Short Stop to Love

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Short Stop to Love Page 15

by A. M. Williams


  “Even though it was a set-up and I’ve proven that.”

  Keri cocked an eyebrow, but remained silent.

  “I don’t know what you want me to say or do here. I’ve explained the situation to you, but you obviously don’t believe me.”

  Tension knotted in his chest as he paused and he sagged. “I’m just going to go.”

  He walked toward the door, but paused when Keri said, “Wait!”

  He paused, but didn’t turn to face her, waiting to see what she wanted to say.

  Keri sighed. “I believe you.”

  He turned to face her. She sagged and looked defeated.

  “You do?”

  She nodded and looked down at her hands. His eyes followed her and he saw they were knotted in her lap, a clear indication of how torn up she was. “I’ll admit, I didn’t at first. I looked at it and freaked. I refused to talk to anyone about it until you showed and mentioned the retraction. I didn’t want to believe you even after you gave me the story.”

  He licked his lips and wished for some water to soothe his suddenly dry mouth. They were getting somewhere, but she still seemed closed off. He thought carefully over his next question. “Can you tell me why you reacted so badly to it?”

  Keri rubbed her forehead and brushed a stray hair away. “In the group home, the boys tried to embarrass me in whatever way they could. Their favorite way was to ask me out on dates and then not show or have me find them with another girl. It only took me twice and overhearing a conversation to realize what they were doing before I packed my stuff and left. I thought those people were my friends and it turned out they weren’t.”

  Jeremy’s eyes widened. “That’s…shitty.”

  Keri snorted. “You have no idea.”

  “But…that doesn’t really explain your reaction. It hurt me that you wouldn’t listen to me. I get being upset about the photo and my not texting you right away, but shit happens. I tried to get up with you as soon as I could and you wouldn’t listen to me.”

  Keri winced and looked away.

  “I’m sorry I jumped to conclusions,” Keri said after a long silence. “I should have listened to you. It’s obvious from your texts and voice messages that you were frantic. I didn’t help that by refusing to face you.”

  Jeremy felt the knot in his chest loosen at her words. She assuaged some of his concerns with her words. “Thank you. I appreciate that. I’m sorry for being stupid and agreeing to meet her. Can we both agree to work a little harder on this whole communication thing?”

  They smiled at each other. He stood and stepped closer to Keri. She looked at him, but didn’t make a move to get up.

  “I’d really like to hug and kiss my girl.”

  Keri smiled and stood. He pulled her against him and when her arms wrapped around his waist, he finally relaxed. He reveled in her soft body pressed against him and breathed in her light, floral scent. He buried his face in her hair and ignored how it tickled his nose, happy to be holding her again. He missed this while he was gone and he swore he wouldn’t jeopardize their relationship again.

  “I promise I won’t freak like that again,” she whispered.

  Jeremy squeezed her a little tighter before he pulled back and tilted her head up, pressing a light kiss to her lips. “What do you say we order some lunch? I still have today off and I’d like to spend it with my girl.”

  Keri smiled at him and nodded.

  With a light smack on her behind, he pushed her to her room while he pulled up the number of their favorite pizza place. Thirty-minutes later found the two of them cuddled on the floor watching some made-for-TV movie and munching on pizza. As Keri laughed next to him, brushing against his side, he realized that was all he needed. And he could live with that.

  Troy: Did you talk to Keri?

  Jeremy: Yeah.

  Troy: You’re talking to me, so that’s good.

  Jeremy: Yeah.

  Troy: Talkative tonight, aren’t you?

  Jeremy: What do you want me to say? We talked.

  Troy: Was it good? Or…

  Jeremy: It was good. Cleared some stuff up.

  Troy: So we don’t have to worry about dividing you two up between us?

  Jeremy: I wish I could roll my eyes harder at that comment. No, we’re fine.

  Troy: Good. I was worried I’d have to throw you to the side for Keri.

  Jeremy: Really?

  Troy: Woman is a cooking machine. I’ve had her leftovers. They’re legit.

  Jeremy: …



  Trouble in Paradise: Mystery Blonde with Glass Identified

  Last week, we broke news with a picture of Jeremy Glass pictured with a mystery blonde woman while in sunny California for a game between Seattle and San Diego. At that point, we had no information to identify the blonde bombshell. Today, the woman has come forward to identify herself and provided pictures of her and Glass together. Her name is Heather Brandrick and she was Glass’s high school sweetheart. They dated their senior year of high school until he was initially drafted by Seattle.

  According to her, their split was a mutual decision, they have kept in contact through the years, keeping their friendship intact. Recently, they started to talk again, rekindling their romance. The photo snapped last week was one of those dates they’ve attended together. She claims they’ve kept it quiet, even having him go out with Keri Robson, the brunette he’s been pictured with for several months now, so people would leave Brandrick and Glass alone. They wanted the opportunity to rebuild their relationship in private.

  What does this mean? Who is Glass really seeing? We’ve contacted Glass’s camp for a comment, but haven’t heard anything back yet. We’ll contact you once we have more information. Below are pictures that Ms. Brandrick provided us with of her time with Glass.

  Keri’s mouth went drier than the Sahara as she looked at the photos of Jeremy and Heather. It was obvious they were younger and happy. The assortment of pictures included one of them at the beach, dressed for prom, and a family photo with both of them in it. Keri felt sick and her immediate reaction was to toss the tablet across the room and shut down, but she refused to do that. She carefully handed Joann her tablet before pulling her phone out and calling Jeremy, tapping her foot as she waited for him to answer.

  Instead, she got his voicemail. She decided against leaving a message and hung up, biting her lip as she considered what to do. She obviously needed to talk to Jeremy, but she wasn’t sure where he was at the moment. She glanced at Joann and noticed her worried look. At least she wasn’t alone in her emotional turmoil.

  It had been only a week since the first photo of Jeremy and Heather. In that time, it had been quiet and Keri’s anxiety eased. Seeing this article brought all her old insecurities rushing to the forefront again.

  Keri’s phone rang, jerking her from her thoughts. She saw Jeremy’s name flashing and she breathed a sigh of relief. “Hey,” she said in a breathless rush.

  “Hey, I’m sorry I didn’t answer. I was talking to Allison about drafting a press release. I can’t believe Heather is spouting off these lies.”

  Keri licked her lips. “I can understand, kinda. From what you explained to me, it sounds like she regrets cheating on you, so she wants you back.”

  “Really? That’s what you think?”

  Keri shrugged, even though Jeremy couldn’t see her. “I mean, obviously I don’t know her. But, that’s what I would assume. That’s probably how I’d be if the roles were reversed.”

  “I can see what you mean…” he muttered. “But, she can’t think I’d get back with her. Can she?”

  “I can’t really say. People do unpredictable things all the time.”

  Jeremy chuckled. “No kidding. I just don’t know what she’s hoping to accomplish with these articles.”

  “I don’t know the answer to that either.”

  Jeremy was silent and Keri counted her heartbeats until
he spoke again.

  “This is really surreal. I thought I might need to have a drawn-out conversation about this with you.”

  It hurt to hear Jeremy admit that. She needed to make it a point to show him they were on the same page.

  “Well, considering our previous conversation and what I noticed in the photos myself, I trust you and I believe her story is a complete fabrication.”

  Jeremy breathed heavily into the phone. “You don’t know how happy I am to hear that.”

  “I’m just worried about why she’s lying. What’s her endgame? And why is the media still printing it?”

  “I can’t answer that. As you said, people do weird things,” he said with a chuckle. “I’ve emailed you a copy of the release we’re sending out. It essentially denies everything in the article and reiterates you and I are seeing each other. I hope you don’t mind, I also allowed them to publish a photo of us from when we went to the glass blowing hut in Peoria.”

  “No, that’s fine,” Keri said, pleased.

  Unfamiliar with the way things worked, she thought releasing information showing how serious they were was good. But she doubted it would stop Heather. Her interference coupled with Jeremy’s fame ruffled Keri in many ways.

  “Great. It should be released within the hour.”

  They chatted for a few more minutes before saying their good byes. Though it was still early days, she already felt a lot for him. It scared her because the last person she felt this strongly for—her father—was killed in a car accident.

  Thankful it was a Sunday, Keri resolved to push everything from her mind and do some pleasure reading. She could worry about the world tomorrow.

  However, she was bombarded with questions from the photographers when she got to work the next day.

  “Ms. Robson, any comment on yesterday’s article about Mr. Glass and his ex?”

  “Ms. Robson, what are your thoughts on Mr. Glass’ previous relationship?”

  “Are you still with Mr. Glass?”

  “Are you and Mr. Glass serious?”

  Keri pushed through the crowd following Gabriel closely, breathing a sigh of relief when she reached the silence of the atrium. It was eerily quiet and reminiscent of the first time she was bombarded at work by reporters. This time, however, Crystal just waved and it was business as usual amongst the workers. She smiled as she walked through the room and to her office.

  After Lisa’s quick rundown of her day, Keri lost herself in work. Her phone beeping at 12:30 pulled her from the artwork mock-ups she was looking over. She smiled when she saw Jeremy’s name


  Jeremy: I find myself missing a certain brunette. Free for lunch?

  Keri: I am. Are you asking to meet me?”

  Jeremy: Yes. How long can you spare?

  Keri: A little over an hour.

  Jeremy: I can work with that.

  Keri: Where?

  Jeremy: Want me to pick you up?

  Keri: There were photographers earlier.

  Jeremy: That won’t stop me.

  Keri: Then, yes.

  Jeremy: Be there in ten.

  Keri quickly gathered her things because despite what he said, he was probably already outside. She wrote a quick note for Lisa and stuck it on her monitor. When she walked into the reception area, she shook her head and smiled at Jeremy’s predictability. He was standing at the desk talking to a flirtatious Crystal. The woman was twirling her blonde hair around her right pointer finger and fluttering her lashes. Keri swore she’d feel a breeze if Crystal moved them any faster.

  Stepping to the desk, Keri slid her arms around Jeremy’s waist. “Hey, handsome.”

  Jeremy turned and smiled at her as he leaned down to press a light kiss to her lips. It was just the barest of touches, but Keri’s heart fluttered and desire pooled in her belly. Jeremy had been gone for several days and she missed him keenly. If she could, she’d cancel her day just to spend a few hours with him. She’d settle for talking, but she’d prefer something wicked.

  Her grin broadened at the thought.

  “You ready?” he asked, grasping her hand in his.

  She glanced out the door at the photographers poised for her and Jeremy to emerge. “After you.”

  They pushed through the front door and through the commotion outside.

  “Mr. Glass, do you have anything to add to your press release?”

  “Ms. Robson, do you normally have lunch with Mr. Glass?”

  Everything was a blur until she and Jeremy were in the backseat of an SUV with Jacob driving. Once they were on their way, Keri noticed the second person sitting there. “Hey, Gabriel,” she said.

  Gabriel glanced over his shoulder at her and nodded. She was surprised to see him since she thought he was still inside Next Page. Keri fiddled with her seatbelt until they pulled up outside a run-down restaurant. The front windows were blacked out and she couldn’t discern a sign to tell her what type of restaurant this was. She cut her eyes to Jeremy, but he just smiled as he opened his door and slid out. She followed him, taking his hand once she was standing.

  He tugged her hand and she reluctantly followed. She didn’t think Jeremy would take her somewhere that wasn’t good, but a little hole-in-the-wall didn’t seem right either. She carefully followed Jeremy through the door and hoped the inside looked better than the outside.

  The cool air of the restaurant settled around them as the door closed and she looked around. Her eyes widened as she took in the interior of a lovely Thai restaurant. As the hostess led them to a small table in a corner, Keri’s eyes took in the artwork on the walls. She sniffed and her mouth salivated at the delectable smells.

  A waitress hurried over for their drink orders and Jeremy ordered spring rolls for them both. Keri licked her lips in anticipation. They each perused the menu while they waited for the waitress to return. After ordering their food and accepting the spring rolls, Jeremy looked at her. “How are you?”

  Keri cocked a brow. “I’m not sure what you’re asking.”

  He shrugged. “With the article and today’s scrutiny.”

  It was Keri’s turn to shrug. “I’m not too bad. I’m still mad about the article, but what can I do?”

  “And the media?”

  “I’ll deal with it. Today wasn’t so bad. I just ignore their questions whenever I come and go. It’s more annoying than anything.”

  “I could have Gabriel shadow you at work.”

  Keri rolled her eyes. “I don’t think that’s necessary.”

  “Are you sure? The media will only get bolder as time goes on, especially if you don’t respond.”

  Keri waved her hand flippantly. “I’m not concerned but if that changes, I’ll let you know.”

  Jeremy nodded, though the thin set of his mouth showed his unhappiness, but he didn’t say anything and she was grateful. She didn’t want to argue, but what she said was true. She didn’t fear the media, especially since they didn’t know where she lived.

  The waitress brought their food and they tucked in. Delectable flavors flooded Keri’s tongue as she took a bite of her Pad Thai. It was easily the best dish she’d ever eaten. “This is amazing!”

  Jeremy smiled and bumped her knee with his. “I’m glad. I found this place when I was in college. I come whenever I can.”

  “I can see why! This tastes amazing!”

  The rest of lunch was filled with Keri’s moans over her food and Jeremy shifting in his seat each time she made a noise. Realizing the cause of his discomfort, Keri took it upon herself to exaggerate her noises, watching Jeremy closely for any indication her moans were affecting him. He shifted and cleared his throat frequently, throwing her looks every time. She grinned as she continued.

  When they stood to leave, she stifled a giggle as Jeremy tried to discreetly adjust himself. She rolled her lips and clamped her mouth, but Jeremy cut his eyes to her.

  “Something amusing you?”

  Keri laughed. “Nope, not a thing.”

/>   His rolled his eyes. “Let’s get you back to work.”

  Keri smiled as she followed Jeremy out of the restaurant. She was surprised there was no one outside except for Jacob and Gabriel. Once they were moving, Keri said, “It was a bit weird to not have anyone outside.”

  “Not really. I’ve never had anyone find me eating there before. I didn’t expect it to start today. I think it’s because I’ve been going there so long.”

  Keri shrugged and looked out the window. Lunch was a nice slice of normalcy in what was quickly becoming an abnormal life for her. Ever since the revelation of Jeremy’s fame, her life careened out of control. The reminder that she could still enjoy a date with the man in her life was just what she needed to get through the rest of the day.

  Jacob stopped the car outside Next Page’s building. Jeremy kissed her lightly before she opened the door and slid out. Gabriel was waiting for her and helped clear a path to the door. She completely ignored the shouted questions, too wrapped up in the wonderful lunch she enjoyed with Jeremy.

  Upon stepping into the cool interior, Keri couldn’t help the smile that broke over her face. Yes, her life was out of her control, but she could deal with that if it meant Jeremy was in it with her.

  Joann: Lunch date I see?

  Keri: What are you talking about?

  Joann: Your lunch date with Jeremy today.

  Keri: Oh, yeah. We went to lunch together. Pictures I take it?

  Joann: Yep. Don’t worry, you look fierce.

  Keri: Fierce?

  Joann: Yep. Good thing you wore that dress today. Looks very flattering in these photos.

  Keri: I guess I can die happy knowing that then.

  Joann: You should. You don’t have a bad photograph it seems.

  Keri: Do you not remember me showing you pictures of me as a teen?

  Joann: Those don’t count. Everyone has those.

  Keri: If you say so…

  Joann: I do. And you know I’m right.




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