A World Apart

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A World Apart Page 12

by Loui Downing

  Arthur paused in thought for a second and decided to not read the remainder, feeling proud that his son is such an elegant writer. Now facing Henry’s desk, he rotated so he was now facing his bed and noticed a small twinkling element on the surface of the duvet. If Henry caught his father snooping around his room like this it wouldn’t have the most pleasant reactions. However, Arthur merely showed a deep interest in what he was studying, being nearly retired he is always finding things to do to occupy his mind. Arthur picked the piece of hard stone that was resting on his bed so vulnerably for his taking. Looking closely through a nearby microscope, he could see the tiniest of divots and grains that ran through the shiny stone, with areas of cloudy white wash. It was getting late by now and Arthur was expecting to have heard from Henry, thinking he may have been downstairs or searching through the study room for more artefacts he keeps in the draws. Arthur headed for his own room when jumped out of his skin on leaving the room, Henry casually walking up the stairs with a light waver who looked unhappy about something.

  ‘What are you doing in my room father?’ said Henry abruptly, questioning Arthur immensely.

  ‘Where have you been? I have been…’ injected Arthur who was rudely interrupted mid-conversation.

  ‘You know I don’t like anyone going in my room father, I’m worried I may lose an artefact or damage something’ replied Henry, sounding sincere and friendly this time around.

  ‘Yes, sorry I was just very worried. I heard a noise from downstairs early but maybe it was nothing’ said Arthur deeply apologetic and proud of his son for showing such commitment and passion for his work. The two then headed for their own rooms, until they passed each other on route. Arthur noticed a familiar tool that swung on the necklace of Henry. Arthur identified the tool, which was similar to the one he had stood on early. Arthur glimpsed in Henry’s room searching for the key on the desk, although there was no key. Henry gave a nervous cower as he quickly closed the door and locked it before Arthur could say another word.

  ‘Edward has been admitted’ was the message that tore away at Joseph as he stood amongst everyone, knowing that Liona would get this and how he was going to break the news to her. A doctor walked casually past the ward to only realise that he had gone too far and game back seconds later. The man in white and a strange coloured tie was holding brown documents that were bulging at the sides with information. Joseph clocked his name badge with said Dr F Gallows which was printed in gold and black along with a logo of some sort with the hospital’s name underneath. All of them were unaware that Joseph had sent the message to Liona, although they would appreciate her company as they adored her when they were both still together. Visiting times were nearly at a close as the nurse informed them all, placing Edward’s food on the table across him. Joseph thought about changing the food with something more appetising, as it looked questionably bland. As the family headed for the car park, they grudgingly discussed the travel arrangements, which Gill and Eric added that they wished to come with Joseph and Neville. Joseph insisted that their company would be appreciated or more so that they could look after Neville. The evening approached and the mood was very dull but Joseph assured himself that Edward would be ok especially if he’s anything like Liona. Gill and Eric headed for their car and Joseph insisted that Neville should go with them, which Neville looked happy about even though he was worried about his father. Joseph climbed into their car and sat for a moment feeling utterly drained of energy, like there was nothing inside him that could raise a happy thought, until he thought of Liona. He cheered up as Eric jammed the key into the ignition and started the car loudly with a clattering roar and followed the greasy tarmac to the end of the road where he met the unusually large roundabout with no traffic. The journey back felt like an age and before anyone had realised they had arrived at the station where they were dropping off Joseph to catch a train back to home alone.

  Alan watched a buildup of rage burn away inside of her as she sat slouching on the cold floor of the cell. Even though he had just offered her assistance he still felt under pressure which Liona could tell. She rose from the floor when she was greeted with an arm of support which she refused and positioned herself on the painful bed attached to the wall. The thought of her son dying while she was held here for no reason crept up on her like an insect looking for shelter as she tried to formulate her plan of action. She noticed that the door was open and that her truck was parked not far from the cell window. She pretended to fall ill again so that she could lean and check that the guard was not there, but unfortunately he was. She had to think of something and fast as it would take her a day to travel back and planning on escaping would risk her life, especially in a country with different rules on things like this. Alan lent in closer to her and expressed his deep sympathy to which she ignored completely. Her plan came to her like a droplet of rain falling to the roots of a thirsty plant. She was determined to get home, and this was her only chance to break free.

  Alan left the room and locked the door quickly as he looked at the guard and nodded. The guard was sat in a wooden chair in the hallway of a few cells watching over the few held captive. The red sky started to form and cast a ruby coloured image across the cells and the surrounding landscape. Dark was around the corner and the stations staff was about to be changed around for the night cover. Alan exited the station rather quickly, grabbing the fresh air whilst he could and observing the flattened horizon, now a planetary pink picture as he retracted Liona’s keys from his jacket and inserted into the 4x4, taking the vehicle for inspection at another station with the correct equipment for analysis. The tyres ran smoothly across the deserted sandy road, chucking sprays of dust behind the vehicle which lingered in the air. As the speed of the vehicle slowed, he paused to look at the signs which consisted of places he would rather not spell or speak. He chose to carry straight on as it was the only option that seemed right. The view in front was that spectacular it looked as though you were driving to the edge of the world.

  The sky was illuminated by an unknown glisten with white strokes that looked painted on. Alan adjusted his seat position as he felt tired from the work he had done lately, unable to sleep or do anything productive with his time over the past few weeks. He then made a diversion for a small road that led to an area that made him lock the doors, with gunfire being heard, boarded up windows and the distant scream of children and women made him tremble and his hands loosen from the steering wheel; becoming weak all over as a flush of fear ran through his veins. The small town that he appeared to be in was rundown and dangerous with buildings missing parts of their construction and flaming cars displaying the pastimes of many. Alan hadn’t seen a single person since he had entered the town which worried him. He bravely pulled over in a reasonably lit area and switched the lights of the car off, along with the engine to avoid any detection. He searched in the back seating area for a map that he recalled having as he felt it was too dangerous to use any satellite navigation equipment. He scuffled around animal like in the pouches at the back of the two front seats, finding an outdated map and a new torch which he tested and became partially blind on doing so and blew a portion of light onto the window at the back of the car, revelling a face filled with anguish in front of the venomous sky that created a deep sense fear. Alan stayed still for a moment until there was a clatter at the window and the window smashed into tiny pieces. Alan climbed into the boot compartment through a small hatch that even he thought he couldn’t fit through and hid under a thin sheet of polypeptide covering. There were whisperings as Alan gathered it must be a gang of some kind and that they were after the vehicle and the contents rather than him personally. He carefully lifted the boot as slow as a snail’s slither and checked their whereabouts, which was at the front of the vehicle and one was inside trying to start the car. Alan noticed an alleyway not far from where he was so he placed the map under his jacket and the torch in his jean pocket and headed stealthily over to the dark archway but froze as he heard one
of the men shout but he turned and realised that they had managed to start the vehicle and the beam of light made him visible so he sprinted into the alleyway, knocking into a dustbin which attracted the attention of the gang. Alan stood tall, his back pressed hard into the chipped bricks behind him as all he could hear was his heart race, faster and faster as the car lights were vanished and darkness surrounded. Alan knew that they would probably kill anyone that threatened them so he decided to make a getaway as soon as possible. Looking around for ways out or things to conceal himself he struggled to formulate a plan. What appeared to be the leader of the gang that was looting instructed the rest to follow him to the alleyway, clicking and adjusting their weapons. The leader certainly was confident and orderly as if he may be ex-military, being so well built and forcefully efficient. The gang members crept up on the archway, keeping as close to the wall as possible so they wouldn’t reveal themselves. One of the next in command peeked around the corner, adjusting his x-ray goggles that were a little damaged. He scanned the area to only find a garbage can and wood and a flight of emergency stairs that were attached to the building furthest away. The images displayed from the goggles were a fluorescent green and a think black that made the gang members eyes twinge so he used the briefly and reported to the others via gesturing with his hand and head movements. Alan noticed the car excessively accelerate and fire out of the street below him. He was on the roof in a small attic opening of a house which probably had some historical use but at this moment Alan wanted to be as far away from here as possible. He sat back down on the roof, taking a minute to catch his breath whilst admiring the stars and moon above, piecing his plan together now he has no car and the fact that he is in one of the dangerous town’s in the country. It suddenly hit him when he saw the steam emerging from the darkness in the distance that there was a train station in walking distance so he climbed down and started his walk to the station, crossing a motorway and dodging traffic at high speeds. After around ten agonising minutes he finally reached a station that had one platform and had a train approaching which was letting out a hooting noise as he entered the open tall doors to the hallway and platform. Quickly he asked the guard in an African language where the train is heading, the language appeared to be unpopular by the facial expressions of the worker, but he allowed it anyway and answered, giving a name for a coastal shipping area. Alan walked casually back outside and ran as fast as he could alongside the track as soon as he left the station. His idea seemed daft but he thought if he ran fast enough he would be able to catch the train without paying. The train slowed as it entered the station but its speed picked up as soon as it rattled past, making the worker’s TV shake and distort its reception. Alan was running at full speed by this point although he made it look as though he was out for a jog in the evening which wouldn’t pass off in a place like this. As the backend of the train tailed by Alan checked behind him and ran dangerously between the tracks of the line, he was getting further and further away. He ran as fast as he could, extending his arms fully to connect with the railings that were offered so kindly to him. He caught the rusty metal rail but it was loose and wobbled but he launched his body on to it and managed to board the train as he lifted one leg that was half off the backend. He straightened up, so full of excitement and adrenaline that he had done it and that he was getting away. The loose railing gave way and broke off which scared Alan as he moved away backing into the large metal grooved cargo behind him as he watched the metal bounce and twang on the railway line. He sat down in a much better mood that earlier, in the knowledge that he was going somewhere that would settle his mind.

  The loud steaming sound of the train woke Alan from his early morning nap. He looked at his watch to find his was an hour slow compared to that at the stations, although he didn’t seem to care. He walked along the backend of the train and noticed a gathering of people around the station which was a lot larger than the one he had ran from last night. He jolted as he saw police officials searching the civilians. He levied himself down from the stairs to the track of the railway and checked as he crossed to the platform edge. He stayed low and quickly walked to his right where the platform dropped to normal level, where he ran across to the stations edge and picked up a discarded hat that was on a bench near a wall of a restaurant. He picked up a cup of coffee that had just been placed down by someone and exited the station, drinking it down in massive gulps and discarding in on the floor. As he crossed the street he noticed a few more police cars heading his way, so he adjusted his hat to conceal his face and carried on walking, turning down a street that contained a garage covered in graffiti and a stray dog that didn’t look too kindly upon humans. The loud ship horns woke Alan considerably more that the coffee he just had as he realised he was at the coast. Finding a safer way back to the station, he asked a person on the street how to get to the shipping bay, speaking in English which was very posh and well spoken. The old women gave him directions, but demanded something in return, so he reached for his jacket pocket and placed the map near her hand which she drew away instantly and huffed as she past him. He wasn’t at all bothered about her reaction and had one thing on his mind. It wasn’t that far to the bay according to the women, that’s if she’s not lying.

  The shipping bay took up the entire coast, demolishing its natural appearance into a business point. Large ships loaded with goods coming in and out of the country, all being coordinated by a few members of staff in black overalls and navy caps. Cranes were prodding the African skyline as they lifted cargo onto the vessels ready for shipping. Alan couldn’t believe that amount of security around the shipping area, noticing that it was due to international shipping as not all the guards bore the same uniform. Alan confidently walked up to the shipping area and crossed the wooden planks that allowed for the boarding of personnel. He withdrew a pass from his pocket that showed a picture and details that didn’t match at all. The security looked suspiciously at the documents and accepted them, as he briskly walked onto the ship that alerted even more attention from that guard. He got on to the main deck of the ship and proceeded to the front and positioned himself where there were no people and stood looking out over the ocean with a terrific smile. He reached for his hat as the ship left the bay and threw it into the broad blue sea, to unveil the long golden hair that swooped down out of the hat and on turning around to look back at the country behind through the eyes of Liona.




  First Word

  “Though leaves are many, the root is one;

  Through all the lying days of my youth

  I swayed my leaves and flowers in the sun;

  Now I may wither into the truth”

  W.B.Yeats, The Coming of Wisdom With Time

  Loud footsteps rained the dark longing hall that three shadows loomed. One of the shadows wondered to attend to a piercing whine coming from the far end of the hall that echoed spontaneously around the great walls filled with images of stars, planets and wonderfully splendid colours. The view seemed to calm them who were flat beneath it. Another outcry from not so far away pulled a shadow towards, where the shadow was greeted by anxious sweat dripping hideously from the small pale boy. The sturdy snatch of the young boy’s arm asserted him, their eyes glued.

  The shadows left the grand hall, admiring the display before them to see the wonderful yet painful sight of symmetrical white fields darted across the room. Pure white and reflective as the shadows recoiled and all that was heard was the crash of a door and the metal lock clattering shut.

  “They do look tired” whispered a middle-aged woman dressed in a blue wearing a cream nursing outfit. She looked down at a child that was turning and groaning in their sleep at the thought of waking up.

  “Yes, well they need all the rest they can get” replied a man in white overalls; splashes of blood on the cuffs and over the abdominal region of his bright clothing. He gently stroked the forehead of the whimpering child as he left the r
oom thoughtfully.

  A zooming noise thundered past the windows on the side of the rather high building, which returned no acknowledgement from the nurses or children outside.

  The city was covered by a blotchy fog that infected the trees and wildlife, casting a white tip of frost over the landscape. A still was present, as though time itself had stopped turning. The nurse moved along the hall, checking the status of all the children and encouraging a noisy girl to go back to sleep; which she ignored. A tall grotty man creepily entered the hall to pass on a message to the nurse. She placed her things down without looking and immediately overtook the man and proceeded past the doors which swung wider open. Her shoes could be heard on the cobbled steps, getting faster and ferocious.

  The nurse swung her head intriguingly around the corridor on the ground floor; looking for the correct room to enter, when she bumped into a mighty figure as she took a left. She bounced back and stumbled over, although she avoided hitting the ground.

  After a few seconds she realised that she was being held up by something, a figure lurched over her had her arm in full ownership as she was helped up. She straightened her clothes and adjusted herself upright. Now fully aloft, the figure’s image came into full view. A broad smile lifted the dark shadows that surrounded him.

  “Always were in a hurry you” said the figure known to be one of the wealthiest men in the country. Feeling weak and idiotic, the nurse curtsied which wasn’t appreciated by the man. He assisted in lifting her once more, interjecting a sparkle of laughter which made her feel even more moronic, although the man appeared to admire the behaviour.


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