1 God - Poems on God , Creator - volume 2

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1 God - Poems on God , Creator - volume 2 Page 6

by Nikhil Parekh

There was house to protect my family; impart it with the security it overwhelmingly desired in times of fear and night,

  There was beloved to protect my heart; hamper it from getting trapped into the aisles of irrevocable frustration,

  There was mother to protect my senses; see to it that all my dreams manifested themselves into reality,

  And there was God to protect my life; save me from all difficulties and barricades whichever came my way; see to it that I blissfully breathed & lived my full quota of life; till the purpose I had taken birth for on his land; was fully satisfied.






  Even if you crippled me for life; horrendously maiming both my arms and feet,

  Even if you made me blind; snatching inevitable centers of vision from my body,

  Even if you kicked me at every corner of life; making me taste the dirt on the dusty streets,

  Even if you stripped my flesh off; whipping me incessantly with the brutal strokes of destiny,

  Even if you made me dismally stutter; not enabling me to express myself the slightest,

  Even if you snatched my dreams; inundating all my nights with ghastly perceptions of the devil,

  Even if you made me walk on sizzling embers of fire; scorching the soles of my

  foot to unprecedented limits,

  Even if you chopped my body into infinite pieces; fed each of them to the satanically wandering vultures,

  Even if you stole the smiles from my face; engulfing me in the appalling corridors of gloom for the entire of my life,

  Even if you left a battalion of ferocious lions; thundering their way towards me; to pulverize me to mincemeat,

  Even if you inflicted upon me the most incurable of deadly disease; killing me every second with tumultuous pain,

  Even if you failed me miserably; making me dither abysmally in every sphere of life,

  Even if you compelled me to beg on the streets; starve and shiver in agonizing cold of the winter night,

  Even if you made people around me spit their saliva on my face; thrash me on my cheek to unleash their personal frustration,

  Even if you showered only me with acrimonious acid; while you pelted upon others droplets of mesmerizing rain,

  Even if you made me pathetically stumble at every step I took; always kept me sulking at the bottom of the mountain; while infact my mates had conquered it several number of times,

  Even if you made me slither helplessly on the ground; unable and extremely weak to utter even the most tiniest of sound,

  And even if you flooded my mind with negative thoughts; trying your level best to make me hate you; let me tell you that although you might have succeeded on all the previous occasions; but this time you would miserably fail; for I will always love you; and each beat of my heart; each word that I spoke; each breath that I inhaled; would immortally say; that you were the person i adored the most; you were my Creator.




  When I was in office; I felt as if somebody was trying to wring my neck each second; pummeling me down forcefully towards the ground,

  While when I stepped outside; people seemed so pleasant; and the majestic rays of the Sun left me open mouthed in a spell bound stupor. 

  When I was in office; I felt as if I was being whipped in each corner of my skin; with barbaric belts of commercialism,

  While when I stepped outside; the roads on which pedestrians walked seemed like golden honey; and the chirping of vivacious birds; put my mind to an eternal rest. 

  When I was in office; the air around me felt overwhelmingly heavy; with the appalling sight of check books and paper; putting me in a state of perpetual gloom,

  While when I stepped outside; the scent of the mesmerizing rose tickled me voraciously; casting over my dreary senses a spell of surreal enchantment. 

  When I was in office; the ambience seemed so nonchalant and dull; despite the most glorious of lights flashing around,

  While when I stepped outside; I had the time of my life; with the creamy moonlight; playing hide 'n' seek with my eyes. 

  When I was in office; the steps heading to my cabin; seemed more taller than the Himalayas; with me having to make Herculean efforts to clamber the same,

  While when I stepped outside; I had a desire to run every moment; and my legs bounced relentlessly even in the middle of the night. 

  When I was in office; my reflection in the mirrors appeared as of a ghost; with my facial contours gruesomely distorted and twisted,

  While when I stepped outside; I could sight my face in every eye; and the color of my cheeks metamorphosed from pallid and fragile; to as blazing as the flaming Sun. 

  When I was in office; the food served seemed to be harder than stone; with the disdainful voice of my boss; the bombastic wisps of smoke emanating from his cigar; annihilating the slightest of my desire to eat,

  While when I stepped outside; I felt fresh pangs of hunger reverberate in my stomach; and tore through the slices of scarlet apple in my dish; with renewed energy and gusto. 

  When I was in office; the desire to love in my body died a stifled and miserable death; with telephone calls from clients all day; driving me beyond the threshold of frustration,

  While when I stepped outside; I mischievously flirted with every girl I encountered on the street; and in the end found myself lost in the breath of my beloved; and the softness of her caress putting me off to blissful sleep. 

  When I was in office; thoughts incorrigibly refrained to enter my mind; with the same monotonous figures of profit and loss stabbing me perniciously from all sides,

  While when I stepped outside; there was a deluge of fantasy in my brain; and the most beautiful sights on this planet stimulated me beyond the point of no control. 

  And when I was in office; every individual seemed like a diabolical devil; with perceptions of him slaining me augmenting every minute,

  While when I steeped outside; each entity I laid my eyes upon; seemed innocent and lovable; seemed passionate and romantic; infact to candidly convey it; seemed like 1 million Gods.







  As long as the tree had clusters of leaves covering its naked body; it was in state of perennial bliss; relaxing splendidly in the shade; well sequestered from the acerbic sunshine,

  As long as the watery eyeball had a fold of brown skin covering its body; it slept and awoke without the slightest of effort; as when it leisurely wanted,

  As long as the bird had an ensemble of ruffled feathers covering her body; she displayed astronomical audacity of soaring high against the most freezing of winds,

  As long as the bricks had a fortified coat of cement covering their body; they felt like the strongest entities existing on this earth; having the tenacity to resist even the most tumultuous of earthquake,

  As long as the raw bones had a blanket of skin covering their body; they grew and nourished at will; relished the comfort of always being in placid cool; while their covering absorbed all of the sweltering heat,

  As long as the sky had a cocoon of clouds covering its body; it was in stupendous rhapsody; being able to rampantly fantasize at will; without the world staring at it; unrelentingly into its eyes,

  As long as the conglomerate of yolk and rich protein had a shell of obdurate white covering its body; it harnessed and sprouted perfectly; eventually evolving into a handsome and delectable fledgling with the passage of time,

  As long as the barren skull had a shock of curly hair covering its body; it euphorically thrust itself forward; even to confront the most mightiest of blows; feeling relatively safe under the spongy cushion sticking out from it; all night and day,

  As long as the flower had a consortium of redolent petals covering its body; it swayed flirtatiously with each dr
aught of wind; twinkled merrily under the star studded midnight,

  As long as the swirling ocean had infinite granaries of salt to cover its body; it resembled a majestic prince; with scores of vivid fish and aquatic life inhabiting its salubrious waters,

  As long as the teeth had a sheen of enamel to cover their body; they uninhibitedly became ready to chew virtually anything; ranging from unripe plums to the hardest of steel circulating in the markets,

  As long as the candle had an enclosure of emerald glass to cover its body; it burnt flamboyantly with passionate intensity; even in the midst of a cyclonic storm,

  As long as the golden ink had the capsule of fountain pen to cover its body; it oozed out harmoniously in sporadic intervals; inundating blank sheets of paper with exquisite lines of calligraphy,

  As long as white electricity had boundless tunnels of plastic to cover its body; it ran at lightening speeds without any skepticism of hurting anyone; and yet at the same time illuminating the entire township with brilliant light,

  As long as the child had its mother to cover its tiny body; it bounced boisterously; mischievously smiling and discovering a host of new things every second,

  As long as the heart had love to cover its throbbing body; it simply refused to quit beating; continued to live and exist immortally beyond the definition of time,

  And as long as a human being had God to cover his body; he didn't face any difficulty whatsoever in leading life; and inspite of being encapsulated with hordes of barricades and dilemmas; he always emerged an absolute winner under the sacrosanct cover of the Almighty Creator.










  21. SUN GOD 


  Some called it a blazing volcano; sizzling every nook and cranny of the earth with its fiery rays,

  Some called it fulminating lava erupting at swashbuckling speeds; charring everything that came its way into infinitesimal bits of invisible ash,

  Some called it an ocean of swirling fire; with its omnipotent power to penetrate trough the most gruesome of prevailing darkness,

  Some called it a majestic lion fully charged up; roaring indefatigably till everything around it was in blissful calm,

  Some called it a vivacious and golden crystal of smothering coal; able to cure even the most inexplicable of disease loitering on this earth,

  Some called it a flaming and a supremely transparent mirror; having the incredible power of gobbling all other shadows on this planet except its own,

  Some called it a battlefield of the highest degree; simply invincible to defeat; even by the most valiant battalion of soldiers,

  Some called it an angry cloud that never rained; evaporating every trace of evil from the gloomy trajectory of ground,

  Some called it an amber bowl of boiling honey; causing even the most impregnable of entity staring into it to inevitably wink,

  Some called it a cascading waterfall of blistering energy; taking the demon by tumultuous force in its impetuous wrath,

  Some called it an inland of unprecedented courage; impregnating even the weakest body standing beneath it; with daunting strength and fortitude,

  Some called it the King of all eggs always shining; fomenting boundless number of mammalian eggs to hatch into innocuous fledglings; providing them with the most conducive quantity of heat,

  Some called it a dazzling fountain of bubbling acid; which left no scope at all for misery; till the time it grandiloquently glowed all day,

  Some called it the most unadulterated body ever created; with every soul on this globe; unanimously revering it for the irrefutable sanctity it possessed,

  Some called it a flamboyantly shimmering spoon; which looked after each and every object breathing; saw to it that everyone was sumptuously fed,

  Some called it a scintillating sword; having the prowess to wholesomely annihilate the one it wanted with its marvelously gleaming edge,

  Some called it the ultimate savior in times of unwarranted distress; igniting rays of hope with its omnipresent light,

  Some called it an immeasurable diamond; with its unsurpassable depth; defeating the worst of chilly night,

  Different people living in different tribes christened it by countless names and opinions; absolutely astounded by the strength of its unconquerable beams,

  But I will always call and worship it as my undefeated God; my loving and immortally adorable Sun God.



  For a faint idea about the road; the places it leads to; consult the rustic and aboriginal tourist guide,

  For a faint idea about the body; a first hand knowledge of its intricate parts; consult the specialist and prudent doctor,

  For a faint idea about the cosmos; a glimpse into the history of stars; consult the hi-tech and contemporary astronaut,

  For a faint idea about the battlefield; the weapons used in pugnacious war; consult the intrepid warrior,

  For a faint idea about the garden; the fraternity of plants protruding from its ripened soil; consult the bushy haired gardener,

  For a faint idea about the building; its majestic elevation towering splendidly towards the sky; consult the dexterous and skillful architect,

  For a faint idea about the computer; a sagacious browsing through its fundamentals; consult the software prodigy,

  For a faint idea about the scores of birds; the sounds they emanated while singing in melodious cadence; consult the dedicated ornithologist,

  For a faint idea about medieval history; the vacillations of the kingly empire; consult the monk sitting beneath the gigantic tree,

  For a faint idea about your destiny; the meaning of all those infinite bifurcation's on your palm; consult the prudent and mystical palmist,

  For a faint idea about the ocean; the preposterously huge sharks lurking around in gay abandon; consult the domineering and bespectacled captain,

  For a faint idea about the bus; the routes it travels on and stops; consult the pot-bellied and uniformed conductor,

  For a faint idea about the solvents bubbling in the laboratory; the innumerable equations scribbled rampantly on the blackboard; consult the ingenious scientist,

  For a faint idea about the paintings; the mesmerizing shapes sketched and evolved within the canvas; consult the gullible and unshaven artist,

  For a faint idea about poetry; the inexplicable meaning embedded within the royal verse; consult the innovative and indefatigably writing writer,

  For a faint idea about shimmering jewels; the grandiloquent chains of pearls scintillating wildly behind transparent glass; consult the wiry bodied and lanky goldsmith,

  For a faint idea about catching the panther; explicitly divulging the name of the animal by merely viewing its remote footprints; consult the savage and sprint footed African hunter,

  For a faint idea about solving mind boggling puzzles of arithmetic; cracking every riddle encapsulated within the school textbooks; consult the stern and stringent voiced teacher,

  For a faint idea about love; romancing in the aisles of unsurpassable desire and emotion; consult your enchanting beloved,

  For a faint idea about interacting with the acrimonious society; consult your mother; richly experienced in adeptly dealing with the same,

  But for a complete idea about life; its share of good and gruesomely evil; its blissful rise and unpredictable pit-falls; the spirit of survival and letting one simultaneously exist; the origin of religion segregating entire mankind; the inevitable urge to procreate and continue this Universe;

  Don’t ask me; for I cant even give you a faint idea; all I can say is that for pacifying your present anxieties and whatever that may futuristically arise, please do consult the Creator .




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