Non Consensual Female

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Non Consensual Female Page 2

by Roget Gaiton

  I took her ass just as I had taken her pussy. When I pressed against her tightest opening she submissively loosened it as best she could. In spite of that, she was a very tight fit and groaned as I stretched her with my penetration. As I filled her I watched her face and enjoyed seeing her experience the same reaction that most women do when they are taken anally for the first time. First the fear vanished as she realized that it wasn't as painful as she had thought it would be and then shock set in as she realized that it was a powerful turn-on. The anal stimulation excited her but not enough to make her cum. I used it to slowly build her back towards a state of high excitement. When she was close to release I lubricated my index finger with her wetness and used it to stimulate her clitoris. She tried to resist but I had control of her body and soon she was having serial orgasms again.

  As she moaned I spoke to her. “Surrender feels good, doesn’t it, slave?” I wasn’t looking for an answer but got a delightful surprise when she said, “Yes, sir”. Once she had crested I ordered her to stop cumming and look directly at me. When she was able to focus her eyes she realized that I was close to orgasm, she seemed almost hypnotized by the look on my face. That is another thing I love about binding a woman with her legs straight up in the air, you can watch each other’s faces. As I came inside her ass hers took on a look of slight satisfaction. After being totally stripped of power, the pleasure I took in her body gave her a tiny trace of it back. This was exactly my intention when I ordered her to watch me cum, to have her only form of control be the pleasure she could give.

  As I removed the condom I asked her how she had liked her first anal sex. She said that it wasn’t so bad and that she really wished that she could kill me. I was laughing out loud as I told her that I appreciated her honesty then kissed her again, a long, slow and deep one this time. She had surrendered enough by now to fully kiss back and even take some pleasure from it. After savoring the kiss and the feel of her skin under my hands I ordered 317 back to silence, then walked to the intercom on the wall and sent for 37.

  37 is a male slave we trained five years ago. When his Master died less than a month after taking delivery we took him back and made him a staff slave. He’s endowed better than most, though not to an extreme and has been trained extensively to deliver pleasure to both men and women. According to the female staffers, who often enjoy him, 37 is the most skilful lover that they have ever experienced.

  For this occasion he was dressed in only a leather hood and a condom. Upon seeing him 317 began to cry and asked permission to speak. I didn’t grant it but began to gently stroke her face. I kept stroking her and told her to remember that she was a strong woman who could survive this and that she had to surrender not only to his entry but also to the pleasure, or be punished again. He entered her gently then kept his motions soft, rhythmic and constant. As she warmed up he began using his hands in perfect congress with his member. I added to her sensations by fondling and sucking her nipples gently. This time her orgasms took longer to begin but, once they started, the intensity and duration were amazing. 37 played her body cleverly and knew she was done in at the same time I did. When he quietly asked permission to cum I told him, “In her ass, but quickly.” He changed openings and came less than a minute later. Under my order she watched him just as she had watched me and was obviously gratified by the sight. I sent him from the room without comment but made a mental note to reward him later.

  The drugs helped keep 317 calm but, more than that, I could tell that she had been trained to deal with the probability of being raped as part of her undercover assignment. I had admired her strength from the very start and admired it even more now. She was able to keep herself together even after two rapes and harsh punishment. In a way her strength was to her disadvantage. I would have let a weaker woman rest to keep from shattering her, but this one was strong enough to force her to surrender once more.

  From a nearby cabinet I took a set of butterfly style nipple clips and a female urinal. I knew from the amount in the IV that I had given her that her bladder was full now. With my face once again close to hers and my voice very soft and intimate I told her I was proud of her and found her very beautiful. Then I explained that by making her orgasm repeatedly, against her will, I had begun the process of stripping away her defences and fully enslaving her. Now I told her I was going to strip away another piece of her dignity and in doing so make her closer to being mine. With that I placed the urinal between her legs and ordered her to urinate.

  She asked permission to speak and when I granted it told me that she had never been able to go with someone watching or even listening. Still speaking softly I told her that she was going to go with me watching, that it was only a matter of time and I advised her to make sure that I could tell that she was trying. I then put the clips on her nipples. She shuddered but was able to manage the pain. Holding the urinal against her with one hand I caressed her body with the other. As I did so I told her that I would like to take the clips off and lower her legs from such an uncomfortable position but she had to pee for me first. I was hoping that she would be able to comply so that it was an act of surrender but was willing to wait until bodily necessity overtook her. It took her about 3 minutes of trying and in the end it was an act of surrender. Suddenly she said, “Hold it close please” and began to empty her bladder. There is a level of control and intimacy in that particular degradation that you have to experience to understand. To a woman, having a man not only see, but control her urination is not just an act of surrender. It also involves him in a very private act and removes some of the power of her feminine mystique.

  I patted her dry while congratulating her. I had already affected her mind enough for her to smile slightly with pride at her accomplishment in being able to obey such an order. She then asked permission to speak and, when she got it, begged me to remove the nipple clips. I warned her that after such a long time the pain was going to be intense. With a smile that contained very little pleasure she said: “That’s okay, I’m a very strong woman.” I told her that it was all right to scream then took the clips off one at a time. She gasped at the pain but otherwise managed to keep silent until I began roughly massaging both nipples at once. That caused her to scream solidly for about 10 seconds before the pain eased off. Her scream was yet another surrender and act of intimacy. She was still in pain but not consumed by it as I released her legs and other bindings. When I picked her up off the table she instinctively put her arms around me and shook as I carried her to a small but soft bed in the room next door. I tucked her in like she was a small child, then told her that she was allowed to sleep now.

  Day 2

  It took her 20 minutes to cry herself to sleep but once she did she slept hard for 10 full hours. When she woke up I gave her a few minutes to gather herself then entered the room and sent her to the shower. While she washed I placed an order with the kitchen. When she came out I greeted her with a bed tray full of breakfast and a huge cup of coffee. I took the towel she had wrapped around herself and then told her that she could speak freely for a while. She thanked me and took a big sip of the coffee with a look of pure joy on her face. Suddenly she had a thought and asked if her breakfast was drugged. I told her that only the coffee was and advised her that she would far rather drink it than learn how we administer injections. She nodded and soon her cup was empty and her plate clean. I set the dishes aside and told her that if she was cooperative her morning could be very pleasant. She nodded a drug-assisted agreement and when I asked her to lie down she complied without resistance.

  What followed was technically another rape but to an onlooker it would have seemed like she had a particularly sweet lover. I caressed her gently all over her body, inspecting for damage from the night before as I did so. I was pleased to find only some mild bruising from the crop and two small welts from the cane. Inflicting the level of pain that I had without doing damage takes much more skill than it may seem.

  Once I had her mildly excited I began
pleasuring her orally. Her sex was soft and warm and it smelled and tasted sweet. A little exploration and experimentation told me what she responded to the most. Since I was taking great pleasure in the experience myself, I pleasured her slowly and for a long time, building her to an intense orgasm. I let her savor that for a bit, then took her vaginally in a gentle but passionate fashion. I don’t often take a woman gently but her sweet taste and quiet heat reminded me of just how nice it can be. She wrapped her legs around me and took me deeper inside as she came. That triggered my own release, which she once again watched, this time showing obvious pride. Since she had submitted and responded like a lover I held her in my arms for a pleasant while afterwards.

  She spent the rest of her morning in grooming. Various female slaves and staffers cut and tinted her hair, manicured her nails, waxed her intimate areas and softened her skin. They also performed the same services for each other, which created an atmosphere something like a teenage slumber party. Between the strength of the drugs we had given her and the general pleasantness of the treatments, 317 offered no resistance at all. The only differences between what she experienced and a day at a very expensive spa were that she was never consulted on any of the style decisions and she, as well as the women working on her, were naked. They also frequently touched intimately and each of them gave her a passionate kiss when their part was completed.

  At noon most of the male staff gathered in the video room. We sent to the kitchen for wine, beer and sandwiches, then got comfortable and settled in. We all knew from experience that what came next would be a rare show. When her grooming was finished 317 was taken over by Mey Chun. Technically Mey Chun is on staff, since we have never trained her or taken her by force. In behavior she is more like a special status slave. As a half-American half-Vietnamese orphan she had begun selling her body on the streets of Saigon not long after learning to walk. When we gave her a home at age 25 she became our most loyal retainer and an almost supernaturally skilled and erotic trainer. Like many oriental women she has a beautiful but hard to read face and a trim but generous body. She is visually beautiful but her real beauty is in the way she speaks and moves with extraordinary grace and femininity. The overall impression she gives is one of soft womanhood so extreme that even other women desire her.

  Mey Chun took 317 from out of the salon chair and led her into what we call the examination room. This is basically a copy of a small doctor’s office equipped with a medical table complete with stirrups, a central floor drain and a very interesting collection of medical equipment. It also has several hidden cameras that show all the events taking place in the room from every possible angle. Mey Chun began by sitting 317 on the table and telling her how beautiful she was. Her words were true and sincere and 317 reacted accordingly. Mey Chun then explained that her job was to give her a special sort of internal examination. 317 blanched a bit at that and Mey Chun hugged her comfortingly and explained that she could be restrained if she liked but that she would prefer that she cooperated. 317 agreed to try.

  Most of the drugs had cleared 317’s system by now but the constant sexuality had taken her to such a deeply submissive state that she was still behaving and reacting like someone heavily drugged. When Mey Chun asked her to put her feet in the stirrups, 317 cooperated with hardly a second thought and opened her legs without seeming aware of the blatant sexuality of the pose. When Mey Chun put a pair of latex gloves on and began touching 317’s genitals, 317 startled a little bit then simply settled in and asked her to be gentle.

  Mey Chun didn’t use any outside lubrication. Only a woman could have made that work. A man would not have had anywhere near the patience. She began with one finger inside 317 and added other fingers slowly and pleasurably. 317 submitted to her much more easily than she had to me and openly enjoyed the sensations. Soon all four of Mey Chun’s fingers were inside 317 and she was beginning to feel some discomfort from stretching. Mey Chun told her that she was sorry for the discomfort and asked her again to please cooperate if she could in a tone that made her caring and gentle concern clear. When 317 said again that she would try, Mey Chun leaned forward and skilfully pleasured 317’s clit with her tongue to give her a reward. She softly tongued 317 just to the verge of orgasm, then inserted her thumb with the rest of her fingers inside her pussy. 317 came powerfully and Mey Chun used her mouth and her free hand to keep 317 cumming as she stretched her. There was a short moment when 317 could stretch no more and Mey Chun had to force the last bit of her hand through. 317 almost rose off the table and looked for a moment as if she would scream. Just at the critical time the widest part of Mey Chun’s hand passed through and 317 collapsed back down on the table with relief. For the next while Mey Chun dominated her totally and pleasured her with unparalleled skill. 317 came so often and so hard that she was hardly able to breathe enough to stay conscious.

  When the fisting was over Mey Chun raised the end of the table and gently took 317’s legs out of the stirrups then laid down next to her to gently stroke 317 while she recovered. When 317 was able to function again, Mey Chun helped her to sit up then stand up and then attached leg cuffs with a foot of chain between them to her ankles. Mey Chun apologized for shackling her to her bar and explained that I had ordered it. Then as a measure of comfort, she told 317 that if she promised to keep the restraints on they could be left unlocked. 317 gave her word that she would wear them until I ordered otherwise. Mey Chun thanked her then helped her walk to a small room two doors down the hall where she could rest.

  A few minutes later the video system was changed to a far more important matter. 6 hours ago we had activated the URL that I had mentioned to her master at our initial meeting. We fed some footage of 317’s first 2 rapes over it and the technical guys routed and coded the originating signal through what looked like an impossible maze. It took the people who had sent her an hour to track the signal back and 5 hours to fly in a strike team. They were now assembled outside a castle in Spain and were ready to invade. We listened as the leader, the same man who had pretended to be 317’s master, remind the team that there were numerous hostages inside and so they should fire only with the greatest care.

  They used acid to silently open a cellar door, then crept inside. When they were all in and starting to spread out we flooded the entire floor with a military knock-out gas. Our men walked down at leisure and injected the troops with a longer lasting knock-out compound. The leader was taken upstairs for questioning while the rest of the invaders were stripped and laid out side by side. Our men then used a thin but very strong chain to lock them together. Such an easy defeat would have been humiliating anyway but just to make it extra special, the chain was looped and locked around each man’s testicles. They would be able to leave and go get help but it was going to be a painful and severely humiliating experience. Knowing what sort of men were on our team, I was a little surprised that they didn’t urinate on them as well.

  The leader was left clothed, bound and bent over a table and when he awoke, he refused to give anything but his name, rank and serial number. Our men pulled his pants down and inserted an Asian banana pepper into his rectum. He struggled to resist for all he was worth, but the pain in his ass was far worse than a branding iron would have caused. After 5 minutes he told us that they were from a special committee of the United Nations devoted to eliminating slavery. We all breathed a sigh of relief at that. We have far more dangerous enemies than that running around and the UN is so corrupt that we knew that we could solve any problems that we had there for the price of a car wash. The leader of our group then informed the helpless man that as soon as he begged all five of the men in the room to rape him, the pepper would be removed. He made it almost another minute before he surrendered totally and begged for sodomy. I didn’t bother to watch but knew that he would get it in sadistic abundance.

  With the show over and the business being done I went to take a nap. Before going I left a male slave watching 317 with another hidden camera and instructed him to wa
ke me when she woke.

  The slave woke me after about 4 hours and I went back to the video room. 317 was just getting out of bed. The room was only 8 by 6 so the small bathroom attached was her only possible destination. The bar kept her legs open to more than shoulder width apart so her movements were awkward but attractive. She used the commode and drank several glasses of water. Refreshed and strengthened, she then went to the door and very quietly tried the lock. It was locked, of course, but the lock was deliberately primitive and after working up her courage for a few minutes, 317 removed her restraints and began working on it with one of the buckle pins. Once she had the lock open she cracked the door to peek out very carefully and saw the guard sleeping in his chair at the end of the hall. Slowly and silently she crept down the hall until she was right behind him. He had a stun gun and a firearm on his belt. I was glad when she went for the sun gun but I still flinched as she took a deep breath and applied its full current for several seconds to his neck.

  When the guard fell to the floor she took his gun and expertly checked to make sure that there was a round in the chamber and that the safety was off. Using the guard’s keys she opened the next door and began working her way down that hall. Another guard entered the hallway and she shot him through the heart without warning. She made it 5 more steps before I saw the crackle of another guard’s stun gun get her through a small opening in a closed door. She fell down, helpless but conscious and watched as the man who had stunned her stepped out and calmly took her captured gun away and dropped it in his pocket before cuffing her hands behind her. None too gently he then forced her to her feet and marched her to the punishment room.


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