Assassin by Day

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Assassin by Day Page 12

by Tessa Robertson

  I’ll call Nickolas and tell him it’s been long enough then leave in the morning. I can’t risk Dylan’s involvement in my spider web of a life. My past will catch up with me sooner or later.

  I’m stupid to like the town’s sexiest resident. I can only hold out so long before I break. Torture, I can endure. Gunshot wounds? Sure. A sexless life? Not even close. After what we did and what I’m positive we’ll do later, I like Dylan even more.

  “I’m freezing. Let’s go to the bedroom.” I suggest, prying free of his grasp. I make it two feet before he snakes his arm around me and pulls me back to his embrace.

  “We could,” he begins with a cunning smile. “Or I could warm you up right here.” He pushes my sweater up, and I immediately sense my temperature rise. “Right now.”

  Only tonight, I tell myself. Tonight. I’ll vanish with the first light and go back to Virginia. I decide and lose myself to Dylan’s magical lips once more.

  Chapter Ten

  It’s exasperating how men react to getting what they want in the sack. For me, ninety-five percent of the guys I slept with did the typical ‘hit it and quit it’. I can’t say I complain too much since those were the douchebags of my youth. Not that I’m all that wise at twenty-seven, but I hope I know a winner when I see one. I don’t. I’m terrible at reading men.

  So, why is Dylan still in my bed? Not only is he nestled under the sheets like he belongs here, but the sun rises over the mountains. I analysis his sleeping form. His gorgeous body hidden under the plaid comforter and his right arm draped over my waist.

  I’m not used to this. To seeing the guy in the morning and not want to cry or stab him for what he did the night before. Alexei and I were a couple of convenience, mostly for him. Nickolas and I shared plenty of passion, but he always snuck out before first light. This is weird for me. It’s too close to being like my nights with Eddie.

  I lay motionless, unsure of my next course of action. The three times I attempted to disembark the bed were met with Dylan snuggling me close. I’m not one to cuddle after sex, while sleeping, or even during a slasher movie. It’s too intimate, too genuine, too close to exposing my soul.

  I blink my eyes to keep tears at bay. Opening my soul sounds an awful lot like soulmates. I can still hear Eddie’s words on the matter, “A soul mate is a person you feel truly fits you. There’s at least one person out there for everyone. It doesn’t always mean you end up together though.” He’s a firm believer, the poor bloke. Sure, soulmates exist. The same place fairytales come true. Maybe in someone else’s life, but not mine. Mine is riddled with horror and secrets.

  My skin pebbles despite the warmth exuded by my bedmate. I don’t like to think about Eddie. It brings up too many emotions. To be honest, I have no idea why Eddie fell in love with me in the first place. I’m a sassy, sarcastic, secretive assassin. He had to drag out my emotions.

  After seven years, he’s an expert. That’s part of the reason I continue to run from his affection. I’m not certain how to handle myself. The degree of his love is far beyond what I’m capable of.

  A frown covers my face. Why am I even thinking about Eddie at a time like this? I need to shove feelings from my mind. If I keep it up, I may relapse.

  Dylan twitches in his sleep, and I hold my breath. Seeing him like this opens new doors. Ones I never knew existed. A little part of my heart, that all the other men crushed, beats once more when I look at him. It’s ridiculous. I don’t even know this guy, let alone his true self.

  “Do you always stare at the men in your bed or am I the lucky one?” Dylan’s groggy voice asks.

  Damn him for being irresistible even in the morning light. I glance to his eyes, but see they remain closed. “How’d you know I was looking at you?”

  His eyelids slide open, exposing cloudy, blue eyes. “I have my ways,” comes his lazy reply. He pulls me snug to his body. “You’ve already witnessed a few of my secrets.” He kisses my neck. “I’ll gladly share more of them if you ask.”

  I tense at his proximity. Asking to disburse personal details isn’t good. Opening hearts leads to picking up shards later. I wish I could enjoy the way he feels against my skin. The solid planes of his body. The way his facial hair tickles the back of my neck. It’s too good to be true. I won’t let him in. Not now. Not ever.

  Despite how bushy it is, I reach up and toy with his beard. It’s softer than I expect. His hair is a mess thanks to our rolling around all night. Fuck, those were hours of satisfaction wrapped in a layer of steamy debauchery.

  The silver stare of his drives me mad. I’ve seen it before, but where? Since meeting him, I’ve wracked my brain for answers. The only eyes like Dylan’s belonged to a boy I knew so long ago it seems like a dream. I push the notion aside. That boy is dead. Dylan definitely isn’t.

  “I should get coffee.”

  Dylan pulls me under the covers and beneath his tepid body heat. “Why do you do that? You keep your distance from everyone. What are you afraid of?”

  He smooths my hair and searches my face. “It’s almost like you’re running from something.” His eyes fix on my lips when I absently press them together. “Or is it someone you’re hiding from?”

  I stay quiet and relish the intimate interaction. From my position, I sense his body coming to life inch by defining inch. The thought enthralls me, but not as much as the idea that he’s edging into my life.

  “It’s nothing.”

  “I can wait. I have nowhere to be today.” He props his arms up, settling in to wait it out.

  That stupid smirk of his is compelling. If I don’t relent soon, my body will burst into flames. “Fine. I’ll tell you, but you have to promise to not take it the wrong way.” A quick nod is all he offers as a response.

  Taking a breath, I wish he wasn’t staring at me like a hidden gem waiting to be discovered. “I’m not used to a guy the next morning,” I confess. His eyebrows lift, and he manages a tiny frown. “They’re usually gone by then.”

  From the look on his face, I guarantee he thinks I’m a hooker in my life before Verde. It came out wrong, but I’d rather him think I’m a washed-up whore than the truth.

  His expression changes from confusion to pity then to something indiscernible. If only I could pry open his mind and see his spinning thoughts.

  After a second, he pushes back my hair. “That’s too bad. Those fools don’t know what they’re missing.” He kisses me tenderly to my surprise.

  He needs to stop being so wonderful. Dylan is a distraction, that’s all, but he’s a dream when I expect nightmares. It won’t last. I knew it the moment our lips met. He’s too good, too pure to be with someone like me. Plus, I’m engaged to Nickolas. Dylan is my authorized backslide. I’ve spilled blood and this gorgeous man probably never killed a spider.

  Despite my musings, Nickolas isn’t here. He’s not pounding on the bedroom door ready to whisk me away. I deserve some fun. I swing my arms around Dylan’s neck the longer he kisses me.

  After years of misfits, I deserve a little heavenly action like him. He’s not Eddie, but he’s much better than sleeping alone. Screw leaving town. I’m more interested in leaving the planet with Dylan at my side.


  We woke again around eight, but only to have another go-round. I have no clue why he stayed so long. Well I do since I was a big part of the reason. I can’t help it. His body calls to me until I obey. Once my hands reach him, I can’t stop. After a night of exercises, we fell asleep. I awoke two hours later, but Dylan continued to snooze. I showered then unlocked the building door.

  Now, I’m waiting downstairs at my desk. It isn’t as though hordes of people wait for me to open the doors. In fact, no one entered the library this morning, to my dismay. I could use an interruption, and no, not the hunk sleeping in my bed. As tempting as circling up with Dylan was, I won’t let myself slip back to the ecstasy of his arms, his hands and his enormous—

  “Decide to sneak off, did you?” Dylan’s voice drifts dow
n the stairs, and I turn in my chair.

  I don’t expect to smile, but he steals it from me anyways. I don’t even care, which amazes me more. He looks scrumptious, leaning over the banister. His dark hair is freshly washed and his torso completely exposed. He’s wearing his dark jeans, and they accent his muscular legs, making it impossible not to stare. A lazy smile sneaks through his bearded face.

  I shiver recalling the wondrous things he does. If I ask, he’ll bar the front doors and do it again.

  “I needed to open the library,” I explain, examining his body. His groomed beard beckons for my fingers to lace through it. The silky, yet coarse facial hair is magic on my skin. “I didn’t realize it was so late.”

  Dylan nods his head then stretches his arms behind his head. “Yeah, I kinda overslept.” He tilts his head as if to survey my body. “I wouldn’t mind doing it more often, though.”

  He peruses the room with his watchful eyes. “Doesn’t look like you missed any customers.”


  He doesn’t move from his spot. Suddenly, I feel self-conscious. Dylan saw every inch of me last night and this morning, but didn’t say a word. The stray scars he spotted are difficult to explain, so he’s better off not questioning me.

  I catch his gaze and my stomach flutters. Those gunmetal blues are salve to my tortured soul. Dylan desires me, well the Rory part. He’s not acquainted with Mishka. I wonder how the introductions will go.

  I wasn’t concerned about him seeing the multitudes of tattoos. I have good explanation for them, not that he asked. Speaking of body art, I noticed his tattoos this morning. I don’t know how I missed them before. Oh, wait, yes, I do.

  He has a half sleeve on his upper right arm and a dragon wrapped around his left bicep. The small, black “x” on his second rib is much more curious. I’ve seen similar marks on men under Alexei’s tutelage as well as the ones on my own body. Those are generally more ornate, though. Dylan’s tattoos are genuinely civilian and another reason to make me drop pants.

  “I should get going. I’m sure it snowed more last night.” He scratches his face. “Plus, I need clean clothes.” He winks at me then disappears into the apartment.

  I focus on the ledger in front of me. Concentrating on work is what I need right now. If I let my mind wander to Dylan, I’ll be lost the rest of the day.

  Flipping the page, I realize it’s time to order books. I sigh. Time to complete a library inventory and review new titles for purchase. I don’t mind the work. In fact, I sort of like the tedium. Much different from playing patsy to the skhodka’s every whim.

  “All right. I’ll be back to check in on you later,” Dylan cuts into my thoughts as he descends the stairs. He’s dressed, much to my disappointment.

  When he reaches me, he flashes a smile and lifts my hand to his lips. He kisses it, and I regret his departure. “Don’t go anywhere,” he whispers. “I’m not done with you.”

  His mild politeness intrigues me and I’m left panting as he walks out the front door.

  After the door closes, I turn and stare at the shelves of books. Inhaling deeply, I close my eyes at the charismatic scent of paper. I love the smell. It takes me back to the happier times of my childhood.

  I exhale and flick my view to my desk. It’s messy and covered in books, but I know where everything is. Seeing the newspaper on the edge of the stack, I unsheathe it from its plastic covering and lounge in my chair with my feet propped on the desk. The paper doesn’t get here much. Nickolas sees to that. I’m given limited communications with the outside world for my protection. Hell, it’s probably for his but whatever. It keeps Eddie safe. What more could I want?

  I sift through the Colorado Springs Gazette, not looking for anything in particular. I roll my eyes when I notice the publication date is over two months old. I skip the sports section, because who the hell reads it?

  The classifieds are next. Several ads stick out, but I ignore them. I choose to overlook Eddie’s attempts. I’m sure they’re in every big newspaper across the States. It’s sad, really, how determined he is to find me. It doesn’t help me get out of Verde. I’m sure it pisses Nickolas off too. I smirk at the thought of Nickolas’s vendetta against Eddie. I know why he isn’t a fan. Nickolas and I were supposed to be an item long before Eddie. Our parents threw us together, hoping our alliance would further Russia’s grip in the U.S., but I was young and dumb.

  I read the ad and abruptly crave a cigarette. I don’t want to be found, but reading the same deserted article about a missing Tiffany ring, size six, and one about selling vacation homes in Bali makes me think differently. It’s ingenious, Eddie’s method. We used to send notes in code when he was stationed overseas. To the naked eye, it looks like two people chatting about a business venture in Bali that resulted in the loss of an expensive ring.

  I smirk at the memory. Alexei never figured it out, at least I don’t think he did. He intercepted a letter once, but thought it was spam and tossed it. No matter, Eddie and I always found a way.

  “Except this time, I’m not replying,” I advise the empty room. Not with Nickolas’s threat looming over my head. I’ll keep Eddie safe. End of story.

  I flip to the national news page and scan the articles. “Boring, boring, even more boring and...” I pause my mindless chatter when I reach the last article. “Missing Virginia woman suspected of fiancé’s murder.” My eyes bulge as I continue silently.

  The FBI still on the hunt for Rory Vald, the fiancée of the late Alexei Petrovich. Vald was last seen the day police found Petrovich’s body in the apartment they shared. His death has been ruled a homicide and all tips as to the whereabouts of Vald should be directed to the FBI office in Virginia.

  The article goes on describing the ghastly things done to Alexei’s body and his bodyguards. Oh, and a lovely photo of me is attached. Great.

  I don’t know whether to laugh or shoot someone with the handgun in my desk drawer. I expected Nickolas to keep his word and take care of Alexei’s body. If this article is any indicator, his men failed miserably and the authorities have been looking for me since I left. Fucking awesome. Nickolas will hold this over my head too. He’ll sweep this under the rug, but not until he wants to.

  I let out a frustrated huff and pace the floor. I’m stranded in no-man’s land. Though Verde doesn’t have law enforcement, the county sheriff drives through once a month. With a federal warrant, the sheriff will no doubt check in more.

  The Rockies are littered with bounty hunters, and I’m a sitting duck. Bounties visit the small, mountain villages first. If they shove my mug in the faces of Verde’s populace, I’ll be hauled away within weeks. My small salvation comes from the fact that the skhodka owns this little town.

  I pick up the crinkled newspaper and take small comfort seeing the FBI focused their search on the East Coast. This can go three ways. The first being I return to Virginia with Nickolas’s help; the second is to high tail it to a non-extraditable country; and the third and most horrific is to stay in Verde and hope it all works out. I don’t like any of my options.

  My mind spins on a fourth one. “I could contact Eddie,” I spout aloud then violently shake my head. I can’t endanger Eddie more by involving him, as badly as I want to do exactly that. I need to put as much distance between us as possible and Eddie’s articles are doing the exact opposite.

  Lacing my fingers together, I think it over. It’s a lot to digest. The agency will be furious, but I can’t think about them. They know what I did and why. It was under their direction, so I should be safe. Emphasis on ‘should’.

  Biting the inside of my cheek, I’m shocked they never mentioned it during our check-ins. It would’ve riled me up, so they chose the right route even though I hate them for it.

  The clock chimes, reminding me I should hear from Nickolas today. We check in every week on Tuesdays. I’ll wait until after we talk to do anything. I can’t ignore the FBI hunt. Nickolas will explain himself. The thought of giving him the be
nefit of the doubt is all I have. He’s my way out of this mess if the agency falls through. We’re strung together one way or another.

  As if he guessed I was cursing his name, my burner phone vibrates from the desk. I quickly latch the lock on the front door then grab the phone.

  “Да.” I answer ‘yes’ in Russian since Nickolas insists on it for our phone calls. Something about him needing to verify it is me on the other line. Whatever.

  A frown covers my lips. Not even Eddie is aware English is my second language. I like communicating without others knowing. Gives me the whole assassin edge. Back to the phone call.

  “Are you alone?” Nickolas asks. Of course, he doesn’t act like a normal human being.

  I sigh and take a seat. “No, I have hundreds of people swarming me in a library. Yes, I’m alone.”

  Nickolas chuckles. That sound makes me giddy and nauseous at the same time. “I take it you read the paper I sent.”

  “Yep, and I’m not thrilled. You told me you would take care of this, Nick, so I was extremely surprised to see my face scrawled in black and white.” I’m pissed now. He’ll act like this isn’t a big deal. I hear it already.

  “Calm down. I have things handled.”

  “Obviously not, since your men fucked up when they were supposed to be getting rid of Alexei’s body.” If the man was in front of me right now, I’d slug him.

  “There was a little mix up.” He clears his throat, clearly not happy about this mishap. “Unfortunately, Alexei’s body was found before my men could complete their task.” He lowers his voice. “Those men have properly disappeared, as will this case upon your return.”

  So, he had them killed. I don’t know why I’m astounded. He’s a ruthless killer deep down. One I don’t want to cross. “Fine. I’m ready to come back. This boredom is killing me.”

  I hear a snow blower outside my door and move to the window. Damn. Dylan is back at it. It’ll only be a matter of time before he’s done and looking for a way to warm up. The way I want him to chase away the chill makes me grin.


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