Tragically Flawed
Page 7
He moved then, but just enough to let her through. She had to brush against him and when she did, her blood turned into rocket fuel. Her nipples hardened into granite as they slid across his chest; her abs clenched as though something had seized them, and everything centered straight down to her core, arousing her like nothing she’d ever felt. Riviera never knew a sexual response could be so acute, so pleasurably painful, but she wanted him with every firing neuron in her awakened body. She didn’t dare stop or look at him, because if she had, her hands would’ve unwittingly wrapped themselves in his hair, and her mouth would’ve tasted his as she licked and bit his lips.
“Fuck,” she muttered as she passed.
“What’s that?” he purred.
She squeezed her thighs to squelch the throbbing ache that tortured her. Not daring to look at him, she said, “Stuck. I said we’re stuck.”
“If only, Riviera.” He never touched her, other than where their bodies brushed each other’s.
She was finally past him and dashed to her car. Throwing all her stuff in the trunk, she hopped inside and peeled out of the driveway, tires squealing as she left. There was only one thing that would ease her condition right now, and she was headed home to take care of business, before her hoo-hah exploded.
Shan wasn’t in any better shape. He couldn’t even move for a few minutes, for fear of making a mess of himself. He leaned against the wall and stared at the lovely mural. In the future, any time he looked at that damn thing, he knew he’d get a hard-on.
Chapter Nine
The small group of women were chatting and moving toward the door when Riviera heard someone softly calling her name. Turning around, she saw it was Jenny Lynch, one of the women in her support group.
“Hey, Jenny.”
“I just wanted to let you know that you’ve really inspired me.”
Riviera brows rose in surprise. “I have? How?”
Jenny smiled shyly. “When I first joined this group, I didn’t think I had what it took to leave Randy. I was so scared and I just knew I could never make it on my own. He made me feel so worthless all those years, but after listening to you, what you went through, and how well you’re doing now, I sort of made up my mind that I could do it too.”
A couple of things happened. Riviera’s heart swelled with pride. No one, not her mother or father, that asshole Jasper, or anyone she could name had ever said anything like that to her. Second, the fact that she could help someone drag herself out of a life in hell meant more to her than if she’d been handed a million dollars. For the first time in her life, she wept tears of pure joy and didn’t try to hide them.
The two women hugged and laughed.
“I’m sorry I got all gooey on you, but it’s not often I feel like that. Come to think of it, I’ve never felt like that,” Riviera sniffed.
“I know what you mean.”
A flyer advertising the auction and fundraiser for Shelby’s Shack hung on a bulletin board behind Jenny’s shoulder. Riviera asked, “You don’t paint by any chance, do you?”
“You mean pictures?”
“No, like walls and stuff.”
“The kind of stuff you do? I don’t know. I’ve never tried.”
“Would you like to learn?”
“Maybe. What did you have in mind?”
“I’ve decided to spruce up the walls in the house that’s going to be auctioned. You know, in the hopes of raising the bids,” Riviera explained. “I’m going to put some faux finishes in some of the rooms. Want to learn?”
“Are you serious? I’d love to!” Jenny squealed.
“That would be awesome. I'd love to teach you the basics and then it would free me up to do the more complex stuff. I want to paint a couple of murals in two of the bedrooms. You know, some fantasy type things are non-gender specific. Something on the order of Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings. You busy tomorrow night?”
“Nope, I can meet you at six. Is that good?”
“Perfect. You know where it is?”
“Yeah. I’ll see you then!”
Riviera was a bit relieved because she’d been stressing over how would accomplish all the changes she wanted to make in the auction house. With Jenny’s help, she could see them becoming a reality.
With the auction only six weeks away, Riviera was working her ass off. Doing her regular job during the day, and then spending time at night at the Shelby’s Shack house, she was whipped. Jenny had worked out to be a perfect fit. She was an apt pupil and had a great eye for the technique. Riviera had been impressed. After watching her that first night for about fifteen minutes, Riviera turned her loose. Jenny had freed Riviera up to create her ideas and it saved her tons of time in the end.
The great news was that she was nearly done. She was on the last room, what she hoped would be a little girl’s room. The ceiling was painted in soft, fluffy white clouds on a background of the palest blue gray. It was so pretty, Riviera knew she would repeat this in another home.
Standing on her makeshift scaffold, which consisted of two ladders with wide planks stretched across the rungs, she softened some of the last clouds she’d painted.
Shan was on his way to check on some things and noticed the light on in the house.
Those damn subs. I’ve told them over and over to make sure everything’s turned off when they leave, but do you think they can follow simple directions? Shit.
He hadn’t been in this house in over two months. He avoided it like the damn plague, and if he’d had his way, he would never walk in this fucking place again. He wished the next six weeks would fly by so he could unload this cursed site.
Dropping his head into his hands, he rubbed his face. He wondered if he’d ever get over it. He doubted it.
You just didn’t get over something this huge. That’s like asking the Titanic to get over that iceberg. Yeah, fucking right.
When he entered through the back, he walked into the kitchen and did a double take. All the walls had been changed.
“Riviera,” he smiled.
He could tell immediately. Everything had her touch on it. Moving through each room, he became more and more astounded as he stared at her work.
When in the hell had she done all this, he wondered? Every room in the house had a different technique, a different signature, and they were all perfectly fitting for this place. She had increased the value of this home by God only knew how much.
He smiled as he headed up the stairs, wondering what surprises were in store for him. The biggest one was when he spied her on a ladder, finishing up the ceiling.
“You really are an angel, you know.”
“Aiiiyyee!” her hands flew out in front of her and she lost her balance on the plank. Shan didn’t waste a second getting to her and snagged her right in time as her breath whooshed out of her.
He held her next to his chest as he asked her, “You okay?”
“Yeah. Thanks.” Her heart hitched as her belly did a one-eighty.
They stared at each other until he set her feet on the ground. Riviera wished he’d kept holding her and maybe even kissed her.
“I’m sorry I frightened you. How long have you been working on this?”
She smiled shyly and said, “A little over a month.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
She shrugged. “I don’t know.”
“Why, Riviera? You do know, but you just don’t want to tell me.”
Their eyes met for a moment, but then she looked away. She got the impression he could see all the way into her soul. It was disconcerting so she busied herself with the hem of her shirt.
“Riviera,” he whispered, “you’re one of them, aren’t you?”
Her eyes widened as she gaped at him, but she didn’t answer. Not because she didn’t want to. But because there was just so damn much to say and it was so fucking humiliating.
He finally understood what it was he saw in her eyes. They wer
e the eyes of a wounded soul. He wanted her to know she could trust him so he assured her by saying, “Riviera, I’ll never lay a hand on you or be aggressive toward you. I’ll never physically harm you, in any way … ever. I promise you’ll always be safe with me.”
Their eyes locked again, but this time she assessed him as she gave him a long, searching look.
“Do you understand what I’m telling you?”
“Yes,” she murmured.
“One day, when you trust me enough to tell me, I’ll be here for you. I want you to know something, though. What you’ve done here is amazing and I think you added at least another ten grand to the bidding price.”
Shan watched her face brighten. “You honestly think so?”
“Yes, I do!”
“That’s great. Shelby’s Shack has helped me out so much ...” She stopped suddenly, realizing she’d spilled the beans. She started chewing on her lip.
“Riviera, I already figured it out. It’s okay. You can talk about it or not, but it’s not a secret to me.”
She relaxed slightly and nodded. “It’s so humiliating. I’m ashamed of it, if you want to know the truth.”
Right then, the only thing Shan wanted to do was to hold her close and assure her there was nothing for her to be ashamed of or embarrassed about. Shan watched her closely and caught the shadow of fear in her eyes that she tried to keep hidden. He wanted to find the bastard who hurt her and beat him within an inch of his life.
“Don’t you ever be embarrassed or ashamed over what some asshole did to you. You understand me? No one deserves that, Riviera, no one!”
His vehemence surprised her. As she looked at him, her discomfort slowly dissolved, and she became hyperaware of his face, his arms, his body. Her anxiety of being found out was soon replaced by intense arousal as her body flamed at the sight of him. It didn’t take long for her breasts to grow heavy as her nipples turned to stiff points. Her eyes instantly dropped to see if they were noticeable through her thin T-shirt.
She’d taken off her hoodie earlier, and now she was sorry because her brazen peaks were clearly visible. Riviera’s cheeks stung with fire as she crossed her arms over her chest. Her wish to run and hide was so strong, until she heard his deep, husky voice break through her thoughts.
“I think they look so blatantly sexy, but my only problem is I’d like to put my mouth there and suck them until I hear you moan.”
Riviera’s mouth formed an O as she drew in a long, shaky breath, knowing quite certain she could very possibly climax just hearing him speak. And how does one respond to that, she wondered?
Knowing what he wanted more than anything stood fewer than three feet from him, but also knowing that he couldn’t touch her, Shan thought he would join the ranks of the insane.
“God, Riviera, you’re beautiful. Everything about you is extraordinary. It’s something I’ve wanted to say for quite some time now. I’m sorry. I probably shouldn’t say this to you, but I want nothing more right now than to kiss your sweet mouth.” He clamped his eyes shut, afraid he would see a look of disgust on her face. In all likelihood, she would be mortified at what else he wanted to do to her. Shan wisely kept those thoughts to himself.
Seeing his pained expression, Riviera knew she had to taste his lips. One step. Two. And then her hands were on his face and her lips were tentatively seeking his. It had seemed like a lifetime ago since she had willingly kissed someone, and the few times she had, she’d never felt the need that was gripping her now. In the early days, when Jasper had been sweet to her, he’d occasionally kissed her, but never thoroughly, or properly for that matter. Jasper had done terrible things to her with his mouth, but none of them had involved the kind of kissing one does to one’s lover.
Once Riviera’s lips touched Shan’s, a spark ignited deep within her, building into a turbulent inferno that turned her lower half into a massive, throbbing ache. Shan groaned into her mouth as he opened his and touched her lips with his tongue. He knew he should stop, but he needed more of Riviera tonight. Sliding his fingers into her hair, he tilted her head, just enough so he could mold himself to her. Not wanting to frighten her, he eased his tongue around hers, needing to know every bit of her. His heart was sprinting, but when her hand moved from his face to his waist and squeezed him, he jerked so fiercely, he was sure he would come any minute.
“God, you’re so perfect, Riviera,” he breathed raggedly. “Is there anything about you that isn’t?”
He meant it in earnest, for in truth he thought there could never be anyone more perfect in his eyes, but she eyed him suspiciously.
“What do you mean by that?”
“Exactly what I asked. I think you are the most perfect woman I’ve ever seen. One look from you and I’m fucking destroyed. Look at me, Riviera. I don’t think I can make it any plainer. I know you don’t trust me, but I’m being honest with you. When I look at you, I see an amazing woman. That’s what I meant.”
Her reaction to his words slammed into his heart and rearranged his guts. He watched her face shift from suspicion to disbelief. Then something else happened. Her eyes puddled until fat drops leaked down her cheeks.
“Please, don’t cry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.” He held her face and swept the tears away.
“No, that’s not it. It’s just that no one has ever said such kind things ...” She couldn’t go on for the knots in her belly and throat, and she knew if she tried to speak, the tears would truly rush out.
Placing the heels of her palms against her eyes, she took a shuddering breath. And another one. And yet again. Shan wanted to soothe her somehow but didn’t know what to do, so he encased her in his arms and held her. He wasn’t sure if that was the right or wrong thing, because as soon as he did, she started to sob.
“It’s okay, Riviera.”
Riviera was trying to get hold of her emotions. For whatever reason, though, it wasn’t happening. When it finally did, she was more embarrassed than ever.
“God, I’m such a loser. I’m so sorry,” she hiccupped.
“Hey, don’t be. You can cry on my shoulder whenever you need it.”
“I really don’t know what got into me.”
“Like I said, don’t worry about it, okay?”
“Yeah. I think I really should go.” She needed to get away from him, to think clearly about everything that had just happened.
“Let me help you to your car.”
Riviera watched Shan out of the corner of her eye to see if he looked at her like she was a flipping lunatic. But he didn’t … at all. In fact, when he did glance her way, his crystal blue eyes were warm and inviting, making her want to crawl right inside of them.
As they moved toward the door, Riviera put her hand on his arm, stopping him. “Shan, thank you. For everything. It means a lot to me. I may not say it, but I appreciate it. It’s hard for me to open up sometimes and I’m sorry for that.”
He leaned into her and kissed her cheek. “You’re welcome,” he whispered in her ear, causing shivers to run up and down her body. “This is going to be amazing for Shelby’s Shack.”
Riviera’s body was heated all the way home and into the night. Her dreams were tinged with images of a gentle, beautiful man who treated her like an angel.
Chapter Ten
Mouth Porn
“Come on, Riviera. You gotta come with us,” Amie begged.
Riviera rolled her eyes. “You know that’s not my thing.”
“But it’s just a group of girls going out for a night of fun. There’s a great band playing and it’ll be fun for you to get out and do something different.”
Riviera never went to clubs. When she was with Jasper, he didn’t allow it. She went with him once and when they got home, he beat the crap out of her because he accused her of flirting with all the guys. It wasn’t true, but afterward, Jasper told her if he ever heard of her setting foot in a club again, he would kill her. She never doubted him.
“They freak me out. You know why.�
Amie reached out and held her friend’s hand. “But don’t you see? That’s the very reason you should go. To prove to yourself once and for all that fucker can’t touch you anymore.”
Riviera’s eyes clouded with suspicion. She hugged herself and moved to sit on the couch. “Oh, Amie, I wish it were that simple. My biggest fear is if I go, I’ll imagine him all over that place.”
“I’ll hold your hand. Every minute if I have to.”
“Okay, you win. But I swear I’m taking my car and if I feel weird at all, I’m out of there.”
“Cool. I’m good with that.”
Amie admired Riviera when she came out of her room. Dressed in tight, faded jeans and a black one-shouldered top, she looked great. The black knee-high boots and minimal makeup finished the outfit. Of course, Amie thought, Riviera didn’t really need any makeup to look great. Her porcelain skin and perfect eyes looked great no matter what.
“You will be the envy of every woman in that club tonight!”
Riviera huffed. “Yeah, right. Faded, ripped jeans, boots so old they’re way past their day, and a shirt I’ve had forever? I’m sure, Amie. Have you been sniffing glue?”
Amie laughed. “Just wait and see. Then I’ll get to say I told you so.”
“You’re the one they’ll be after, with your perfect figure and all. Plus, you're like a guy magnet. You have so much confidence in yourself and guys love that.”
The girls hopped in their separate cars and took off for Rock It Out. The parking lot was already full by the time they arrived.
“I hope the girls snagged us a table. I didn’t think it would be this packed already.”
“I’m not worried because I’m not planning to stay long.”
“Don’t be so pessimistic.”
Riviera just grinned.
They paid the ten bucks cover and hunted the place for the rest of their friends. Amie spotted them first and waved, heading over to their small, crowded table.
The girls hugged, happy to see that Riviera did indeed show. Drinks were ordered—Riviera hardly ever drank, so she nursed the vodka and grapefruit for a long time. When the band launched into their first song, Riviera was amazed at how great they were. She was checking out the place constantly, but Amie grabbed her hand and told her it was all cool. Eventually she settled into the night and started to enjoy herself.