Ruth Restrained

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Ruth Restrained Page 3

by Krys Antarakis

  Stanford responded with a yell. ‘Hell’s teeth!’ he cursed. ‘Have you taken leave of your senses? That bloody well hurt! Now go to sleep and leave me alone.’

  ‘No,’ she retorted. ‘I want another fuck, and a proper one this time, one where I come first.’

  ‘Not now, I’m tired,’ he grumbled. ‘In the morning, all right?’

  ‘Please,’ she begged as she continued to manipulate his penis, and despite his reluctance, his erection was returning.

  ‘God, haven’t you had enough?’ he complained, and then grudgingly relented. ‘Okay, but you’ll have to go on top this time.’

  Ruth straddled him eagerly, and slowly eased herself down over his growing weapon. It did not spear her, but she had the satisfaction of his girth swelling to fill her as she slowly worked her hips and bottom against him. He cradled her breasts, gently pinching her nipples as she began easing her pussy up and down over his stiffening length. Gradually the orgasm she craved bloomed inside her, filling her whole body even as it focused itself in her pelvis. In her ecstasy she ground her pubis into the root of his cock until the dam of joy burst and her mind went misty with pleasure.

  Slowly, she surfaced from her climax, still feeling its beautiful heat as she fell forward and kissed him passionately all over his face and chest. Then she pulled herself off him, and slid down to take his tumescence in her mouth, licking and sucking him fervently until he stiffened again, and burst against her tongue, flooding her throat with his salty seed. She swallowed it eagerly, and then sat up, licking her lips and smiling. ‘Thank you,’ she said fervently.

  ‘Are you satisfied now?’

  ‘For the moment.’

  ‘Bloody hell,’ he grumbled again, then turned over and slipped off to sleep.

  Ruth lay quietly beside him drifting through her memories of what had been a most remarkable day. When sleep finally came to her, it was disturbed by dreams in which Elsa figured prominently.

  Ruth woke suddenly, her mind racing and her mouth dry. Automatically she fingered her clitoris, stroking it and savouring the pleasure before she inserted a finger into her pussy and began gently finger-fucking herself.

  With a mutter and a few unattractive snorts Stanford surfaced from his slumber. ‘Wha... what are you doing?’ he mumbled.

  ‘What do you think?’ she whispered dreamily.

  ‘I... I wish you’d have the decency to do it in the bathroom and let a guy get some sleep.’ He buried his head beneath the duvet.

  Anger welled up inside her, destroying her relaxed sensual mood. She abandoned her pastime, got out of bed and seized her robe. Shrugging it on, she went to the kitchen and turned on the kettle. As she indulged in an internal grouse waiting for the water to boil, the phone rang.

  ‘Tell me what you’ve been doing since yesterday,’ demanded Elsa’s disembodied voice.

  ‘Not now,’ she whispered. ‘It’s late and Stanford’s only in the next room.’

  ‘So what? Tell me, and speak up.’

  ‘I’ll ring you back later.’ Ruth knew her voice lacked conviction; despite her resistance she needed to talk.

  ‘Later won’t do. I can’t wait that long.’

  So Ruth told her everything she had done since they last spoke, all the while casting anxious glances towards the bedroom wishing she had closed the door.

  ‘And how do you feel now?’

  ‘Really randy, actually,’ she admitted. ‘I keep wanting to fuck. I’m never satisfied.’

  ‘I can satisfy you,’ Elsa promised softly.


  ‘Learn a little patience,’ the voice teased. ‘I’ll be in touch.’

  As the early morning light crept through the narrow gap between the closed curtains, Stanford woke reluctantly beneath her urgent shaking. He rubbed his sleep-filled eyes, and stared uncomprehendingly at the breakfast tray being offered to him by a naked girl. ‘What in fuck’s name is going on?’ He hauled himself up into a sitting position.

  ‘My thanks to you,’ Ruth said, positioning the breakfast tray beside him. Then peeling back the duvet, she knelt beside his legs on the bed.

  ‘What’s got into you?’ he demanded, reaching for the coffee.

  ‘Just a gorgeous prick.’ She reached beneath the duvet and took his flaccid member between her fingers. ‘And I want it again.’

  ‘Bugger off, woman, and let me eat in peace.’

  ‘No, I want you to eat in love.’ She began to play with him, urging his penis erect with one hand while feeding him with the other.

  Stanford squirmed, but there was no way to escape her attentions. Despite his protests, his cock grew hard.

  Straddling him, Ruth eased herself over his erection, squeezing it with her pelvic muscles while she continued feeding him with her fingers. Instinct guided her and enabled her to exercise total control until he had eaten his entire breakfast, and not until after he had finished his coffee did she encourage him to begin thrusting, her libido boiling. Relentlessly she ground herself down over him, rubbing her clit against the root of his throbbing shaft. He leaned forward and his teeth closed over one of her taut nipples, nipping it sharply. She cried out, but the pain was delicious and inspired her to give herself to him completely. On a wave of euphoria she rode him to a full conclusion, grinding her vulva down against his pubic bone. Heaven revealed its glory and she plunged into a vortex of total sensual indulgence.

  Lazily, Ruth released Stanford’s softening cock from her clinging pussy, and then sent him to shower and dress. Afterwards, he joined her in the kitchen, where she stood naked.

  ‘You should cover yourself up,’ he commented, indicating her discarded robe.

  ‘I’ll dress when you’re gone.’

  ‘It’s Maidenhead this evening,’ he went on, changing the subject to one of normality. ‘Pick you up at seven?’

  ‘All right.’ She saw him to the door, and stood in the hallway watching the lift’s flickering light track his descent as his sperm trickled from her pussy. She felt deliciously daring and yet slightly apprehensive that one of the other tenants would appear suddenly and see her naked. She stayed out in the corridor another nerve-racking minute, and then turned back inside to dress for her ten-thirty meeting with Lewis.

  She chose white panties and a matching seamless bra to wear beneath a white blouse and a short grey skirt. The neatly pressed collar of the blouse called for a necklace, and she sifted through her jewellery box for her gold cross and chain. As she searched for it, her fingers encountered an ankle bracelet given to her by an aunt for her twenty-first birthday. She had been in university then, going about with Elsa, and an ankle bracelet had seemed appropriately decadent. Elsa had one too, and they wore them like badges, as visible testimonies to their rebelliousness. Ruth decided to start wearing it again; it would mean going around bare legged, but that was no problem in the summer. She slipped it on, and when she walked the slight caress of the chain made her feel deliciously promiscuous, which matched her present mood perfectly.

  The large open office was already full when Ruth arrived at nine-thirty. She checked with her typist, Alicia, and made sure the survey she had downloaded last night was being processed before she began the task of tidying her notes for the meeting. Then she booted up her terminal and checked her e-mail. When she saw the message from Elsa her mouth went dry and a curious tension, part excitement, part apprehension, tightened her belly. She glanced guiltily around the room as she keyed-in the print command, and tried her best to look nonchalant while the printer hummed. As the page flipped clear, she grabbed it and read the message again, still doubting her own eyes.

  Slave required, training provided. Come this weekend, if you dare. Elsa.

  She darted a glance around the office, certain everyone must be staring at her. Her heart was pounding, and she felt so hot she imagined her face was the colour of a beetroot.
Then her phone rang, and with a trembling hand she lifted the receiver. ‘Hello?’ she asked shakily.

  ‘Ruth? Hello, how are you? This is Robert.’

  ‘Oh hi, I’m fine,’ she stammered. ‘How are you?’ Robert managed an exclusive retail dealership in the West End Greaves sometimes used to sell special items. Ruth strove to regain her composure as Robert conveyed the details of a sale, then afterwards, when she hung up, she stared at the crumpled paper in her other hand. Even now it seemed to be burning into her palm. She smoothed the paper back out, and slipped it in her briefcase. No sooner had she done so than the phone rang again.

  ‘Have you had time to consider?’ Elsa enquired.

  ‘No,’ she snapped tensely. ‘I only picked up your message five minutes ago.’

  ‘More than long enough, especially since you know perfectly well you want to, Ruth.’

  ‘Elsa, you know nothing,’ she lied desperately.

  ‘Oh, but I do, I know exactly what you want. I can read you like a book. I’m sending you a parcel. Look out for it.’

  The phone went dead and Ruth glared at the receiver. Elsa could be so boorish at times, so self-assured, expecting everyone to fall in with her plans. Well, once upon a time Ruth might have, but not now. She sat at her desk, and although she tried to look like she was working, her imagination was whirling like leaves in an autumn gale fantasising about what the parcel might contain. She could not concentrate, and the more she tried to focus on her forthcoming meeting, the more she found herself examining her actions of the previous evening. It was going to be truly difficult to project calm while she talked with Lewis. The incident between them should never have happened. In four years there had not been the slightest hint of any impropriety between them despite his reputation around the office. He had been the perfect mentor to her; he had been kind and supportive and totally professional, earning her respect and trust. There was no question that had changed; she still regarded him as the fountain of all knowledge, but now she would have to face him trying not to remember how very nice it had felt to have his long stiff cock inside her.

  Growing hotter and wetter by the second, she decided to seek respite in the ladies’ room, where she locked herself in one of the stalls and sat down for a pee. The relief was good, and calmed her while adding to her general feeling of sexiness.

  The outer door of the toilet opened, and the voice of Lewis’s secretary called, ‘Ruth, are you in here? Mr Stone is ready for you.’

  ‘Thank you, Janet,’ she answered, ‘I’ll be there in a minute.’

  ‘Okay, I’ll tell him.’ The door closed again as Janet left.

  He was waiting for her, but gave no sign of being impatient. ‘Good morning, Ruth,’ he said. ‘I’ve got your report on screen. Sit here and take me through it.’ He indicated a second swivel chair that had been positioned for her behind his desk.

  Ruth sat on the comfortable seat, and sat with her knees together. She could not shake off the memory of the previous evening, when she had lain across this same desk as he fucked her, and glancing down at her blouse, she saw her traitorous nipples again visibly pressing against the soft material.

  Lewis was coolly in control of himself. He smiled and encouraged her to begin.

  In a shaky voice, she began checking off the long list of pictures and their descriptions. As she got into her stride she lost some of her nervousness and her voice grew steady, even as her nipples insisted on betraying her. By the time she reached the major items she was feeling much more like her usual self.

  ‘Abraham Quincy saw himself as a patron of the arts,’ she began winding down her report, ‘in a naïve, provincial way. Apparently he used to visit exhibitions all over northern England and bought any pictures that took his fancy, whether they were actually worth anything or not.’

  ‘Some of them are pretty awful,’ Lewis agreed, ‘but not all of them.’

  ‘Every lottery has some winners. A few of his artists became well known and successful. At least half are now considered collectable, and some are esteemed at a parochial level. You’ll see I’ve noted ten works that should attract the attention of municipal collections and raise their price.’

  ‘And the two Parry’s... it’s strange the probate inventory made no mention of them.’

  ‘I think the executors haven’t realised what they have. The recent rise in prices for Parry’s work isn’t common knowledge yet. Someone is obviously collecting Parry, but as yet the identity of this buyer remains unknown.’

  ‘But he’s clearly pushing up the value, and if these two are genuine they’ll certainly attract attention, which is why we have to give them maximum publicity. Let’s print a cautious but tempting description and get the catalogue circulating. Then we should authenticate them beyond a shadow of a doubt. I don’t question your judgement, Ruth, but it’s advisable for me to view them myself at once.’ He reached for his diary. ‘If I free up Monday and Tuesday we can go and see the pictures together. How does that sound?’

  She caught her breath; Fate seemed to be conspiring to trap her. ‘I was planning to spend the weekend with an old friend who lives quite near Broughton,’ she said. ‘I could easily meet you at the house on Monday afternoon, then we could do the whole thing in one day.’

  Lewis studied her face for a moment, and then buzzed the intercom. ‘Janet, I have a meeting with Frobisher on Tuesday morning. Will you contact them and try to reschedule it for Wednesday? Thank you.’ He switched off. ‘One of the perks of this profession is that you’re expected to make close, unhurried inspections. It will do you no harm to have an extra night away at the company’s expense. I take it you have no other pressing plans for Monday evening?’

  ‘Nothing that can’t be postponed.’

  ‘Good,’ he said, smiling. ‘I can promise you an excellent hotel and gourmet food.’

  Ruth experienced a tightening in her tummy and her throat went dry. The prospect of being seduced by Lewis was more than appealing. Her pussy warmed up as she recalled the feel of him inside her, remembering the wanton way she had invited him to stoke her fire. ‘I’m looking forward to it already,’ she said quietly.

  He tilted his head to one side. ‘With as much pleasure as you displayed last night?’

  She blushed. ‘Mr Stone!’ she exclaimed, feigning shock. ‘I think we should draw a line under last night. We were both... carried away.’ The platitude came spontaneously, as a concession to convention, because they both knew she didn’t mean it; her body language kept giving her away.

  ‘Please call me Lewis,’ was all he said.

  She blushed more deeply, and commonsense told her this was the time to leave. ‘Is our meeting concluded?’ she asked. ‘Or is there anything else we should be doing?’ She mentally kicked herself for the unintentional tease.

  Lewis’s eyes were riveted on her creamy thighs. ‘I can suggest a number of things,’ he said. ‘No work is ever so pressing that it cannot be set aside for a few moments of pleasure.’

  She rose from her seat, intent on escape, yet instead she fell willingly into his embrace. His lips pressed to hers and his hands clutched her buttocks, pressing her to him and crushing her breasts against his chest. She took his head in her hands, denying him the freedom to break away from their kiss, as his hands slid lower, lifting her skirt and seeking the cool, soft skin beneath. His moan of delight filled her mouth as he cupped her panties, and in moments her skirt was around her waist and his hand was inside them as he excitedly exploring her labia, probing for her opening as his hardness pressed into her thigh.

  ‘Ruth, you are delightful,’ he whispered. ‘Can I hope you will favour me again?’

  She wriggled out of his grasp. ‘I want you now,’ she breathed huskily. ‘Make me feel really good again.’ She turned and leaned over his desk, lifting her skirt and spreading her legs to offer him access to her from behind.

��You’re gorgeous,’ he gasped, frantically opening his trousers. Then he lunged for her, gripping her hips as his thick cock brushed aside the gusset of her panties.

  She gasped in delight as his thickness speared her, and pushed her hips back to gain maximum penetration. ‘Oh yes!’ she whispered as his pendulous balls slapped against her wet vulva. ‘Oh bliss,’ she breathed as he withdrew and then rammed into her again.

  He thrust with long strokes, letting his bulbous tip pull almost clear of her pussy before penetrating it again, and she rode the ecstasy, absorbing his power and vigour as she soared inside her own personal wonderland. His every penetration drove the breath out of her, but she was oblivious to any discomfort, all pain being pleasure. The more she took the more she wanted, and her capacity felt boundless. When she reached her peak she jerked and twisted beneath him without shame, gasping her triumph.

  Her pinnacle past, she slipped dreamily down to a more normal state of mind while Lewis’s crisis loomed. Finally she felt him coming, his cock pulsing deliciously inside her, and she ground her clitoris back hard against him. His first jet of sperm spurted hotly into her, and a fresh wave of pleasure engulfed her as the sensation plunged her into a second, truly satisfying orgasm.

  Then, at that untimely moment the office door opened. ‘Mr Stone, what are you doing?’ a woman’s voice cried.

  Ruth felt Lewis pull out of her, and looked up to see Janet Dobson framed in the doorway, blushing scarlet as she babbled, ‘Oh, I’m so sorry, Mr Stone, I’m so sorry! Please forgive me. How rude of me to come in without knocking! Oh dear...’

  Ruth straightened up, clasping her skirt around her waist, while Lewis attempted to hide behind his desk as he pulled up his trousers.

  ‘Oh dear!’ Janet exclaimed once more, and slammed the door closed as she retreated.

  ‘Don’t worry,’ Lewis said breathlessly. ‘Janet is very discreet. I’ll talk to her. You’re not the first.’ He cleared his throat. ‘Um, you don’t mind not being the first, do you?’


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