Into Lands Forbidden (The Elfmaid Trilogy Book 2)

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Into Lands Forbidden (The Elfmaid Trilogy Book 2) Page 12

by Warren Thomas

  For days they’d tried to locate a small village or farmstead where they could steal some clothes. Cat had objected vehemently when Danica first broached the idea of stealing clothes. However, she didn't have an answer to Danica's question concerning how they would explain their nudity to anyone with which they tried to barter. They didn't have anything to use as barter. Besides, Danica argued, if anyone saw them, Duchess Natasha's agents would soon learn about it and discover their trail. As it was, Danica's stolen homespun shirt was too big and Cat's was too small, but beggars can't be picky.

  Looking up through the thick canopy of the forest, Danica said, "It'll be dark soon. We had best find a secluded spot to make camp."

  "Agreed," Cat said, guiding her mount deeper into the forest behind Danica.

  A rustling noise to their left brought them up short. A score of armored women burst forth from cover. Kicking her mount hard, Danica screamed for Cat to run, but ropes looped over their horses' heads. Startled, Danica's horse screamed in terror and started bucking and pulling at the rope. She was thrown, landing at the feet of two warriors, her breath torn from her lungs on impact. Danica was expertly rolled to her belly and bound before she could regain her wind and orientation.

  Cat saw what happened to Danica. She leaped out of her saddle and charged, cursing the fact that she had given the sword up to Danica. Danica being a superior swordfighter, it had seemed logical at the time. Only by the time she arrived, Cat found an even dozen swords leveled at her chest. She skidded to a halt, desperately wanting to save herself and Danica, but at a total loss on how to do either.

  "Good decision," the warrior standing over Danica said.

  "Run, Cat! Save yourself," Danica cried hoarsely, writhing on the ground under the booted foot of the warrior.

  "Too late for that, I should say," the warrior laughed. "Tie her up."

  Cat glared at the beautiful warrior, a Vikon by her outrageous armor, face paint, and clothes. The other women, also Vikon, quickly bound Cat’s wrists behind her back. In the deepening darkness of coming night Cat could make out little else about their captors. Visions of being handed over to Dame Falen, or worse, Dame Alexandra, flooded into Cat's mind.

  "You should've ran," Danica said, being pulled to her feet.

  "I should never have left the Golden Girl," Cat snapped, thinking back to the easy life she had enjoyed as a bouncer back in that Tameran brothel.

  The leader of the ambushers, Dame Helene, a gorgeous green-eyed redhead in all black stepped up and looked them over critically. Despite their situation, Danica found herself impressed by the Vikon warrior or at least her beauty. Helene wore a form-fitting midnight black cuirasslike bit of armor with orange trim, that only protected her to the bottom of her ribs. Her legs were protected by plain black leather pants stuffed into black thigh boots with elaborate orange embroidery. Silver spurs jingled as she walked, proclaiming her a knight. A thick ponytail of her luxurious waist length red hair was pulled up through a black lacquered ring. Even her sword's hilt and sheath were lacquered black and orange. Her face paint was black flames around flashing emerald eyes.

  Smiling, she looped a thin rope around Danica's neck.

  "I claim this one," Dame Helene said. "I've never had an elf before." Turning away, she led Danica deeper into the forest. "Come, ladies. Let's show Mother Jeanine our prizes."

  The Vikon warriors rounded up the mounts, then followed. The warrior leading Danica seemed to enjoy her position of power over them. More specifically, over Danica. She kept Danica stumbling behind her with expert jerks and pulls on the rope at inopportune moments. It was all Danica could do to keep from falling.

  "You're making a big mistake," Danica said during a momentary respite. "Waylaying honest travelers is brutally punished in the Empire."

  "Ha, that's rich. Innocent travelers don't avoid the road and other travelers," Helene said, glancing back over her shoulder with a mischievous grin. "We've already been visited by a troop of dragoons looking for you two. Twice." Her pretty, heart-shaped face clouded at the thought. "They weren't pleasant encounters, so they must want you real bad."

  "They're not pleasant people," Danica said. "Turning us over to them will only result in our deaths, and maybe yours to keep their secrets."

  Helene gave her a calculating look, but kept moving deeper into the woods. They soon came to a laager of huge garishly painted Vikon wagons. Danica heard the encampment long before she could see it. She'd spent time traveling with several Vikon family groups in the past. Their ways were familiar to her. In her mind she could still see the men and women dancing and whirling about the campfire to the singing, whooping, and clapping of their kin. And the music. Like the music coming from the camp they were now approaching, it was always wild and loud. The Vikon called it "free-spirited" music.

  The wagons were arranged in a double circle, with the livestock kept in the area between the wagons. The wagons themselves were long, large, and bulky, with wheels as tall as herself. They had rounded roofs with tin stovepipes sticking out. Though they were all constructed the same, no two wagons were decorated and painted the same. Even in the flickering fire light, Danica could see that every color in the rainbow was represented in at least one wagon's color scheme. Unfortunately, Vikon were notorious for their garish tastes in color combinations. Each wagon had a team of ten to twelve draft horses. The Vikon spent most of their lives in these wagons, most spending only short times within city walls.

  A huge blazing fire sat in the center of the laager, with most of the Vikon arranged around it. Two deer were spitted on either side of the fire. Danica's mouth watered and her stomach rumbled at the sight and smell of the cooking venison. They hadn't enjoyed meat since before their capture by Duchess Natasha and had taken little time to forage since escaping. As they reached the laager, Danica noticed they were camped next to a large road, running perpendicular to the road she and Cat had been paralleling.

  They were greeted by armed guards and barking dogs. Lots of dogs. After Helene explained what had happened, they were admitted inside. Everyone became quiet. The half dozen women that had been dancing melted back into the crowd. Danica and Cat were led straight to a group of elderly women. Shifting to her mage sight, she could see powerful magicks radiating from them and the talismans and power fetishes about their persons.

  "Mother Jeanine," Helene said, bowing respectfully. "We have captured the escapees Dame Falen has been searching for. Perhaps now we can have some peace."

  Mother Jeanine listened quietly, then turned to look Danica and Cat over closely. Danica found her bold gaze unnerving. The Vikon elder was an ancient, weathered woman with stringy gray hair and watery brown eyes. She had long since given up wearing arms and armor, now opting for more comfortable robes of silk and fine cotton. Though just as garishly colored as the wagons.

  "Your escape has caused us great inconvenience and hardship," she said, frowning. "What with that Puma Troop scouring the countryside for you."

  "And hassling everyone, including us, with search after search," another elder added.

  "They are evil people, Mother Jeanine," Danica said. "We are innocent of any crime."

  "Indeed, we are engaged in fighting their tyranny," Cat said. "Evil mages are trying to usurp the rightful rulers of many lands, including the Amazon Empire."

  That brought everyone to their feet, except Mother Jeanine. Low muttering filled the cool night air. Danica cringed inwardly, though her face remained impassive. They didn't know what side this group of Vikon was aligned with. For all Danica knew, this group could be hip deep in the conspiracy. After all, Ayesha was trying to create an empire ruled by spellcasters. She cast a hard look at Cat, wishing she'd think things out more carefully before offering information like that.

  Not seeing any choice in the matter now, Danica offered more, "We have been assisted by the Vikon in our efforts up till now."

  "Except for Duchess Natasha's black hearted witch," Cat said, scowling. "She took great de
light in torturing us."

  Danica cringed again at Cat's admission.

  "Alexandra," Mother Jeanine said, nodding and both Cat and Danica tensed.

  "You know her?" Danica asked.

  "All Vikon know her, or know of her," Helene said. "She is a Vikon Princess. First daughter of our Queen."

  Danica and Cat exchanged a miserable glance.

  "And she is indeed evil," Mother Jeanine said. Danica and Cat visibly relaxed, sighing. Grimacing, "She is a bitter woman. As first born daughter, she should've been Heir Apparent, but her father was Kasak, so she is unacceptable as Queen." The Vikon, like roughly half of all Tyrian clans, based ancestry and inheritance through the female line. Mother Jeanine shuddered with revulsion, "How her mother could have ever bedded a Kasak."

  Danica noticed how Mother Jeanine spat out the name "Kasak." Both tribes' women were renown witches, but Kasaks rarely dealt with outsiders. They were almost religious about their reclusiveness. The Vikon were relatively gregarious in comparison. But the tribes hated each other with a passion.

  "Her younger sister, whose father was Vikon, was declared Heir Apparent over her," Helene said. "Every since then she has spurned us. Sometimes she even goes to extra efforts to hassle us."

  "How will the Vikon fare if Dame Alexandra's side in this brewing war wins?" Danica said.

  "Not a thought I'd care to consider," Mother Jeanine said. She nodded at Helene, who cut Danica's wrists free. Cat was freed at the same time. "You fight the usurper, so we'll not hinder you or help your enemies."

  "Our thanks, Mother Jeanine," Danica said, rubbing her wrists. "If you could be so kind as to provide us with some weapons, we'll be gone. We don't need much, just a pair of old belt knives and a spare sword would be a godsend to us. And I swear to personally see to it your group is richly rewarded."

  Mother Jeanine gave her a crafty look, "No, you'll stay with us a bit longer. You two will stand out too much." She smiled, "But we can take care of that."

  "How?" Cat said.

  "We'll alter your appearances," she said. "It'll only be temporary, but should be enough to ensure your escape."

  "How will you do that?" Danica said, afraid she already knew the answer.

  "With a little magic, and Vikon clothes and armor," she said. "We'll turn you into Vikon warriors."

  "Magic? Do you really have to?" Cat said, inwardly cringing at the thought.

  "With you, definitely," Helene said. "Your coloration stands out. That alone told us who you two were." Then smiling demurely at Danica, "But your gorgeous elven friend will only have to be altered slightly to make her look human."

  "Rein in your libido, Helene," Mother Jeanine snapped. "We've got work to do." Turning to Danica and Cat, "Strip."

  "Here, in front of everyone?" Cat said.

  "Yes. I'm sorry, Cat, is it? But I'll require everyone's help in casting the glamour spell to hide your skin color. My meager powers alone aren't enough," she said.

  Danica, having grown accustomed to being nude as a slave of the nomadic Jordani, stripped with hardly a thought. She noted, with interest, Helene's hungry stare. A hunger she also felt looking at the black-clad warrior. For a moment, her thoughts strayed to more pleasant endeavors she could experience with the beautiful redhead.

  Only at the moment, the Vikon were, if nothing else, very businesslike. Both women were measured. Women of similar sizes were queried on spare armor and clothes. Helene suggested they clothe Danica in blue, to accentuate her blazing sapphire eyes. Danica eagerly agreed, knowing it would excite the Vikon warrior even more. She soon found herself wiggling into a pair of dark blue leather pants and thigh boots. The boots were tamely decorated, by Vikon standards, with a bare handful of small silver disks sporting tufts of blue feathers running along the outside seams to her lower thigh. Her upper body was covered by a short cuirasslike piece of armor molded provocatively to her bosom, very similar to Helene's armor. Lacquered a brilliant blue, it was trimmed in gold giltwork and covered her to only a few inches below her bosom. Half a dozen blue and gold bangles adorned her wrists.

  Helene then pinned Danica’s hair back and out of the way while she applied blue face paint. Blue paint covered her forehead down to just below her eyes. Helene painted a small point down onto the bridge of her nose, and arched the design down to a point before Danica's ears. Setting the jar aside, she spent several minutes blowing on Danica's face to dry the strong dye. That done, she stepped back to admire her handiwork.

  "Almost," Helene said, then disappeared into the crowd. A few minutes later she returned. She tied a handful of Danica's long blonde hair up into a ponytail with a blue ribbon, then tied another ribbon around her throat. And finished her outfit off with large blue hoop earrings. "There. Perfect. You look absolutely delicious."

  Danica smiled back knowingly, "That makes me feel especially good coming from such a beauty as yourself."

  Her compliment drew a smile from Helene.

  "Now we need to put a glamour spell on you to hide your elven features and pointed ears," she said, closing her eyes. Helene chanted a few moments in a sing-song tongue, then changed to a more guttural voice. When she finished, she looked drained, but happy. "I also placed a few ward spells on you, to help hide the glamour spell and give you more of a Vikon aura in case some mage spots you. Your choker, earrings, and bangles are all power fetishes, too."

  Trying to hide her discomfort at being so bespelled, really swathed in magic, Danica smiled her thanks.

  While Danica was being remade into a Vikon, the Vikon elders gathered around Cat. They instructed her lay down, then knelt beside and around her. Soon they too began chanting in unison, joined by the other Vikon. Cat watched wide-eyed, superstitious fear almost overwhelming her. After about ten minutes of low chanting, the elders placed their hands on Cat, with the others laying hands on the elders. She felt her skin prickle. An incredible urge to scratch all over consumed her, and was suppressed. Looking around, she saw everyone around her with their eyes closed and looks of strain on their faces as they continued their low chant.

  After a few more minutes the prickling feeling and the hands left her body. All around her came sighs of relief. Some of the Vikon started talking in low tones. Cat propped herself on her elbows as Danica made her way to her side. Both were astonished at the transformation. Cat had a perfect alabaster complexion, with sapphire blue eyes to match Danica's. Only her silky mane of waist-length ebon hair remained the same.

  Appearing on the verge of exhaustion, Mother Jeanine looked Cat over critically, "Good enough, I suppose. At any rate it'll have to do. There's nothing more we can do."

  "It's great," Danica said. "More than I thought possible."

  "I'm so...white," Cat said, face screwed up in distaste.

  "And with the most beautiful blue eyes, too," Danica laughed. Helping her to stand, "Now time to make you into a Vikon warrior."

  Cat turned to Mother Jeanine, "How do I get back to the way I was when this is all over?"

  "It's only witchcraft, my dear," she said. "It'll start fading away after about a month. More than enough time to get out of the Empire."

  Danica looked at Cat, "Then we have less than a month to rescue Monique."

  Grimacing at the thought, Cat nodded. A big redhead in all green stepped up with Cat's clothes and armor, all a brilliant red. Claudia was almost as big as Cat. She wore an outfit similar to Danica's, only various shade of green.

  "Do you have anything in gray or brown?" Cat asked.

  The Vikon women looked at her in shock. Danica noticed several of the women regard Cat with screwed up faces.

  "Hardly," Claudia said, setting her load aside. Her good cheer seemed unaffected. "If you want to look like a Vikon, you have to dress flashy."

  "I really don't want — "

  "Red will be fine," Danica interrupted her. "You'll look devastating in red." Then studying the pile of red Vikon armor, "You know, this kind of reminds me of Elise's outfit. You like Elise, don't

  "I don't like the way she dresses, though," Cat replied.

  While Cat stood in sullen silence, Danica helped Claudia clothe her. Danica silently enjoyed Cat's shocked expression when they put her into a pair of red leather pants with large round cut outs along the outer seams. They didn't have any boots big enough, so she wore her own after they were newly polished and adorned with silver disks sporting red-dyed feathers along the outer seam. They wanted to add some embroidery, but Cat wouldn't let them "mutilate" her boots further. Her red-lacquered armor consisted of two sets of Vikon abbreviated pauldrons to protect her shoulders and upper arms to the elbows, and half-moon breast cups to hold and "protect" her ample bosom. Cat was appalled. Danica's flirting jabs didn't help her mood. Claudia also wanted to tie tufts of red feather in her hair, but Cat wouldn't allow it. She brusquely waved off all attempts to adorn her further with gaudy Vikon jewelry.

  Each were given two throwing daggers, which they promptly sheathed inside their boot tops. Then they were given swords and belt knives in lacquered sheaths to match their outfits.

  Once they were ready, Mother Jeanine came forward. She looked them over critically.

  "Good enough," she said. "But we'll have to split you up for the meantime."

  "Wait..." Danica started.

  Holding up her hand, "Please, let me finish. You will ride with us for the next few days at least. During that time you'll be paired off with one of our own, just in case anyone comes looking for you. Side by side, they might still recognize you despite our efforts."

  "I'll share my wagon with Danica," Helene said.

  All of Danica's objections over the arrangements were instantly forgotten as a tingling sensation grew between her legs at the blatant offer in Helene's eyes.

  "Thank you, Helene," Danica said, smiling.


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