Short Stop to Love

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Short Stop to Love Page 18

by A. M. Williams

  Troy: I’m not sure I’m ready to take her home.

  Jeremy: If you’re not serious about her, why have you dated her this long?

  Troy: She’s pretty?

  Jeremy: You’re a dick.

  Troy: It’s not that I’m not serious about her. It’s just that…I’ve never brought someone home to meet everyone.

  Jeremy: I already know her. That’s one less person to worry about. Do you think I don’t worry about introducing Keri?

  Troy: But you’ve done this before.

  Jeremy: That was years ago and completely different. They were family friends. I’m terrified of what everyone will think of Keri and what she’ll think of them. But I’ll do it because I want her in my life.

  Troy: You’re whipped.

  Jeremy: I’m not. I just know what I want at this point. And she’s it.

  Waking up with Keri was amazing. Jeremy didn’t realize how much he missed it until she wasn’t there. Nothing felt as good as her soft body pressed against his. In the soft morning light, she was almost ethereal.

  Looking at her face, Jeremy’s eyes traced the contours of it down to her delicate shoulders and the curve of her back where she was wrapped around him. He felt content in ways that he hadn’t in years. He carefully extracted himself from Keri’s grip, padding into the bathroom before he pulled on some boxers and a t-shirt, grabbing his phone from the nightstand and quietly pulled the door closed behind him.

  As he walked to his study, he scrolled through the notifications on his phone. Most of them were emails related to upcoming press events, but one of his notifications stood out. It was a Google alert about him. He clicked on it and cursed when he saw the headline.

  “Fuck!” he burst. He continued past his study and toward the security office.

  “Jacob!” he shouted when he was closer.

  “Sir?” Jacob asked, looking up from the monitor.

  “Have you seen the news this morning?”

  Jacob shook his head no. Jeremy joined him and pulled up the article. He huffed as the headline came on screen and read its content. His heart rate picked up as he read what could end his career.

  How Dope is Jeremy Glass?

  Hot off the presses: an anonymous source has sent us information that Jeremy Glass, Seattle’s own Golden Boy uses, and not just anything: steroids. Anyone who’s paid attention to the sports world the last few years has seen the aftermath of doping scandals. Olympic athletes, baseball players, football players, you name it, they’ve all been impacted. Even just the mere speculation could be career ending.

  Our source indicates that Glass began using steroids when he started his meteoric rise to the top of the Seattle organization to help him perform better. These are serious allegations because of the scrutiny sports players are under due to past doping scandals. One needs to look no further than Lance Armstrong and Mark McGwire to see the negative impact drug use has on a career. Multiple rulings have resulted in sanctions against the organizations as well as more stringent drug testing regulations. Players are barred from playing, stripped of titles, and find themselves in ruin over accusations of drug use.

  The penalties are worse in college sports. Universities can find themselves unable to participate in tournaments and major events that bring in much needed revenue for the program. Things aren’t so serious in professional play, but what’s to say this won’t become the norm here?

  But, Glass’ issues are just starting. Along with the accusations that he uses steroids, there are also allegations that he is a dealer to his teammates. We were sent evidence, which we’ll reveal in an expose, that points towards Glass providing drugs to several teammates.

  So, what does this mean? It means that Glass isn’t as squeaky-clean as he appears to be in the press. I’m sure we’ll all be waiting with bated breath to see what comes from the newest scandal.

  Jeremy was fuming. He struggled to control his out-of-control heart and breathing. This wasn’t true, but it could ruin his career. He pulled his phone out and dialed Allison.

  “Jeremy, I’m assuming you’ve seen the news.”

  “You’re damn right I’ve seen the news. What the fuck?”

  Allison sighed and he heard clacking on her end, which showed she was already hard at work putting out fires.

  “I’m finalizing a release, which I’ll send shortly. I recommend you get up with the team’s doctor and submit for a voluntary drug test before they contact you for one.”

  Jeremy nodded. He was already thinking the same thing.

  Allison continued, “I would also prepare for a press conference. As you know, the team can put a rush on the test. Once we have the results in hand, we can go live with the news, providing proof that the allegations are false.”

  Jeremy sagged with relief. Allison was on it and he felt much better.

  “Can we get a retraction?”

  “I’m not sure. It might be hard since they claim to have proof. I’ll see what I can do. I’d contact your lawyer, though.”

  Jeremy nodded. He would most definitely need a lawyer to wade through the fallout this would bring. He not only had to worry about the impact on his career, but his family. They were well known and respected throughout Seattle and this could ruin them also.

  He chatted with Allison for several more minutes before hanging up and immediately called the club’s doctor to set up a time for the drug test. He also called Ross Bailey. He knew Ross would be prickly no matter what, but he wanted to pull the band-aid off quickly.

  “What the fuck is this shit in the news about you, Glass?!” Ross barked down the phone line.

  “It’s not true and I can prove it. I’ve already called the team doctor to get a drug test done today.”

  “Good. He should have the results tomorrow. You know this means you can’t play tonight, right?”

  Jeremy sighed. “Yeah, I figured. Until we can prove I’m not doping, I can’t take the field at all. Should I be at the stadium at all for the game?”

  Ross was silent for several moments before saying, “I think it’s best you come for the test and get the hell out of Dodge. The place will be overrun with press and you don’t need to be in the spotlight until you get those results.”


  With a quick goodbye, they signed off.

  “Jacob, get ready to head to the stadium. Once I wake Keri, we can head out. I imagine there’s a lot of press out front, so I’ll use the back entrance and meet you down the block. You might need to use a decoy car.”

  Jacob nodded and stepped away. Jeremy scrubbed his hand over his face before making his way to wake Keri. She was as he left her: curled up and fast asleep. He sat beside her and looked over what he could see. He didn’t want to wake her, especially since she had taken a half day. He had plans that involved neither of them wearing clothes.

  He placed a hand on her shoulder and shook her, calling her name. Keri groaned and tried to move away from Jeremy, but he pulled her to him. Her eyes fluttered and locked onto him.

  “Why are you sitting there with clothes on?” she asked in a husky voice that sent a zing of desire through him.

  “Trust me, I’d love nothing more than to be naked and entwined with you, but I have to get to the stadium. There’s been some news this morning.”

  She blinked sleepily for a few moments before asking, “News?”

  He sighed and looked away from her. “Someone has leaked that I dope and sold it to the press. There’s an article in the paper today about it.”

  Any trace of sleepiness left Keri’s eyes as she sat up and looked at him with wide eyes. “What? It’s not true!”

  “I know that, you know that, hell the organization knows that. But that won’t matter in the court of public opinion. I’m submitting for voluntary testing by the team doctor. I should have the results tomorrow and will do a press conference after.”

  “And that will be the end of it?” she asked hopefully.

  “I doubt it. There’s a g
ood chance the Commissioner and Board of Governors will be in contact. I’ll probably have to submit to an official drug test and there will be some kind of investigation into it.”

  “What does that mean exactly?”

  “I’m not sure,” Jeremy answered, fear creeping into his voice. “While they investigate, I might be suspended from playing or they might let me continue. I think it depends on a lot of factors.”

  He sighed. “I need get going. I know you need to leave for work at some point, probably before I get back. I can’t play tonight because of this, so do you want to meet up?” he asked hopefully.

  “I would love to come back here after work.”

  He smiled. “Ok, well, you have the codes. When you go home, pack your bag so you can come straight here.”

  She grinned at him in return. He pressed a quick kiss to her lips and met Jacob by the elevator. Downstairs, Gabriel was already standing by Jeremy’s Huracán. Gabriel would drive it through the media to draw their attention away from Jacob. Jacob would then follow in the nondescript car Jeremy used for his volunteer work. Jacob handed Jeremy a ball cap and a pair of sunglasses before walking over to Gabriel. With a nod to both of them, Jeremy made his way to the back entrance of the garage, carefully opening the door and checking his surroundings before stepping out.

  He put his hat and sunglasses on and walked away from the front of the building. If he was spotted, this would all be over. He briskly walked to the designated rendezvous point two blocks away.

  He vaguely heard the roar of an engine and knew Gabriel was pulling out and away from Jeremy. He glanced around and saw normal pedestrians. He relaxed slightly and slowed his pace. A few minutes later, he saw Jacob passing him and cut over, quickly getting into the front seat.

  “Most of the media left after Gabriel pulled out, following your Huracán.”

  Jeremy nodded. “Good, that means Keri should be able to leave easily.”

  Since she didn’t have her car, Jeremy told her where to find the car keys so she could use one of his. She joked she’d take the Huracán, but that wasn’t possible.

  In no time, they parked at the field and made their way inside to meet the doctor. The doctor and a male sports assistant were waiting for him. After proving his identity, the assistant followed Jeremy into the bathroom, standing just to the side of him so he could verify it was Jeremy’s specimen being sent.

  Jeremy washed his hands while the assistant did the required verification tests before sealing the cup. He normally thought it was overkill, but today he needed this to be perfect. This black cloud needed to dissipate quickly so his career wasn’t ruined.

  Finished, he nodded his thanks and left. He normally loved the ballpark and enjoyed the solace baseball gave him. But, today, there was no peace. Though the allegations were false, he still worried about the impact this could have on his career.

  He shook his head as he and Jacob stepped back into the spring sunshine, letting it warm him after the chill of the inside. Thinking over the what-ifs would kill him and he endeavored to not dwell on it for the time being.

  On the way back to his apartment, he pulled his phone out and called his lawyer.

  “Go for Dean.”

  “Dean, it’s Jeremy.”

  “I wondered if you’d call.”

  Jeremy heard creaking and imagined Dean leaning back in his chair while they talked.

  “I take it you’ve seen the article.”

  “Yep and I’ve already got some ideas on how to battle this depending on what your drug test says. You’re getting one?”

  “I just took it.”

  “Good, that’ll work in our favor. As your lawyer, you can be honest, is it true?”

  “Fuck no!”

  “I didn’t think so, but I had to check.”

  Jeremy breathed slowly to calm himself. Dean was just doing his job and it wouldn’t do to get upset with him over that.

  Dean continued. “Once we have the results, we can move forward with formal charges. We’ll have to figure out who leaked it, though. You’ll be able to get them for defamation and libel. You can probably tag the paper also for publishing the story.”

  Jeremy dropped his head against the headrest and stared at the ceiling of the car. It was only just beginning, but he was already so tired. “Do whatever you have to do. I’ll talk to Allison and see if she can ferret the source out. I’ll see if Jacob has some sort of workaround also.”

  “Great. Talk to you soon.”

  They clicked off. Though he had a plan, Jeremy didn’t feel much better.

  Jeremy blew out a breath as he listened to the dull roar in the media room the next day. The results came in and they were negative. The organization and Jeremy’s PR team drafted a release that shared the information and every major news outlet was getting a copy of the letter and results.

  He fiddled with his cufflinks and adjusted his tie. He hated wearing suits, though they were a necessary evil when he participated in press conferences. He needed to exude confidence to get through the ordeal and a suit was the way to do that.

  He heard the clicking of heels behind him and turned to see the blonde head of his PR manager coming toward him, talking into her Bluetooth headset while looking in a folder. She talked a mile a minute, but as she approached, she suddenly stopped, barking at whoever was on the other end of the line before abruptly ending the call.

  “Are you ready?” she asked, not looking at him.

  He shrugged. “As I’ll ever be.”

  She shook her head and pulled two sheets of paper out and gave them to him. “Here’s the official letter and the results. Read over them quickly.”

  Jeremy glanced over each. The letter stated he submitted to a voluntary drug test, which came back as clean. It went on to state he had the full support of the organization. He passed the papers back to Allison, who filed them away in the folder and then stuffed them into her bag.

  “When we go in there, you have a prepared statement already on the podium. Read from it. Do. Not. Deviate. Once that’s done, we’ll open the floor for questions. I’ll let you handle that, but if it gets too personal, I’ll put an end to all of it. You are here about the allegations and drug test only.”

  Jeremy nodded and breathed deeply as Allison moved to the door, placing her hand on the handle. She turned back to him and said, “Wipe that sick look off your face.”

  He jerked back and dutifully worked to rearrange his face. Now if he could only get the butterflies in his stomach to calm down. Allison pushed the door open, bringing the dull roar from earlier to a louder decibel. As Jeremy stepped into the room, a hush fell over the crowd and he felt the weight of their stares.

  He cleared his throat and discreetly wiped his sweaty hands on his pants as he followed Allison up onto the stage. He stood behind her as she cleared her throat into the microphone, causing the room to quiet.

  “Thank you all for coming today. Mr. Glass will give a brief statement and then open the floor to questions from the press. As you leave, please make sure you retrieve the official statement along with an official copy of his drug test results.”

  She stepped back and Jeremy stepped up. He was momentarily blinded by the lights of the cameras and he had to blink a few times before he looked down at the neatly typed statement in front of him. The words blurred slightly as he blinked. He cleared his throat and started to read.

  “Thank you for coming out today. I won’t mince words and keep you waiting. Yesterday, allegations were leveled against me that I used steroids to improve my performance and that I also sold to my teammates. I immediately submitted to a voluntary drug test within my organization. The results came in earlier today and showed there were no drugs in my system. I am more than happy to submit to any other required drug testing at any point to prove my continued innocence in this. I will also work with the team and the league to provide whatever is needed to ensure this goes no further.

  “As for the allegations on the dealing, I
never have and never will deal drugs. As a young boy, I saw the havoc that drugs wreaked on my mother. She used frequently and I have memories of my mother being more concerned with her next high than with ensuring I was fed and taken care of.

  “These libelous allegations are obviously from someone that has set out to smear my good reputation and ruin my career. I will stop at nothing to prove my innocence with this and I will be pursuing recourse to the full extent of the law.”

  There was silence for several moments before the room burst into sound again with the reporters shouting questions at him. For the next fifteen minutes, he answered question after question that were just rewordings of what he’d already commented. He breathed a sigh of relief as the door shut behind him at the end. He was finally alone.

  He scrubbed his hand over his face as he started to walk to the parking lot. Jacob would be waiting for him and he was ready to be home. It was only Wednesday, but the week seemed already never-ending. He pushed through the door and saw Jacob waiting by the backdoor of one of Jeremy’s SUVs. By the time Jeremy reached the car, the door was open and he was able to slide into the backseat.

  Safely in the car and away from prying eyes, he sagged. He had to keep up a strong front so the media didn’t perceive a chink in his armor that wasn’t there and make a mountain out of a molehill. He gazed listlessly out the car window as they drove through the streets back to his place. He hoped the results would allow him to return to play in the final game in their series against Houston, but Ross and the owner thought he should hold off until their first game against LA on Friday.

  He understood their reasoning, but that didn’t mean he liked it. Once parked, Jeremy was out of the car and in the elevator. He was ready to be out of the suit and see Keri. The doors slid open and he started to loosen his tie as he stepped out, his mind already with Keri.



  “Look into my team members. This doping scandal stinks of someone that wants me out of the picture, so to speak. I have my suspicions, but I’d rather have it verified before alerting the coaching staff about my suspicions.”


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