Short Stop to Love

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Short Stop to Love Page 9

by A. M. Williams

  Upon entering her apartment, her phone buzzed.

  Joann: Check the paper. Another article about yesterday’s photo.

  Keri: No new photo?

  Joann: Nope. Just a blurb. Read it. I’ll be home soon.

  Keri pulled up the newspaper’s site and located the article Joann was referring to.

  Local Girl Steals Golden Boy’s Heart

  We have it on good authority that the girl pictured in yesterday’s report about Jeremy Glass is a Seattle local. We still don’t know who she is, but a source close to Glass has confirmed that she flew down to Peoria to visit him and ended up staying the week. It seems she attended multiple practices and they were seen canoodling throughout the city. We are now on the hunt for details about the, as yet, fully pictured woman. Glass will be back in Seattle within the month with the rest of the team to prepare for regular season play. We imagine we’ll see them together then. Until then, happy hunting.

  She was thankful there wasn’t another photo to go with it. Since barely a day had passed since the first article, Keri knew things were just heating up and she needed to prepare herself. Maybe she needed to ask Jeremy about dealing with photographers if it got to the point they started following her around.

  Shaking her head, Keri glanced at the clock and saw it was close to seven already. She wanted to make something for dinner. She pulled ingredients from the pantry and got to work making a simple dinner.

  Joann walked through the door just as Keri was plating the food, smiling her thanks as she walked into her bedroom. A few minutes later, Joann joined her at the bar.

  “So, thoughts?” Joann asked.

  Keri shrugged. “I don’t have much of any. Today’s article just mentioned that I was from Seattle, nothing else.”

  “Yeah, but how’d they figure that out?”

  “I don’t know. You’re the reporter. Shouldn’t you know how this works?”

  “Reporters don’t give up their sources.”

  “Then why do you think I’d know?”

  “Maybe Jeremy told you who it was.”

  “I haven’t talked to him yet tonight. I doubt he knows.”

  “You never know. Money can buy a lot of things, including the names of informants.”

  Keri shrugged. “True, but that doesn’t mean he’ll know.”

  “Just make sure you’re careful and you pay attention. Once they know it’s you, it’ll be crazy.”

  Keri nodded, but didn’t say anything else on the topic. The rest of dinner was filled with light chatter about their days. After cleaning up, Joann escaped into her room while Keri went into hers.

  Checking the time, Keri saw that she had about an hour until Jeremy said he’d try to call, so she decided to use the time to make herself look presentable. She wanted to look good on screen on the off-chance things developed into something steamy and sexy. Once she was out of the shower, she wrapped a towel around her body and sat on the edge of her bed with some moisturizer. She slowly worked the lotion into her skin, feeling herself relax as she went through her nightly ritual.

  Finished with her preparations, she selected a thin tank and sleep shorts to wear. She was just turning to her computer when a ringing erupted from it. Jeremy’s name and number flashed in the upper right corner. She pulled the computer toward her, clicking to accept the call. She settled on the bed as she waited for his video to turn on. She grinned as she saw him come into view.

  “Hey beautiful,” Jeremy said.

  “Hey yourself.”

  “How was the rest of your day?”

  “Boring. I was glad to leave and come home. Especially since I get to see you now. How was yours?”

  “About the same as yesterday. But, things are looking up now.”

  “I noticed there was another blurb in the paper today.”

  Jeremy looked annoyed. “Yeah, Allison mentioned it to me earlier. I just don’t understand why it matters. I play baseball, that’s it.”

  “You do play baseball, but that is far from it.”

  Jeremy rolled his eyes. “Please, I don’t understand their obsession with me.”

  Keri pursed her lips before saying, “Have you looked in a mirror? You are easily one of the hottest guys out there. Honestly, you’re probably the hottest, but I might be biased.”

  A slow grin spread across Jeremy’s face. “You think I’m hot?”

  Keri’s face felt hot as she nodded. Jeremy continued to grin as he leaned back, putting a hand behind his head, making his biceps bunch as he moved and making his shirt move up so she could see a hint of his sexy abs. “See something you like?”

  Keri’s eyes snapped back to Jeremy’s. “Yes,” she said unashamedly, though she felt very flustered as her heart beat a quick rhythm in her chest.

  “You can look all you want.”

  As Keri watched, Jeremy sat up and pulled his shirt off. The ripple of his muscles was mesmerizing and she couldn’t tear her eyes away. He leaned back on his bed again and Keri shook herself out of her stupor.

  “Now, I think it only fair that you repay the favor.”

  Keri flushed. If she did return the favor, there would be no barrier between him and her breasts.

  Slowly, she reached for the hem of her shirt, pulling it over her head and tossing it to the side. Jeremy’s breath sped up as he raked his eyes over her body. Keri laid back a little, allowing him to see more of her torso.

  “No bra?” he asked.

  Keri shrugged in response.

  “Do you know how much I’ve missed having you here with me?” Jeremy asked in a low voice that sent shivers up and down Keri’s spine.

  “Probably about as much as I’ve missed being there.”

  “I got so used to having you here in the morning, I don’t know what to do with myself now that you’re back in Seattle.”

  “I miss waking up in your arms too.”

  “Do you know what else I miss?”

  Keri heated as she realized what he was implying. She decided to play dumb and shook her head no. “I miss being able to slide into you once you’re awake.”

  Keri’s insides clenched at his words and she felt unbearably empty. She’d give anything to be there with him so he could help relieve the ache. As she watched, he adjusted his computer so she could see his lap and the prominent bulge there. Even in restricting jeans, she could tell he was turned on.

  “I miss that too,” Keri said softly.

  “Fuck,” Jeremy said, throwing his head back and groaning. “I need you to be here. I want to touch you so bad.”

  “I want to touch you too,” Keri said. “But, since you can’t…”

  She trailed off, waiting to see if he’d pick up her suggestion. He looked at her and cocked a brow. “Keri, you naughty minx. Are you suggesting what I think you’re suggesting?”

  She nodded shyly.

  He lazily grinned at her as his hand moved to the fly of his pants, making quick work of the button and zipper before he pushed them and his boxers down. Keri stifled a gasp as his impressive erection bobbed free of his clothes. Desire pooled as he fisted the base of his cock, lightly stroking.

  “Tit for tat, Ms. Robson.”

  Keri shimmied out of her pajama bottoms and looked at Jeremy, who was slowly stroking himself as he watched.

  “I want to see you,” Jeremy said.

  Keri was confused initially. He could see her. When she realized what he meant, her eyes widened. She swallowed hard as she moved the computer between her legs, adjusting its position so that he had a decent shot of her center and could also see the underside of her breasts.

  “So fucking sexy,” Jeremy groaned. “Touch yourself.”

  With trepidation since she’d never done this before, Keri lightly traced her folds with a finger, feeling the evidence of her arousal. Her breathing hitched as she hit her clit on one of her passes. She relaxed as she caressed herself while Jeremy pleasured himself. It was quite erotic knowing he was getting off on her playing.
/>   “How wet are you?” Jeremy asked huskily.

  Keri pressed two fingers into her opening and moaned, “So wet.”

  She heard how wet she was as she slowly pushed her fingers in and out.

  “Shit,” Jeremy groaned. “I can hear how wet you are.”

  She looked at him on her screen and clenched around her fingers at the feral look on Jeremy’s face. It was obvious he was locked onto her center as she moved her fingers. She bit her lip as she moved her eyes to his cock, mesmerized by the firm strokes he was giving himself.

  “I wish I was there to fuck you senseless,” Jeremy panted.

  Keri clenched again, fingering herself a bit more forcefully, trying to emulate what Jeremy would do when they were together. She moaned as she worked herself over, feeling herself moving closer to the edge of her orgasm. She heard Jeremy’s breathing getting harsher, coming in short pants, and she knew he was moving closer to his own orgasm. She wanted to come with him, so she added a third finger to her channel, gasping at the full feeling.

  She brought her other hand into play, using it to play with her clit, applying a little pressure to it as she finger-fucked herself. She moaned, biting her lip to try and stifle the sound so Joann wouldn’t come knocking.

  She was now panting, watching Jeremy as he quickly stroked himself, head thrown back as he pleasured himself. As she watched him jerk himself to orgasm, her own sped through her, making her back arch and mouth open in a silent ‘O’ as she shuddered.

  After several moments, she relaxed on the bed as aftershocks of her orgasm worked their way through her body. She felt languid as she slowly pulled her fingers from her center. She looked at Jeremy and smiled as she saw he looked similar to how she felt. She could see the evidence of his climax on his chest and abdomen and she felt pretty powerful at having helped him reach that completion.

  “I’ll be back in a moment,” he said as he slowly stood and moved off screen.

  Keri took the opportunity to dash into the bathroom to clean herself up. She washed her hands and then grabbed a washcloth to clean between her legs. Finished, she went back to the bed and moved the computer so that he could only see her torso again.

  Jeremy returned on screen, still naked as he lay back on his bed. He grinned at her lazily. “Well, it certainly wasn’t the same, but it was definitely satisfying.”

  Keri grinned in response. “Agreed. I just wish you were here.”

  Jeremy sighed and looked sad. “I do too. But, I’ll be back in no more than a month, maybe sooner.”

  “Four weeks is too long.”

  “I agree. Once I’m there, I plan to fuck you until you can’t remember your own name.”

  Keri’s breath hitched at his words.

  Jeremy chuckled. “Don’t worry, I felt it too.”

  They talked about a few other things before signing off for the evening. As Keri put her computer away, she sighed as she remembered their sexual play on the chat. While she’d never done it before, she could definitely see the appeal. She had a feeling she might have to rely on encounters like that to get her through the coming weeks of separation they had to endure as he finished out the pre-season training.

  Joann: I heard interesting sounds coming from your room earlier.

  Keri: ???

  Joann: Sounded like a moan. A male moan.

  Keri: Not sure how you heard that. I’m in here alone.

  Joann: You could have been watching porn.

  Keri: Really? You think I do that in my free time.

  Joann: Hey, we all have vices. That could be yours.

  Keri: Do I strike you as that type?

  Joann: Not really. If it wasn’t porn, then…you had Jeremy on speaker phone.

  Joann: You haven’t responded! That was it, wasn’t it?!

  Keri: He wasn’t on speaker. He was on video!

  Joann: !!!!!

  Joann: I feel like you’re all grown up. I’m assuming it was fantastic based on the other noises I heard.

  Keri: Other noises?

  Joann: Female moans. And sighs. Not gonna lie, it was pretty hot and I didn’t even know what was happening.

  Keri: You listened at my door?!

  Joann: No?


  Joann: I didn’t. I came to ask you something, heard some noises, realized what it was, and jetted. Don’t worry, I don’t know that you whimper a little before you orgasm.

  Keri: Joann! Seriously?!

  Joann: What are friends for?



  Keri couldn’t contain her excitement. Jeremy was finally returning to Seattle. It was a long four weeks filled with hours of video chats, phone conversations, and texting that usually evolved into some form of phone sex. While she was nervous, Keri had to admit there was a thrilling quality to their video chats. That being said, she was ready to see him face-to-face. Knowing he was coming home soon fueled the fire within her to combustible levels.

  She was in her robe when she heard a knock on her door. Her brow furrowed in confusion. Joann was with Troy on a romantic getaway weekend to somewhere in the wilderness. She couldn’t think of anyone who would knock on her door without buzzing from the front. Assuming it was someone from the building, she double-checked her robe was tightly cinched around her waist and moved to the door.

  Not checking to see who it was, she gasped when she saw Jeremy outside her door. He was dressed in dark washed jeans, a plain white t-shirt, and a leather jacket. She felt her mouth go dry as she looked at him leaning against her door frame. He looked sinful. She swallowed, trying desperately to rewet her mouth.

  “Hi,” she rasped.

  “Hi yourself.”

  She unabashedly continued to rake her eyes over him. He looked good enough to eat.

  “Like what you see?” he asked, breaking her from her salacious thoughts.

  “You have no idea,” she murmured as she stepped back so he could enter her apartment.

  She shut the door and locked it behind him. His eyes scanned her body and she noticed his eyes darken while his breathing picked up.

  “Like what you see?” she asked, arching a brow at him.

  “You have no idea,” he breathed as he stepped closer to her and pressed her into the door.

  Before she could process his body against hers, he lowered his head and nipped at her mouth before pressing his lips more fully against hers. His tongue slid along the seam of her lips asking for entrance. She opened her mouth and groaned as his tongue thrust against hers, caressing her as he molded himself more fully to her.

  As they kissed, Jeremy untied the belt of her robe, spreading it open. She shivered as the cool air of the apartment hit her skin, leaving a wake of goosebumps. Jeremy stepped back and raked his eyes over her partially nude form. She squirmed under his frank gaze as desire pooled in her belly.

  “So fucking sexy…” Jeremy muttered as he moved to her again and pushed her robe off her shoulders. He lightly moved his hands from her neck to her breasts, palming them roughly before pinching her nipples, rolling them between his finger and thumb.

  Keri arched her back, moaning as electricity shot right to her core, making her internal muscles clench in anticipation. Jeremy released her nipples, moving one hand down to cup her sex while his other grasped the back of her neck, pulling her to him for a searing kiss. As his tongue enticed her mouth to eagerly open, he pressed two fingers into her wet heat.

  Keri shuddered at the intrusion. Her walls fluttered around Jeremy’s fingers as he scissored them inside her, stretching and caressing her inner walls. She moaned into his mouth as he thrust his tongue into her mouth in tempo with his probing fingers. As his fingers moved in her, his thumb pressed lightly on her clit before slowly circling.

  She ripped her mouth from his, gasping as her orgasm raced through her, her walls clamping down on his fingers. He lazily thrust his fingers into her as she came down from her high. She was vaguely aware of his removing his fingers and fumbli
ng at his fly.

  She languidly leaned against the door as she watched Jeremy pull his shirt off before ridding himself of his shoes, socks, and pants. Foil crinkled before he moved to her, running his hands down her side, over her ass, and to her thighs, grasping them as he lifted her.

  “This will be quick,” Jeremy told her as he moved his hand between them again, lightly caressing her folds before she felt his tip at her entrance.

  He suddenly pressed in, filling and stretching her. She moaned loudly as he drove home.

  “Shit,” she said once she could form words.

  Jeremy groaned and held still. She wiggled, urging him to move.

  “Please move, Jeremy. Please…”

  He pulled back and thrust into her, making her gasp as she moved against the door. He set a punishing pace, moving slowly but with purpose as he fucked her. The sound of their combined moans and slapping flesh filled the apartment. Keri briefly worried they could be heard in the hallway outside the apartment, but as Jeremy continued to steadily thrust into her, any thoughts beyond him disappeared

  She approached the edge once more, her walls fluttering around Jeremy’s length.

  “Fuck,” he groaned as his thrusts sped up. He reached between them to press lightly on her clit.

  Keri moaned loudly as her climax ripped through her. Her walls clamped onto Jeremy’s length, making him moan in response as he stilled and swelled inside her. He groaned loudly as he clutched her to him. Keri sagged against the door, panting as she tried to recover.

  Jeremy pulled out and set her on the ground, holding her steady when her legs wouldn’t quite cooperate. He leaned his forehead against hers.

  “Wow,” he muttered, his breathing harsh like hers.

  “Wow indeed,” she agreed.

  “That’s quite the welcome home.”

  “It was, wasn’t it?”

  He stepped back, turning to find his pants and pulled them back on. Keri reached down and grabbed her robe, shrugging it on and loosely tying it.

  “Would you like something to drink?” she offered.

  “I think I’ve already been welcomed,” he said with a chuckle, “though water would definitely be appreciated.”


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