The Alpha's Daughter: Shifter Clans Series Book 1

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The Alpha's Daughter: Shifter Clans Series Book 1 Page 6

by Tiffany Shand

  Josh snorted. “I won’t hurt her. We’ve blamed for enough crimes we didn’t commit already. Why don’t you both get out of my lands!”

  Magda laughed. “Your land? You’re not the alpha or even a real beta. Go!”

  Both mongrels fled.

  Christy clasped her hands together. “How…never mind.”

  “Come,” Magda snapped. “Josh is right, we have no business being here.”

  They moved on in silence. Instead of taking her back to Stargaza lands Magda led Christy up a steep path to the clifftop. Old ruined houses stood in a crumpled mess.

  “What is this place?” asked Christy. She didn’t recall seeing it anywhere on maps of the island.

  “This was once home to the witches when we came here five hundred years ago. It borders the Outland, but shifters were too afraid to come here after the clan wars,” Magda explained. “This is where I found you the day you were kidnapped.”

  Christy let out a breath. “Why didn’t you tell me?” she demanded. “Why have we come here?”

  “This place won’t give you many answers. I just brought you so you won’t go wandering around the Outland again. I don’t know who took you, I believe it had something to do with the alpha’s curse.”

  “Why? Is it because the curse doesn’t affect me?”

  “The clans and even the mongrels know you’re immune. That’s why so many people have come after you over the years.”

  Christy opened her mouth to ask more questions, closed it again. Instead, she wandered through the burned-out village. It felt eerie and desolate. She walked through each building, trying to match it with the placing her dream but nothing stood out. “Where did you find me?”

  “You were walking around in a daze. I tried to talk to you, but you weren’t coherent.” Magda sighed. “This was the place of power once, now look it.”

  Christy closed her eyes, let the dream flashed through her mind, groaned when she saw the same things. “Mags, I can’t mate with Alec. I don’t want to be shifter any more. I want you to make me human.”

  Magda’s eyes widened. “No, Christy, I won’t do that.”

  “Why not?” she snapped. “It’s what I want.”

  “Is it? You’d be losing part of your soul.”

  “I’ve never wanted to be a shifter, it’s a source of all my problems. People have been trying to kill or capture me since the day I was born. Well, I’ve had enough. I’ve made up my mind.”

  The witch looked away. “I promised your mother I’d protect you – even from yourself. I won’t take your wolf away. Josh is right. War is brewing between the clans and the mongrels, and you’re right at the centre of it.”

  Chapter 10

  Christy glanced at herself in the mirror. With her long brown locks hanging loose, chocolate brown eyes tinged with makeup, she no longer resembled the college student she’d been before.

  In her long white dress she looked just like a princess. It was sleeveless with a billowing skirt and roses attached to the waist. Now she looked like the alpha’s daughter in Stargaza white.

  She couldn’t avoid the meeting with Alec any longer. Henric would drag her down there if he had to.

  “I can’t do this, Magda,” Christy murmured.

  “Yes, you can.” Magda put her gnarled hands on Christy’s bare shoulders. “You can do anything you choose to.”

  “Oh yeah? How do I get out of this arrangement then?”

  Magda smiled.

  “Where is Ronan?” She hadn’t seen much of him since she’d come home, and missed his familiar presence.

  “I’m right here.” He appeared in the doorway.

  He looked different in a dark suit, blue shirt and tie. Handsome.

  He stared at her.

  “What?” she demanded

  “You – erm – look...”

  She rolled her eyes. “Ridiculous, yeah, I know.”

  “I was going to stay stunning.” He smiled. One of the rare smiles that lit up his rugged face.

  “Run along now,” Magda chided. “Stop staring at each other.”

  Christy laughed and took Ronan's hand. She didn’t care who saw them.

  The hall was crowded with shifters from both clans.

  The tension in the air was palpable. Not everyone agreed to this union.

  Christy felt her stomach drop when she saw Alec. With his chiselled body and mop of red hair, some women might consider him handsome. But his harsh dark eyes betrayed no emotion.

  She didn’t want to even look at him.

  Will you stay with me tonight? she asked.

  Ronan stared at her. Not like you to hide from anything.

  She smiled as his grin chased away some of the dread. You could at least dance with me, she added.

  I have two left feet.

  She snorted. I saw you dancing when we lived in London when you thought I wasn’t looking.

  “Christy!” Came her father’s curt voice.

  Christy took a deep breath. Here we go! She scurried over, meeting Alec’s hard gaze head on. If he expected a docile silent woman he’d be in for a disappointment. “Yes, Papa?”

  “Come spend time with your mate.” Henric motioned to Alec.

  “He’s not...” she started to protest but Henric cut her off. “We’ll start discussions later, first, why don't you spend some time together.” He shoved her in Alec’s direction.

  She almost tripped over her dress, but straightened.

  To Christy’s amazement, Ronan appeared by her side.

  “Alec,” was all she said by way of greeting.

  “That dress – I don’t like it,” Alec snapped. “You shouldn’t wear so something so revealing around other males.”

  Christy rolled her eyes. “I’ll wear whatever I damn well like.”

  His lips curled into a sneer, “So fiery I see. That will change once we’re mated.”

  “Who says we will be?” she snarled back.

  “You would dare defy your alpha?” Alec arched an eyebrow.

  “I’ll never mate with you, I’d sooner die first.” She turned and stormed off.

  She scanned the crowd for Magda and Lola.

  Lola was with Jerome, one of her father’s guards and Magda was nowhere in sight.

  Christy despised parties where she was the object of everyone’s attention.

  “Dance then?” Ronan asked.

  She smiled and took his hand, noting the glares from Alec and her father. She waltzed around with Ronan until he stopped, muttered an excuse as he scanned the crowd and hurried off.

  So much for keeping me company. She made small talk and moved through the throng of partygoers to find Ronan. She spotted him in the corner, talking to another man. The same man she’d seen him with at the cafe. He’d never explained why he’d met a mongrel.

  Henric appeared behind her, grabbing her arm and dragging her away. “Why aren’t you with Alec?”

  She glanced up at her father. “Because I can’t stand him.”

  “I won’t have you ruining to decades of work. You’ll mate with him...”

  “No, I won’t, Papa. I’ll leave instead.” She looked in Ronan’s direction, but saw he’d already disappeared.


  “No, I’m sick of being treated like a possession. I’m your daughter, not your property,” she cried. “Mama would never make do this.”

  “Maybe if you hadn’t killed her, I wouldn’t have to fight so hard to keep our clan alive.”

  Christy turned, ran out of the hall. She felt tears prick her eyes. She didn’t care of everyone had overheard them she just wanted to find Ronan again.

  She went outside onto the terrace, thinking he might’ve snuck out there. Instead, she found Alec waiting for her.

  “Go away,” she snapped.

  “You need to learn to hold your tongue. You made a fool of me in there.”

  “Like I said, I’d rather become a mongrel than be with you.”

  “I like yo
ur fire. It makes the hunt more enjoyable.” He grinned and grabbed her arm. “If you’re a mongrel I don't need to wait for our mating then.”

  With his other hand, he brought her head up and shoved his tongue into her mouth in a rough, demanding kiss.

  Christy slapped him, his head reeled back from the blow. “How dare you try to force yourself me!” She spat to get the vile taste of him out of her mouth.

  Alec only laughed and backhanded. “You can fight me all you want to, little wolf. You will be mine.”

  She drew her arm back, punched him in the face, feeling the crunch of bone and cartilage as her face throbbed.

  He might be a beta, but she’d be damned if she’d just roll over for him.

  Alec blinked, stared down at the blood pouring from his nose. “You’ll pay for that, you bitch.”

  Christy grinned, darted down the hall and back into the party. With so many of her clansmen around even Alec wouldn’t dare harm her in front of them.

  She had blood splattered across her dress so she blurred out. Her face throbbed from where he’d struck her and she dove into a storage cupboard.

  Tears pricked her eyes, not from Alec but from what Henric had said. He blamed her for her mother’s death. She’d always known it on some level, but it was another thing hearing it shouted at her in front of the entire clan.

  Christy sniffed, sank onto the floor. She hated being here, hated her father for what he’d force her to do. She’d care if Alec came and found her. She’d fight for her right to choose her own mate, her own life if she had to.

  Someone tapped on the door. “Christy?”

  Now he shows up! She looked up. “Go away, Ronan.”

  “Christy, are you okay? I smell blood.”

  Christy glanced down at her ruined dress. “I’m fine. Go away!” She didn’t want him to see her as a blubbering mess. He’d be livid when he found out what Alec had done.

  The door opened as he came in and clicked closed.

  Ronan pulled her up, cupped her face. “What did that bastard do to you?”

  She wiped her eyes, pulled away. “It doesn’t matter. Ronan, I can’t stay here anymore, I want to leave right now.”

  “What did he do?” he demanded.

  She rubbed her cheek where Alec had hit her, the bruise had already started to heal. “He tried to force himself on me. I punched him and he hit me back.”

  Christy had never seen him so angry. His eyes flashed gold as he started to shift. “Ronan, calm down!” She put her hands on his chest.

  “I’ll kill him!”

  “No, you won’t. You know you can’t. Ronan, listen to me.”

  He turned, made a dash for the door. She knew she couldn’t let him attack a beta.

  “Ronan, stop!” Christy moved in front of him. “Don’t you dare do anything stupid. That’s just–”

  Ronan caught hold of her waist, pulled her to him and kissed her. This kiss wasn’t savage like Alec’s kiss. It was hot, demanding, unlike their usual kisses.

  Christy’s eyes widened in shock, but she wrapped her arms around him and returned the kiss.

  Then just as quickly he pulled back. “We can’t do this. Not here.”

  She let out a sigh. No, they couldn’t risk being caught together. “Stay away from Alec. If you don’t, I’ll knock you out.”

  Ronan chuckled and stroked her cheek. “I miss you,” he admitted. “I wish we could be back in London again.”

  “Me too.” She rested her head against his chest as she hugged him. “Let’s get out of here.”

  “And go where?”

  “Anywhere. If Magda makes me human…”

  Ronan shook his head. “Chris, you can’t do that. Being a shifter is part of who you are.”

  “Christiana!” Henric’s voice bellowed down the hallway.

  Christy flinched at the sound. “I have to go. Meet me in my room later.”

  “Would you do it? Would you really run away with me?” he asked.

  “I’d go anywhere with you, Ro.” She squeezed his hand and fled.

  Chapter 11

  Ronan headed up to Christy’s room, knocked on the door. “Christy, we need to talk.”

  No reply came but he knew she was in there.

  “Come on, Christy, I know you’re there.”

  The door flew open, she yanked him inside. To his surprise, she now wore jeans, a thick coat and had a backpack over her shoulder.

  “I spoke to Magda, she’s got a way for us to get off the island.” She grinned. “Are you ready to go?”

  Ronan hesitated. “Are you sure you want to do this? You’ll be giving up everything.”

  Christy shook her head. “I’ve never had a real life of my own. This is our chance, Ro. We’ll finally have a chance to be together and have a normal life.”

  Ronan sighed. “Chris, I don’t know if I can just leave. I have responsibilities here on the island.”

  Her brow creased. “What responsibilities?”

  “I’m an outsider too. I don’t have a clan. I only joined the Stargaza in the hope of not being an outsider anymore.”

  Christy stared at him. “I guessed that, but why didn’t you tell me?”

  “I was afraid you wouldn’t feel the same way about me.”

  She laughed and kissed him. “Ro, please, let’s just go. We’ll figure out the rest later.”

  He knew Josh and the other mongrels would be closing in soon. He doubted Josh’s explanation of a peace talk. All he wanted to do was make sure Christy didn’t get caught in the crossfire, yet another part of him knew he couldn’t walk away again.

  Ronan hesitated. “Let’s just stay one more night. See what happens.”

  “What you hiding from me?” She put her hands on her hips. “Tell me now, or there’s no chance of us having any future.”

  “Mongrels, they’re coming here tonight to talk with your father. They want to talk about peace but...”

  “But you think they're coming to attack the clans.”

  “I don’t know,” Ronan admitted.

  “We need to go and make sure Malic doesn’t get hurt.”

  He grabbed her hand. “But...”

  “I can’t leave without making sure my brother is okay first.”

  Ronan hurried after Christy down the hall. The party had long since ended.

  They heard a scream and a loud sound of howling as they got to the balcony.

  They both peered over the railing. Below, a dozen grey and black wolves clawed and mauled at Henric, knocking the alpha to the ground, leaving him unable to shift as they attacked him from all sides.

  Christy gasped. “Mongrels.”

  “No, they’re Imperious wolves.”

  A blur of white came as Mal launched himself into the throng of snarling shifters.

  “Mal...” Ronan covered her mouth. Don’t say anything. Listen to me, we have to run and we have to go now.

  But Malic... She looked down over the railing, her heart in her chest, watching Mal tear into the crowd of shifters attacking their father.

  We can’t save him. I’m sorry.

  She made a move to run Ronan caught hold of her. Christy, we need to get out of here. You know what Alec will do if he gets hold of you.

  She nodded, tears filling her eyes. They darted down the corridor, the sound of more shouts and screams rang out.

  Once down the hall, Ronan led her straight onto the balcony that overlooked the gardens. Jump, he told her and leapt over the railing. He landed on his feet, watched her dive down.

  Ronan grabbed her hand. They sprinted through the gardens. A howl went out and three wolves raced after them.

  “Go. I’ll hold them off.”

  “No, I’m not leaving you,” Christy protested.

  “Go.” He gave her a quick kiss. “I'll be right behind you.”

  Christy hugged him then took off.

  He turned to face the Imperious shifters and instead came face-to-face with Oren.

well. I haven’t seen your face for a long time, boy.” The old man smiled.

  Ronan’s fists clenched, claws coming out. Bone and muscle popped as he shifted and threw himself at the warlock.

  Light flashed as Ronan fell to the ground, a deep pain in his side.


  Branches and twigs snagged on her clothes as Christy hurried out. She’d almost reached the edge of the clearing that led to the woods and out of the mansion’s grounds.

  Someone blurred behind her and caught hold of her arm. “Where do you think you’re going?” Alec hissed in her ear. “You won’t get away from me so easily.”

  Christy span around to face him, eyes burning hot amber. “You son of a bitch!” Fire formed in her hand.

  He howled when her magic hit him in the face, screaming for help.

  Her claws came out, Christy felt herself starting to shift. She wanted to rip his heart out, tear him limb from limb with her claws and teeth then watch him burn. She shook her head, making her body stay in its human form.

  Alec doubled over in agony.

  Christy stared, dumbstruck. Had her rage turned into power?

  “Christy, go.” Magda came up behind her. “Run!”

  “I’ll kill you, witch,” Alec snarled.

  “Ha, I’ve been protecting her longer than you’ve been in power, boy,” Magda snapped. “Go, Christy. Find the outsiders. They’ll help you. I’ll be right behind you.”

  Christy stared at Magda, tears in her eyes. They both knew Magda wouldn’t be coming with her.

  “No, I won’t leave you, Mags.”

  An invisible force shoved her away. “Go, run!”

  “I’ll come back to you, Magda. I promise.” She turned and fled.

  Trees blurred along with tears as she raced through the forest. Her wolf demanded to be let out but she refused. If she let it out, she knew she’d give in and return to get revenge on Alec. When she reached the border, Christy stopped. A wolf flew at her, biting down on her arm.

  Then another one came. Both shifters knocked her to the ground, mauling and tearing at her clothes.

  She felt her own wolf at the edge of her mind, clawing to get out.

  Both shifters tore into her flesh, trying to weaken her prevent her escape.

  She went limp, knowing it was pointless to struggle. They ended their assault, and started dragging her back towards the mansion.


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