Vampire Assassin League Bundle Five - Loneliness

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Vampire Assassin League Bundle Five - Loneliness Page 20

by Jackie Ivie

  “But it was the first ruling dynasty of the Persian Empire.”

  She tilted her head slightly and raised her brows again. That look sent the buzzing noise into hyper-speed through both of his ears. But it was his fault. He’d looked into her eyes.


  He managed to nod.

  “Okay. I don’t know geography that well, there even a place called Persia anymore? Isn’t it called...Iran? Or Iraq? Or the Middle East? I mean, I’m game. You might even own an oil field or two. That might actually explain a few things.”

  “Yes. And more. It was the largest ancient empire.”

  “Ancient. Empire.”

  Neither word was a question. And they were both full of disbelief.

  “Yes,” Daron replied.

  “Are we talking about...that movie, maybe? I mean I saw it because of all the hard bodied Spartan guys in it. There was a Persian King in there. Is that the Persia you’re talking about? Because he didn’t look capable of running much. Maybe a drive through sex-shop.”

  Daron narrowed his eyes to show displeasure. It didn’t seem to accomplish much. “If you speak of the Battle of Thermopylae, the king was named Xerxes. The portrayal was not accurate. Greeks wrote history the way they wanted it.”

  “You’re not pulling my leg? You are talking about that Persia?”


  “Ancient Persia?”


  “You’ve been...waiting around in purgatory that long?”

  Daron smiled slightly. “It is not purgatory.”

  “What, then? If I believe your story, you’re saying after-death existence lasts...what? Two thousand years?”

  “And more,” he replied.

  She looked away, blinking rapidly. Everything on him reacted. Nothing halted an emotion that lifted him several inches from the floor. He was in luck that she wasn’t looking.

  She swiped at an eye. “Damn. That sucks,” she whispered.

  Daron returned to the carpet, flexing his legs slightly as he landed. He had to resist everything on his body just to keep from reaching for her. Bring her close. Hold her. And more.

  “Why do you cry? You are being offered immortality. It is a great gift.”

  She took a deep breath, looked up at him again, and took away his next breath. She had the same issue, if the slight widening of her lashes was an indicator. But she recovered first.

  “Did you just say...immortality?”


  “You’re telling me you’re immortal now?”


  “And this is the best you can do?” She waved her arm at the room.

  “You don’t like Ecbatana Palace?”

  “It’s a waste of space and utilities. This place looks like it cost a fortune. Imagine the good you could do in the world, and what did you do with it? Perfect your arrogant despotic potentate act. You are definitely dropping to a nine here, Daron.”

  “I am nothing of the kind.”

  “That Tamell wasn’t joking, either, was she? She really was going back to a harem. A harem!”

  Her voice rose on the last word. Daron didn’t know what that meant. He didn’t know her well enough to decipher it. What was he thinking? He didn’t know any females that would have assisted him with guessing what his mate meant. It didn’t sound good.

  “The rooms are spacious. Luxurious. There are several pools. A garden. I oversaw every detail myself.”

  “It’s a harem, Daron.”

  “You can have it redecorated if you like,” he offered.

  “You stuck me in a harem?”

  “Of course. That is where women live.”

  “Oh. You just lost another full point, Daron. You are now an eight. How do you feel about that?”

  “Being in a harem...bothers you?” He was mystified. His voice sounded it. And he was frustrated. It also sounded that part.

  “Ya think?” she asked.

  “Yes, I do.”

  “Okay. Cute and confused are not going to get you any points back. Not now. Not after this display of misplaced male dominance.”

  “You are angered?”

  “Oh. I think I’ll just head right toward full-out mad. In fact, this little conversation just got you another half point deduction. You are now a seven-point-five. That means I wouldn’t even answer your texts.”

  “My what?” One of the slim-phones gave a shriek from his back pocket. Daron reached for it automatically.

  “You use a cell phone and don’t know why I’m pissed? And don’t you dare answer that while we’re talking.”

  “I have to answer. It’s VAL Headquarters.”

  “You have your ringtones programmed to caller ID and you’re wondering why I’m ticked? Another half point for that one, Buddy. You’re now a solid seven. I wouldn’t even line you up with a friend.”

  “But they are the only ones who ever call me.”

  “With your personality, I can see why.”

  Daron was grinding his teeth as he slid the front of the phone open.


  “Hey. Your Highness. How’s it going? This is Nigel. You know. Young. Handsome. Suave. Eligible. Damn. Why did I have to add eligible? I was on a roll.”

  “Ah. Pipsqueak.”

  Daron watched his mate walk down the carpeted length of the room. The heavy silk of her chador accompanied each step, clinging minutely to one side of her buttocks, before doing the same to the other. He started trailing her, and hadn’t even given the order to his feet.

  “Pipsqueak? Again? That’s it. I am going to get a fake beard. A really expensive one. Then nobody will be calling me names.”

  Akron’s voice interrupted.

  “Nigel? Could you transfer the call please? We don’t have all day. Well. Actually we do, but I don’t like wasting airtime and cell phones unnecessarily.”

  “Yes, Sir. As you wish, Sir. I’ve reached Prince Daron. Just as you requested. And I don’t know why you worried. He sounds fine. Oh. Wait. He has his mate. Of course, he’s fine.”

  Akron gave a heavy sigh. It rumbled through the speaker beside his ear. Daron moved the cell out a fraction.

  “Nigel. I need you to focus here. We called the prince for a reason.”

  “Oh. Yeah. We wanted to check on him. You still there, Your Highness?”

  “Yes,” Daron answered. He wasn’t truly paying attention. His mate had reached the raised section of floor that held his throne. The dais. And then she’d climbed the three steps and was running a hand along the solid gold trim of his chair. Without one word of permission. As much as that should offend, the way her clothing molded and followed every movement was creating havoc that overrode and cancelled out just about everything but desire and interest.

  “Prince Daron?”


  “You are probably wondering why I am calling.”

  “Am I in danger?” Daron asked.

  “You’ll have to answer that question, I’m afraid.”

  “Does everyone speak riddles today? Oh no. No. Wait. You mustn’t.”

  His mate was sitting in the throne! He watched with his mouth open as she settled her buttocks onto the cushion. It wasn’t possible. That act of impiety would have seen her whipped if this was truly Ecbatana Palace. He would have had to order it. He watched her put her hands on the chair arms. And then she looked across and down at where he was standing as if daring him to say something. Daron had to turn his head to keep his expression hidden. He should be horrified. Shocked. Appalled. He was everything but. He’d actually never seen anything so...intriguing. Stimulating. His rod was giving him all sorts of trouble over it. This mating thing was definitely a curse.

  “Sounds like I’m barely in time. Daron?”

  “It’s my mate, Sir.”


  “She is very annoyed at me.”


  “And I haven’t even offered her the position of
Great Wife yet.”

  “Ah. Good. Timing is everything.”

  “Whoa. Hang on a second, here. Did I just hear what I think I heard?”

  “I believe so, Nigel. And it’s not surprising. The position was a great honor. It was also called First Wife, if I’m not mistaken. The operative word I am using here, gentlemen, is was, in the event you both missed it.”

  “What the—? How many wives does he get?”

  “His father had seven, Nigel. Perhaps more.”

  “Seven wives? Wow. How lucky can he be?”

  “Nigel. Focus here. We called to assist the prince, not add to his dilemma.”

  “He has a dilemma? Like what? Which wife is assigned which day of the week?”

  Akron sighed again. Daron was really having trouble following the conversation. It was his fault. He’d turned back to his mate. She was making little twirling motions about the molded images of lion’s heads on the armrests of his chair with her fingers. It had an erotic look to it. She had her lips pursed in a kissable fashion while she did it. And then she winked. And damn everything. He pulsed in place. He jerked his head away.

  “Let me explain, gentlemen. Listen up. We only get one mate in this endless existence of ours. One. And that’s if we’re very lucky. Don’t interrupt me, Nigel. This is not about you. It’s about His Highness. Daron? You don’t need to ask any woman to be your Great Wife, because we only get one wife. And since your mate is from New Jersey, you are very lucky we called before you insulted her with that particular offer.”


  “Now. Want to tell us what else you’ve done?”

  “She is angered over my harem, as well.”

  “What? He gets a harem, too? Holy bat balls.”

  “Bat balls?” Akron asked.

  “I am trying to be original, Sir. It’s not easy.”

  “I see.”

  “So. What do you say, Sir? I’ve been thinking. I really need some time in the field. And I have a great eye for women. I could help the prince. He could use a discerning eye like mine. I mean, I know exactly what he needs for his harem.”


  “Nobody should get a harem around here without my input. That needs to be in the rules somewhere. Come on, Sir. Unbend just a little. I’m single. And unattached. And pretty much dead. I could even be one of his palace harem guards.”

  “And do what, please?”

  “Watch them.”

  “Watch them do what, please?”

  “I don’t know. Cavort naked in the fountains. Water nymph things.”

  “Ah. And then what?”

  “Then I’d help them dry off. What else?”

  “You’re missing the point, Nigel.”

  “Oh. I wouldn’t be missing much, Sir.”

  “Nigel. Women are not mindless entities.”

  “I never said they were, Sir. I mean, look at our female associates. They’d have my head if they heard this. That’s why I’d help the prince select mortal woman.”

  “Really? So. Enlighten me. What would you have the harem of mortal women do with their time once they got tired of cavorting about naked in the fountains? Knit?”


  “And then there’s the other issue, Nigel. Women do tend to age. What happens to your water nymphs, then?”

  “Oh. Water buffalo bollocks. Thanks for that mental picture, Sir. I take back everything I said. You don’t need a harem, Prince Daron. Ugh. Saggy boobs everywhere. I’m going to have nightmares now.”

  “This call has reached time limit. We’ll call you right back, Daron.”

  The phone went dead.

  “You finish your call, did you?”

  Daron glanced in his mate’s direction again. And immediately got snagged. She had the most stunning eyes. Even from this distance. Every bit of her called to him.

  “Uh. No.”


  “They ran out of time. They will call me back.”

  “Really? Sounds like you have a pretty crappy cell plan. You might want to swap providers.”


  “You are really cute, Your Highness. Very cute. I might be persuaded to give you back a half point just for the view.”

  She smiled. Daron’s heart swooped oddly. Another phone went off at his hip, startling him. He jumped. And she laughed. Ah. That laugh of hers could overtake entire countries. He fumbled with the phone and had to look away in order to get beneath his robe and find his pocket. He had never considered the throne chair as a backdrop for anything other than ceremony. Right now, that chair, with her in it, was adding all kinds of fuel where he least needed it.

  “I suppose you’re going to answer that?”


  “Well. Don’t let me stop you.”

  She moved a hand and slid it down the front of her chador, cleaving an opening that showed she wasn’t wearing much of a bodice. She was also giving him a very good look at a perfect, sun-kissed throat. The hint of perfect breasts. Daron was shaking. He almost dropped the phone. And she found that even more amusing.

  “What?” he barked into the phone when he got it open.

  “Ah. Interesting greeting. Care to explain?”

  “I just got a half point back. She will probably deduct it now.”

  Akron laughed. The phone trembled with the volume of it. Daron glared at it for a moment. It wasn’t remotely funny.

  “I see. She’s using the sliding scale with you. How far have you dropped?”

  “Seven. No. Seven-point-five.”

  “Good. It’s not too late, then.”

  “When is too late?”

  “Depends on the lady involved. I would say five in your case. Nigel? You listening still?”

  “Like I’d miss this. I don’t even care what Lizbeth might be planning.”

  “Good. Maybe I can facilitate wisdom with two of you at the same time. So. Fire up the internet, Nigel. Type the name Evelyn Warner in the search bar. Wait there.”

  “What am I waiting for?”

  “Is there any quantifier you can give us before we search, Daron? Something your mate might have let slip? Something in her past, perhaps?”

  “She was the runner-up for something...let me think. Oh, yes. Miss Raritan Canal Days.”

  “Very good. Add that after her name, Nigel.”

  “You’re being very mysterious, Sir.”

  “I don’t want the screen filled with images of the explosion at the Rocking Horse. Which is what will happen if you search for her name. This is an object lesson. They work best if there’s an impact statement at the beginning. You may press enter now.”

  “Holy creamed doughnut farts.”


  “I already told you, Sir, I am trying to be original...and I’m surprised anything came out of my mouth. Have you seen this woman?”

  “What woman?” Daron asked.

  “Your mate. She’s a beauty queen, and I am almost speechless. She has legs that go all the way to the floor, a toned torso, really nice boobs, and she can rock a bikini from here to Barbados. I swear. You have hooked up with a solid twelve here.”

  Daron growled.

  “Nigel. You may not want to be so effusive with the description. It could tend to be dangerous to your health.”

  “She’s crossing a stage in an itty-bitty bikini and high heels. And there’s not a spot of cellulite anywhere on those gams. Wait. I can get this on video.”

  “Nigel. Please remember, I did warn you.”

  “About what? How is looking at this goddess going to do anything other than caress my eyeballs?”

  “Oh...I’m going to say that the prince does not appreciate hearing you describe his mate. It’s a primal thing. Call it...jealously. And if you continue along this vein, I may not even stop him from putting a Persian scimitar through you.”

  “You wouldn’t save me?”

  “Oh. You’d survive. Lesson learned. Unless you’ll mute your enthusi
asm for Miss Warner’s charms before that happens?”

  “Point taken, Sir. But I have to ask. If he’s got this woman as a mate, what the heck does he want with any other wives? Or a harem?”

  “Ah. Excellent question, Nigel. I do believe you are learning. Why don’t you ask that of His Highness. Daron?”

  “How come she’s a twelve?” Daron replied. “She told me a ten was perfect. I do not understand.”

  Akron sighed again, just as loudly. “Well. One out of two isn’t bad, although I usually have better results. Try not to sink to a five, Daron. It will be easier.”

  And he hung up. Daron looked uncomprehending at the cell phone for several moments, trying to digest what he’d just heard. And failing.


  His call must have ended. Evie watched him look at the phone for a bit, and then he pitched it at a column. The phone shattered on impact, making a loud crash. She jumped.

  And then Prince Daron tipped his head toward her. He had his chin lowered and was glaring toward her. She didn’t know what that expression meant. He had an uncanny ability to do something with his eyes. She watched as they flashed, looking like sunlight hitting on a mirror. And a whoosh of heat went through her breast. Her breath caught. Her knees melted. Heavens! She could swoon at the look he was giving her, and thoroughly enjoy the drop.

  It was ridiculous. It still happened. Her entire body felt as if a bolt of lightning had speared it and was still sending crackling noises as it dissipated. The next second he was right at the bottom step, looking up. This time the sensation was even more transcendent. It was enormous. Almost frightening. She’d never felt anything like it. He sent a haze into existence that reached out and enfolded. The pad on this chair must have ridges sewn into it, too. They were creating an erotic sensation against her buttocks.

  And the look he was giving her could easily get him rocketed right back to a nine. Maybe, even a nine-point-five. The guy exuded sexual magnetism. It should be photographed, spray-painted on billboards, and marketed. Somebody would make a fortune.

  “Evelyn,” he said.

  Wow. Her name had never sounded quite like that. She lifted her eyebrows. Goosebumps rippled over her skin. She didn’t think her voice would work.


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