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Rowdy Page 17

by Patricia Green

  Eighty-six and a half points! He just barely beat Bear. But he won the go-round! The audience stomped and clapped, shouting with pleasure as they sent Rowdy off with their congratulations. Once again, he tipped his hat to the crowd. Leaving with a huge smile on his face.

  Now they'd have to wait until the rodeo was over for the night before they could meet him in the front of the stadium. Two performances left to go.

  Rowdy did not win at the America's Pride rodeo, not first place, anyway. Gretchen watched him accept defeat gracefully, but she could tell by the stiffness of his posture he was unhappy, and even mad at himself. She knew how much the one-hundred-thousand-dollar purse meant to him. He did win the one round though, so there was some money in his pocket.

  She also knew his arm was hurting him. He'd told her he was okay, and when she persisted, he told her he didn't want to talk about it. That pretty much ended the conversation and she kept her worry to herself from that point on.

  The next few rodeos were all over the place, so Gretchen and Amy and her security team went back to Reno. They watched Rowdy compete and largely win through the Texas circuit series thanks only to the Real Rodeo TV channel. He didn't have time to go home between rodeos, so Gretchen and Amy had to communicate with him via video call whenever possible. Gretchen missed him sorely and told him so every time they talked. He seemed to feel the same. There was no arguing with success, however, and through his efforts, he'd come up to be in the top five for the world standings again. The winning was so tight in the top five, they switched places in the standings with nearly every contest.

  Rowdy skipped one rodeo in the middle of the season, in order to help Gretchen move herself to a new ranch located a few miles outside of San Antonio, Texas. She'd decided she cared enough about Rowdy to take the plunge and move to his circuit state on the chance he'd be able to visit more between rodeos–when there was a between.

  He didn't question her decision, accepting it without saying much about it. But Gretchen thought it was time to make her feelings known to him. If she was going to take a plunge, she might as well go all the way in.

  They snuggled in her new bed in the large, sprawling ranch house. There was no sound but crickets outside her big bedroom window. She'd left the draperies slightly open to let the moonlight in, and it shone on the polished wood floors with airy, bright beams.

  Rowdy was breathing warm breaths into the hair on the back of her neck and she wriggled her bottom into his front as they spooned. Soon she felt his dick stir for the second time that night. She didn't want to encourage him at the moment because she wanted to say her piece.

  "Keep that up and we won't be sleeping tonight, princess."

  "I'm sorry… though I'm not sorry. I love making love with you."

  "I find it mighty fine as well."

  "That's what we do, you know. We make love. I know because… Rowdy, I love you."

  "We do make love and I've known it for some time. I didn't want to rush you, is all."

  "You love me, too?"

  "With all my heart, I love you."

  She flipped over in his arms and faced him, looking up into his normally blue eyes, now gray in the moonlight. "You love Amy, too, right?"

  "She's precious. I love her, too. I'm glad she wants me for her daddy."

  "It took a while to get her to understand about Neil," she pointed out. "But now he's in jail, it's clearer to her there are bad daddies and good daddies. She believes you are good daddy material."

  "I've got her fooled."

  Gretchen smacked him on the chest. "Don't even joke about it. If I thought you didn't accept us as a package…"

  "I know, sweetheart. I accept you, Amy, and your damn security team tagging along."

  Bob had pulled back a bit, but only when Rowdy was around, which wasn't often. And Melody remained super-vigilant over Amy. There was no getting around them, but Gretchen had grown used to their presence, and it appeared Rowdy might as well. She snuggled against his chest, enjoying his warmth on her cheek, the clean smell of him, and his hard body against hers.

  "What do you want to do with these confessions of love, princess? Want to get married?"

  Her eyes, previously half-closed, popped open wide. "Married?"

  "That's normally what two adults do when they fall in love with each other."

  "Yes, I guess so, but are you sure? I mean, you'll have to deal with my money issues."

  "I don't much care about your money. I only care if it makes you happy. When it doesn't, I get perturbed about it."

  "Well, it is good I was able to buy this ranch with some of that money. I really like it here."

  "It suits you. You didn't answer my question."

  "About getting married? I was giving you a chance to take it back."

  He swatted her bottom. "I meant it. Have you ever known me to say something I didn't mean?"


  "Then don't doubt me on this one." He rolled over to the night table on his side of the bed and opened the drawer. Inside was a black pouch. Gretchen thought it was a keepsake or something. But as he rolled back toward her, he removed a small jewel box from inside the pouch. He pried it open and presented her with an engagement ring. It was a big diamond with three rubies on each side, in curlicues shaped like hearts. "Will you marry me, Gretchen Nelson?"

  "Oh, Rowdy. You are the best man. The very best. Yes, I'll gladly marry you. I'll love you for the rest of my life."

  "I feel the same. Give me your hand."

  She offered her left hand and he slid the ring on.

  "If I make the finals, we can get married in Vegas at the end of the year."

  "Can we invite my family and friends?"

  "Wouldn't have it any other way. I'll invite my folks, too, and a few roughies."

  "It'll be a fine party!"

  "I agree." This time, it was him wiggling against her. "Why don't you just slide on down and show me how much you love me. Then it will be my turn to show you."


  She found his prick with her mouth, and not long after, slid up his body again, at which point he definitely showed her just what it was like to be loved by a powerful, adoring man.

  When they finally went to sleep, Gretchen dreamed about weddings and flowers.

  The rest of the year hurtled by, Rowdy always gone at some rodeo, and Gretchen holding down the fort at the ranch. They decided to call it the Double P, with the P's standing for peace and prosperity. Rowdy insisted on buying the stock horses for their herd. Gretchen figured he was, once again, cognizant of their disparity of incomes and wanted to play the biggest role he could within his means. He wasn't winning as much that year, so a significant chunk of his savings went toward their horses.

  She loved the horses. Every one of them got a name, and a few of them appeared to love to buck, so she and Rowdy were considering a breeding program for buckers. There were big stock contractors who had whole ranches devoted to bucking horses, so the Double P wouldn't have much chance of competing in the stock contracting business for quite a few years.

  Rowdy was invited to the Worldwide Finals Rodeo, which surprised no one. He hadn't done as well as the year previous, but he'd still done well and was ranked number three in the world going in. He'd need to win big in order to keep his title. But Gretchen and he both acknowledged number three in the world was a pretty massive accomplishment out of the thousands of cowboys who competed in bareback. So far, he'd racked up more than three-hundred-thousand dollars in winnings for the year, which was a sum he could feel proud of because he earned every single dime the hard way.

  Gretchen was nervous as they prepared to go to Las Vegas for the wedding. Her wedding! After so many struggles alone, she was finally going to get a life partner to share her troubles and triumphs with. Having won the lottery meant some things were easier, but sharing was so much better. Rowdy was getting better about letting her do things on her own, but he was still stubborn about contributing. Gretchen figured he did
n't want the money he won every year to be just points on a score sheet, but rather something substantive to give to the household and see manifested in better living for them all.

  He'd come in second at the finals. Bear was first, Owen sixth. Gretchen had stayed behind in Texas, watching anxiously on TV while the multiple-day rodeo took place. As soon as she saw he hadn't come in first, she mentally prepared her comments to him. She had to be sympathetic, as well as hopeful. Although Gretchen could hear over the phone how much he was clearly disappointed in himself, Gretchen reminded him there was always the following year, and it would be even better because his arm would be truly healed, and he'd have a clean start in the new season ahead. She wouldn't have said her words were wasted, he did listen to her, but she knew his confidence had to come from within.

  The next day, they met Rowdy at the private charter terminal at McCarren airport in Las Vegas.

  Once again, they were staying in the suite at the Palms hotel, but this time, Rowdy was staying with them. After they had a snack, Gretchen and Rowdy dressed for the Western Coalition of Foodbanks gala. Although she was not the honoree that year, Gretchen had still been invited to attend the party as a significant donor. Since she was going to be in Las Vegas, she'd agreed to be there. It had nostalgia value since it was where she'd come to know Rowdy the year before.

  The party was much the same as it had been previously, with a few cowboys in attendance, and glittering people mingling and dancing.

  "This music reminds me of my granny," Rowdy said, as they broke from shaking hands with a couple Gretchen knew only from the donor list on the program.

  "Yes. No Garth or Willie."

  "Or Reba."

  "No. Well, what can we do?" She smiled at another couple who sauntered by, the woman's diamond earrings dangling and sparkling.

  "No mistletoe either. What kind of Christmas party has no mistletoe?"

  "Are you hinting you'd like a kiss, Mr. Jackson?"

  He gathered her up in his arms, right there amidst the milling people, and kissed her deeply. When they broke, she felt her face go scarlet.

  "I guess you were hinting."

  "That was only the beginning. Tomorrow, we're getting hitched. I guarantee there will be a lot more than kisses ahead."

  She'd happily participate. "Are you ready for tomorrow?"

  "Rarin' to go."

  She peered at him closely. "Yes, I think you are."

  "What about you? Scared?"

  "Honestly, yes. I make big mistakes sometimes. I'm pretty sure you're not one of them. I think you're my lucky lottery win all over again."

  "I signed a pre-nup," he reminded her. "All you have to be scared about is making mistakes resulting in a spanking."

  Sidling up closer to him, she whispered, "But I like your spankings."

  He laughed so hard people turned their heads. "You do at that."

  The evening wound down, and the next day dawned bright.

  Gretchen's mother was the first person to show up at the suite. She was wearing the new gray fox vest Gretchen had given her, jeans and a bright, red top with a green Grinch on the front. She carried her dressy dress in its plastic hanging case over one arm. Gretchen's father was going to come by later so he wouldn't get in the way. Gretchen's sister, Robin, would arrive in a few minutes, with her three children, who were intended to keep Amy busy and engaged while Gretchen prepared for the nuptials.

  Rowdy took his suit and went to his parents' suite on the second floor of the hotel.

  Cindy Sue fussed over Gretchen, fixing her hair after the hairdresser left. Gretchen tried to point out the beautician had done a fine job, but her mother fretted over every detail. Their wedding consultant had been in charge of most things, arranging the venue, organizing flights for Gretchen and Rowdy's families, getting hotel rooms, buying flowers, hiring a photographer. The whole shootin' match. Gretchen wanted to do it up fancy because her intention was to only do it once in her life.

  Amy, once dressed in her little sky blue, frilly dress and white Mary Jane shoes, was very careful not to get mussed or wrinkled, though she sometimes forgot her intentions and got busy playing with the other kids.

  Gretchen's father came along and told them it was time to get in the limo and go to the chapel. Gretchen took a deep breath, smoothed down her pale blue, satin dress and fanned out the multi-tiered, frothy skirt. She checked her bra straps didn't show outside of the beaded, cap sleeves. There had been some contention over her choice not to wear a white dress. Her mother thought it acceptable, but Gretchen was very aware she was anything but a virgin and so traditional white and what it represented would just seem like a lie to her. Sure, brides did it all the time, but she was not all brides, she had to be herself. So pale blue was her choice. It set off the gray of her eyes perfectly.

  Her mother had chosen a blue, beaded dress, and her sister, as her Matron of Honor, also got to choose her own dress so long as it was blue. Hers was blue lace atop a loosely fitted off-white sheath dress.

  "Off we go!" Gretchen's father told them, jovial as can be.

  When they got to the chapel, the wedding planner was there, choreographing everything. Gretchen was told where to stand and reminded when it was time for her and her father to walk down the aisle. Amy had sprinkled yellow rose petals down the path and stood near her grandmother's seat at a pew.

  Before her, things were a tunnel. Only she and the pastor and Rowdy were there as she headed down the carpet, in her vision. He looked so handsome in his western tuxedo and string tie. Rowdy was like something from one of her most wistful dreams. He was everything she could have asked for, and the only man for her.

  Her father handed her off to him and they said their vows. She promised to love, honor, and obey. There was no question about that last stricture because Rowdy would be the head of their household and there was no disagreement or resentment. Gretchen wanted it that way. It was a little less responsibility she'd have to shoulder, and she was grateful.

  They kissed. It was a promise as certain as their vows.

  Amy ran ahead of them as they returned down the aisle to greet their families and friends. She ran directly to Bear, who had been Rowdy's best man and whom she'd met only once, pointed back the way she came, and said, "That's Rowdy. He's my daddy."

  Patricia Green

  Bestselling author, Patricia Green, is a full-time fiction writer specializing in erotic romance. She provides the reader with love stories that emphasize fun characters with quirky personalities. Patricia is the author of more than 30 published novels and novellas as well as an ever-growing collection of short stories.

  In her personal life, Patricia is married, and the mother of twins. When she’s not being the angel of domestic harmony and a semi-crazed creator of fictional friends, she loves to read, draw digital art, and watch rodeo.

  Visit her blog here:

  Don’t miss these exciting titles by Patricia Green and Blushing Books!

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  Rodeo Roughies


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  Stagecoach Daddies

  I Can’t Be Your Daddy

  Amanda’s Daddy

  The Problem with Daddy

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  Virtue, Arizona Series

  The Doctor's Daughter

  Charity and the Preacher

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  Romantek Series

  The Winner, Book One

  Charlotte & the Pirate, Book Two

  Eddie, My Love, Book Three

  My Vacation in Rio, Book Four

  * * *

  The Journey Series

  Liv's Journey, Book 1

  Ace-High Flush, Book 2

  Spanking Her Highness, Book 3

  Deuce's Dancer, Book 4

  Jackie Draws a Straight, Book 5

  Journey's End, Book 6

  Journey's Valentine, Book 7

  * * *

  The Stillwater Books

sp; The Strong Silent Type

  Handling Stormy

  * * *

  Single Titles

  The Girl with the Thistle Tattoo

  Master of Two (with Karin Ito)

  The Blacksmith’s Bride

  Kiki’s Millionaire

  Discipline Down Under

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  The Sons of Johnny Hastings Box Set

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