Ruth Restrained

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Ruth Restrained Page 13

by Krys Antarakis

  ‘What can I do?’ the girl asked Ruth.

  ‘Change places with me and bring Lewis off with your breasts,’ she told her. ‘But we both get a fair share, okay?’

  Oona came around quickly, fell to her knees and leaned forward to take Lewis’s cock between her ample breasts. She pressed her fleshy mounds together to firmly enclose his shaft, and took to her task with relish, swaying energetically back and forth.

  Ruth leaned across Lewis’s chair, offering her hard nipples to his lips. He sucked and licked them with delight, and she felt her contentment returning, flooding her mind as her love flowed forth. With her fingers she began to tease his nipples in return. They were small by comparison but equally sensitive, for she felt them growing pert beneath her fingertips. He whispered something. His words were too soft to discern, but she felt them on her flesh and knew they were words of love.

  Then Lewis let her nipple slip from between his lips as his body went taut and his breathing quickened. ‘I’m coming!’ he gasped. Suddenly his back arched, and Oona threw her head back as the first thick string of semen spouted from between her cleavage, spattering her throat. Ruth lunged in, licking the salty cream from her flesh as the second jet burst upon the other girl’s face. Oona ran her tongue around her lips as the viscous fluid trickled warmly down over her chin, and she twisted to take the next gush on her breasts. Ruth massaged the cream into her skin as Lewis kept coming like a fountain in full flow, until both girls were coated with his cream.

  Ruth reached for his subsiding member, enclosing it lovingly in her hand, savouring its heat and softness. Her other hand insinuated itself between Oona’s thighs, pushing until she was cupping the gloriously puffy lips that seeped a fluid onto her palm. She kissed Oona and then Lewis, gently and lovingly.

  ‘Are you and he an item?’ Oona asked, as she and Ruth were cleaning up in the cloakroom.

  Ruth gave her a sideways glance before answering cautiously, ‘We have a relationship, but nothing involving a firm commitment, as yet.’

  Oona smiled knowingly. ‘That’s not how it seems from here. It’s in your eyes – yours and his both. With your kind of open relationship, what’s holding you back?’

  ‘We just haven’t gotten around to it, I suppose. Anyway, you must have a very understanding husband yourself.’

  Oona grimaced. ‘No, quite the opposite, actually. Andrew is so possessive it’s almost stifling. I hardly dare look at another man.’

  ‘But what about today? Will you tell him?’

  ‘Certainly not. I don’t make a habit of it, so he’s no reason to know, or to ask. Actually, it’s the first time I’ve been with another man or woman since we were first engaged, six years ago. I don’t miss the men so much as the girls. It was really nice being with you.’

  ‘Thank you,’ Ruth said quietly. ‘It was really nice being with you, too.’

  ‘I’ve been thinking quite a bit about that recently. I suppose being predisposed made today happen more easily. I wish I could persuade Andrew to be more adventurous. I think he would be less possessive if he could share experiences with me like you and Lewis do with each other.’

  ‘Maybe,’ Ruth said thoughtfully. ‘It doesn’t always work out that way, though. I know.’ She was thinking of Stanford.

  ‘What I’d really like is a female lover,’ Oona confided. ‘I’d be more than willing to share her with Andrew. Someone like you would be ideal.’

  Ruth looked at her. They were still naked and her figure was tantalising. As she moved about her full breasts swayed invitingly. She felt a renewed urge to suck them and to slip her fingers in the juicy pussy peeping between Oona’s slender thighs. She breathed deeply, keeping herself in check. ‘I’m flattered,’ she said at last. ‘If I lived nearer to you I’d be willing to explore. As it is, I can’t offer you much.’

  ‘That’s a pity. Don’t misunderstand me, Andrew and I have a pretty varied sex life. It’s not more variety I need so much as a different perspective. No matter how good Andrew is in bed, he can’t be a woman, and I have more than one facet to my sexuality.’

  ‘You need to explore yourself,’ Ruth agreed.

  ‘Exactly. How refreshing of you to understand. Couldn’t we work something out?’

  Ruth shook her head doubtfully. ‘I have a pretty crowded schedule,’ she said. ‘Look, I can give you a number. Ring my friend, Elsa. She lives nearby and has lots of contacts.’

  ‘Thanks, you’re a breath of fresh air.’ Oona stepped forward, embraced and then kissed her passionately.

  Ruth luxuriated in the touch of feminine flesh and felt herself heating up as her pussy began to moisten again.

  ‘I suppose you should be working,’ Oona murmured between kisses. ‘We’d better get dressed.’ But her lips locked over Ruth’s, her tongue forcing its way between her teeth.

  The two girls walked back to the banqueting hall where Lewis was already dressed and busy with the task in hand. He looked up appreciatively as they entered the room, still naked.

  ‘I wish I’d chosen to wear a skirt today,’ Oona reflected. ‘Trousers seemed appropriate for the job, but they’re uncomfortable in this heat.’ She picked up her panties while wrinkling her nose. ‘And I have an aversion to putting on previously worn underwear.’

  ‘No problem,’ Ruth said. ‘I’ve several skirts in my bag. I could easily lend you one, along with some clean panties, too. Mine will fit you. Or you could just go without. It will certainly help keep you cool.’

  Oona made a face of uncertainty.

  ‘Perhaps not,’ Ruth agreed, smiling. ‘Mind you, I’m not putting any on yet myself.’ It took her only a few seconds to slip on her skirt and top and trip away. She returned a moment later carrying a skirt and a clean pair of panties.

  ‘I was just complimenting Oona on her sexual skills,’ Lewis remarked.

  ‘Fidelity doesn’t necessarily imply a dull sex life,’ Oona said defensively.

  Once the girls were dressed, they returned to checking the lots and attaching labels, a long and tedious task. After a while Lewis suggested they break for lunch and went to collect a pre-packed hamper from his car. They ate their picnic around the big table while Ruth mused over the fact that only a short while before she had been sprawled on its surface while being very competently fucked. It was a satisfying thought, and one guaranteed to awaken all her appetites. Looking across the table, she caught Oona’s eye and knew similar thoughts were in her head.

  As if to control her internal waywardness, Oona stood up and walked around to gaze intently at one of the Parry paintings. She inspected the title plate. ‘So, this is the cause of that endless searching through the old accounts.’

  ‘Oh, so you had that job,’ Ruth commiserated. ‘Did you have any luck?’

  ‘I found two entries, two years apart, that both read, Paid to J. Parry, Esq. the sum of forty pounds for painting the factory. Or something like that.’

  ‘Excellent!’ Lewis beamed and turned to Ruth. ‘You see how such an entry could be overlooked, as indeed it was. At least we can be certain of the location of two Parry’s. Now you can arrange to view them properly and begin your monograph.’

  ‘Do you really think I should?’ she asked.

  ‘Most certainly. It was your specialist knowledge that identified these two. Yes, Oona, you can blame Ruth here for your ponderous chore.’

  Oona returned to the table. ‘You’re going to write a book?’ she said. ‘How exciting.’

  ‘Lewis thinks I should publish an in-depth study of Parry’s work, a sort of technical biography,’ Ruth explained.

  ‘Oh, you must, yes,’ Oona encouraged.

  ‘It’s a big job,’ Ruth pointed out. ‘The paintings are scattered and the location of many of them is unknown. I don’t think I’d be able to find the time, do my work, and have a private life if I undertook such a project.’

>   ‘It doesn’t have to meet a deadline,’ Lewis said firmly. ‘Take as long as you like, but start it before someone else does.’

  Ruth thought it was time to change the subject. Her primary objective was finding a way to continue exploring her submissive nature. Researching a book, no matter how absorbing its contents, did not sit comfortably alongside this burning ambition. ‘I promise I’ll think about it,’ she lied. ‘Tell me, Oona, what will happen to this house?’

  ‘It’s already been sold,’ Oona informed them. ‘The sale can’t close until the contents have been cleared, but then it will be converted into a luxury hotel with a championship golf course in the park.’

  ‘And whose money is behind that?’ Lewis asked.

  ‘The purchaser is a local company, Holstein Holdings.’

  Ruth’s ears pricked up. ‘And would one Conrad Hesseltine be involved in the transaction?’ she asked.

  ‘Yes, I believe he’s the chairman of the company,’ Oona confirmed.

  ‘Do you know of this man, Ruth?’ Lewis sounded intrigued.

  ‘I’ve met him,’ she confessed. ‘In fact, we’ve been invited to dinner with him tomorrow evening. I was intending to tell you later. I told him you might not be able to accept.’

  ‘What else do you know about him?’ Lewis directed his question to Oona.

  ‘He’s very successful, and I believe he has a reputation as an art collector.’

  ‘Has he indeed...?’ Lewis said pensively. ‘Ruth, I think we should accept his invitation.’

  ‘I’m afraid this hotel is not what I’m accustomed to, but I’m assured it offers an excellent ambience,’ Lewis apologised as they got out of the car.

  ‘I’m sure it will be perfect,’ Ruth assured him, appraising it. The building had a solid, important air where it stood at the head of the town square. The porch was supported by two stone columns and was reached by way of a flight of granite steps. As before, the reservations had been made in their real names.

  They had worked as late as possible at the house, only leaving when Oona declared she simply had to get home. Very little remained to be done on the following day, and they had agreed to meet Oona at ten o’clock the next morning in time for the carriers.

  ‘I’ve booked dinner for eight in a highly recommended restaurant just outside town,’ Lewis informed Ruth as they entered their suite. ‘Would you like to have tea now?’

  ‘If we can have it served in the room,’ she said. ‘I’d like to relax for a little while.’

  He agreed, and she retired to the bathroom where she luxuriated in a warm shower, letting her mind wander while the soft water cascaded over her body. Oona figured prominently in her thoughts and she fantasised about things she might do with the girl’s voluptuous body. She was not sure whether she was more surprised by Oona’s forthright advances or by her own brazen response to them. Where once she would have debated her actions, this morning she had plunged in and taken the lead. She knew she had changed a great deal in only a few days, and she hugged herself in celebration. Life had suddenly become a great exciting adventure.

  Turning off the shower, she slipped a silk robe on over her wet skin and padded out to join Lewis in the bedroom. He was standing by the window enjoying the view. She crossed over to him and began opening his shirt.

  ‘You should relax, too,’ she urged softly.

  He turned, and placing his hands on her waist held her lovingly as she worked on his buttons. ‘You’re a truly beautiful girl, Ruth,’ he said, slowly exploring her body through the smooth material of her robe.

  ‘Beauty is in the eye of the beholder,’ she teased.

  ‘The exquisite evokes universal admiration,’ he insisted.

  She slid her hands inside his open shirt, running her fingers over his skin, combing the sparse curls on his chest, brushing his nipples, and relishing the firmness of his pectorals. She felt his hands pressing her lumbar dimples, pulling her against his firming manhood, and a powerful feeling of security and contentment filled her, which rapidly transformed into a healthy lust.

  A knock at the door announced the arrival of tea. Resisting the instinctive urge to break off contact, she called, ‘Come in!’ and pulled Lewis closer, pressing him against the rigid points of her breasts.

  The door opened to admit a waitress who glanced rather enviously at the embracing couple as she set down the tray. ‘Will that be all?’ she enquired, preparing to withdraw.

  ‘For the moment,’ Lewis replied. ‘Tell me, what’s your name?’

  ‘Dawn, sir,’ she answered politely.

  ‘Thank you, Dawn.’

  ‘She’s very pretty,’ Ruth observed as the door closed behind the maid. ‘I almost wish we could invite her to stay for a while.’

  Lewis chuckled and kissed the tip of her nose. ‘Your affinity with other girls surprises me,’ he said.

  ‘Does it shock you?’

  ‘Quite the contrary, it is refreshingly pleasant, and I don’t intend to dissuade you from your Sapphic pleasures. This morning, for example, was thoroughly enjoyable. I’ve never known a girl who swings both ways so easily. It adds to your allure.’

  ‘I think I’ve always had the inclination,’ she said openly. ‘It took me a long time to admit it to myself, but I’m glad I did, finally. I wouldn’t want to change who I really am deep inside.’

  ‘Nor should you. I thoroughly approve of who you are... Some tea?’

  ‘Yes, please. Would you prefer me to remove my robe?’

  ‘As you please.’

  ‘Then I think I’ll keep it on for the moment.’

  Freed from his embrace, Ruth sat and let the robe fall away from her legs.

  ‘Will you pour?’ Lewis asked, she nodded, and while she attended to the teapot he undressed and donned his own bathrobe. ‘There are many aspects of your personality that are equally surprising to me,’ he went on as he sat, ‘and they are all intensely engaging.’

  ‘I’m continually surprising myself,’ she admitted. ‘I’ve never been a shrinking violet, as you must have realised, but until quite recently I was very conventional, an easygoing girl as long as we used the missionary position.’

  ‘And now?’

  She passed him a china cup filled with rich tea. ‘I suppose I’ve experienced a revelation. The best way I can describe it is like having a box of delicious chocolates and finishing the first layer only to discover the second layer contains lots of new flavours, with more layers beneath it containing even more new flavours. I don’t want to close the box.’

  He smiled. ‘I can see that.’

  She studied him while she drank her tea. Then she placed the empty cup carefully on the tray and moved around the table to perch on his knee. She took his cup and saucer and placed it beside her own before putting her arm around his neck and snuggling closer. His hand rested on her naked thigh, and she immediately parted her legs in invitation.

  ‘And how do you cast me?’ he asked. ‘Am I a soft centre, a hard centre, or a fellow connoisseur?’

  She wriggled herself into a more comfortable position. ‘Let’s have a tasting session,’ she murmured, biting her lip and moaning as his fingers parted her labia.

  Ruth relaxed back, enjoying the caress of balmy summer air on her bare shoulders as the Mercedes purred down the country lane. She had her window open, as did Lewis, and she glanced across at him fondly.

  Between her thighs her pussy was still throbbing, fretting at being confined. His skill in bed was improving by leaps and bounds, not that he had been lacking at any stage in their relationship. But this evening he had fucked her to orgasm four times in one hour. He had left her deeply satisfied, but not yet satiated. The night was still young.

  Lewis was a fine man to know. The feelings she had for him were probably as close to love than she had ever been before, but a nagging doubt restrained h
er, holding her back from making a final commitment to him. Could he alone satisfy the myriad sexual flavours she was beginning to realise existed in the world?

  The restaurant was set amongst the trees on the edge of a small village. The low building bore the stamp of calculating understated quality, and they entered through a small foyer to be greeted by a concierge wearing an immaculate tuxedo.

  His eyes lit up appreciatively when he saw Ruth as well they might, for she looked stunning in a formfitting crimson dress. He led them to a table set in an intimate alcove. The ambience of the establishment was one of restrained dignity, the furnishings discrete, with light music being played by an unobtrusive trio. She settled back into the well-upholstered chair and let herself be guided through the comprehensive menu by a man of experience.

  After the superb meal Lewis ordered brandy, to be followed by coffee. As she held the balloon glass, the rich aroma of the spirit stirred her responses. She sipped the warming, sharp liquid feeling extremely relaxed and pampered.

  Lewis watched her carefully. ‘Tell me Ruth,’ he said, ‘what do you want out of life?’

  Something in his face told her the question was vitally important to him, and that she had best answer carefully. ‘Obviously, I want to have a successful career,’ she began, ‘either with the firm, or independently. I want financial security, and probably children when the time is right, but above all, I want to be happy.’

  ‘And what will bring you happiness?’

  ‘Who can tell? That’s why I want to explore myself. As I said this afternoon, there’s a whole spectrum of experiences out there I’ve not yet tapped. At the moment I know I find the deepest satisfaction in situations where someone takes control of my sexuality. I like to be tied up, chastised and used. I want to thoroughly explore every aspect of my submissive nature.’

  ‘I think I understand,’ he said, nodding pensively. ‘Tell me, what do you know of Juliette?’

  ‘Enough,’ she said. ‘You don’t have to explain, I’m not jealous.’


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