The Professor Next Door (Cider Bar Sisters Book 3)

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The Professor Next Door (Cider Bar Sisters Book 3) Page 11

by Jackie Lau

  “But he is already here!” Po Po said. “Am so happy you are still together.”

  “We’re not—”

  “Ah, save it, Nicole, I know the truth.” Po Po tapped her finger against her temple.

  “We’re not together,” David said. “Now, what is this video?”

  Kelsey whipped out her phone and showed them. The video began with Kelsey holding out her hand to display two plastic spiders.

  David could see exactly where this was going.

  On screen, Kelsey used sticky tack to put one of the spiders on the kitchen wall.

  The video then jumped to Po Po hitting the fake spider with a wok.

  “You see what I have to put up with?” Po Po said. “She pranked me with fake spider! That’s why I woke her up this morning and made her take me here. Now we must all go to H-Mart, and Kelsey, you must buy me two of those fishy pastries.”

  “I can get them for you,” David said. They were only a toonie each. And he was happy to go on this unplanned shopping trip. Any time he got to spend with Nicole was nice.

  “Ah, good. I knew I liked you.” Po Po patted his shoulder.

  “No more videos of you drooling over Jason Momoa, Po Po?” Nicole asked.

  “Jason Momoa? Ah, right. Hunky actor. Kelsey has not shown me any.” Po Po sniffed.

  “I saw a guy who looked like him last night, when I was out with my friends.”

  Oh? This wasn’t something she’d told David.

  Po Po looked between David and Nicole. “Did you make out with the Jason Momoa guy? He should be on your freebie list!”

  David managed to refrain from making a strangled sound.

  “You know, like on Friends,” Po Po continued. “A list of five celebrities you are allowed to have sex with even if you are in a relationship. Wah, I should not have to explain this stuff to you. You should know.”

  “I didn’t kiss him,” Nicole said, “But freebie lists aren’t relevant anyway. First of all, David isn’t my boyfriend, so why would we have these lists? I’m a free woman. I can do whatever I want. Second of all, the freebie list doesn’t include look-a-likes. Just the actual celebrities themselves.”

  “But you have...what do you call it? Plausible deniability?”

  “No, I don’t think that’s quite right...”

  “I wish I’d been recording this,” Kelsey said.

  David couldn’t help being glad that Nicole hadn’t slept with this Jason Momoa look-a-like but instead had come home to him. He tried not to make too much of it, though.

  “I can say it all again and you can record this time,” Po Po said. “I have good memory.” She tapped her head.

  “We tried this once before,” Kelsey said, “and it wasn’t at all the same. But this has reminded me that I should show you more pictures of actors and record your reaction. People seemed to enjoy that. Now, how about that trip to H-Mart?”

  A few minutes later, they all headed down to the visitor parking area.

  “Sorry for getting us into this shopping trip,” David murmured to Nicole as they followed Kelsey and Po Po to the car.

  “Could have been worse,” Nicole muttered. “She could have found the dildo.”

  “What did you say?” Po Po looked back at them. “Are you gossiping about me?”

  “Of course not!”

  Nicole turned back to David. Last night she’d been incredibly sexy in that red dress, but she was lovely this morning, too, wearing her beret and her winter jacket.

  She smiled at him, and he smiled back.

  Friends with benefits, he reminded himself.

  He could see himself falling for her—he was already falling for her a little—but she’d made it very clear how she felt about relationships, and he wouldn’t let himself ruin it.

  They had a good thing going on, and he’d simply enjoy what they had.

  Sex and bungeoppang and all.

  * * *

  “Nicole!” Mom’s voice boomed over the phone.

  Well, this was exactly what Nicole needed right now. How fun.

  She’d been home for all of ten minutes and had just finished putting away her purchases from H-Mart. She’d felt the compulsion to buy lots of food—even though she’d gone grocery shopping a few days ago—because David’s mention of taking an Uber made it seem like she was in need of a big shopping trip. She’d been trying to make their story believable, that was all. That was the only reason she’d bought so many frozen dumplings and snacks. Surely these yuzu candies and sweet potato chips that David recommended wouldn’t be any good. No way. Just like the shrimp chips. They were terrible.

  Ha. She’d already eaten a quarter of the bag.

  Nicole plopped down on the couch and set the chips aside.

  “Hi, Mom,” she said.

  The timing of this call was unusual, as Mom typically called on weekday evenings. Most likely, Po Po had called her during the drive home and told her about David.

  “When do I get to meet your special friend?” Mom giggled.

  Yup, it was just as Nicole had feared.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said, even though feigning innocence wouldn’t get her very far.

  “Nicole! You literally just got home from H-Mart with your grandmother and a boy.”

  “David’s not a boy. He’s forty years old.”

  “Ooh, I’m starting to get details.”

  “He lives next door, we hang out sometimes. By sheer coincidence, he happened to meet Po Po again.”

  “He sounds very nice. Ma is pleased that he bought her fish pastries and pushed her cart.”

  “He’s very nice, yes,” Nicole said.

  “You deserve someone nice.”

  There was a long pause, and Nicole thought back to what had happened with Calvin, all those years ago.

  When Nicole was in high school, her mother had really gotten into the idea that you could attract good things with positive thinking and visualization.

  If it was just that, it would have been fine.

  But Mom had also believed that bad things happened to you because of the way you thought, and whenever something bad happened to Nicole, she’d get blamed for it.

  You’re sick? It’s all your fault.

  Some guy is being creepy? Must be your fault.

  You had to deal with a racist asshole? Must be your fault.

  And so Nicole told her mom nothing, but she internalized a lot of the stuff that was said to her.

  Calvin, on the other hand, didn’t blame her for everything. Just a lot of things, and that felt like an improvement.

  After breaking up with Calvin, in a moment of weakness, Nicole told her mom about a lot of what had happened and said she must have deserved it.

  She hadn’t expected sympathy, but she got it.

  Then she and her mom had a big fight, Nicole yelling about how her mother’s beliefs had made her feel like shit, how it was basically all victim blaming, how she couldn’t help feeling like everything bad about her relationship with Calvin was her own fault, etc.

  After that, Mom started to change her views.

  Their relationship had improved somewhat since then, but Nicole still hesitated before telling her mom anything, fearing her reaction. And she still sometimes felt like things she had no control over were her own fault.

  “Really, you deserve someone nice,” Mom repeated.

  “I don’t want anyone, as I’ve been telling you for the past ten years. Not everyone is meant for a relationship.” Nicole angrily stuffed a shrimp chip in her mouth.

  “But I’m not sure that’s true about you. I’m your mother.”

  “Alright, Mom. I’ll keep that in mind.”

  “You’re using your I’m-just-humoring-you voice.”

  “Oh. Am I.”

  “There it is again!”

  This time, Nicole laughed.

  “But really,” Mom pressed, “not every man is like Calvin. You know that, right?”

  “Of c
ourse. Not all men.”

  “One bad relationship doesn’t mean all relationships will be the same.”

  “I know,” Nicole said.

  “Do you want me to come over? It seems like you could use some company.”

  “No, because you’d eat my delicious shrimp chips. Besides, I already saw Po Po, Kelsey, and David today. It’s time to relax, and you know you’re not very relaxing.”

  “So you’ve told me.”

  That was the thing about Mom and Po Po: they were exhausting. If Nicole didn’t stand up for herself, they could rearrange her life in seventeen different ways in a single conversation.

  “I think I’ll have a bath now and watch a movie,” she said to her mother. “Talk to you later in the week, okay?”

  “Yes. And next time I see you, I have a new moisturizer to give you. Don’t let me forget.”

  It would probably be good stuff, knowing her mom.

  Nicole ended the call, then headed to the washroom and started a bath.

  The last time she’d had a bath was after she’d first slept with David, and she couldn’t help thinking of him now.

  She could always count on David to be on her side. He was rather sweet in that regard. And she didn’t have to worry about him acting inappropriately or trying to force her to do something she didn’t want to do.

  The first time she’d seen him in the hall, she’d had no idea they would become friends. Certainly, ending up in bed together was the last thing she’d expected.

  She froze in the middle of taking off her clothes.

  Roy had ended things because he’d met someone else, and he hadn’t been the first man to meet the love of his life while having a no-strings-attached arrangement with Nicole

  One day, surely, David would fall in love with someone else, too.

  It sounded like he’d be happy to be married again. Have a couple of children. He didn’t struggle with commitment.

  And he really was a wonderful guy. A catch. If he fell in love with a woman, she’d probably love him back.

  Yes, one day David would end their physical relationship, perhaps sooner rather than later, and the thought hurt more than it had with any of her other sex partners.

  Nicole told herself it was just because he was right next door and the sex was particularly good, so it was better than any of her other arrangements. Plus, they were friends, but they could continue to be friends.

  Surely those were the only reasons that the shrimp chips and bungeoppang were forming a lump in her stomach.

  Chapter 17

  It was a cold, blustery day in March, and when David opened his door for Nicole, she had her arms wrapped around her and looked a touch bedraggled.

  Still absolutely lovely, of course.

  This was their first Friday dinner since they’d started sleeping together—he’d had that alumni dinner last week—and he couldn’t help feeling nervous.

  He’d obsessed quite a bit about the food. He’d decided that some kind of soup would be in order, then debated the options for far too long.

  “What did you order?” she asked as she took off her boots and coat.

  “Pho,” he said.

  Her face lit up, and David felt like even if he’d spent ten hours figuring out dinner, it would have been worth it. As it was, he’d spent a fair amount of time even once he’d settled on pho. There were countless pho restaurants in Toronto. Finally, he’d decided it would be best if he picked between the two restaurants that were within walking distance of their building—and that decision hadn’t been quick, either.

  She sat down beside him at the counter. She was still wearing her work clothes. The gray skirt suit looked lovely on her, but he wanted to take it off.

  And he didn’t chastise himself for having such thoughts now.

  He set her bowl in front of her before opening up a container with two fresh spring rolls and dipping sauce, the shrimp and vegetables visible through the rice paper.

  “Oh, I haven’t had these in ages!” She reached for one, dipped it in a generous amount of sauce, and took a big bite, holding her hand underneath to catch anything that fell.

  He loved her delight in the food. Nicole definitely knew how to enjoy herself.

  At that thought, his pants felt a bit tight.

  “How has your week been?” she asked as he started his pho.

  “Not bad. Wednesday was particularly good.”

  “Was it?” She waggled her eyebrows. “Do tell.”

  “You know what happened.” Wednesday night, she’d sent him a text saying she was horny, and five minutes later, they were in her bed together.

  “You’re turning pink.”

  “It’s the steam from the pho,” he said.

  “Sure it is.”

  It was a little different eating with her now, but there was still an easy companionship between them. What if she came home to him every evening?

  He didn’t let himself dwell on the possibility.

  “Any plans for the weekend?” she asked.

  “I have a reference letter to write, and I’ll try to actually make it to the pool.”

  “I’ll take that as a challenge.”

  “I don’t have to go quite as early as usual, but lane swimming stops at nine thirty, so it has to be before then.”

  “Don’t worry, you don’t have to change your life for me. That’s cool. I won’t stay the night if you don’t want me to.”

  “I want you to stay,” he said quickly. He didn’t want there to be any mistake about that.

  “Alright. I won’t get up too late, and I won’t wear you out too much.” She winked at him, then sighed in pleasure at her first bite of pho. “You always make good food choices.”

  “I take that as a great compliment.”

  “As you should.”

  When they were finished dinner, he cleared everything away and brought out dessert.

  “Oh!” she cried. “It looks like art. It’s almost too pretty to eat.”

  “Well, then.” He held it away from her. “You don’t need to have any.”

  She gave him a dark look that made him laugh as he set the pastries on a plate.

  There were three, because he hadn’t been able to decide on only two, from a place that called itself a Eurasian bakery.

  “Tell me what everything is,” she said.

  He pointed at the first one. “This is called the mocha latte.” It was made to look like a latte, complete with leaf-like latte art. “The cup is chocolate, and inside there’s espresso cream and more chocolate.”

  She pointed at the second pastry.

  “Pandan and coconut,” he said.

  “The last one looks like strawberry.”

  “Yep. Strawberry cheesecake.”

  “That’s why there’s a mouse for decoration! Because of the cheese.”

  It was easy to bring a smile to her face, but that didn’t mean he liked it any less.

  “I assume we’re sharing all three?” she said.

  “Rather than you eating everything? Yes.” He got out two small spoons and passed one to her. His fingers brushed hers, and it felt like a crackling warm fire.

  “I would never do that,” she said in a silky voice. “Of course I’d let you have at least a bite. Of one of them.”

  She shifted her stool close to his, and they ate the pastries from the single plate. After she’d tried each of them, he asked, “Which do you like best?”

  “The mocha latte one.”

  “I prefer the strawberry cheesecake.”

  “So, you’re saying I can eat the rest of the other two? Okay.” She patted his shoulder.

  He did enjoy their affectionate teasing. And sharing cute desserts seemed rather romantic, but he reminded himself that she didn’t want romance.

  She slid her spoon into her mouth and groaned, then slowly licked the cream from her lips.

  “Are you attempting to seduce me, Nicole?” he asked.

  “Attempting? I am seducing you
. I know I’m succeeding.” She looked pointedly at his crotch.

  “It’s true. You are.”

  He took the spoon from her hands and set it down on the plate. Then he cupped her cheeks and brushed his thumb over her skin.

  “You’re too effective at your seduction,” he murmured. “I won’t let you finish eating.”

  “You’re making me give up my chocolate? What the fuck is this?”

  He didn’t say anything, just removed her suit jacket and started unbuttoning her blouse. He placed her clothes on the empty stool on the other side of her.

  “Still too much clothing.” He leaned over to kiss her and take off her bra. She tasted of dessert and Nicole, and it was a delightful combination. “Now stand up and remove your skirt and underwear.”

  She did as told, and he came to stand behind her and slid his hand between her legs.

  “Now you can eat,” he said. “See? You can have sex and chocolate at the same time.”

  He couldn’t see her expression, but she lifted a bite to her lips.

  “Mmmmm,” she said, drawing it out.

  “That’s right. Enjoy yourself.” He slipped his fingers through her folds and circled her clit with his thumb.

  She had a few more bites of dessert, but then she started to tremble in his arms and put the spoon down, which made him feel pretty damn good about his skills.

  She arched her neck, and he kissed her along the side of it as he stroked one hand over her breast and thrust two fingers from his other hand inside her.

  “David,” she said softly.

  This orgasm didn’t seem as intense as some of her other ones, but he was just getting started.

  “You want to finish dessert now?” he asked. “Or can it wait until afterward?”

  David kept his voice calm, but fuck, he wanted her to touch him. He wasn’t used to being so overcome with need.

  He turned her toward him and gave her a little smirk that he thought would piss her off.

  Sure enough, she shoved him against the nearest wall and started kissing him, and he smiled against her lips.

  * * *

  At eight o’clock on a Saturday morning, David would normally be heading to the pool, but he’d let himself stay in bed with Nicole just a little longer. They’d had sex, and now she was lying with her chest pressed against his side. He wouldn’t have it any other way.


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