What She Thought She Knew (Rachel Moore Mystery Book 1)

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What She Thought She Knew (Rachel Moore Mystery Book 1) Page 8

by Jack Parker

  A half-hearted smirk formed on Delta's face. "I'm your Guardian: I'm supposed to be worrying about your well-being, not the other way around."

  In response, I threw his large coat over his shoulders, and leaned against him. Delta's shoulder tensed in surprise, before they gradually relaxed.

  I snorted at his reaction. "I'm not going to let you freeze. Be grateful that I'm in a generous mood."

  Delta chuckled, and wrapped his arm around my waist, bringing me closer.

  I closed my eyes as I felt my stress ease away. Delta's company and warmth made me feel secure and protected.

  I sighed appreciatively, and nuzzled my head under his chin. In turn, Delta's arm on my waist slightly tightened.

  We stayed in the position for a while, enjoying each other's company while watching the world pass by us.

  Two middle-aged women looked at us as they walked by. "What a cute couple," one commented.

  The other hummed in agreement. "True. They remind me of Gregory and I when we were younger."

  Their comments caused my heart's pace to quicken slightly.

  Delta gently patted my back. "We should get going," he said.

  I groaned quietly at his comment.

  The Guardian got up, and held out his hand in front of me. I took it, and he effortlessly brought me to my feet.

  We then walked back towards Seeker HQ, occasionally leaning against each other in companionship.


  Several hours later, Delta and I arrived at the airport.

  We met up with our new team members, and boarded a specialized Seeker plane.

  Our tech expert, Gizmo, was going through the floor plans of the supposed Phantom lab. "Alright lads," he started with his thick British accent, "according to the schematics, there are several levels that are below ground. About ten levels down, there seems to be a large space where it is suspected the Phantoms performed their experiments. The Head Warrior wants us to investigate these experiments, and collect any valuable information that we can find."

  "And then we blow the place sky high." I added.

  Gizmo looked up from his laptop, and gave me a wary look before he turned his attention back to the tool.

  I stood up from my huddled position. "Alright everyone, you all know the mission details. Once we arrive in Rome, we will meet with two additional agents. Elvira, can you give us the details?"

  Said person nodded, and took out a data pad. "We will be meeting with agents Predator who is a Demolitions Expert, and Fear who is a skilled Assassin. According to the data pad, they will be meeting with us at the onsite Seeker base."

  I nodded, though I was a bit confused about the selection of the new recruits. The Demolitions Expert would really make my day once he blew up the lab. As for the Assassin, what good would he be for us if the lab was supposedly abandoned?

  "I've got the all clear from flight control." Our pilot stated. "ETA to Rome: 8 hours 56 minutes."

  I sat down in one of the leather seats, and prepared for takeoff. I leaned my head back, and allowed the exhaustion from the day to overcome me as I drifted to a light sleep.


  I woke up during the last hour and a half of the flight. I used that time to go through all of the mission parameters once more.

  I gave Elvira the task of contacting our onsite agents to confirm that they would meet us at the rendezvous point.

  The men were all doing their own tasks. Gizmo was checking out all of our electronic gear, while Olsen inspected our tools. Delta, on the other hand, spent his time at the back corner of the plane… sulking?

  After a careful moment of debate, I decided to go over to him. "Hey," I greeted softly.

  For a Guardian, Delta certainly was caught off guard. He jumped a bit as I spoke. He relaxed once he realized that it was me. "Hello, Agent Moore." He replied, not really focused.

  I raised an eyebrow at his attitude. "Are you alright?" I asked.

  Delta sighed lightly. "I'm not actually. I never thought I'd be coming back here." He said.

  "You mean Rome?" I clarified.

  Delta nodded his head. "I lived there for quite some time with my mother, before the war started. Those were the best years of my life."

  My eyes softened. I was surprised that he was comfortable enough to tell me about his past.

  Delta hesitated. "I know that you don't fully trust me, Agent Moore, and I don't blame you. I haven't been entirely honest with you." The Guardian adjusted his position, and focused his attention on me.

  He gestured to the seat in front of him.

  I sat down, and crossed my legs.

  Delta leaned forward, and crossed his hands together in a meditation position. "I suppose I should start at the beginning. I'm an only child. I was originally born in America in 1993, but my mother wanted to start a new life, so we moved to Rome. Like I said earlier, those were the best years of my life."

  "But then the war started." I added in.

  Delta nodded, his eyes were dark with an emotion I was not used to seeing him with. "Europe took the first hit of attacks. A lot of cities were badly damaged, including Rome. For the first year, my mother and I were always on the move. I was never more terrified than I was back then. I was certain that we would get caught."

  "What happened?" I asked.

  Delta's foul mood seemed to have increased. "We finally found a plane that was heading to America, but the position was compromised. Phantom agents had stormed the area; they started killing everyone in their sights. I managed to get on the plane, but my mother…" He trailed off as he looked blankly into space.

  I wanted to comfort the Guardian, but I forced myself to stay still.

  Delta sighed heavily. "The plane took off with the few survivors that managed to make it on board. As for my mother, I never saw her again."

  My heart was actually breaking for him. "I'm so sorry." I genuinely expressed. "I know what it's like to lose a parent."

  Delta looked at me with understanding. "In your case, you lost both."

  I nodded as I stared blankly out the window.

  Delta exhaled sharply, and rubbed his head. "Shit, I didn't mean to bring that up."

  I shrugged half-heartedly. "It's fine. I've had seven years to get over it."

  I caught movement from the corner of my eye.

  I focused my gaze on the source, and saw Delta look at me intensely. "Seven years, one hundred years, it doesn't matter. There's never enough time in a life to get over a devastation such as that. You're hurting Agent Moore; you don't need to shove that aside just because you think it makes you weak."

  I was slightly stunned at Delta's open display of his concern for my well-being. Nearly every Seeker agent knew of my past, yet none were so compassionate about it such as Delta.

  I opened and closed my mouth a few times as I didn't know what to say.

  Finally, I decided for something simple. "Umm, thanks, I guess."

  Delta nodded. "No need to thank me, Agent Moore."

  He regarded me with such an intense look that I felt like I would be set on fire if I was under it for too long.

  A strange feeling gripped my insides, and made butterflies fly around in my stomach. I suddenly felt timid and very self-conscious of how I looked like to Delta.

  We just stared at each other. Delta's eyes swirled continuously, and I felt like I could get lost in them forever. He has lovely eyes, I remarked mentally.

  Hesitation flashed in them, but it vanished like water droplets being swept aside by a car's windshield wipers.

  "What was your family like?" He asked gently.

  My heartbeat quickened slightly as I pondered his question.

  It's been years since I've spoken about them as it caused me too much pain. When Agent Delta brought it up, though, I felt inclined to tell him.

  I took a deep breath and looked out of the window. "I'm not sure where to begin. My parents were hard workers
. They always made sure that my brother and I were taken care of, and that we were brought up with manners and respect for life."

  Delta's eyes brightened with interest. "Tell me about your brother."

  I bit my lip and gripped my thighs tightly. "His name was Timothy. He was four years younger than me, but boy did he try to act like the older sibling. He would always come into my room, and steal something of mine. Every time I chased him, he would just lead me to his room, and force me to talk to him before he gave my stuff back." I smiled slightly at the memory. "Years later, I realized that was simply his way of getting attention from me. Not that I was a bad sister, it was just that I was focused solely on my studies as I tried to get into the university of my choice."

  My Guardian chuckled in response.

  Without him asking, I found myself continuing. "My father was a reserved man; not at all cold, just shy in his own way. He didn't talk much outside, but once at home he couldn't shut up. He used to always tell my brother and I stories about his time in the Air Force. He described the various training he had to go through before actually becoming a pilot. For a time, he was even an instructor. My father used to collect several models of both airplanes and helicopters. He said that they reminded him of the brief freedom he experienced while in the air." I shakily released a breath. "And my mom…" It felt like my throat had constricted.

  I flinched as I felt fingers intertwine with mine.

  I looked over and saw Agent Delta stare at me in tenderness. His eyes morphed in a spectacular display of color.

  I was disturbed even more when I felt wet blotches pass down my cheeks. I choked out a breath, and the tears came out like a waterfall.

  For several minutes, we sat there. Delta comforted me by rubbing my hands as I cried my heart out. It was the first time in seven years.

  Shortly afterwards, my tear storage ran dry, and I looked back up at Agent Delta.

  He still regarded me with the same look, and I couldn't help but smile slightly. "Thank you," I whispered.

  My Guardian nodded, and squeezed my hand in support.

  I tremendously appreciated his comfort. I haven't had anyone to turn to for a long time. Being in my Guardian's company made me feel at peace.

  Suddenly, the pilot's voice came on as he announced there was only one hour left in the flight.

  It roused the both of us from whatever trance we were under. I carefully slipped my hand from Delta's grip, while he leaned back.

  I automatically straightened my posture, and coughed as I rubbed my eyes dry. "So umm, that was quite the heart-to-heart we just had. I suppose that makes us friends now, huh?"

  Delta looked at me with an amused expression. "I guess so, friend." He agreed.

  I found myself smiling back as a light feeling filled me. I actually felt happy, and somewhat giddy. I guess this was the good path to travel on with my Guardian.

  The memory of the Salute to Vienna event attacked me yet again, and I found myself wincing. A look of concern passed over Delta's face. "Are you alright?" He asked.

  "Yeah," I replied, "it's just that I still can't believe I allowed myself to be affected so much by Hill. I never act that way, and there I was about to get it on with him." I turned away to hide the blush that appeared on my face.

  I expected to be in an awkward silence, or even for Delta to yell at me, but instead he chuckled.

  I mustered courage to look at him in curiosity. "What's so funny?" I asked incredulously.

  Delta cleared his throat, and looked at me. "I apologize, Agent Moore. I shouldn't be laughing at such a serious topic. The thing is, I had our Seeker labs perform some tests on your champagne glass. They found traces of Rohyphenol; you were drugged."

  My eyes widened at his statement. So, I thought, I wasn't willingly about to get it on with Hill?

  "Oh thank God!" I exclaimed.

  Delta raised an eyebrow at my outburst.

  I smiled sheepishly. "Sorry, I was relieved that I didn't want to go along with Hill willingly. I, however, am quite pissed at him. Next time I see him, so help me, I will cut off his manhood and sell it to the black market!"

  My Guardian's shoulders shook as he chuckled before he outright laughed. I stared at him in slight embarrassment before I too joined in on the laughter.

  We both calmed down eventually, but the smiles were still plastered on our faces.

  We sat in an enjoyable silence for a while, simply just enjoying the light atmosphere before the seriousness of reality would require our full attention.

  A random thought popped into my mind, and as an impulsive talker, I just had to speak my mind. "Hey Delta, you never mentioned your father." I stated.

  My question really seemed to have caught his attention for he tensed, and looked up at me abruptly.

  I was about to speak, but the look on his face made me shut my mouth. There was pure anger and hatred on his face, yet they weren't directed at me.

  Abruptly, his body loosened up, and his expression went blank. "He's been out of my life for quite a while. As far as I'm concerned, he's dead to me." He whispered lowly.

  My eyes widened as I didn't know how to react around him.

  "Agent Moore? We need your approval for the final preparations," came Agent Elvira's voice.

  Using that as my cue, I stood up and stared at Delta in concern. "We'll catch up once we have time." I said.

  Delta nodded, though he had a far-away look on his face. "Yeah, see you later."

  I hesitated momentarily, before I went to where Elvira called me.

  The fellow brunette was looking over our weapons with the men. She glanced at me, and seemed to have noticed my changed mood. "Are you alright, Agent Moore?" She asked.

  I nodded as I didn't feel like talking.

  Luckily, my answer seemed satisfactory enough. It was either that or Elvira knew when a person wanted to be left alone.

  She immediate went straight to business.

  We finished quickly, and I sat back down in my seat.

  I clipped on my seat-belt and spent the duration of the flight in silence.


  Soon enough, we landed at Rome's international airport by mid-afternoon.

  After we offloaded all of our equipment and piled them into a large van, we were on our way to the Seeker base.

  We arrived at the destination over an hour later as the traffic was incredibly busy.

  As soon as the car turned off, we all got out, and stretched our cramped muscles.

  "We have been expecting you." An accented voice called out.

  Walking down the parking lot were two men.

  The one in the cameo patterned army overalls waved at us. "Hi I'm Predator, but you can call me Pred. I specialize in demolitions." He grinned, his brown eyes were wide with excitement.

  I wasn't sure whether I should have found that hilarious or have been worried about his mental state.

  He then gestured to the other agent. "This here is Fear; he don't talk much, but he's awesome at using his hands!"

  I turned towards the Assassin.

  He was dressed in black and silver armor, complimented with black dual blades. He had his arms crossed in a relaxed position, and he wore a mask.

  "It has been a while my friend." A voice said behind me.

  I turned around, and saw Delta hold his arms up in a friendly gesture.

  I looked at his line of sight and saw the Assassin looking at him with a sense of familiarity. "It's been far too long." He agreed. "You left me here to deal with the Phantoms on my own." He said in a teasing tone.

  Delta laughed. "Weren't you the one who preferred working alone?" He replied.

  The Assassin merely chuckled, then glanced at me.

  I gave a look of annoyance. "Mind telling me how you two know each other?"

  It was Delta who answered. "Fear and I have known each other since we were teenagers. We went through Seeker Basic together."

  "Until you ran off."
Fear retorted. "Evidently, I'm more responsible than you."

  Delta chuckled in reply.

  I coughed to get everyone's attention. "I know we've already had our mission briefing back in New York, but I'm certain that our onsite agents have additional information to tell us."

  Predator's signature smile was immediately wiped off his face as the atmosphere thickened with tension.

  The Assassin finally broke the silence. "Yes," he said, "we have much to discuss."

  With that, he turned around and led us through the building's back door.

  Chapter 16: A Maternal Sight

  The Assassin led us through the Seeker base. It was smaller than HQ, with only ten levels and no underground compartments. The security was also lax as there were only a few dozen active agents at any given time.

  As our group walked by, we were given many curious glances by the agents and civilian workers alike.

  I felt a bit uncomfortable with the attention, but I held my head high and ignored them.

  Agent Fear led us to an unoccupied conference room in the south end of the building, and gestured all of us to take a seat. We did so slowly as we all dreaded the topic at hand.

  There was coffee already prepared in the center of the table. Eagerly, my team and I poured ourselves the wakening drink. It offered some comfort from the sober air we inhaled.

  The Assassin stood at the front. "Shortly after your mission briefing with the Head Warrior, he contacted Predator and I to be put on standby should any situation that could compromise your mission arise. However, I prefer to be fully part of the mission rather than used as back up."

  Predator snorted. "Yeah, that's because he practically lives off of the adrenaline rush."

  A light echo of chuckles ruptured the uneasy silence of the room.

  The Assassin ignored the comment, and continued. "I've be hearing rumors surrounding that place for months. It has a bad reputation. I gathered any information I could off of my contacts, and I've discovered something truly remarkable."

  I think the other agents and I literally leaned forward on our seats as we prepared to hear whatever news the Assassin could have possibly had. I then understood why he was added to the team: his knowledge of the lab would certain help out


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