Non Consensual Female

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Non Consensual Female Page 5

by Roget Gaiton

  I was the last of the top-level people to arrive so the briefing began as soon as I cleared the door. It seemed that someone had unsuccessfully attempted to kidnap one of our more recently placed slaves. She was 304 and had been sold to the man we call The Sheikh as a gift for his brother. The Sheikh doesn’t actually have any royal or official title. That is just what we called him for convenience. He is really just an astoundingly rich Arab with the power that comes from great wealth. He is also part of an unfortunately famous family. One of his brothers is one of the most famous terrorists in the world. Other brothers and several of his sisters are married into a variety of powerful Arab families including most of the royal ones. This meant that whoever had tried to take the slave was either very brave or very foolish. The Sheikh’s family has fanatical security and can execute anyone in his or her home countries without fear of reprisal.

  The meeting lasted for just over an hour. Most of that time was spent just venting our anger to each other. 317 was in class by the time it broke up so I went to my office and worked for a while. The organization has extensive and complex finances. It’s one of my jobs to keep them all straight and profitable. The fact that our many powerful members feed me inside information makes my job relatively easy. But, there are still an amazing number of details that have to be tended to. As usual when I work I zoned out and lost track of time. When I looked up again 317 was standing motionless in a lovely pose just inside the door. I wondered which teacher had taught her that even as I motioned her to me. She came into my lap and we had a warm kiss that lasted a good long time. I then pointed to the chair near my desk. All of our administrative offices have a similar chair, they are equipped with arm and leg chains and designed to be just a bit lower than a standard chair. I gave her a book on the history of erotic slavery to read and went back to work. It took an effort of will to ignore her but it was part of her training. It took some time to get the thoughts of what I wanted to be doing to her out of my mind and concentrate on my task but once I managed it I put in another hour of real work then put it away with a clear conscience.

  I took 317 back to my bedroom and spent the next hour enjoying her. She had progressed enough in her training to find submission erotic but everything was still new and exciting which made even very light play fun. I began with a spanking but since her rump needed time to heal I focused much more on her nipples. They were in better shape than her posterior but also a bit damaged and very sensitive so I kept that abuse mild and tempered it with a lot of affection and soft touching. After putting her in deep submission and raising her to a fiery passion, I entered her and began to take her gently. Her responses told me that she wasn’t fragile there or desiring of mercy so soon I was plundering her with abandon.

  When we finished I held her close and we began to talk. I asked her what had happened in the dining room after I left. She giggled and said that she and “Chunie” had a lot of fun. After my departure they had spent a long time humiliating and abusing the two men. Once their knees were worn and their egos devastated the finalé came when Mey Chun ordered both men to stand and insert both index fingers in their own anuses. 317 then took one penis in each hand and informed them that they were allowed to move their members until one of them came. After much thrusting and groaning Tom ejaculated into the air and on the carpet. John was ordered to lick it up then both submissives were given orders not to pleasure themselves without permission and dismissed.

  As much from curiosity as anything else I asked 317 how she had enjoyed the experience. She blushed hard then admitted that she had loved it, though the cruelty of it had disturbed her and said that she hadn’t known that she was a dominatrix. I smiled at that and asked her how hot the experience had made her. She had to think for a second then lowered her eyes as she said, “not very hot, Sir. It was mostly Mey Chun’s touching and your watching that excited me.” She obviously thought that I would be displeased at that answer. Instead I told her “that’s just what I expected, Slave, you enjoyed the power but it wasn’t a big turn on otherwise.” She snuggled up even closer to me and said with her body that she was glad that I wasn’t upset.

  The rest of the evening was spent relaxing. We dined in the dining room again and afterwards we lay in my bed and watched a video of one of my favorite old movies. I kept 317’s wrists bound about a foot apart just to keep her aware of her status but otherwise treated her like a girlfriend. When the movie ended I had her serve me orally. Her mouth was soft and most men would have found her skilled. I didn’t but the sincerity of her effort and the pleasure she took in giving me pleasure made up for that. I directed her in my desires and made it as easy for her as I could. Soon after I took her to the female slave quarters for the night then stopped by my office and scheduled a class in oral pleasuring for her before I went to bed.

  Day 4

  The next morning I had two messages waiting for me. The first was that the director had been taken and would be delivered this afternoon. I was surprised at that. Normally a kidnapping takes several days to plan and execute. When I read the full story I had to laugh. One of our main operatives is a former mercenary, now semi-retired and living with one of our slaves in Mexico. When he drove up to scout the Director’s house his victim had mistaken him for a tardy plumber and rushed right past his own security to berate him for being late. Our man had decided to take a risk and simply tossed him in his trunk and sped away. An hour later he was on a plane headed our direction. The second message was from the Sheikh and was basically a list of dates and times when he would be available attached to a message saying that he would come to the facility if needed but would prefer a videoconference if possible. Checking my watch and allowing for preparation time I scheduled a videoconference for the early afternoon. That being done I went to get 317.

  She had a different sort of training on tap for this morning. After a breakfast shared in my bed I took her to what we call the conditioning room. This is actually a very small room that contains only a computer, a chair and some electronics. 317 got nervous when I bound her to the chair with several strong straps then put pads that looked like those from an EEG all over her torso. I tried to be reassuring but the fact is that she was in an uncomfortable situation. Once she was fully bound and monitored, I inserted a vibrator shaped like a penis into her vagina and explained the setup to her. The computer was going to ask her some questions and say some things. She had 3 seconds to either answer the question or repeat the words back. I then hit a button and she got a very mild electric shock. Roughly equal to getting popped with a rubber band in discomfort. I told her that whenever she gave a wrong answer or repeated the words back incorrectly that type of shock would be administered. I then hit another button and she got a more serious shock. That sort of shock would be administered if she resisted the training or attempted to lie on an answer. Finally I hit the third button. This one caused a pleasurable vibration inside her, which would be the reward for cooperation.

  She was understandably terrified and begged me not to do this to her. I rubbed her head and told her that as long as she surrendered herself and told the truth she would be fine. I was being honest with that. The program runs in very slow stages. As training this introductory session would mostly just make her admit that she had surrendered herself and had gotten a lot of sexual pleasure from her surrender. Its only other function was to explore her basic beliefs and sexual tendencies in depth. That information would be used later to ease and improve her enslavement. Her terror impressed me. Most slaves feel the relative mildness of the electric shocks and believe that they will be able to resist the training. The fact that 317 didn’t meant that she was either very perceptive or very educated. Both are traits that I find desirable in a woman.

  I spent the rest of the morning making sure that the preparations were perfect and mentally preparing myself for the conference with the Sheikh. Lunch with 317 was a less pleasant distraction than it should have been. She was very angry that I had subjected her to the condit
ioning machine. The fact that her anger bothered me made me angry with myself. Dr Ling saw the situation and in his own way came over after the meal to help. He began by telling me that he had monitored 317’s session and was delighted by her progress. He then said that her biggest problem area was that she hadn’t accepted that she was “a slave” rather than “my slave” yet and suggested that I have her pleasure several different men and take training from them as soon as possible. I thanked him for his suggestion but told him that I didn’t think that was an appropriate training course for her. 317 went from angry with me for being mean to thankful for my mercy very quickly. Ling said it was my call and walked away with that slight smile still in place. The insufferable bastard knew that he had now forced me to realize that I wanted to keep her for myself and I really wanted to break some part of his body. Only the fact that he was correct, acting in my best interest, acting in her best interest, acting in the organization’s best interest and in truth a pretty good guy, saved him.

  When we left the dining room I walked 317 to the female slave quarters and left her there with instructions to masturbate to orgasm then nap until her next class. This one was “selection, care and service of fine wines”. The fact that there were two other slaves inside who would witness her pleasuring herself didn’t bother her any more than it did me. She really was progressing rapidly.

  Dr Ling was with the director in the videoconferencing room. The director was heavily drugged via an IV in his arm and bound naked and upright in a high-backed chair. This is where Dr Ling really shines. Contrary to popular belief, there is no such thing as a truth serum. What Dr Ling had done was to use a precise combination of drugs to sedate the Director so heavily that he had no inhibitions left but was still awake. Or to put it another way, he was so stoned that he didn’t remember that he needed to keep things secret. Once I came in, Dr Ling started the interrogation by asking him what he had seen in the Sheikh’s country that bothered him. The Director opened like a floodgate and told us not only that he had seen his sister at the Sheikh’s home but also, how he and his father had molested and abused her as a child. His guilt over this motivated him to an extreme and he had spent a fortune trying to rescue her but when the people he hired had investigated they found out that she was no longer at the Sheikh’s house. He continued the investigation and later discovered our existence and concluded that we had taken and enslaved her. While the questioning was going on I used the computer in the room to order an inquiry on the Director’s sister. It came back in seconds and told me that she had run away from home at age 17 and been presumed dead from a drug overdose not long after. The picture included told me what I already knew; the Director was wrong, we had not taken or trained his sister.

  The video connection to the Sheikh was a marvel of security technology. The signal from both ends was split into four parts. Each of these parts was encrypted using four different forms of encryption. Each part was then relayed through its own confusing path of landline and satellite transmitters. Computers on each end decrypted and assembled the parts. Since the Sheikh had a tendency to lapse back into Arabic our end also ran a translation of his words across the bottom of the screen. Even with all the complex technology involved we could interact visually and verbally with less than a one second delay. When the Sheikh came on screen I gave him a detailed account of what the Director had said. The Sheikh was incredulous. He confirmed that he had entertained the movie crew and explained that it was at his government’s request as a PR gesture but flatly denied the possibility of Director’s sister having been there saying,“there are no Jews in my home.” His tone let me know that he was very serious about that. Suddenly he had a thought and said a single word “Mossad.” I realized as he said it that it could be true. Israel’s intelligence service is feared worldwide for a reason. It also fit with the way Israel hadn’t helped the Director directly and had sent him to the UN instead.

  The Sheikh gave a command in Arabic and in minutes photos taken by the Sheikh’s security system that night were running across the screen. On the fourteenth woman the Director went crazy, pointing at the camera and shouting his sister’s name. The Sheik was livid and shouting for one of his sons to be summoned. It seems that she was his fiancée. He was astounded that a Jewish woman could penetrate his own family. Like most Arab and Jews he had forgotten that both groups sprang from the same gene pool. With sufficient training many members of either group can pass for members of the other.

  As we waited the translation feature showed that the Sheikh was giving orders for his son’s fiancée to be brutally killed. Dr Ling quietly cleared his throat behind me. It was just enough to get the Sheikh’s attention and he asked him “do you have something to say, Doctor?” The Sheikh was familiar enough with our products and the Doctor’s role in their training to hold him in considerable regard. The Doctor stepped to the center of the camera and said in that always soft and calm voice of his:

  “With the greatest of respect, Sir, your anger is a misplaced.”

  Sounding very angry, the Sheikh asked “how so?”

  “She was very badly damaged in childhood, Sir. Only the Israelis would be so cruel as to take such a creature and use her so cynically. She is a no value throw-away to them.”

  For at least the millionth time I admired the doctor’s ability. He had calmed the Sheikh, diverted his anger and restored his dignity all with that one statement. Sounding much more reasonable now, the Sheikh asked what the doctor suggested.

  “Send her to me. I will make something much more agreeable out of her and give her a decent life while I’m at it.”

  The Sheik incorrectly assumed that to mean that we would make her one of our slaves and liked the idea, saying,

  “I will ship you the woman. Do we have any other business?”

  I answered with the only Arabic phrase I know which translates roughly as “travel in Gods grace.” He said the same and added “keep an eye on that Chinese viper of yours. He is a very dangerous fellow.” I nodded and ended the conversation with “yes he is, luckily he stinks at chess so we are able to keep him humble.” With that the Sheikh laughed and disconnected.

  I turned to Dr Ling and asked if he could handle things from here or needed for me to stay. Along with always smiling and always being right he also has one more really irritating trait. He likes to drop verbal bombshells and see how you react. This time it was:

  “You do realize that 317 is going to try to kill you soon, don’t you?”

  He got just the confused look he was after from me and then explained

  “She is going to crisis soon. When she does, her reaction will be violent. With her training that presents a real danger.”

  I started to question his reasoning but stopped myself. He is always right about that sort of thing. Instead I asked,

  “When will it happen?”

  “Very soon, she is progressing too well. When she realizes that she is falling in love with you it will happen. When she realizes that she likes being a slave it will happen again.”

  I nodded. That made very good sense. At either of those points the person she used to be would be facing death. It’s not surprising that she would fight back.

  “Any suggestions on how to deal with it?”

  Again the soft smile. “Try very hard not to die. If you survive she will make your life a pleasure.” With that he turned back to his captive and said:

  “Now, my sleepy friend, you have some questions to answer on film before we send you home.”

  I needed a break and went looking for 317. She was just finishing her class so I waited outside for a few minutes then claimed her as they were dismissed. I led her a couple of doors down the hall to a “cell”, basically a bedroom with a lot of attachment points on the walls a bed and a good collection of toys. I had her lay face down on the bed and forbade her to speak then gave her a light paddling. She responded perfectly, as her rump grew pink she became wet and tranquil. When I put on a condom and entered her
anally I felt her opening herself to my sodomy and heard her give an erotic moan at the pleasure of being filled. For a time I felt one of those pleasures that is like no other. Her rump was warm against my pelvis from the paddling and moved opposite my thrusts as she took me deep and pleasurably inside her. Her excitement grew even faster than mine did and when she neared orgasm I squeezed her breasts roughly, which released her passion and a deep throaty moan.

  I allowed her to rest for exactly as long as it took me to roll her over, bind her hands to the corners of the bed and discard the condom. As I positioned myself between her legs she opened them wide, then when I entered her roughly she consumed me with a roughness of her own. For the first time she was exactly the slave I had always known that she could be. Virtually an animal in heat, completely uninhibited and seeking all the pleasure that she could get. I took her at exactly the pace I wanted, which was coarse and rough, showing no consideration to what she might desire. She absorbed all I had to give and used her body in conjunction with moans and grunts to let me know that she wanted even more.

  When I neared completion I told her, “Your Master is about to cum inside you slave.” She answered by shaking her breasts hard, obviously wanting stimulation there. I sucked her left nipple painfully hard, which caused her hips to thrust with abandon. When I gave it a mild bite she held her crotch hard against mine for a few seconds then gave a deeply sexual growl and one last rub that sent her over the edge. The same change in rhythm that triggered her orgasm disrupted mine. I began thrusting my way again well before her orgasm ended and in doing so intensified and prolonged it. As soon as it ended she began swirling her hips which greatly increased the stimulation that I was getting then broke her silence by saying: “cum inside me, Master.” She was looking at my face now and could see that I was hovering just at the edge and trying hard to do just what she had requested. When she then said: “you have made me your slave, sir, cum inside the slut you created” I exploded inside her in one of the most intense orgasms of my life.


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