Short Stop to Love

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Short Stop to Love Page 6

by A. M. Williams

  “Considering the dramatic reveal bombshell, that’s for sure.”

  Joann had quietly gloated about Jeremy’s revelation since she came into Keri’s room.

  “Here we go.”

  Keri typed Jeremy’s name into the search bar and waited to see what popped up. The results were staggering. He was everywhere.

  “The first hit is a fan site run by user ‘glassheartlover.’”

  Joann put her magazine down. “So, he’s a heartthrob?”

  “Based on this site, yes.”

  Joann stood and walked closer to Keri, looking at the website over her shoulder.

  “Wow, how many photos do they have of him?”

  “A lot. I wonder how they got some of them.”

  “They probably pull from Google search and upload fan ones.”

  Keri nodded. “That makes sense.”

  Her eyes slid over the photos. She was about to go back to her search results, but paused when she saw a shirtless photo of Jeremy.

  “Is that…are those…tattoos?” she asked, clicking on the picture.

  The photo filled the screen. They were, in fact, tattoos.

  “I had no idea he had tattoos,” Joann said, leaning closer.

  “Neither did I.”

  Her eyes moved over the ink decorating his shoulders and chest. She could clearly make out the “Trust” and cross tattoos, but the others weren’t as dark, so she couldn’t tell what they were.

  “Well, I’ll be damned,” Joann said, stepping back a bit. “I didn’t think he had it in him to get a tattoo.”

  “I’m surprised myself.”

  Keri closed the picture out. She clicked back to the search results and clicked on the second link.

  Joann whistled. “Holy shit.”

  “No kidding.”

  A GQ cover Jeremy was on recently filled the screen. Her mouth dried as her eyes roamed over the picture. He was wearing a navy suit that looked like it was made for him.

  “Jesus. That’s enough to make me want to switch brothers.”


  Joann laughed and sat on the edge of the bed. “I’m just kidding. I’m happy with Troy. But damn, that photo is something else.”

  The next result brought up more shocking photos.

  “Is he…naked?” Keri asked, squinting her eyes at the screen.

  “Yep. Body Issue?”

  “Body Issue?”

  “Yeah, is that from the Body Issue of Sports Illustrated?”

  “Oh, I don’t know.”

  Keri scrolled down and said, “Yeah, it’s from last year’s issue.”

  “I didn’t know he’d participated in it. Those are some nice shots.”

  Keri had to agree. They were black and white. He was pictured in various stages of swinging the bat and fielding a ball. You couldn’t see anything specific because of the light play, but what you saw was more than enough.

  Her favorite was one that showed his back as he swung the bat. While you couldn’t see much detail on his butt and thighs, you could see the definition in his calves and arms. Muscles popped and she didn’t know where to look.

  “You need to do a comparison between this and the real thing. I have to know if he looks like this all the time.”

  “Joann! You have your own guy to ogle!”

  Keri quickly clicked off the page and slammed the top of her laptop down. Joann laughed.

  “I do, but that doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate a fine male specimen when I see one.”

  “Well, go appreciate him alone. I’d like to take a bath before Jeremy gets here.”

  “Gotta make sure you look good and are smooth? I can help with…”

  “Joann! Please.”

  “Fine, fine,” she said as she walked to the door. “Find me if you need some help.”

  She breathed a sigh of relief once Joann left. She loved her roommate, but sometimes she was too much to handle. A few minutes later, she slid into the full bathtub and sighed.

  Her phone buzzed. She smiled when she saw a text from Jeremy.

  Jeremy: Practice ended earlier than planned. Heading home to shower and change. See you in an hour?

  Keri: That works. Any hints on today’s activities?

  Jeremy: Nope.

  Keri: Not even an idea? I want to dress appropriately.

  Jeremy: I think you’re gorgeous no matter what. Wear a sack for all I care.

  Keri: You’re no help.

  She soaked for a few more minutes before getting out and getting ready. With no direction from him, she selected a sundress and wedges to wear. She’d just zipped herself up when there was a knock on the door.

  She skipped over and opened it with a wide grin.

  Jeremy’s eyes darkened as they travelled over her form. His gaze was so intense she could almost feel them caressing her curves. Her skin heated and her heart fluttered expectantly as his gaze slowly returned to hers.

  “You look amazing,” Jeremy said in a low voice.

  “Thanks. You don’t look so bad yourself,” she told him, her own eyes raking over his tall, muscular form.

  She slipped her shoes on and grabbed the nude-colored purse she was using that day.

  “Ready?” she asked.

  “I am, but I think you forgot something,” he said as he stepped closer.

  She glanced around, looking for anything she left behind. Her brows furrowed as she asked, “What?”

  “You didn’t give me a hello kiss.”

  He stepped toward her and her breathing hitched his hands cupped the back of her head. His thumb slid back and forth over her cheek, making her lean into his touch slightly. He bent his head and she angled her lips up to his, meeting him halfway. The kiss was light, a small caress, and a promise of things to come. Her eyes fluttered closed as she lost herself in the sensation. Jeremy pulled back much too soon, leaving Keri standing, eyes closed, lips pursed, and wanting more. She heard a chuckle and opened her eyes to see Jeremy smiling at her.

  “Ready?” he asked as he stepped back.

  She glared at him slightly as she led him through the room and into the hall. He grabbed her hand as they walked to the elevator, making her smile. They rode the elevator down in silence and he led her to his Huracán.

  Once they were on their way, she asked, “So, where are we going?”

  Jeremy sighed. “Can’t you let a guy surprise you every once in a while?”

  “I could, but…I’d rather know.”

  “Fine, I’ll tell you the first part. We’re going to play mini-golf.”

  Keri grinned. “I love mini-golf! Though, I’m pretty terrible at it.”

  “I don’t care if you’re the best one there is. I just want you to have fun. So, good choice?”

  “It’s a perfect choice.”

  They were soon parked outside a small fun park and Jeremy led her inside. Keri glanced around as they entered. This place boasted not only mini-golf but also arcade games, bowling, go-karts, and laser tag.

  She followed as Jeremy stepped to the counter to pay. When they went to choose their equipment, Jeremy grabbed a blue ball and smirked at her as he selected his club. She picked a red ball and eyed the clubs. Seeing her hesitation, Jeremy helped her select the right size before grabbing their scorecard and leading her outside.

  The heat enveloped them as they stepped through the double doors toward the golf course. Keri squinted slightly as her eyes adjusted to the bright sun and blinked rapidly to clear the spots from her vision. A thin sheen of sweat formed on her nose.

  “Ladies first,” he said as they reached the first hole.

  Keri placed her ball and she eyed obstacles. It looked easy enough, just a few hills to get over. Even though it was easy, it would take forever for her to do it. She hit it too hard at first, making it careen over the hills, bounce off the wall, and back toward her. She laughed as she dodged her ball.

  Jeremy cocked a brow at her.

  “I told you I was terrible,” she said
as she set up again.

  This time, she hit it too softly, making it roll back to her this time. With a sigh, she lined up for a third try. She hit it a bit harder, causing it to go over the first hill, but not the second. Finally, after seven total strokes, she got it in the hole and cheered. Jeremy just grinned and shook his head at her. He lined up his shot and hit it. The ball rolled over all the hills and stopped a foot away from the hole. He tapped it in and then smirked at her.

  She rolled her eyes at his smugness and led them to the second hole. He indicated for her to go first, so she set her ball down and looked at hazards. Unlike the first one, it didn’t have hills, but it did have a few obstacles and a 90-degree turn. She sighed, knowing she’d probably end up hitting it too hard. She tapped the ball and smiled triumphantly as it hit the corner and went towards the hole, stopping just short of going in. She skipped to her ball and tapped it in, smiling at Jeremy.

  He laughed as he followed her, getting the ball in the hole in two strokes. They continued to play, joking as they went.

  “If you adjust your stance, you’d hit it better,” he told her on the third hole.

  Keri looked at him, but said nothing as she hit her ball. He just shook his head as she took her next shots.

  On the fourth hole, Jeremy took action.

  “Here, let me show you.”

  He pressed against her and Keri stiffened as heat enveloped her body.

  “You want to put your hands here…and your feet like this…now tap the ball.”

  He stepped back and she hit the ball. She held her breath as it rolled, releasing it when it stopped right before the hole.

  She jumped up and down. “Yay!”

  Jeremy gave her a high five as she walked by.

  “Great job!”

  At the next hole, he helped her again. This time she was ready, so she rubbed her butt against him as she wiggled into place. Jeremy drew a sharp breath in before stepping back. This repeated itself at each hole. Every time Jeremy pressed against her, his arousal pressed against the small of her back and she rubbed her thighs together in an attempt to alleviate the pressure building between them.

  After the last hole, they walked back to the main building. Jeremy eyed her out of the corner of his eye and she unabashedly looked at him in return. Jeremy took her club from her, dropping it off at the counter, before leading her outside. When they got to his car, he pressed her against the door. He aligned his body to hers, allowing her to feel every inch of his body. Her eyes widened as she felt his hard length pressing into her stomach.

  He leaned down and pressed a kiss against her lips, making her moan as she threaded her fingers in his hair, tugging on the strands. Jeremy ran his hands up and down her sides, tickling her slightly. He nipped at her lips, causing her to open her mouth so he could slip his tongue inside. Their tongues dueled for dominance as Jeremy crushed her to him. The feel of his body against hers and his tongue caressing hers sent shivers down her body. She sighed into the kiss.

  Jeremy ripped his mouth from hers, panting slightly as he looked at her with darkened eyes. Keri licked her lips, flicking her eyes to his lips before looking back at his eyes.

  “I want you so bad,” Jeremy whispered, thrusting his hips into her slightly.

  “I want you too,” Keri whispered back, biting her lip in anticipation.

  Jeremy groaned. “I had plans for today. Plans outside where we could do things and have fun.”

  “Who says we need those plans.”

  Jeremy pressed a hard kiss to her lips before pulling back and opening the door, telling her, “Shall we?”

  She scrambled inside, buckling herself in as she watched him quickly move around the car. Once they were on the road, he placed his right hand on her thigh, rubbing slightly as he drove. His touch was slowly driving her crazy, so she wasn’t paying attention to where they were going. She looked around in surprise when they stopped and he turned the car off.

  “Where are we?” she asked as he helped her out.

  “My place,” he said. They were parked outside a little bungalow. He led her up three steps and unlocked the green front door. All she saw before he pulled her into his arms were framed photographs and a large couch. Once the door was shut, Jeremy had her pressed against it, peppering kisses all over her face and neck.

  “You’re driving me crazy in this dress,” he muttered as he nipped at her neck. “I can’t think straight.”

  Keri moaned, threading her fingers in his hair and yanking his face up so she could kiss him. They battled for dominance briefly before she let him take the lead. His hands ran up and down her sides before they found the zipper, slowly pulling it down as they continued to kiss. He jerked away from her, pushing her strap off her shoulder and watching as the dress pooled on the floor, leaving Keri in just her shoes and panties.

  “Jesus. That’s what you were wearing under that?” he asked as his eyes raked over her semi-naked body. Keri shivered at his frank appraisal.

  “Is that a problem?” she asked as she stepped closer, pressing her body against his.

  “No. But if I’d known you were only wearing panties, I might have cut our golf date short.”

  She pulled him down for a kiss, dominating it herself this time. Jeremy’s hands started to wander again, coming up to brush the sides of her bare breasts. He reached between them and she gasped as he brushed his palms over her nipples, making them pebble.

  Jeremy pulled his mouth from hers, kissing down her neck and chest slowly until he reached her right breast, laving it with his hot, wet tongue before biting it slightly, making her shiver and moan, arching into him. He ran his hands back down her side to her ass and thighs. He gripped her thighs, picking her up and wrapping her legs around his waist, walking her down a short hall into his bedroom. She caught a flash of navy blue and gray before she was laid on the bed with Jeremy hovering over her.

  He sat up and pulled his shirt off as she watched. She licked her lips as his tattooed torso came into view. He really was a beautiful man. He smirked at her as he removed her shoes before moving on to his own clothing, leaving them both in just their underwear. She bit her lip as he crawled up the bed toward her, barely touching her body. She was panting as he slowly lowered himself over her.

  She groaned as his body pressed into hers, relishing the feel of it. He kissed her cheeks before moving to her mouth, sealing his lips over hers. She felt him shift and arched into his hand as it palmed her left breast. He flicked her nipple lightly, making her squirm, before pinching it tightly, making her jump.

  He pulled away, kissing to her chest and drawing her left nipple into his mouth while his hand lightly caressed her stomach before lightly tracing the waistband of her lace-edged panties. His fingers lightly danced over her underwear before pressing against her wet center, making her groan.

  “You’re so wet,” he said as he kissed his way back to her lips. “Are you sure you’re ready for this?”

  Keri looked at Jeremy. She knew he was giving her an out, but, she wanted to do this so badly. She nodded and pulled him back to her for a toe-curling kiss. She ripped her mouth away from his, panting as he increased the pressure on her center. Jeremy sat between her legs as he pulled her underwear off, tossing them away. He pushed his boxers down and Keri’s eyes widened slightly at the sight of his erection. He was definitely thicker and longer than she was used to.

  Jeremy pressed her legs further open, baring her to him. She watched as his fingers drifted towards her center, squirming in anticipation. Her eyes met him as he dragged a finger through her wet folds. He slipped one finger into her wet heat, making her moan. He grinned at her as a second finger joined the first.

  Keri’s breath came in quick pants as he slowly fingered her, scissoring them every so often as he stroked. She could feel herself building toward an earth-shattering orgasm and her body shook as she approached the edge. She felt Jeremy curl his fingers and hit a spot inside her, pushing her ever closer to the precipice. He
brought his thumb into play, pressing slightly on her clit, pushing her fully into oblivion.

  Her back arched off the bed as her walls clamped down on his fingers. She groaned through her orgasm while Jeremy slowly continued to thrust his fingers in and out. As she relaxed, Jeremy withdrew his fingers and sucked them.

  “Delicious,” he told her and she blushed at him sucking her essence from his fingers.

  She watched as he reached into his bedside table, pulling out a foil packet. He ripped it open and rolled it onto his length. He draped her legs over his thighs while he leaned over her on one arm. He fisted himself a few times and she clenched at the visual, Jeremy then dragged the tip of his erection through her folds, wetting his tip before he placed himself at her entrance.

  He glanced at her and suddenly filled her, pushing her up the bed. He paused, allowing her a moment to adjust. He was definitely bigger than others she’d been with and there was a dull ache from where he pushed inside. Wiggling her hips after a few moments, she tried to spur him on.

  He slowly pulled out and pushed back in, making them both groan. “You’re so tight,” he muttered as he started to slowly thrust into her, grunting each time.

  Keri couldn’t form words. All she could think about was the feelings Jeremy brought to the forefront. Tingles raced through her body. She threaded her fingers through his hair, pulling him to her for a sloppy kiss that was all tongue. She continued to moan, feeling herself building closer to another orgasm.

  She hitched her legs higher on Jeremy’s waist, allowing him to hit deeper access.

  “Shit,” Jeremy said as his thrusts sped up.

  “Oh God,” Keri gasped as she found herself on the cusp again.

  “Come on,” Jeremy panted as he fucked her. “Come with me!”

  A few thrusts later, Keri fell over the edge, screaming out her orgasm. She was vaguely aware of Jeremy swelling inside her, groaning through his own orgasm. He collapsed on her, lying there for several moments before pulling out. She felt the bed shake and heard a door open. She cracked her eyes and noticed a sliver of light coming through a partially opened door. She heard the toilet flush and then running water. The light clicked off and she ogled Jeremy as he walked back into the room and settled next to her.


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