
Home > Romance > Unraveling > Page 32
Unraveling Page 32

by Micalea Smeltzer

  “What’s taking so long in there?” Jared asked.

  “Sorry, just give me a second,” I said, pulling on the cover-up.

  I opened the bathroom door and found Jared sitting on the bed, flipping through the limited number of channels.

  He looked absolutely lickable, not that I was going to lick him, in his hot pink swim trunks. I didn’t see how any man could pull off pink swim trunks, but Jared definitely could. A sleeveless white top hid his tan chest.

  “Ready?” he asked, focused on the TV, and not me.

  “Yeah,” I said, moving across the room to grab my beach bag. I pulled the sunscreen out; rubbing it into the areas I could reach with my cover-up on.

  “I talked to Holden, he said they should be here in about thirty to forty minutes.”

  I laughed. “I still can’t believe you talked him into riding with Piper and Rollo. I’m sure he’s loving that.”

  Jared shrugged. “It was stupid for us all to come separately, but I wanted to drive down here, just you and me,” he reached for my arm, pulling me against him. He leaned back so that I was lying flat on his chest.

  “Jared!” I shrieked, my palms flat against his chest.

  He was smiling at me, but there was seriousness in his eyes. He cupped my cheek. “What if I had never met you?” he whispered. “Do you have any idea what you’ve done to me? What you’ve made me feel?”

  I shook my head.

  He cupped my cheek. His Adam’s apple bobbed as he said, “You make me feel worthy, Katy. I don’t like to talk about my past, but before you came along, what my father did to me, made me feel like the lowest scum on earth. But you showed me that wasn’t true. I’ve loved you for a long time, even before I said the words, and I think you felt the same. Even if you didn’t, it doesn’t matter, because I know you cared for me. What he did to me was horrible, but it was out of my control. Just like what Preston did to you wasn’t your fault. What we went through was tragic, horrible, but it’s made us stronger people. It has made us worthy of each other, Katy,” as the last syllable of my name was uttered; he crushed his lips to mine.

  This kiss was rougher than any we had shared, almost desperate.

  I gripped his shoulders, leaning into his mouth. My tongue flicked out, licking his bottom lip and he moaned in response, pressing against me.

  My legs tightened around him and he gripped my thighs. My heart rate spiked in pleasure, not fear.

  Jared pulled his lips from mine and I mewled in protest.

  “Stop. We have to stop,” he was breathless. “If you keep kissing me like that this is going to lead somewhere I don’t think you’re ready for.”

  “I am… ready, I mean,” I kissed his neck.

  His hands tightened against my bare legs. “Please don’t say things like that to me where there’s barely any clothes separating me from your perfect body.”

  “I want you, Jared,” I ground my hips against him, the friction sending shivers up my spine.

  His fingers tangled in my hair and he opened his mouth to say something, when there was a knock on our hotel room door.

  “Kaaaatttttyyyy? Jaaaaarrrreeee-Beeeeaaaarrrr? The party has aaaarrrriiivvveeeddd!” Rollo sang through the door. “Get your butts out here! I want to go to the beach!!! Katy? I know ya’ll are in there! I heard your voices!”

  Jared sighed, running his hand through his hair. He lifted me off of him and sat me on the bed. “You,” he pointed at me, “are a temptress.”

  “Just a second!” Jared called. He took a deep breath, looked at me for a moment, and then opened the door.

  Rollo looked at Jared, then me, before his eyes settled on the rumpled bed. “Oh. I interrupted something.”

  Jared chuckled and leaned against the open door, but didn’t say anything.

  “Okay then…” Rollo looked embarrassed. “Uh, I’m heading down to the beach. Holden says he’s taking a nap and Piper is flirting with the check-in guy.”

  “We’re going to the beach too,” I said.

  “Uh-huh,” Rollo licked his lips. “That’s exactly what it looked like you were doing, baby cakes.”

  I blushed and Jared groaned.

  I stood, smoothing my cover-up, and grabbing my tote bag. My sunglasses were on top of my purse, so I added them to my already overflowing tote.

  The walk down to the beach was quiet, which was surprising with Rollo in tow. I knew he was bursting with questions, but was waiting for Jared to leave.

  We found an empty spot in the sand and I pulled out mine and Jared’s towels, spreading them out side by side.

  Rollo fixed his towel next to mine and immediately sat down.

  “I’m going to swim,” Jared said, already pulling his tank off.

  I swear I heard a few female gasps when his chest was revealed.

  “Don’t let anyone take my spot,” he kissed my cheek before jogging away.

  “Never,” I said, even though he was far enough away that he wouldn’t hear.

  I sat down, stretching my legs out in front of me. With a deep breath, to renew my bravery, I pulled the sheer cover-up over my head and tucked it into my tote bag before applying sunscreen to the spots I’d missed.

  “What did I interrupt?” Rollo asked. I knew he wouldn’t wait long.

  “I –uh- I kind of put the moves on Jared. I basically told him I was ready to take the next step,” I blushed, biting down on my lip. Saying the words, out loud, in the daylight, seemed so bold.

  Rollo let out a high-pitched shriek. “Ohmigawd! Baby cakes! You’re growing up!”

  I laughed. “I don’t call that growing up.”

  “It’s progress, Katy! I thought this would never happen for you!”

  I lay back on the towel and adjusted my sunglasses. “I didn’t think so either, but when the right person comes along, it changes things.”

  “So, you’re really over the whole Preston thing?” His voice grew serious.

  I gave a little shrug, propping my head up on my hand to see him better. “I don’t think I’ll ever truly be over it. When something like that happens to a person, it haunts you. You have good days, you have bad days, and you have in-between days. I’ve just decided to stop letting it control my life. I do deserve happiness and love. I thought when Preston raped me that he took something from me, some essential part of my person, but I realized that I’m the one that took it. I killed a part of me, not Preston. I let what happened consume me. I let it shape me as a person and turn me into someone who wasn’t even living. I realize now, that it wasn’t my fault. I couldn’t have prevented it. I’m not dwelling on it anymore, Rollo. I’m going to live my life the way I should, to the fullest. I’m not saying all my hang-ups are just going to disappear, but hopefully, in time, they’ll lessen.”

  Rollo sniffled. “You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for you to say that. Hug?” he held his arms open.

  I sat up all the way and hugged my best friend. Tears of happiness and relief threatened to fall. When they did, I let them.

  Rollo pulled away and took in my tearstained cheeks. He reached up and wiped them away, smiling.

  “You’re the bravest girl I know, Katy Grace Spencer,” he hugged me again.

  “And you’re the best friend anyone could ever have,” I sobbed. “You’ve been there for me, through everything, even when I tried to push you away.”

  “I’ll always be here for you, baby cakes. I’ll never give up on you,” he patted my back.

  “Thank you,” I said, putting so much emotion and meaning into those words. I was thanking him for everything, for now, for the past, and for the future.


  The heat of the sun warmed my skin. It was making me sleepy, all I wanted to do was drift off, but Jared wasn’t having it.

  “Kitten, come on, the water’s nice and warm,” he begged.

  When he used that tone of voice, I was a goner.

  “Fine,” I said, letting him pull me up off the towel.

�Thanks, kittycat,” he grinned, pulling me through the warm sand, and to the water’s edge.

  The cool water tickled my toes and I shivered in response.

  “Come on,” Jared said, pulling me in further. Soon, the water was up to my waist, and just above Jared’s knees. “Ready?” he asked.

  “For what?” I asked.

  He pulled me under the water.

  “Jared!” I screamed as I came up. “That wasn’t nice!”

  He chuckled, the water dripping down his body. He looked like a model while I looked like a drowned rat. How was that fair?

  He swam into deeper water, expecting me to follow him, which of course, I did.

  Jared was able to stand, but I had to tread water.

  “Come here,” he crooked a finger at me.

  I swam towards him and his arms wrapped around me.

  He picked me up, my hands automatically going to his shoulders.

  I stared into his eyes, the water dripping from my body, and said, “How did two messed up people, like us, fall in love?”

  Without hesitation, he said, “It’s destiny, Katy. It always has been.”


  The sun had long ago set, the beach now bathed in darkness, the only light came from the little sliver of moon.

  Jared came up behind me, kissing my neck, and I instantly relaxed into his embrace.

  His lips traveled upwards. Brushing my chin, my cheek, and my ear.

  A knock on the door startled us apart.

  “Damn,” Jared cursed. “Is this going to happen the whole time we’re here?”

  “Probably,” I laughed.

  He opened the door and Holden was standing there. “I wanna go to the pool,” was his greeting.

  “Dude, it’s like eleven o’ clock, it’s closed,” Jared rubbed the back of his head. “Go to bed like a normal person.”

  “Fine, I’ll go by myself,” Holden strutted down the hallway.

  “Fuck!” Jared groaned. He looked at me with pleading eyes. “I have to go with him to make sure he doesn’t do something even more stupid.”

  “It’s fine, I’ll come with you,” I said, pulling a sweater on, and jeans over my pajama shorts. The nights were cool here, especially with the wind blowing off the water.

  Jared reached for my hand, and we jogged down the hall, after Holden. He must have already gotten in the elevator, because he was nowhere in sight.

  Jared impatiently pressed the round button.

  “What’s going on with Holden? You look worried, and I don’t just mean worried about him sneaking into the closed swimming pool,” I squeezed his hand.

  “I don’t really know. He hasn’t been the same for a while. I wonder if it has anything to do with his dad,” Jared muttered the last part under his breath. “I don’t know why Holden goes and visits that bastard.”

  “When did you and Holden meet?” I asked, as we slipped into the elevator.

  “In foster care,” he sighed. “We clicked right off the bat, both having been through similar things. We kept in touch, even after Karlie and I were adopted. Dan and Patsy sort of took him under their wing, too.”

  “Was he ever adopted?” I asked, quietly.

  “No,” Jared said, sadly. “He stayed at the foster home until he could legally leave. He had some money saved from odd jobs, and we moved in together, splitting the rent. Dan put him to work at the gym and the rest is just history.”

  The elevator doors opened and Jared pulled me down the hallway. He stopped in front of a door, sliding our room key into it.

  The green light flashed and he pushed the door open.

  The pool was nothing special. It was large and rectangular shaped with white tiles.

  The white lounge chairs had definitely seen better days, and needed a good scrubbing.

  Holden floated in the middle of the pool, looking up at the stars. He was still fully clothed.

  “Shit,” Jared cursed. “Holden, get your ass out of there. You’re going to get us kicked out.”

  “Leave me alone,” Holden said, not even looking at us.

  “Don’t make me get in there and drag you out,” Jared warned.

  “I’d like to see you try,” Holden quipped.

  “Motherfucker,” Jared cursed under his breath.

  He yanked his boots off and tossed his shirt on a lounge chair.

  “I can’t believe I’m doing this,” he unbuckled his belt and shucked his pants. “I’m going to kill you for this.”

  Holden chuckled in reply.

  “Last chance,” Jared said, “to get out.”

  “Not happening,” Holden waved his arms and legs like he was making snow angels on the water.

  Jared looked at me before diving in the water.

  I stood at the edge, watching Jared swim to Holden.

  I must have stepped too close to the edge, because I suddenly lost my footing, slipping in.

  A scream escaped my lips as I fell, an involuntary reaction.

  “Katy!” I heard Jared gasp.

  I swam for the surface, cheeks flaming at my clumsiness.

  “Are you okay?” Jared asked, swimming towards me.

  “I’m fine,” I pushed my hair out of my eyes. “I fell in.”

  Jared chuckled. “Yeah, I saw that,” he kissed my nose.

  Holden hooted in the background. “That’s the funniest thing I’ve ever seen!”

  “I’m gonna kill him,” Jared growled.

  “Leave him alone,” I clung to his shoulders. “What’s the worst they can do? Ask us to leave? We’re all already wet, let’s just enjoy a midnight swim.”

  “Finally! A voice of reason!” Holden cried.

  “When did you get so daring?” Jared smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners.

  “I guess when I started dating a guy that gets beat up for a living,” I grinned.

  Jared threw his head back, a deep rumble of laughter escaping his chest. “I prefer to think that I do most of the beating.”

  I shrugged, rubbing my finger over a faded purple bruise on his chest. After I’d rubbed over it, I placed a tender kiss to the spot. “You don’t always win, but you do always seem to get hurt. Even if it’s just a small injury.”

  He shrugged. “It’s part of the job, kitten.”

  “I know,” I kissed his chest.

  I pulled out of his arms and began to swim.

  It felt good to do something forbidden, even if it wasn’t exactly that dangerous.

  It made me feel alive.

  An hour passed, and all three of us had turned to prunes, when we returned to our rooms, dripping wet.

  Jared went straight to the shower, turning on the hot water, before shucking his pants and shirt.

  “Come here, kittycat,” he smirked.

  Shivering, and dripping water on the floor, I tiptoed to him.

  “Lift your arms up,” he said, his voice suddenly husky.

  I did as I was told. He pulled the wet shirt over my head and dropped it to the floor.

  A jog bra covered my chest but I brought my hands up anyway.

  Jared’s breath hissed through his teeth as he unbuttoned my jeans, pulling them and my pajama bottoms down. He got down on both his knees, and gently lifted my feet out of the pants legs, one at a time.

  I startled when his lips pressed against my cold stomach.

  I looked down at him and his brown eyes flicked up to meet mine. The lashes lining his eyes were long and thick; they fanned his cheeks when he blinked.

  We stared at each other like that for an endless amount of time.

  Jared gripped my hips as he stood.

  His eyes never left mine as he pushed back the shower curtain and pulled me under the spray of the shower head.

  The warm water was a welcome relief.

  Jared didn’t let me go as the water beat down on us.

  He pushed me against the tiled wall, the water still hitting us, and his lips descended on mine.

  My fingers gripped hi
s shoulders so I didn’t fall.

  His lips moved over mine, playing me like an instrument.

  I wanted this.

  I wanted him.

  I always would.


  The bonfire crackled in the cool evening air. I watched the sparks fly and disintegrate before falling to sand.

  “Are you cold?” Jared asked.

  “No,” I shook my head.

  “You feel cold,” he felt my arm before pulling off his sweatshirt. “Put this on,” he handed it to me.

  I pulled my arms through the huge sleeves, the scent of Jared hitting me. It was such a unique scent, mostly citrusy, but with a hint of wood or something else.

  “Hey!” Jared called, waving a guy over to us.

  Jared’s friends had decided to only come to the beach for today, so I had yet to meet any of them. It looked like that was about to change.

  I watched the mountain of a man approach. He was probably an inch or more shorter than Jared, but way more muscular. His arms were covered in tattoos, his eyebrow pierced, and his dark hair shaved close to his head.

  “Jared!” the guy grinned, two dimples appearing in his cheeks, totally at odds with his tough guy persona.

  “Jay,” Jared said, clapping him on the back. “Katy, this is Jay. Jay, this is my girlfriend, Katy,” Jared introduced us.

  “Hi,” I said, shyly, shaking his offered hand.

  “It’s nice to meet you in person, Katy. This guy talks about you all the time,” he ruffled Jared’s hair like a brother would.

  I blushed.

  “I would’ve met you sooner, but since I moved away, I don’t come back often. Only when the whole gang can get together,” Jay explained.

  “Jared said you used to fight MMA with him and Holden.” I tried to strike up a conversation so I didn’t stand there like an idiot.

  “I did,” he nodded. “I got out of that a couple of years ago, though. It just wasn’t really my scene. I work at a motorcycle shop now, it suits me,” he shrugged. “I’ll leave the fighting to those two.”

  I laughed.

  “I’m going to grab a beer. You two want anything?” Jay asked, already backing away towards the cooler.

  “Nah, we’re good,” Jared waved him off.

  “He’s nice,” I said.

  “See,” Jared bumped my shoulder, “I knew you’d do fine meeting my friends.”


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