakeem, 177
Old Spice, 329
Olds, Ransom E., 228
Oldsmobile, 228
-ologies, 87, 205
Olympic Games, 49
on the q.t., 14
One World Government, 352
onions, 32
onyx, 31
orchids, 148
Oreo cookies, 69, 260
Orfalea, Paul, 61
Orfila, Mathiew, 363
organ, 19
Osborne, Ozzy, 302
Oscar, 4
ostriches, 125, 259
outhouses, 3
outlaws, 191
Oval Office, 47
over a barrel, 323
owls, 283
oxygen, 36, 148
oxymorons, 152, 165
oysters, 10, 71, 192
Oz books, 128
Pacific Ocean, 294
Packard, David, 60
pain, 225
Paine, Thomas, 271
Painite, 31
paintings, 306
Palm Dairies, 16
Palma, Emilio Palma, 136
Panama hats, 42
Panhard et Lavassor, 102
paper cups, 116
paper towels, 117
Paraguay, 42
parasite, 179
Parker, Colonel Tom, 335
parks, national, 231
Parr, Thomas, 40
parrots, 39, 125, 125
parsley, 44, 258
pasta, 143
peach pits, 148
peaches, 212
peanut butter, 117, 143, 172, 187, 297
peanuts, 192, 212
Pearson, Dave, 16
peas, 212
pedigree, 24
pelicans, 259
pellagra, 349
pencils, 88
penguins, 90, 125, 259
pennies, 277, 314
Pentagon, 248
People magazine, 211
peppers, 258, 276, 320
Pepsi-Cola, 257
Pera, Rudy, 262
pesto, 258
pets, 15, 54, 63, 104
Peychaud, Antoine, 178
Pez, 292
Philadelphia Cream Cheese, 11
Phillips, Ambrose, 327
phobias, 140
phony, 178
physics, 88
Picasso, Pablo, 306, 371
Pickford, Mary, 183
pickles, 48
piercings, 197
pies, 17, 260
pigeons, 90, 259
pigs, 1, 35, 283
Pilgrims, 65, 208, 209
pill bottles, 145
Pillsbury Doughboy, 134, 262
pilots, 227
pineapple, 32
Ping-Pong, 49, 75
Pink Floyd, 302
pipes, clogged, 233
piranhas, 34
Pitchfork, Colin, 365
Pitney, Arthur, 160
Pitney-Bowes, 160
Pittsburgh Brewing Company, 27
pizza, 172
plane crashes, 34
planes, 227
planets, 162, 174
plants, 32, 148, 157, 212, 254
plastic surgery, 221, 243
plastic wrap, 100
Playboy, 211, 262
Play-Doh, 91
playing cards, 7
Playtex bras, 159
Pleiades, 77, 162
plumbing, 3, 233
Pluto, 162
plutonium-239, 62
Pocahantas, 19
Poe, Edgar Allan, 133
poems, 196
Pogo sticks, 187
poison, 70, 363
police, 363–364
police cars, 103
“Polly Wolly Doodle,” 38
polo, 49
Polo, Marco, 128
polygraph, 365
Pony Express, 191
pooped, 179
Pope, Alexander, 327
popes, 180
Popsicles, 69, 260, 292
population, 5, 94
porcupines, 105, 217
porpoise, 96
postage stamps, 108
posthumous, 85–86
potassium, 37
potato chips, 172, 215
potatoes, 143, 190, 309
pound cake, 260
Powell, Colin, 302
praying mantis, 219
predictions, 388–390
pregnancy, 168, 187, 214
preserves, 260
presidents, U.S., 66, 120, 163, 167, 185–186, 250
Presley, Elvis, 58, 95, 108, 334–339
Proctor, Floyd and Laura, 382
Prohibition, 322
Project Mogul, 386
Promosedia, 213
prophecies, 388–390
protactinium, 37
Prowse, David, 109
psychiatrists, 50
Pulitzer Prize Playhouse, 101
pull the wool over someone’s eyes, 323–324
pull your own weight, 58
pumpkins, 143, 197
punctuation, 45, 290
Pygmy, 135
pyramids, 68, 251
pythons, 223
Q, 290
Quaker Oats, 263
Quantrill’s Raiders, 229
Quayle, Dan, 272
question mark, 45
Quetzal, 42, 138
Quetzalcoatl pyramid, 68
queue principle, 139
quicksand, 110
Quincy, M.D., 365
quotation marks, 290
quotations, 271–272
R. J. Reynolds Co., 160
radium, 83
ragweed, 94
railroads, 51, 261
rain, 80, 107, 166
Ramey, Roger, 383, 384
Ramses condoms, 156
Randle, Kevin, 383
Rape-L, 64
rats, 272
reading, 115
Reagan, Nancy, 273
Reagan, Ronald, 250
reality TV, 372–375
rearview mirror, 117
Record Industry Association of America (RIAA), 99
Recorde, Robert, 45
recycling, 25, 92
redwood trees, 148
reel-to-reel tapes, 13
Reeves, George, 101
refrigerator, 64
refrigerator magnets, 99
reindeer, 105
Reiss, R. A., 365
Relleke, Johanne, 113
REM sleep, 236
Rembrandt, 306
remedies, 126
remote controls, 119
Rene, Ralph, 357
restrooms, 3
Revolutionary War, 209, 287, 295
Reynolds, Richard, 160
Reynolds Wrap, 160
Rh factor, 137
rice, 190
Richelieu, Duc de, 52
rickets, 351
rickshaw, 261
Ringo, Johnny, 191
Ritty, James J., 27
Ritz crackers, 172
rivers, 76, 77, 150
road rage, 220
roadrunners, 107, 125
roads, 151
Robbins, Irvine, 245
robins, 198
Robinson, Jackie, 180, 315
robots, 240
rock music, 286, 302
Rock of Gibraltar, 251
Rockefeller, David, 354
Rocket Chemical Company, 22
Rocketdyne Systems, 356
Rockwell, T. D., 197
Rocky IV, 183
rodents, 272
rodeo, 49, 66
Rogers, Mister, 101
Rogers, Will, 142
roller coaster, 90
Rolling Stones, 286, 302
Rolls Royce, 149, 210
Rome (Romans), 15, 44, 51, 65, 77, 173, 244
Romeo and Juliet, 147
Ronald, Una, 356
Ronald McDonald, 263
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 159
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 167, 250
Roosevelt, Theodore, 120, 185, 365
rooster, 283
root beer, 257
roses, 134, 188
Ross, Larry, 21
Rostand, Edmond, 296
Roswell, 381–387
Rotondi, James, 378
roulette, 7
Rousseau, Henri, 306
Rousseau, Rosella, 365
rowing, 75
Royal Scottish Dance Society, 16
Royall, Ann, 185
royalty, 326
Rubik’s Cube, 169
running, 49, 75
running shoes, 117
Ruth, Babe, 315
Rx, 276
Sabbath, 279
Sacagawea, 317
saccharin, 69
sages, 77
saguaro cactus, 148
Sahara, 76, 150
salary, 328
salary axiom, 139
Salem witch trials, 228
Salinger, J. D., 109
saliva, 33
salt, 56, 226, 258, 294, 328
San Francisco 49ers, 232
San Simeon, 368–371
sand, 88
Sanders, Deion, 97
Santa Claus, 17, 50
Sara Lee, 22
satellites, 316
Saturday Night Live, 273
Saturn, 174
Savage, Thomas, 222
scallions, 131
scalping, 208
Scarlet Letter, The, 242
Scecone, Ettore, 313
Schiff, Steven, 385–386
Schmitt, Donald, 383
Scholl, William, 61
schools, 239
Schroeder, Pat, 272
sci-fi stories, 93
scot-free, 311
Scotch tape, 26
Scotland, 81, 98
Scott, Willard, 263
Scrabble, 169
screw loose, 324
scurvy, 350–351
sea horses, 217
sea otters, 203
sea urchins, 10
seals, 96
Search for Tomorrow, 273
seasoning, 258
secret societies, 352–355
Seddon, Rhea, 282
seedy, 86
Seeger, Pete, 38
sensitive plant, 157
sequoia, 32
Sesame Street, 101, 159, 273
Seven Dwarfs, 133
seven seas, 77
Seven Sisters, 77, 162
7-Up, 175, 257
Seymour, Charles, 173
Shakespeare, William, 16, 73, 86, 147, 154, 240
shampoo, 319
Shannon, Sean, 16
sharks, 10, 71, 246
shaving, 194, 243
sheep, 35
Shepard, Alan, 81
ships, 261
shoplifting, 304
shopping carts, 117
showering, 25, 308
shrimp, 71
shyness, 50
Siamese cats, 300
Siberia, 184, 268
Sibrel, Bart, 360
Silence of the Lambs, 366
Silly Putty, 170, 267
silver, 37
Silverheels, Jay, 317
Simon, Neil, 240
Simon Says, 7
Simpson, O. J., 97
Simpson, Wallis, 272
Sinatra, Frank, 142
Sioux confederacy, 317
skeleton, 135
skiing, 107, 119
skin, 226, 349
skin cells, 33
Skull & Bones Society, 353
skunks, 64, 222
skyscrapers, 303
slave, 196
sleep, 236, 249, 278
sleepwalking, 67, 249
Slinky, 91, 170, 247
slot machines, 100
sloths, 198
slush fund, 311–312
smell, 48, 88, 154, 214, 319–320
Smith, Jim, 266
Smith, John, 223
smoking, 28
snack foods, 69, 172, 215
snails, 235, 55, 62
snakes, 12
sneakers, 265
sneezing, 48, 237, 278
Snickers, 190, 260
snoring, 164, 249
snow, 184
soapberry bug, 219
Soba, Masato, 365
Sobel, Dava, 381, 383–384
soccer, 49, 75
societies, secret, 352–355
socks, Murphy’s law of, 219
sodas, ice cream, 245
soft drinks, 6, 175, 215, 257
software, 14
solar system, 162, 174
songs, 38
Sonny and Cher, 302
SOS, 67
sound, 39, 80, 88
South America, 309
southpaws, 173
Soviet Union, 62
space junk, 316
space program, 356
spacecraft, 316, 343
Spam, 207
sparrows, 125
speed, 90, 107
spices, 258
Spider-Man, 66, 70, 153
spiders, 33, 238, 318
Spielberg, Steven, 147
spinach, 192
sponges, 71
sports, 49, 75, 97, 173, 177, 186, 275, 315
squid, 198
squirrels, 272
St. Bart’s, 42
Stallone, Sylvester, 127
stamp collecting, 108
Stanley, David, 339
Stanton, Edwin M., 229
starfish, 10
stars, 162
starvation, 278
statistics, 20
Statue of Liberty, 29, 281, 303
Staubach, Roger, 232
stealth bomber, 295
Steilberg, Walter, 368
Steller, G. W., 203
Stevenson, Robert Louis, 106
Stewart, Alexander Turney, 103
Stewart, Rod, 142
stilts, 313
stomach, 225
storms, 166, 234
street names, 266
stroke, 113
Stuart, Mary, 326
suede, 195
sugar, 143, 192, 310
sun, 62, 118, 162, 174
sundaes, 245
Super Bowl, 97, 232
superglue, 18, 365
; superheroes, 70, 153
Superman, 153
supermarkets, 215, 297, 304
superstition, 30, 187, 244
surgery, 113, 126, 237
surnames, 266
sweating, 33, 226, 252, 282
Sweet’N Low, 156
swine flu, 221
Swiss cheese, 145
sword swallowing, 110
symbols, 45–46
synesthetes, 302
T-shirts, 181
tablecloths, 65
Taco Bell, 161
Taft, William Howard, 186
Taki, 189
tapeworms, 33
Taso Pi, 93
taste, 48, 154
taste buds, 288
Tatis, Fernando, 315
tattoo, 86
taxes, 47, 103, 121, 248, 330
taxonomic classifications, 77
Taylor, Elizabeth, 109, 147
tea, 6
tears, 33, 255
teenagers, 289
teeth, 288, 296
telephones, 25, 240, 313
television, 101, 115, 159, 273
Temple, Shirley, 4, 109, 127
tempura, 123
tendons, 225
tennis, 49
Terminator II, 133
termites, 55, 84, 235
Terry, Alfred, 228
Terzakis, Nia, 394
Thanksgiving, 104, 208
thiamine, 348–349
thinking cap, 63, 311
third degree, 85
13 (number), 244
Thomas, R. L., 103
Thompson’s theorem, 139
Thoreau, Henry David, 229, 271, 366
3-M Company, 26
Three Musketeers bar, 293
Three Stooges, 127
thunder, 166
thunderstorms, 234
Thurmond, Strom, 47
Tierney, P. J., 1
ties, 307
tigers, 72, 300
Tijuana, 121
time capsules, 207
Time magazine, 211
time measurement, 207
time zones, 76
tin, 37, 88
tinnitus, 221
tipping, 9, 79, 112
tires, 149, 203, 210
Tiro, Marcus Tullius, 45
Titantic, 301
toads, 12
toasting, 78
tobacco, 28
Todd’s law, 139
toenails, 252
toes, 135
toilet paper, 308
toilet seat, 63
toilets, 3
tomatoes, 53, 148, 201
tombstones, 206
Toms, John, 363
tongue, 288, 350
tonsillectomy, 126
Tony the Tiger, 156
tooth decay, 237
Tooth Fairy, 79, 288, 296
toothbrushes, 308
toothpaste, 25, 26, 171
Tootsie-Roll Pops, 260
tornados, 158, 234
totem pole, 8
touch and go, 312
tourist attractions, 71
Toyota Corolla, 149
toys, 91, 169–170
traffic jams, 204
train robbery, 51
trains, 261
transfusions, 126
transportation modes, 51, 261
Trans-Siberian Railway, 51
trash, 88
trees, 32, 148, 254
trepanning, 126
Trilateral Commission, 354
triskaidekaphobia, 244
trophy, 24
Truman, Harry S, 123
Tukey, John W., 14
tuna, 297
tungsten, 37
turkeys, 35, 107, 125, 143, 195, 259
turquoise, 31, 196
turtles, 12, 71
Tut, King, 206
TV Guide, 94
Twain, Mark, 106, 272, 313
Uncle John's Bathroom Reader Extraordinary Book of Facts: And Bizarre Information (Bathroom Readers) Page 36