Somewhere Only We Know

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Somewhere Only We Know Page 8

by Beverley Hollowed

  “Hi there,” he said with a big smile when Kate opened the door.

  “Hey,” Kate said, as she stepped back and let him into her apartment. She instinctively pulled her dressing gown tighter around her body, suddenly aware she was completely naked beneath it. “I wasn’t expecting you for a while. I have dinner in the oven. If you just give me a few minutes while I get dressed.”

  Callum quickly took Kate by the hand and pulled her closer to him.

  “I like what you are wearing now,” he whispered into her ear before he kissed her lightly on her ear lobe, then slowly inched his way down her neck. “You smell good enough to eat.”

  Kate wrapped her arms around Callum’s broad, strong shoulders, as she closed her eyes, her whole body came alive. She pressed her body against his and she could feel his rock hard cock against her hip and her stomach lurched. She wanted him. She had never wanted anything more.

  He pulled back from Kate slightly, looking down into her eyes, searching her face, asking for permission. She smiled at him and gave him a look that gave the permission he was waiting for. He smiled back as he lifted her up and carried her to her bedroom.

  Standing her down next to her bed, his eyes never leaving hers, he tentatively reached for the belt of her dressing gown and pulled it open. Kate held her breath, as her dressing gown hit the floor. They stood for a few moments, neither saying a word.

  Kate was the first to move, as she nervously reached up and began to unfasten his shirt. As she did, Callum softly traced his fingers down her cheek and gently brushed her hair back from her face. Then, taking her face in his hands, he pressed his lips to hers.

  Kate slid her hands back up his bare chest and slipped his shirt off his broad shoulders and down his arms. Callum dropped his hands, letting the shirt fall to the ground then pulled Kate into his embrace, as his kissed deepened.

  Kate quickly reached for the waist band of his trousers and yanked open the button, before slipping her hands inside, pushing them, along with his boxer shorts down to the ground, freeing his rock hard cock. The head of his cock pressed against her tummy and Kate’s breath caught in her chest, as her heart began to race faster and faster.

  Kicking his shoes from his feet, he scooped her up into his arms, before climbing up onto the bed. When he climbed over her, he quickly claimed her mouth once again. Then, releasing her mouth, he slowly trailed his tongue down her neck, pressing his lips tenderly on her collar bone before he continued his journey down her body.

  By the time Callum reached the apex of Kate’s legs, her heart was hammering so quickly in her chest she thought it would burst free. She had tried sex before, with her previous boyfriend, but it was never more than a quick fumble.

  This was different, this was slow, sensual and everything Kate thought it would be.

  When Callum’s mouth found its goal, Kate cried out with pure pleasure, she had never felt anything like this before. She gripped the bed clothes beneath her and pinched her eyes shut as his tongue twirled around her clit, again and again. She could feel a quiver erupting in the pit of her stomach as she tilted her hips up to meet his mouth, desperately trying to find some relief.

  Suddenly, he slipped two fingers deep inside her and the quiver she was feeling, suddenly charged through her body like a steam train. She reached down and grabbed the top of his head as she lost all control, crying out in sheer ecstasy, her orgasm consuming her completely.

  She was just started to regain some sense of awareness when she could feel the head of his cock press again her sensitive folds. Her eyes met his as he thrust his entire length deep into her, making her cry out once again. His pace started off slow and tender but it soon picked up. He thrust into her again and again, deep and hard until Kate could feel her body come apart beneath him once more.

  Suddenly, Callum cried out as he erupted inside her, then collapsed on top of her, both of them gasping for air.

  Finally he looked up and when their eyes met, he smiled.

  “How am I ever going to say goodbye to you now?” he asked before he claimed her mouth once again. Suddenly, the sound of her smoke alarm filled the apartment. She had completely forgotten about the pasta in the oven. Their dinner was now a charcoaled mess.

  They spent the rest of that night in each other’s arms as Callum made love to her again, slowly.

  Kate smiled sadly as she remembered that night. If she was honest, she knew from that night she was in love with Callum, although she had tried to pretend she wasn’t.

  She wondered how he was doing and if he was thinking of her, she missed him. She missed him so much her heart ached like it never had before. But she knew her leaving was for the best. They just needed time to see this.

  Then she thought of Finn and his kiss. She knew it was just too soon for her. She wondered if she would ever be able to move on. Right in that moment, she just didn’t know.

  Chapter 11

  Callum dropped his bags on the floor and flopped down on the hotel bed. He was exhausted. It had been a long day and the flight had been a nightmare. When he reached the hotel, he was so happy to finally be there. As he stood at the reception desk, checking in, he scanned the lobby constantly, hoping, willing she would just appear. He asked the receptionist if she was registered, but she couldn’t give him that information.

  As he sat there on the bed, he wondered if she was still in the hotel. If she too was sitting on a bed at that very moment, thinking of him. A knot of frustration formed in his stomach, as he thought of her. He longed to see her, to talk to her, to just hold her.

  He flopped back on the bed and closed his eyes, trying to remember the last time he had held her. He thought about the night of their fight. It had felt so good to finally be able to touch her. It had been so long since he had. When he walked in to the apartment and she threw her arms around him, he thought that maybe, finally, she would let him in.

  He remembered how good it felt to touch her soft skin, to press his lips to the curves of her beautiful breast, her scent filling his senses. His cock hardened just from the memory. Even in his mind she had such power over his body, she always did. God he missed her so much.

  Suddenly, his phone rang and Callum sprung up on the bed, searching his pockets afraid it might be Kate and he would miss her.

  “Hello,” he said breathlessly, when he pulled it from his pocket and put it to his ear.

  “Little brother,” James’ voice echoed through the phone. “How are you holding up?”

  “James, enough with the little brother crap,” Callum snapped angrily, disappointed that it wasn’t Kate. “And how do you think I am doing? Have you any news?”

  “Yes, I do,” James replied, knowing his brother’s anger was not really directed at him. “So, turns out Felix knows a receptionist there at the hotel, and she checked the register and there was no Katherine Greyson checked in there in the last few weeks, however there was a Katherine Kelly and she paid in cash. When Felix pushed her, she looked closer at the records and Katherine did provide a credit card upon check in for security and the name on the card was in fact Katherine Greyson.”

  “So, she was here,” Callum asked, feeling his spirits rise for the first time in a couple of weeks. “Did the girl say if she was still here?”

  “She checked out last Friday, the day I saw her,” James replied knowing this was not what his brother wanted to hear.

  “DAMN IT!” Callum exclaimed feeling gutted that he was so close and yet, still so far away from finding her.

  “Callum, this is not all bad news,” James tried to reassure his brother. “She was there, so we are on the right track. Also Felix has found another lead.”

  “What is it?” Callum asked, hopefully.

  “Felix said the girl remembered Kate,” James explained. “She said she remembered that she didn’t leave the room for days, and the only thing she did was order room service. Then on the last day she had her hair done. She said she remembered that when Kate checked out, she asked f
or directions to Redmond.”

  “What’s in Redmond?” Callum asked.

  “Redmond is mostly a residential area,” James replied. “Which the exception of the huge Microsoft Campus. Other than that, there is very little there. So unless she has some business in Microsoft, I would say it’s a safe bet she was looking at houses, so, I have Felix checking the recently rented properties. See what we come up with.”

  “Do you think this will work?” Callum asked hopefully.

  “I think we are heading in the right direction.” James replied. “Now you need to get some food and try and get some rest, you sound like hell, I can only imagine how you look.” Callum just laughed.

  “We will find her Callum,” James promised his brother and he meant it too. There was nothing he wouldn’t do for his little brother.

  “Thanks, James,” Callum replied.

  “I will call as soon as I hear anything from Felix,” James promised.

  When Callum hung up, he stood up and walked to the window. He looked out over Seattle and wondered where Kate was. He closed his eyes and thought of Kate, hoping where ever she was, that she was okay.

  He ordered some room service and then passed out on the bed watching an old black and white cowboy movie.

  “Cal,” Kate whispered in his ear. “Cal, something’s wrong.”

  “What is it?” Callum asked, as he sprung up in the bed. He turned and looked at a terrified looking Kate. “What’s wrong?”

  “It’s the baby,” she said, the fear very evident in her voice. “Something is wrong.”

  “Okay, don’t panic,” Callum said trying to sound calmer than he felt. “Talk to me, tell me what’s wrong.”

  “I don’t know,” Kate replied with tears dancing in her eyes. “I have a weird feeling in my stomach. Like a pulse. I don’t know what it is.”

  She reached over and took hold of Callum’s hand and pressed it to her tummy, staring at him with her big, scared eyes, she waited.

  Then he felt it. It was like a pulse beneath his hand, a little like a butterfly fluttering beneath the palm of his hand. He didn’t speak for a moment. He just waited until he felt it again. When he did, a big smile filled his face.

  “Why are you smiling?” Kate asked fighting hard to hold the tears back. “Something is wrong.”

  “Sweetheart,” Callum said looking up at Kate. “Nothing is wrong. In fact it is very right.”

  Once again Callum could feel the flutter beneath his hand.

  “Katie,” Callum said, as his smile widen. “That is our baby moving.”

  “But, but it’s too soon,” Kate said as the tears of both relief and fear trickled down her face. “Isn’t it?”

  “Apparently not,” Callum replied, as once again, he felt a flutter beneath his hand. “And it would seem we have a little soccer player in there.”

  Kate laughed and cried at the same time, as Callum bent down and softly kissed her swollen tummy. Then sitting back up, he leaned in and kissed her softly on the lips.

  “I love you Katie Greyson,” Callum said leaning in and kissing her once again.

  “KATE!” Callum cried out, as he bolted up straight in the bed. For a moment he was confused. He has no idea where he was. As his memories returned, so did the pain that had gripped his heart for the past couple of weeks. He looked at the clock on the bottom on the TV and saw it was just after 4 am. He climbed up off the bed and walked to the window and stared out into the blackness of the night.

  “Where are you Katie,” he whispered then looked over at his mobile phone on the bed, where he had left it and thought about calling her. He walked over, picked it up and without thinking, he called up Kate’s number and pressed call. He expected it to go to her answering machine, but instead was surprised when Kate answered it.

  “Hello,” she said, still half asleep.

  “Katie,” Callum said nervously, half expecting her to just hang up.

  “Callum, are you okay?” she asked, her voice barely more than a whisper.

  “How can I be okay, Katie?” he sighed sitting down on the edge of the bed. “I miss you. I love you so much. I just want you hold you.”

  “I miss you too,” she replied much to his surprise.

  “Katie, please,” Callum sighed. “Please come home. Or tell me where you are. Tell me so I can come and take you home where you belong. Please Katie, let’s try again.”

  “I can’t,” she replied and Callum knew she was crying. “Please, understand.”

  “I can’t understand Katie,” Callum replied. “I love you and you love me, surely that is all we need. Please give me a chance to make this right.”

  “It’s too late, Cal,” Kate sobbed. “I met someone else and I love him. Don’t ever call me again…”

  Callum sprung up in the bed. He was drenched in sweat his heart hammering rapidly in his chest. For a moment he was confused and he had no idea where he was, but he knew he felt like he was going to be sick. Then he realised where he was and relief took hold, as he remembered what happened. He had been dreaming.

  It was just a dream, oh thank God, it was just a dream, he thought to himself.

  He stared over at the phone on the bedside table and tried to steady his ragged breathing. He needed to calm down, it was all just a bad dream.

  He was surprised that the sun was already climbing in the sky and filling his hotel room. He looked at his watch and it was already 10.30 am. He couldn’t remember the last time he had slept so late. He couldn’t remember the last time he had properly slept.

  He slipped his legs out onto the floor and climbed out of bed. Heading straight to the bathroom, he switched on the shower and stripped before he climbed beneath the hot water. It felt good on his skin, made him feel alive.

  He thought back to his dream and he felt sick. For the first time the thought occurred to him, that Kate might not want to be found. She might not want to come home. He thought about what it would feel like if she did decide to move on. If she found someone new. The very thought made Callum feel physically sick. The thought of someone else holding her, touching her. He quickly tried to push the thought from his mind, but he couldn’t.

  How would he ever survive if she found someone new? The answer was simple, he couldn’t. She was his life. She was his everything.

  He felt determined, he needed to find her quickly and make her see they were meant to be. She was his Katie. They belonged together, that much he was sure of. And he believed somewhere deep inside, Kate knew that too.

  When he climbed out of the shower and dressed, he thought about going down to the Beauty Salon in the hotel and try to find out who had done Kate’s hair on Monday. Maybe they might hold the key to where it was she was gone to.

  As he slipped on his shoes, his phone rang. Callum grabbed it from the bed. His heart thumped fast when he saw James’s number flashed on the screen. Callum picked up the phone and, saying a silent prayer for good news, he hit the accept button.

  “Hi, James,” Callum said, he closed his eyes, as he said a silent prayer to God. Please be good news, please be good news.

  “Hi Callum,” James said. “I have news.”

  Chapter 12

  Kate sat in her car outside Jack’s house and wondered what the hell she was doing. When Finn called her earlier that day to see if she was still coming to his father’s for his birthday, she assured him she was. Now she wished she had made some random excuse and told him she couldn’t go.

  This whole situation was out of character for her, well at least out of her character the past ten months. She had done everything to avoid people, to avoid any kind of gathering at all. She had no idea what had got into her, agreeing to come to Jack’s, but then, they didn’t know anything about her. They wouldn’t look at her with pity or worry. When she was with Jack and Finn, she was just a normal, everyday person. Something she hadn’t been in such a long time.

  Since losing Emily, she was the broken bird that everyone pitied and more importantly, every
one avoided. At first, it hadn’t bothered Kate, in fact, if she was honest, it suited her better. However, as time passed, she missed her friends. The only people she saw were her dad, her two brothers, Shea and Dara, Leah, Olly and of course Callum.

  She remembered back to the day she had finally found the strength to face the shopping centre close to where they lived. She was walking through the centre and was beginning to relax, starting to feel a little normal once again. She was walking out of the chemists, when she spotted Charlotte, one of the girls she worked with, shopping with her children. Kate smiled and was about to say hi, when Charlotte quickly turned around and pushed her children into one of the shops.

  Kate knew Charlotte had seen her and she was tempted to go after her, but she decided not to bother. It was that night Callum had asked if moving to New York was something she might consider and she said yes without a second thought.

  She stared up at Jack’s house and thought about starting the car and heading back home. Just as she decided she was going to go home, Finn appeared on the front porch giving her a wave and broad smile. He stepped down off the front porch and headed down the driveway towards Kate’s car.

  Kate took a deep breath and opened the car door.

  “Hey,” Finn said, as he reached the car. “You made it.”

  “I guess I did,” Kate replied, as she stepped out of her car and walked back to the boot.

  “You weren’t about to bail on me, were you?” Finn said with a hearty laugh. Kate’s stomach jumped straight up into her mouth. She didn’t reply, she just laughed.

  “Dad will be thrilled,” Finn continued, as he followed Kate to the back of the car. “Sara, Dan and DJ are out back. Dan has taken control of the barbeque.” He added with a laugh.

  Kate reached into the boot to take out the gift she brought for Jack, but hesitated at Finn’s words. Standing back up, she looked at Finn.

  “I hadn’t realised that your whole family would be here,” Kate said, suddenly feeling even more like jumping back into the car and heading for home.


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