To Catch a Billionaire

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To Catch a Billionaire Page 9

by Dana Stone

  If she hadn’t had his help, Erin knew she’d have had to work hard to win Jeff over.

  * * *

  His phone rang as he drove through Greenwich. “Any news?” Tristan asked.

  “None you’ll be happy to hear. Cam Boucher doesn’t exist. Never has. So, there’s no relationship between them. I think someone’s been having you on.” The Scottish burr was as prevalent as Tristan’s own, his laughter deeper.

  “Och, McNeill, it’s no more than I surmised. The lovely Erin Cameron is an actress, but the question is why?” As he listened, Tristan drove to the hotel, left his car and took an elevator to his suite.

  “Maybe she had a secret identity for work purposes, or maybe she’s a weirdo,” McNeill answered in a serious tone. “Who knows why women do what they do? Especially American women. Too independent for my liking.”

  “I’m aware of your opinions about women. We aren’t in the stone age any longer, McNeill,” Tristan said with a laugh as he exited the elevator. “I’ll speak with Erin’s housekeeper again, see if I can charm her enough to get information on Cam from her. You dig into Erin’s life, I want to know everything, from where she went to kindergarten to how she learned to swim, understand? And, I want it today.”

  “Christ, you don’t want much, McNeill groused. “I’ll get started right away.”

  The line went dead. Tristan left the phone on the dresser. After he’d showered and changed, he called on Mrs. Hardy.

  Wide-eyed, Mrs. Hardy opened the door. “Mr. Forsyth, I thought you’d be in New York.”

  “I’ve come to ask you something. Could we chat for a few moments before I do head for New York?”

  He watched her. Mrs. Hardy appeared unsure. “I won’t take long, I promise,” Tristan said with a disarming smile.

  As she stepped back to allow Tristan into the foyer, he saw her glance past him. Aware of her nervousness, Tristan was positive he’d taken the right action. “Is Erin around?” he asked innocently.

  “She’s at the gallery at the moment. How can I be of help, Mr. Forsyth?” Mrs. Hardy asked as she herded him into the kitchen.

  He took a seat at the table. “Here, sit with me a bit. I’m wondering about Erin and Cam. They seem at odds with one another. It’s worrisome now that Cam has gone off the radar. When she didn’t answer her phone, I asked Erin about her and was told Cam has taken some time off. Do you know where Cam lives? I’d like to send her flowers.”

  Her face paled. Mrs. Hardy’s hands shook. She withdrew them from the table and folded them out of sight in her lap. It was a sure bet, she was stymied for an answer. Tristan waited patiently until she suddenly threw her hands up and said, “Fine, fine, I’ll tell you. You must promise not to tell Erin.”

  “Why not?” Tristan asked.

  Mrs. Hardy shrugged and said, “Cam and Erin have come to blows. They’ll no longer be working together. Cam has left town and is in search of another job. Erin was furious over the robbery. They argued and Cam stormed out of the house, but not before she quit. I don’t know what Erin will do without Cam around to bear the brunt of the gallery workload.”

  He leaned back against the chair. Though the story was compelling, Mrs. Hardy would need a less savvy person to believe it. He’d done his research and knew the real story.

  “Mrs. Hardy, let’s be honest. First off, you and I know Cam doesn’t really exist. She’s Erin in disguise. Why, I bet if I looked in Erin’s closet, I’d find a whole ensemble that belongs to Cam. Am I right?” he asked bluntly and counted the reasons with his fingers. “Second, no two people have the same handshake, the same shape of teeth or lips, they don’t kiss the same and third, no matter how hard she tries, I can hear Erin’s husky voice when Cam speaks. What surprises me is the fact that no one else she deals with has ever made the connection between the two personalities.”

  “Don’t be silly!” Mrs. Hardy exclaimed, clearly flustered.

  “I’m far from silly, Mrs. Hardy. I’m dismayed over this sham. An honest offer for the gallery has been put forth, which included Cam running it any way she saw fit. Now I’ve become aware that Cam Boucher never existed, not on this planet, anyway. What do you say to that?”

  Mrs. Hardy gasped, drew in a breath and gave in. “You’ve really figured it out.”

  “Erin needs to own up and handle the gallery, not hide behind a false façade,” Tristan declared.

  “I can’t explain it. Her father died. During the time afterward Erin became a recluse. It was a struggle for her to go out in public as herself. I’d say that went on for nearly a year,” Mrs. Hardy murmured with a touch of sadness. “This morning she told me she planned to dump Cam’s disguise and confess her actions to the staff.”

  “Erin seems to have recovered,” Tristan observed. “She’s operating the gallery, has sacked Cam, very interestingly from what you’ve said. She’s as confidant today as I’ve seen her since I arrived.”

  Mrs. Hardy rose, put the kettle to boil and took two mugs from the cupboard. She brought them to the table and set one at each of their places.

  Mrs. Hardy tapped her chin with two fingers. “After her father died, Erin used Cam as a way to keep track of the help, to better address their needs, while she, Erin took care of the gallery’s financial needs. I went along with it, though I advised time and again against continuing to pose as Cam. I thought it was unhealthy.” She sighed. “Lately, Cam’s character weighed Erin down to the point that she abandoned the disguise as soon as she entered the house.” Mrs. Hardy snickered lightly. “Once we even ate supper with the blond wig hanging on the chair post.”

  “Death can bring about a variety of intense behaviors, but I must say, this is the first I’ve ever heard of this. Erin has definitely dropped Cam then?”

  Mrs. Hardy nodded emphatically and poured hot water over tea bags. “She has. Why, just this morning she said Cam’s life was over and she felt relieved for having discarded her personality.”

  “Thank you, Mrs. Hardy. For the tea and the information. I know this must have been difficult for you. I won’t share what you told me with Erin. I have someone looking into her life as we speak, so I’ll be able to use that information should she ask the how did you find out question.” Tristan laughed softly at Mrs. Hardy’s apparent relief.

  “I’d appreciate that, Mr. Forsyth. Having been with the family for many years, I watched Erin grow up and go off to college. When she returned she was an adult, but underneath, she was the same sensitive, carefree spirit she’d always been. I care for her as I would a daughter of my own. If anything happened between us, I’d be very sad.”

  Tristan rose from the chair, assured Mrs. Hardy her secret was safe and left for New York City.

  Chapter 10

  THE DRIVE INTO New York was horrid. Cars idled, bumper to bumper as rain slicked the roads. More than one accident had occurred, delaying Erin’s arrival. By the time she approached the parking lot at The Metropolitan Museum the rain had ceased. Erin drew into the parking space reserved for her, and quickly left the car.

  “Where have you been, lovey? I’ve been a wreck,” Giorgio exclaimed as he stepped out from under the museum entrance and rushed toward her.

  “Freakin’ drivers can’t handle a little rain. I thought I’d never get here,” Erin murmured in his ear when he kissed her cheek. She stepped back, gave him a good look and noted with a grin, “Giorgio, you do clean up nice. No wonder Jeremy adores you.”

  “Let’s go in before we’re seriously late. Nearly everyone, who’s anyone, has arrived. Even the guest of honor is here. You should see the looker he has on his arm tonight,” Giorgio remarked.

  “Really? She’s that gorgeous?”

  “Uh-huh. Come on.” Giorgio slipped her hand into the crook of his arm and walked through the entrance of The Metropolitan Museum.

  The who’s-who crowd was scattered throughout the humungous room. Drinks made the rounds, followed by hors d’oeuvres on trays served by wait staff in smart-looking suits. Erin smile
d. You gotta love New York.

  A few heads turned as they walked in, likely the last couple to arrive. Erin caught several people whispering to one another after she’d nodded in their direction. Whether the whispers concerned her, her dress, or the art theft, Erin held her head high and smiled. Walking the walk and talking the talk had been ingrained in her. She’d learned those lessons well.

  Giorgio murmured, “He’s over there. What a gorgeous hunk of man. Mm, mm, I’d like a piece of him myself.”

  Laughter bubbled up as she listened to her date make his sotto voce remarks concerning the man she’d also like to have in her bed. She grinned and pinched his hand. “Enough. Someone will hear you and our act will be over.”

  Erin, with a glass of wine in hand, was about to turn when she heard, “Having a good time, Erin?” She could feel his warm breath on her neck and knew Tristan was behind her. She turned, caught his eyes focused on her cleavage and smiled mischievously.

  “Why, yes, it’s a lovely gathering. Giorgio and I just arrived.”

  “Indeed. I saw you. A rather grand late entrance, wasn’t it?” Tristan remarked with a sly expression.

  “Traffic was hell, I got stuck on the interstate until an accident was cleared,” Erin explained. She stopped when she saw the glint of humor in his eyes. Why was she making excuses to him? Her smile tightened as she watched Tristan take in her appearance with a long, drawn out look.

  “You’re quite beautiful tonight,” he said and nodded to Giorgio. “You’re certainly lucky to have such a lovely woman at your side.”

  “She is gorgeous, isn’t she?” Giorgio responded in a truly masculine tone.

  “Yes, very,” Tristan acknowledged as his own date stepped forward.

  “I think the speaker is ready to announce you, Tristan,” the lovely creature said and urged him away from them and toward the podium.

  “Did you see her? She’s stunning,” Giorgio stated. “If you’re unwilling to model for Herve`’s show, I’ll ask her to do it. Do you think she would?”

  “How would I know?” Erin grumbled. “Ask her. I’m fine with not having to make a spectacle of myself.”

  Erin glanced over and grimaced when she saw the gleam in Giorgio’s eyes.

  “Darling, you’re in a snit over a woman you don’t even know and a man you want badly. You need to jump his bones, sweetie – and soon,” Giorgio advised.

  Erin giggled. “You’re right.”

  The crowd clustered closer together, drinks and snacks discarded for the moment. All attention was directed at the delicious man at the podium. Tristan Forsyth had been introduced as the owner and buyer of the most elite, privately owned galleries in Europe. A round of applause filtered through the room as cameras clicked.

  His smile warmed as he stood in front of them all. He stepped to the microphone and said with a heavy Scottish accent, “Thank you all for such a wonderful welcome. It’s great to be in America, especially in New York, with all of you. As you know, I search for galleries worthy of the world’s attention. While here in the States, I’ve come across one such gallery.”

  When he hesitated, Erin scanned the crowd. Oh yeah, he had them glued in place, awaiting his next words. She smirked and looked straight into his eyes.

  “Would you join me here, Miss Cameron?” Tristan asked with a cagey smile.

  Shock ran through her, chased by feelings of defeat. He’d set her up, damn it. Erin knew what was about to happen. It was unlikely she’d be able to sidestep him. She glanced at surrounding faces, knowing she couldn’t very well refuse his request. It would seem rude and didn’t these damned people have enough to talk about concerning her?

  All eyes were on Erin. Whispers ran through the room as she offered a huge and completely false smile to all. She climbed the three steps to the platform. Tristan slid his arm around her waist and drew her close.

  “I’d like to share my great news. Erin Cameron has agreed to sell Cameron Gallery to me.”

  Lights flashed, cameras clicked and Erin smiled the smile, all the while realizing something had given Tristan enough confidence to offer this lie to the audience. What had he found out and from whom? She sighed before stiffening her spine. Well, hell, he was a step ahead of her and didn’t that just piss her off? Unwilling to call him a liar, and make a scene, Erin stared out over the top of the crowd, her mind traveling at the speed of light while she wondered why he thought he could put her in such an untenable position as this one. She’d never signed a contract and he certainly hadn’t the right to assume she would.

  “Would you care to say a few words about Jeff’s show, Erin?” Tristan asked with a knowing look.

  Go ahead, rub salt into the wound, no problem. Her promise of retribution for his lie was conveyed by her hard-eyed glare as Erin looked at him.

  Erin stepped to the microphone. “Within the next week or two, our gallery will host the spectacular artist, Jeff Godrick. I hope you’ll attend this beautiful display of work by an extremely talented young artist.”

  A round of applause followed as a few heads dipped toward one another and gossip ran rampant.

  She whispered, “You’ll pay for this, Tristan. I promise.”

  His laughter deep, he nodded and said, “I dearly hope so, lass.”

  They were swarmed by women as she and Tristan stepped away from the speaker. Erin left him to answer their questions. Old and young women alike wanted a piece of him, a touch, or more. She felt his magnetism. Why would she expect these other women not to be as affected as she was? Good grief, how could things have gotten so far beyond her control?

  The weight of rampant jealousy, the likes of which she’d never experienced before, rushed over her. Along with lust for the man who may have beguiled her out of ownership of her family gallery. She not only wanted to slap him for that, but wanted to rip his clothes off, fuck him royally and keep him to herself without him ever seeing the light of day again. Thankfully, Tristan had no legal rights to the gallery and had no way to push her into making a deal.

  Erin made her way toward Giorgio, who gaped at her as she approached. She’d now have to explain her unexpected liaison with the man she’d wanted to keep from owning her gallery. Crap!

  “You didn’t tell me he bought your gallery,” Giorgio murmured as he walked her toward a quiet section of the room.

  Erin stiffened and said, “It came as a surprise to me as well. You know when you’re caught between a rock and a hard place? Well, that’s where I am right now. He’s made his stand and now I must make mine.”

  “Ooh, does he know what he’s in for?” Giorgio cooed.

  She smiled and thought about the price he’d pay.

  The heaviest sex he’d ever have. That’s what he was in for. Then she’d drop kick him and walk away. No way would he take her gallery, never. Erin nearly stamped her foot. Still under watchful eyes, she grinned and gave Giorgio a hug.

  “Thank you for being my date. You can leave if you’d like. I’ll be going home shortly,” Erin said.

  Giorgio checked his watch. “I can still make it to Jeremy’s performance if I hurry. You’re sure you don’t mind?”

  “I don’t, honest. Thanks again. I’ll get this dress back to you by the weekend.” Erin watched him stride across the floor and out the door. She could hardly wait to make her own escape. The evening had definitely not gone as she’d have liked. The only good things were her fantasies.

  Nearing the front door, she felt him behind her. She turned when Tristan remarked drily, “Leaving so soon? I thought we might have a talk.”

  “I see, you think we’re close friends now because of your announcement to these people?” Erin challenged and arched her brows.

  “I do, and so do you,” he said.

  His eyes were on her cleavage again. Erin smiled and tucked her hand in his. “Let’s find a place where we can have that chat, shall we?” she said smoothly, while leading him from the room.

  The private spot she walked him to, a nook under
a stairwell, was just what Erin had hoped to find. She drew him to her, stepped in close and licked his lips with her tongue. “I’ve been waiting to do this for some time,” she breathed and laid a deep kiss on him.

  She reveled in the way he matched her kiss for kiss, grind for grind. His hands cupped her breasts as his mouth found its way to them. Her breath quickened, her desire intensified, and her need for Tristan Forsyth circumvented all else in her life. She had to have him.

  A janitor’s closet lay further down the corridor. She pulled him into it, closed the door and locked it. Space was limited. Erin heard his soft laugh as he lifted her dress. She felt him touching her, leaving her wetter than she had been. When he dropped onto his knees and licked her, she groaned with pleasure.

  When she’d come again and again, he said, “Let’s get out of here. I have a suite close by.”

  * * *

  She didn’t notice the New York skyline until much later. Tristan met her moves with as much heat and need as her own. They’d fucked on the carpet, the sofa and the counter before they’d made their way to his bed. Erin wanted him again and again, no matter how many times they both came. Her passion exploded each time he touched her, no matter where.

  Hours later, Erin quietly lay in his arms. She felt his chest rise and fall as he breathed. Her own heart beat rapidly against his body. She was sure he could feel it.

  Sated, she slipped from his grasp and rose from the bed.

  “I’ll be going now,” she told him.

  “Why not stay the night?”

  “No thanks, I got what I wanted.”

  “Did you? I’d say we both got what we wanted,” Tristan answered in a satisfied tone.

  Erin turned to him as she stepped into her shoes. “If you think for one moment that you’ll take over my gallery, you’d better think again. Nobody will ever take what’s mine, understand?”

  He’d risen to lean on an elbow as he watched her dress. Erin saw his muscles ripple.

  “You’re sure, lass?”

  She remarked, “I’ll keep my business, run it the way I see fit, and be done with you, Mr. Forsyth. If you think any different, think again.”


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