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Pam-Ann Page 17

by Lindsey Brooks

  Rafael took his time, waiting for Persephone’s more frantic struggles to subside after each blow before giving her the next. He had reached eighteen and the shade of the first welts was deepening to purple when her breathless cries subtly changed in tone. The note of pain and anguish remained but was joined by a huskiness, which revealed that was not all she was feeling.

  “Ooh, Master! I was naughty. I admit it.”

  The cane smacked down hard, deeply indenting the flesh of her buttocks. They bounced back as if to welcome the next stroke. As Drake raised his arm Persephone squirmed madly.

  “Oh, I’m a bad girl! I can’t help it.” Her cries rose in pitch. “Ooh, I’m sorry! I’ll be good. Really I will.” A strangled groan of torment followed the next crack and thud of the rattan and she heaved herself up by the straps on her wrists and ankles. “Yes, yes, I deserve it. I’m so naughty. I should be caned. I should be whipped too. It’s only right.”

  Drake said nothing as she continued babbling, growing less coherent with each stroke that followed. He did not stop until he had dealt her at least forty by Pam’s guess. He bent and examined her buttocks. They were a half-dozen shades of red and as many of purple, and on one of them a thin, bloody line had appeared.

  “That’s enough,” he said.

  Persephone stopped her frenzied struggles, blinked away a wash of tears and stared at him from between her parted legs. The outer lips of her sex gaped, revealing the inner ones were bright pink and puffy. At their apex her bud swelled and shone. “Ooh my pussy’s going crazy,” she said between gasps. “Give it to me, Rafael. Oh, I want it now!”

  “How often does a slave girl get what she wants?” He flicked the cane onto her bottom once more, but less harshly than before.

  She wriggled. “Ooh, my bum’s on fire! Oh, Lord, so’s my pussy! Please, I need your cock.”

  He grinned. “But nobody cares what a slave girl needs.” Dropping the cane, he smoothed a finger slowly along the inside of her right thigh and stopped the movement just short of her damply gleaming sex-lips. With growing resentment, Pam saw them tighten and then relax. “How many times have you taken a slave to the edge and left her dangling there for your own amusement? Did you care that they were deprived of their pleasure?” Drake pulled the finger away as she thrust her pussy towards it. She whimpered her frustration.

  “That’s different. They’re just slaves.”

  “And tonight you’re a slave too, and you’ll have to put up with whatever I decide will or won’t be done to you. Ann, get on the bed.”

  Drifting amidst the warm buzz of her own arousal Pam had almost forgotten she was ‘Ann’. She shook herself, turned her gaze from the deep-red head of Rafael’s upright shaft and obeyed. He picked up the oil-coated butt-plug Milly had fetched and waved it in Persephone’s direction.

  “Spread her ass.”

  Gasping and groaning, the blonde bucked as Pam clasped her hands over her fiercely hot and ravaged rear-cheeks. She held herself tense against her straps for a second and then sagged back helplessly. Pam drew her buttocks apart and Drake leaned forward and pressed the plug to the blonde’s anus. In her drugged state and with tremors running the length of her sheath, the American girl was more fascinated than repelled by the sight of Persephone’s little rear muscle expanding under the pressure of the plug’s domed tip, stretching quite alarmingly as the thick rubber forced it open and clenching around its narrow neck after Drake had pushed the full length inside.

  The slender blonde wriggled her hips and gave a long, breathy sigh. Pam released her grip on the burning hot buttocks. She had almost felt their throb and sting as she had separated them, though it seemed the butt-plug’s insertion had given Persephone a distraction from her pain. Her small, hard-nippled breasts rose and fell quickly as she stared through passion-slitted eyes at the dildo in Rafael’s hand. To Pam’s puzzlement he took a handkerchief and knotted it about three inches behind the rounded end of the phallus.

  “Yes. Oh, yes please!” Persephone cried, and gave another wiggle of her hips as he approached.

  “No, it’s not going in your pussy.”

  “Oh, you bastard!” Persephone jerked at the straps securing her, shaking her head wildly in a futile attempt to avoid Drake gripping her jaw with one hand. “No, don’t. Oh, you rotten… urgh!”

  Rafael forcing her mouth open and pushing the dildo between her lips cut her off. He tied the ends of the handkerchief together behind her head and straightened up, smiling thinly as she glared at him with her breath rasping around the shaft rising from her mouth.

  “You can spend the night like that,” he said. “Think about how it feels. Ask yourself if you could stand it day after day, never knowing when someone might decide to have you bound or chained or flogged. Ask if you’d find it so exciting then.” He pressed a fingertip to the shiny pearl of her erect clitoris. She made incoherent noises and tried to rub herself on his finger. He pulled it away and rose from the bed. “But I think I already know what your answer will be,” he said quietly. “Out, slaves. Ann, bring my clothes.” He turned in the doorway. “I’ll be locking up the slave girls so don’t expect them to free you, and I won’t let Eve do it either. You’re there ’til morning, ’Sephone.” He closed the door on the noises she began making around the gag.

  Drake did not lock the girls in the penthouse’s tiny slave room. “Keep an eye on her, Tania,” he ordered, with a jerk of his head towards the closed bedroom door. “But make sure she doesn’t know you’re there or I’ll see that you take her place. Milly, you….” He laughed softly and shook his head. Milly was already on her back on the couch, one hand moving swiftly between her legs.

  Rafael turned to face Pam. She looked up from the hard cock rearing imperiously from his groin and saw desire, dark and fierce and fiery, in the eyes that stared deep into hers. Prickling shivers ran across Pam’s skin and surged and rippled within her sex. Part of her was horrified by the sudden, eager anticipation the other part was feeling. Rafael grabbed her wrist and her heart leaped as he dragged her into his bedroom. He snapped the lights on, impatiently swept the clothing he had told her to carry from her hands, and dragged the covers from the bed.

  “I can’t wait any longer. I’ve got to have you.” He flung Pam onto the mattress. His weight coming down on her increased the pain in her buttocks, and then it was forgotten in the sudden flare of heat across her skin where his body met hers. Broad fingers slid between her legs, probing impatiently, heightening the wet heat that had instantly flared within her sex. Rafael raised himself above her. Pam’s thighs parted of their own volition, her back arched to lift her hips and her breath hissed sharply through her teeth as his broad-headed shaft pushed aside her nether lips and slid deep into her sheath. A rush of immense pleasure and excitement thrilled through her and made her cry out.

  Rafael took her hard but not brutally. He thrust to the limit, crushing his loins against her fleshy outer-lips and grinding his pubis against her soft mons before drawing back to thrust again. It felt wonderful. Her vision blurred until all she could see were coloured lights flashing behind her eyes. Wild spasms surged in her sheath as it clenched ecstatically around the hard flesh filling it. Pam writhed, head spinning in a climax more incredible and intense than she had ever felt before.

  She bent her knees and drew them up, spreading herself more to deepen his entry and increase the quivering pleasure tingling through her pussy. Twice more she bucked and squirmed in the raptures of orgasms that struck sparks from the madly rippling walls of her sex and in her whirling brain. She came a fourth time as Rafael spent himself and eventually sagged sweating and panting on top of her. He rested his head in the angle of her neck and shoulder. His hot breath caressed the skin of her throat. A heartbeat later his lips did the same. Drained though she was, Pam felt a thrill of pleasure.

  When his ragged breathing had steadied, Rafael kissed her again, this time on the mouth, avidly, greedily. Pam responded with equal hunger, pussy trembling aro
und the half-hard manhood still filling it. She was conscious of the ache he had reawakened in her buttocks and her breasts felt sore and tender from the pins that had pierced them only that afternoon, but when Rafael’s exploring hand closed around her right tit the discomfort slipped away. He closed his lips over its point, nibbling and tugging on the rapidly elongating flesh. Pam caught her breath. Her nipple was not all that was swelling. The cock within her expanded, thickening and lengthening until her sheath was simmering with need once more.

  Rafael took her more slowly the second time, at least to begin with, but Pam’s passion was the equal of his own and just as demanding. Gripped once more by the urgency of their desire, they made love with the same frantic need for fulfilment as they had the first time and, for Pam, with the same astounding effects. When Rafael eased his weight from her she remained unmoving, breasts rising and falling, her sex still sparkling and her head spinning. The feelings were too wonderful to feel guilt about what she had done, or to contemplate the consequences. That would keep for later. His forearm rested over her navel, heavy, warm and damp.

  “I meant to take my time, but you….” He gave a breathless laugh. “You were just too tempting.”

  Pam’s belly flipped. He propped himself on one elbow, his expression abruptly serious.

  “You saw the black thing, right? Somewhere out over the ocean?”

  “The blackness?” The warm buzz in her brain receded. She took a long breath. “I was in it. That’s how I came here.”

  This time he listened, not once interrupting. When she had finished, he continued to stare at her and she knew he was not seeing her face.

  “My father was right,” he said into the lengthening silence. “I always knew it. No one else believed him, or they said they didn’t. But they wouldn’t want to scare the passengers away. And they broke him when they couldn’t keep him quiet.” He gave a shake of his head. “You can really pass through it? Like a door? A gateway? From another world? Another Earth, just like ours?”

  “Nothing like yours.” Pam shivered. “No one can own another person where I come from.”

  “They don’t have slaves? Are you serious?”

  “Of course. They don’t flog women either.” She thought of Rick. Well, it was near enough the truth. An awful ache of homesickness filled her heart. Tears prickled the corners of her eyes.

  Rafael lay back, slipped his arm around her shoulders and drew her close until her cheek rested on his chest. “It’s hard to believe.” His arm tightened momentarily. “But I do believe you. It explains so much about how you acted in the beginning, and even now. But how anything can work without slaves is beyond me. It must be a crazy place.”

  With no way to explain it in a few words Pam did not try. It was too pleasant to simply lie in his arms. For the first time she felt truly relaxed, if only for a fleeting moment.

  “I saw it once, or thought I did.” His mind was clearly still on the blackness, though Pam’s was on the warmth and strength of the body pressing against her own, and the effect it was having. “It crossed the face of the moon when I was third on the Empire’s Defiance. I turned towards it but the Captain ordered us back on course. Said it was something people only saw at the end of a long watch when their eyes were tired and their bunks were calling to them.” His deep breath lifted his chest and the crisp hairs there tickled Pam’s cheek. “I knew different. My father had described it, or rather he hadn’t. He said there was no describing it, just like you did. And I could never describe what I saw either, except that it was black and it hurt my eyes. But I’ve always wanted a closer look. I’ve worked hard to get it. I’ll be a captain some day soon and when I am I’ll find that black thing and prove my father wasn’t a fool or a drunkard. Let all the crew and passengers see it and the companies won’t be able to explain it away so easily.”

  “It’s dangerous. It’s better avoided.” It was also the only thing that could take her home.

  “It cost my father everything; his job, his captain’s rank, the respect of his friends and colleagues.”

  “I’m sorry,” Pam said, surprised that she meant it. He was another self-centred male, more cruel than he was kind, as he had shown by caning Persephone. He saw nothing wrong with enslaving and beating women, and could not even imagine a society in which equality of the sexes could exist. She had no reason to feel any sympathy for him. Yet she did.

  He turned to her and her belly tightened as her sex rippled. His cock was hard, the head deep red, taut and still shiny with the mingled juices of their earlier coupling.

  “God, I want you!” he said, and seized her lips with his.

  This time his lovemaking was slower and gentler, and Pam was grateful. Her pierced breasts and nipples felt sore again. Her nether lips were bruised and puffy from the frenzied couplings, but it did not stop them tingling and quivering beneath the touch of Rafael’s warm tongue and broad fingertips after he had kissed his way down her belly and sunk his head between her thighs. His lips nibbled her clitoris, teasing and tickling. His fingers moved gently over the trembling walls of her pussy, pushing towards the little ridge high in front and rubbing the sensitive tissues they found there. Pam moaned and rolled her head from side to side as the pleasure flowed from him to her in long, rapturous ripples of delight. He began sucking her bud and she felt all control deserting her. Without regret she let it slip away.

  When he mounted her, her pussy shimmered and sparkled with every leisurely movement of his rigid cock against the quivering membranes within. His lips found hers and their tongues tangled playfully and provocatively while he kept up his slow movements. The warmth in Pam’s belly became a mounting heat. Rafael kissed along the line of her jaw, her neck and the soft and suddenly so responsive skin of her breasts. She licked her lips and let a whimper escape them as his mouth closed on the cone of one aching nipple and sucked.

  “Excuse me, Mr. Drake, Sir.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Pam’s eyes opened wide and heat flamed across her cheeks. Eve stood in the open doorway. As Pam forced her squirming bottom into stillness, Rafael’s thrusts slowed but did not stop.

  “Er… Miss Peake. I guess you already know, but she’s….” The bodyguard could not quite smother her grin. “She’s tied to her bed, Sir, and her ass looks awful.”

  “Leave her that way.” Rafael showed no sign of the embarrassment that was making Pam’s belly curl. “Don’t worry, I’ll free her myself later. You go to bed, and don’t go back in her room before you do.”

  Eve shrugged. “Whatever you say.” She turned, paused and looked back. “Sir, Miss Peake won’t be needing her girls tonight. Do you think…? That is, if Milly would….”

  His laugh made his cock jiggle in Pam’s pussy. She gasped and gave an involuntary jerk of her hips.

  “Okay, go ahead. Knowing Milly, she’s still awake and playing with herself.” He began thrusting harder before the bodyguard had even finished thanking him. His lips closed over Pam’s. Her head spun. Hot, wild spasms seized her sex.

  The lights were off when she awoke. The darkness was not quite the black of night, nor yet the grey of dawn. Lying on her side, Pam felt Rafael slide back onto the bed. The warm breadth of his chest met her back and the nervous fluttering of her stomach changed to quivering arousal as the length of his rigid cock pressed against the crease in her bottom.

  “I freed ’Sephone,” he said softly. “Tania’s putting salve on her ass. I swear she gets crazier with every trip.” For long seconds he stroked the skin over her hip, then slid his hand upwards to cup her right breast. She sighed as his finger and thumb teased its erect tip. Warm, buzzing excitement forced every thought from Pam’s mind. She wriggled her rear cheeks against his straining shaft and felt the rumble of his soft laughter in his chest. He pushed the upper of her legs forwards, bending her knee, and shifted slightly. The thick head of his cock pushed against her prickling pussy.

  “Want to go again, sweetheart?”

  Her heart le
apt. “Yes. Oh, yes please!” Careless of her swollen labia and aching buttocks and breasts, Pam gave a jerk of her hips that thrust her backwards to meet his entry. Her passion surged.

  It was full daylight before they were sated. Pam lay half on top of Rafael, her right breast pressed to his chest, her right leg over his, its smooth, soft thigh resting on his muscular, hairy one. His arm lay across her back and his fingertips played gently over the thin ridges that wealed her buttocks. It felt good. She drifted, warm, satisfied and content. What was she doing, a small insistent voice called in the depths of her mind? She ignored it and relished the feel of his hard-muscled chest under her palm. For the first time since the blackness had taken her she felt safe, protected and free of fear. He had called her sweetheart. What did it mean? Her eyes closed. Tired but happy, she slept.


  Rafael leaned on one elbow and watched the girl. She was beautiful, lying beside him with the sun shining through the half-open blinds casting streamers of light across the curves and hollows of her body. She was from another world. It was hard to believe but, though there was no proof and never could be, he did believe it. He had never thought she was crazy, not even in the beginning when what she had said had made so little sense. Maybe that was why she seemed different, why he had been attracted to her more than any of the other beautiful slaves he had had over the years. He dismissed the idea. Whatever was drawing him to her had made him break his own rule about leaving the slave girls alone, and by not treating her as he did the others he was breaking the Company’s too, and risking his promotion to captain at the same time. The reason was a mystery, but he was sure it was not because she came from a different world.


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