Alien Insertion: An Alien Warrior Romance (The Tuorin Legacy Book 4)

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Alien Insertion: An Alien Warrior Romance (The Tuorin Legacy Book 4) Page 5

by Immortal Angel

  Like he would ever let her forget.

  She touched the small scar just below her hairline. “I remember.”

  Looking back out her window, she stared at the crowded dock. Spaceships of all shapes and sizes had come from many worlds to drop the next class of students at the prestigious academy. She wanted to be anonymous among them. To create a new life, a new reputation for herself based upon her own merit.

  At the same time, it wasn’t smart to push her father. She’d learned a long time ago that if she did, he would simply say no, and there wasn’t enough begging, pleading, or threatening in the world that would change his mind. But that left her few options in a situation like this.

  A lot of people said his decisiveness was one of the many reasons he made such a great commander of the Earth fleet. But it made a lousy quality in a father. He simply didn’t bend. Ever.

  “I hope William is here.” Her best friend was the one person who understood her complicated relationship with her father, and she’d missed him fiercely over the past few weeks.

  “I wouldn’t count on it.”

  She stiffened at her father’s response, not realizing she’d spoken her thoughts aloud.

  “It’d take a miracle for him to reach Turonga. Without a private ship, he’d need a great deal of money and a whole lot of luck to find someone able to fly him this far,” he stated, not looking up from whatever he was reading on his computer. “The Academy strives to accept its recruits from families of good-standing. A gardener’s son is hardly—“

  “You mean families with money.” Heat rushed over her as anger built.

  “Contrary to what you think of me, it isn’t his lack of money that concerns me as much as his race. Chamyions are gutless weasels. His father was a gardener. His father before him was a gardener, and if I was going to make a bet, I’d say this boy will be a gardener, as well. Working on a ship requires a certain… strength of spirit and will that his genetics simply don’t lend themselves to.”

  She clenched the plush handles on her seat and leaned forward. “You don’t know him at all. He’ll be here.” She paused only a second, not long enough to stop her words before they came. “Although we could’ve guaranteed it if we’d only allowed him to use our ship.”

  He lowered his computer and met her unwavering gaze. “If he can’t make it here on his own, he’ll never pass the test to get in. It would’ve been a waste of all our time.”

  She stood. “You just wait—“

  “Sit down,” he commanded, his tone no longer that of a father, but a captain. “This isn’t the time for female hysterics.”

  Every muscle begged her to do exactly the opposite. Her heart urged her to shatter his computer console against the window. But her mind knew how all of this would end, which was quite badly. He’d probably march her right up to the front door and announce her identity to the entire academy.

  With effort, she forced herself to sit.

  Her heart pounded. William had to be here! And he had to pass the test! That would show her father he was wrong.

  The door to their ship opened and father set his computer down. Rising to his feet, he smoothed the deep blue fabric of his uniform and strode out the door and down the carpeted steps. “Dean Sufters, Professor Walters, how good of you both to meet me here.”

  The dean’s voice was grave as she answered back. “Of course. The new recruits will be amazed to see Fleet Admiral Stowe here to greet them.”

  Their voices grew quieter. Glancing back through the window, she saw them walking across the spaceship dock. The dean raised her bony arms in one direction, and then the other, pointing out things around the docking yard.

  Now is my chance.

  Grabbing her duffel bag, she sprang out of her seat and down the steps. Instantly, the commotion of the dock sent her pulse jumping in excitement. Engines roared as spaceships both landed and took off. Airspace Marshal’s in flashing yellow clothes directed traffic. Chattering students walked the path leading into The Academy, causing their own sort of chaos.

  It hit her, she’d never felt more at home anywhere in her life.

  Darting toward the wide pedestrian path, she effortlessly avoided baggage cars; all while kept her eyes on the skies. Just in case. She didn’t want to be the woman nearly squashed by a spaceship. Not on her first day.

  An Airspace Marshal glared at her, blocking her way. “Where’s your escort? Do you have any idea how dangerous it is to be running through the dock unaccompanied—“

  “Apologies!” she shouted, ignoring his warning.

  She didn’t slow until she stepped onto the glowing blue surface of the path. Glancing back at her father, his attention was completely consumed by whatever conversation he was having. Good. But it wasn’t until she was out of his sight that she finally took a deep breath and eased into a walk.

  Her father would be angry when he discovered she’d left, but he wouldn’t do anything about it. Because if he did, everyone would know that the great Fleet Admiral Stowe might be able to effortlessly control the skies, but not his daughter. Never her.

  She was free for the first time in her life! Or at least as free as she could ever be. Her father would have eyes everywhere, watching her. But this was not like being back at their mansion, or on board her father’s ship the Allure. She’d finally get to interact with people whose jobs and lives didn’t depend on her father.

  And there would be lots of other people around her age. What would that even be like?

  Stopping, she looked up at the towering school building. Made from a pristine white stone, it was both beautiful and extremely strong. It had endured five attacks over its three hundred years, and although she knew a few sections had been rebuilt, the rest showed no signs of any of it. At twelve stories tall, with glittering windows, it was everything she’d always dreamed of. And more.

  This is what she’d been working her entire life for. In one year from today, she’d be graduating from the best flight academy in the universe. After that, she wouldn’t be given a Level Ten ship right off the bat, but eventually, she’d be the third woman in history to every command such a large vessel.

  She smiled. That was the plan. All she had to do was stay focused.

  A ship flew overhead, but the sound it made was a soft hum, unlike anything she’d heard before. It landed lightly, like a bird settling upon a branch, rather than a giant mechanism touching down. Her jaw dropped. It was a living ship.

  Bright green and the size of a small building, twisting vines made up its hull. There were windows and weapons woven into the outside, a seamless combination of technology and nature. Tiny white flowers sprung in intricate patterns, giving it a beauty that lacked in the ships around it.

  She took a step towards it. Only Keltairs could fly a living ship. They were given to a child when they reached puberty and grew with the child, if given enough care. She’d studied them extensively, since peace with the Keltairs never seemed to last for long. And her father had taught her- it was important to always know one’s enemy.

  But what was a Keltair doing at the academy?


  She turned instantly at the familiar voice, all thoughts of the unique ship gone with her excitement. “William!”

  He grinned and started to jog towards her down the path. His thin body moved almost awkwardly as he ran. He slowed a bit, raising one hand to push back his dark glasses as they slid down his nose. His pale green skin looked paler beneath the harsh sunlight of Turonga. For an instant, she wondered why he wasn’t wearing his floppy hat over his bald head to help protect his sensitive skin. But as he drew closer, his widening smile pushed away her concerns.

  “You’re here! I’ve been waiting for you to arrive.”

  She embraced him. “I’m so glad you made it.”

  Tears choked her throat as they clung to each other for a long moment, before she pulled back.

  His face was flushed. “I told you nothing would stop me.”

  “And, you’re officially in?”

  He pulled a neatly folded paper from the pocket of his frayed shirt and opened it gently. “I just got the notice.”

  She hugged him again, crushing the paper between them. People said the gardener’s son was over-reaching when he became her unofficial training partner in preparation for the academy. But she’d known better.

  In her life, she’d come across many different people, and she knew he had it in him to be a great engineer on a spaceship. So, she’d made him her partner whenever she trained at the mansion, teaching him all she learned from her ‘official’ tutors aboard the Allure.

  Even knowing that he’d never be recruited for the academy, he’d focused on learning everything he needed to know to become a spaceship engineer. He’d have to join the one percent of people who arrived the week before sign-up to be tested. If he passed, he’d be given a full scholarship to attend. She’d spent the past three weeks wondering if he’d not only made it safely to Turonga, but also if he’d passed the test. The fact that he’d done both was almost miraculous.

  “I’m so proud of you.” She squeezed his arms, then released him, shifting her bag. “Do you know what group you’ll be in?”

  He avoided her gaze. “The Hawks.”

  It took her a second to recover from her surprise. “That’s… that’s amazing!”

  The hawks were the most elite group of trainees. She’d been placed in it with ease, but from a young age she’d spent day in and day out on a Level 10 spaceship learning the ropes of her future career firsthand. The Hawks were groomed for such success from the time they were born. The fact that William had gotten into it… well, it was yet another miracle.

  “Yeah,” he said. “It was a surprise to me, too.”

  “Wow,” she pushed a strand of her long, black hair out of her face. “Has a walk-on ever entered the Hawks before?”

  He shrugged. “Not sure.”

  “Well, we’ll have to celebrate for sure.” She tried to hide her shock with pleasure. “And now we’ll have at least our core classes together.”

  He nodded, staring down at his feet.

  A sound from behind made her turn around. The live ship had opened. The most incredible man she’d ever seen stepped out. His shirt was unbuttoned, showing off his impossibly muscular chest. Even his stomach was covered in hard, tanned muscles.

  Something within her clenched. She didn’t know what a human was doing coming out of a Keltair ship, and she didn’t care.

  He was big, bigger than any man she’d seen before. His dark hair, left a little shaggy, and his scruff of beard gave him the undeniable look of a man who knew what he wanted and simply took it. She bit her lip. Alpha males were a particular weakness of hers, and this man set off every alarm she had while he simultaneously drew her toward him. Like gravity.

  His gaze snapped up to meet hers. The world melted away. Need flashed in his dark eyes. His jaw tensed. She could sense his physical response to her. It was an electric current running between them. He strode towards her purposely.

  “Hello?” William stepped in front of her, trying to get her attention.

  She almost pushed him out of the way. “Move.”

  Anger flashed across his face. “Too busy checking out the eye candy to notice that Fleet Admiral Stowe is heading straight for you?”

  It was like a face full of cold water. She looked behind her, and sure enough, her father was heading in her direction. No one else would’ve noticed the flicker of annoyance in his eyes, but she knew, and she had no intention of dealing with it.

  “Let’s go.”

  They hurried towards the academy building. She allowed herself one last chance to look back at Mr. Muscles. His eyes were locked on her as he stared around a Keltair who’d blocked his path.

  Good. That was dangerous. She’d promised herself no more than a one night stand or two to get herself through the academy. And that man didn’t fit the bill. He was the sort of guy she’d want to spend weeks on, exploring every inch of him. She’d want to know what turned him on. She’d want to bend him to her will and leave him begging for satisfaction.

  She felt herself growing wet.

  Shit. She was glad she’d brought her trusty vibrator, Turbo. Otherwise, this year was going to be the most frustrating one of her life. But she could manage, with Turbo’s help, just as long as she stayed as far away as possible from Mr. Muscles.

  But for some reason, she was sure the real thing looked a hell of a lot better than something she’d have to leave charging by her bed each night.

  Chapter Two

  Liam wanted his father, Gurgo, to get the hell out of the way. The woman he’d just seen wanted to be fucked as badly as he wanted to fuck her. He could sense her needs from across the ship yard, and damn if he didn’t want to satisfy them.

  “Are you listening to me?” the large Keltair invaded his space, puffing his chest out in a show of dominance.

  Liam knew better than to back down. He let his gaze run from the two white horns sharpened to deadly points on his head, down to his deep brown face. The silver eyes that stared back at him grew paler in anger.

  “I heard you the first time.”

  His father grasped his shoulders, squeezing them so hard Liam had to fight to ignore the growing pain. “This human academy is a dangerous place to be. Do you understand me? You have grown into a man, but you are not yet ready to Bond with a female. This place cares nothing for your unique needs as a Keltair. They will throw you in with their wanton females and rely on your own control.”

  Staring into his father’s eyes, he didn’t blink. “I have lain with too many females to count. I don’t fear them the way you do.”

  His father spat on the ground. “Laying with them is different than being surrounded by them. Understand me well, son of my blood. If you form too close a relationship with any of them, I will have you removed to a Keltair training center. I will not risk you Bonding with a human who will toss you aside and leave you forever weakened, unable to Bond with another. Do you understand?”

  He shoved his father’s hands away. “I do not need to be told the obvious or threatened like a youngling.”

  They exchanged glares for one long instance before his father growled, “enough! I must pay my respects.” His voice grew harsher. “Not for the last time I’m sure.”

  He turned away, heading for the academy.

  Liam watched him go. Had there ever been a better father? Not many males would push aside their pride to help their son. Or fight so hard to allow me to train with the humans. Regardless of how his father despised the idea.

  Liam took a deep breath, pushing his thoughts aside, and looked back for the female. She was gone.

  He closed his eyes and pictured her. Big breasts, a narrow waist, long legs. Her body pleased him in every way. Then, his thoughts strayed to her face. Had he ever seen eyes that color of green before? Never. They drew him in. He wanted to see how they widened with awe as he entered her. He’d grasp her fine mane of black hair and take her deeply.

  A ship lifted off noisily beside him, and he clenched his fists. What a time to be growing hard with need. The woman wasn’t even present to please him!

  Turning back to his live ship, he reached in and took his bag. Unconsciously, he ran his knuckles along the hard shell of its body. Rest. Grow. I shall be back.

  The ship gave a soft hum of acknowledgment.

  An Airspace Marshal waved his hands in front of Liam’s face, gesturing for him to move to the path. Liam wrapped one large hand around the side of his throat and drew him so close their breath mixed. The man gave a tiny squawk and shrunk back.

  These are humans, not Keltairs. He chided himself.

  Against his instincts, he loosed his grip on the man and let him wiggle free. “Continue as you were,” he said, then tried to give a reassuring smile.

  The man shot away .

  They already think that having a half-Keltair at the academy will be a pro
blem. I need to show them that we’re not all war and death. That peace between our nations is plausible. I need to remember the time before my father took me, the days with mother.

  He decided right then and there that he would do better. It would be difficult, but he’d relearn what it was to interact the human way.

  When he entered the academy, he was surprised by how large and grand it was. A Keltair would’ve called such a place a useless waste. When they trained, they selected the most dangerous terrains and pitted the males against each other. Mercy was for the weak, and only the strong survived. This place was…dainty. Pretty even.

  He hoped he’d made the right choice in coming here. He gritted his teeth. It had to be. If he ever wanted to serve on a ship other than a Keltair war machine, he’d need to graduate from here. And even then, the prejudice against his Keltair half would limit his options.

  Unless he proved himself a thousand times over.

  He joined a line of students, waiting for their assignments.

  A pretty red-head turned around. Her eyes widened, and she spun back around. Not so subtly, she elbowed a petite blonde beside her. The other woman turned, and after the initial shock, let her mouth curve into a smile.

  “Hello, I’m Summer.”

  He sensed her need, but he felt no stirrings of passion. Which was strange. She was pretty enough, wasn’t she? “Hello.”

  “You didn’t tell me your name,” she said, blinking her big lashes slowly.


  “L…i…a…m,” she stretched out his name into four syllables, licking her lips. “I like it.”

  An officer in black shouted for the next person in line, and the two women flushed with embarrassment.

  “Maybe I’ll see you around,” Summer whispered, winked and left.

  He watched the two get their assignments with little interest. These women stirred nothing inside of him. Unlike the dark-haired beauty. His muscles tightened. It was the strange woman’s fault. Once he buried himself inside of her, he could move on to the next woman. Like he always did.

  “Next!” the officer shouted.


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